No Need for a Core?

210: Dominion

Mordecai had to choose his words very carefully here, he couldn't speak on her behalf without her request or claiming the right to do so by announcing his position as her ancestor. "I can not say that I know of any formal arrangements involving the young heir. Shizoku, you are the only one present who can speak of any informal arrangements, and none but you can speak truly about your intentions." It was satisfying to watch the girl's mind reengage and start working on the clues he'd given her, but he needed to buy time as well.

Queen Sylphine's sharp look gave him all he needed for that task, and he responded to her unasked question. "While I am not in a position to speak on her behalf, I do have an obligation to support her as a mentor. Part of her purpose here is to help train Shizoku for her future role, as Matriarch Aia and I have discussed previously." That got a small nod of approval from Princess Orchid.

"Interesting. It seems you have a close relationship with the Azeria clan then," she replied.

"Indeed. In addition to our initial arrangements, we are allied with Azeria through our formal alliance with Kuiccihan. I would rather stay on good terms with Aia, as well as not invoke any ire from her patron."

Shizoku interjected before the queen had decided upon a reply, "As to the matter of my availability, I have met a man who is a perfect match and foil for my personality and who I am more than fond of. His family has met me and our relationship has their approval, and those of my family who have met him also approve. We have exchanged our first kiss, and I intend to make our relationship formal as soon as appropriate by both our culture's standards. I know the future is not set in stone, but there is no other person I plan to wed or bed."

Kazue's voice whispered in his mind, "Interesting choice of words there. If she turned up pregnant tomorrow, the clan's only real concern would be her health, assuming the father was around her age. We have too few children to not be supportive. But here she's saying she's going to wait until they are old enough for humans to be okay with an engagement at least, and I am guessing more."

It was clear to Mordecai that being so open and calm was difficult for the young kitsune, but she wasn't done yet. Her next statement let more of her temper reveal itself as she said, "And I hereby swear eternal vengeance upon any person willfully involved in harming him, ever."

Mordecai winced. She knew he was a priest of Ozuran and that was a rather over-dramatic oath for the situation. It should at least protect Derek from any stray 'conveniences', though his impression of Sylphine didn't suggest that she'd go that far. The girl clearly felt very protective of her boy.

The faerie didn't seem to even register the oath. "Exchanged first kisses? That's very sweet, but that means you are both so inexperienced. Surely in a few years you'll want to find some teachers for the two of you at least?"

"Never," Shizoku spat out and then covered her mouth in surprise. That single word echoed with the power of her recently made oath and came dangerously close to the feeling of prophecy.

This left the room silent for a few moments as Shizoku stared down at her plate and the rest of them exchanged uncomfortable glances. Sylphine spoke first, "Well, setting that topic aside, I should like to discuss the possible whereabouts of my daughter, Princess Elara. You said that you do not know of anyone by that name, but how sure are you that she has not hidden herself amongst your visitors?"

"While there is a limit to how sure one can be of anything," Mordecai replied, "within that limit, I am certain that she is not amongst the dungeon's visitors or prisoners."

That caught her attention. "You have prisoners from the invasion? I would have thought that a dungeon would simply eliminate invaders."

"All of the more than two hundred invaders were taken prisoner, and are either alive in our dungeons or were delivered to Kuiccihan's forces alive and well."

"Impressive restraint and control," she replied. "I see why you have so many visitors, an alliance with such a dungeon would certainly provide an excellent opportunity to train one's people safely."

Mordecai inclined his head in acknowledgment. "If you want to foster relations with us, we would be happy to receive delving groups, so long as they follow our rules. We have both a combat and non-combat path. The non-combat path requires wit, skill, and a certain amount of mental and physical fortitude. It can be an excellent test of character."

"That could be very useful, and it might provide the opportunity to let some of my people search for my daughter along the way. I noticed that there are several fairies amongst your people and thought that perhaps she has taken on the guise of one of your inhabitants." Sylphine seemed quite pleased with the thought.

"While it is possible that she is numbered amongst our inhabitants, I am certain that she can not hide among them. If she is here as one, then she is an actual inhabitant, and thus is one of our people." Mordecai pushed the draconic aspects of his power to the surface of his aura, causing his golden eyes to take on a molten glow. "I protect what is mine."

"Oh, I think my precious girl has found a fierce protector." Her voice had dropped into a purr. "I would like to at least not be concerned for her safety. Perhaps I should get some personal experience to find out how skilled you really are." Sylphine's gaze met and held his as her eyes lit with a touch of alluring glamour.

Thrice be-damned Faeries. They weren't any randier than humans or kitsune but they were generally oblivious to boundaries. "I am not interested." The queen recoiled slightly from the flat coolness of his tone. "I am a high priest of Ozuran, and I have married both a priestess of Sakiya and a kitsune shrine maiden of Mericume. I have no needs, desires, or wants left unanswered and I am more than happy to fulfill all my duties and obligations."

"Tsch. You mortals are far too hung up about simple sport." She paused thoughtfully. "Did you say high priest? That doesn't seem right, you should be far too young, yet there was no lie in your words." The queen's aura washed out from her as she investigated her surroundings in more detail. "So much potential power locked in that avatar of yours. What is this? Why is there an echo of my power on the far side of your territory?" Sylphine rose from her seat without waiting for an answer and headed for the source of that echo.

Mordecai was the only person present who could keep up with her. Lord Silvander followed them, but he could not maintain a matching pace. She stopped only when she reached the two statues, then spun toward Mordecai with a glower. "Why have you erected these statues and painted them with faint replicas of our auras?"

"I don't take risks that I don't have to," Mordecai replied with a small smile. "I did mention that we are allied with Kuiccihan, yes? It's convenient to share a border with her. Oh, but I should clarify something else. When I stated that my wives could not join us for dinner, I meant that my wife Kazue's avatar is traveling with our wife Moriko, so despite her general presence, she is unable to eat with us. Kazue makes such fine artwork, does she not?"

Sylphine stared in confusion for a moment. "You were calling for backup? What sort of help could you possibly expect from..." Her eyes widened. "You said that you shared a border with her. You know Kuiccihan. No, it's not just that. I remember where I heard your name before. You are Norumi's father!"

The way that she sounded so delighted killed what pleasure Mordecai had gained from his small victories, and his mood continued to sink as she talked. "Oh, I've heard so much about you! No wonder you handled my visit so well. She must have been so happy to see you again. And there she is, come on out dear."

Norumi's dryad form separated from a tree just on the other side of the border, and she bowed to Sylphine. "Greetings Your Majesty. It's a pleasure to see you again."

"A family reunion, how wonderful." The queen beamed at them. "Oh, but it's not complete yet, is it? Norumi, have you told your mother yet?" The kitsune dryad winced, which gave away her answer. Mordecai felt a stress headache forming. "No? Naughty girl, your father has spoiled you. I should go find her and give her the news. It was so wonderful to meet her the last time she visited. I wonder where she's gone off to?"

With a great flourish, Queen Sylphine curtsied deeply to Mordecai. "Thank you for being such an entertaining host this evening, and tell my daughter that I expect her to fulfill her role spectacularly, whatever that role may be. My seneschal has caught up with us, so we shall take our leave now." And with that, the pair were whisked away by a mote-filled gust of wind and were gone.

Victory of a sort, but at what cost?

Norumi sighed as she walked across the border of their territory. "I'm sorry about that, Father. Her domain is in the local Other Side, and my current nature makes it easier to talk with fae than with most people. She's usually wonderful company, but, well, she and Mother get along far too well. I think that says a lot."

Mordecai wrapped her in a tight hug. "It's alright sweetie, it's not your fault. Sylphine was bound to hear about us and come visiting sooner or later anyway, this just accelerated that meeting." They held on to each other a little while before separating. "I look forward to visiting you as soon as I can fully incarnate my avatar."

She kissed his cheek with a smile before stepping back across the border. "I love you father, and I look forward to that day as well."

"I love you too." He watched for a short while before turning his attention to the two minds waiting with sharp curiosity. "Loves, I will fill you in later. I need to go deal with Carmilla first. Kazue, could you please take those statues back down?"

He shifted his avatar down to the witch's domicile, where a very pleased-looking Carmilla awaited. "I see that my lord has fended off my mother," she purred, "I could not hope for a better lord to serve. How can I ever show my appreciation?" The fairy princess stepped forward, moving to rest her hand on his chest.

"Stop." Mordecai's voice froze her in place with her hand only inches away. "You will not play such games with me. Your mother tried that already and failed, and while using glamour I might add. Now sit down and tell me what I need to know of your story." He didn't command her through their dungeon bond, but he did push his will and a touch of his aura into his words.

"Yes, Your Majesty," she replied stiffly as she moved to obey, taking a seat by a small table. Carmilla didn't fully process what she'd said until after she had sat down. She stared at him in shock. "You, you felt like a Faerie King for a moment. How?"

Mordecai snorted. "I experimented with a lot of avatars in my previous life. I incorporated everything useful, and only show what I want or need to. Inside my territory, I have the powers of sovereign faerie king." And not trusting faeries is part of why he did not select faerie wings for any of his alternative forms. "Your story. Keep it brief."

"Right. Um," she fidgeted nervously as she collected her thoughts, a sharp contrast to the would-be seductress she'd been moments ago. "Well, the short version is I felt that my mother was overly demanding and her court was stifling. A while ago, I noticed that some of the sparks that were on the edge of waking up were drifting off across the world border, not something that they could normally do on their own. But they were attracted by their own instinct; a brief augury confirmed that it was no fairy trap that called to them. So I decided that was my path to freedom, but it wouldn't work if I just looked like a sprite spark, I had to really be one. So I couldn't know who I was. And, well, here we are, so clearly it worked. I just didn't realize that the lesser version of myself was going to choose to bond to your dungeon."

He sighed and shook his head. "So, we now have the faerie princess equivalent of a rebellious teenager. Great."

Carmilla glowered at him. "I'm over a hundred years old."

"My point stands."

She didn't have a response to that, and so waited in uncomfortable silence as Mordecai talked with his wives.

"Alright," he said, "we've decided on a plan. First, you have to make a choice. Rededicate yourself to the dungeon with your full faculties restored, or rescind your status as an inhabitant and become a guest. To not rededicate yourself is to choose to rescind, there is no option to not make a choice."

"I see," she replied, and he waited patiently while she thought about her options. Finally, she said, "First, I must apologize. I know enough about your nature that I should have realized my offer was inappropriate by your standards, and I will not try again. But I was not trying to manipulate you; the three of you are my chosen Lord and Ladies. I can't help but want to serve each and all of you in such a capacity."

The faerie princess rose from her seat only to sink back down to her knees in front of him. "That said, I am capable of knowing what my boundaries are, and shall remain inside them. I have found more freedom here than I ever did in my mother's court, while I get to enjoy being truly useful instead of having some meaningless, trivial duties thrust upon me. If you will have me with all my flaws, I, Princess Elara of the Silver Grove Court, do hereby dedicate and swear myself, under both my true name and the name of Carmilla, to serve to my fullest capacity the lord and ladies of the Azeria Mountain Dungeon; Lord Mordecai, Lady Kazue, and Lady Moriko."

That was the second dramatic oath spoke in front of him this evening, and this one held far more power. A faerie's words could bind them through normal speech, for nobility to give an oath to a priest of Ozuran was, to his knowledge, unprecedented. And it had immediate consequences. Carmilla groaned and clutched her arms around her sides before collapsing to her side, her body convulsing with the power and bindings she'd just willfully inflicted upon herself.

"Foolish girl," Mordecai muttered as he knelt beside her and cradled her head. She'd given no limitations to her oath, she'd bound herself for life and there was no easy way for them to rescind it. There were other repercussions as well, an itching sensation that squirmed its way around the wetlands section of his dungeon. It took him several minutes to analyze it while Carmilla continued to shudder under the burden of her oath.

When he realized what it was, he swore repeatedly in every language he knew. Then he checked with Kazue and Moriko before laying their claim. "I, King Mordecai, on behalf of myself, Queen Kazue, and Queen Moriko, claim this domain as ours and name it the Azeria Court."

The itch went away as the faerie domain asserted itself throughout the wetlands. Only there was no way it was going to stay that limited, he could already feel it seeping outward. On the upside, this meant that the malleable geography of the Other Side was being changed to accommodate the growth of a new domain, and they didn't have to worry about what was on the local Other Side, because they now were what was on the Other Side.

On the downside, this meant that their territory was going to straddle the two realms. Every point inside their domain now existed in both places simultaneously. This was going to screw with their borders when the domain reached them, but he had no idea what exactly it was going to do. And the repercussions did not end there.

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