Ninth Grade Jailer: He actually went on a blind date with the leader of the Demon Cult at the beginn

Chapter 635: Taking off the title of Grand Master Li Zian and granting him the title of Regent

Please resign as Grand Master?

What is Li Lang doing?

On the dragon chair on the jade steps, the empress was stunned for a moment, and a brilliant light burst out from her narrow phoenix eyes.

It was just a small impeachment of the Right Minister of the Ministry of Rites, so Li Lang resigned from the post of Grand Master?

There is no need at all!

As long as she casually replies that it was all her idea, the courtiers will have nothing to say.

But my lover's attitude at this time was sincere and sincere, and it didn't seem like he was deliberately retreating in order to advance...

Li Lianyue calmed down and naturally would not hold back Li Lang at this critical point.

So, her cold eyes glanced at the initiator, Nangong Feiying, and without any emotion in her tone, she said coldly: "What do Nangong Aiqing think?"

In the main hall, all the civil and military officials looked at the newly appointed right minister of the Ministry of Rites, Nangong Feiying, with strange eyes.

They can only deeply admire this colleague.

After all, you still have no experience in being an official. You dare to impeach even the Grand Master. Don’t you know the relationship between our Grand Master and His Majesty?

It's okay now, but it's hard to get out of riding a tiger.

If Li Zian really succeeds in resigning, what will Dayin do?

There is another super enemy in the north!

The sea people of the East China Sea have ulterior motives, and they might go ashore to perform a tooth beating ceremony.

The reason why Xi Chu surrendered was not because of the Grand Master?

If the Grand Master really gives up his job, who can take over?

Can you, Nangong Feiying, do it?

Nangong Feiying also felt in a dilemma at this time.

If they don't accept the offer, they will just break the pot and quit!

If he doesn't agree, wouldn't what he said before be bullshit? Wouldn’t he become a capricious villain?

But if it is agreed, who will suppress it if Western Chu, Donghai or Northwest riots start?

But His Majesty personally called him by name, so he couldn't pretend to be deaf and dumb.

But suddenly, he had an idea.


There is still a way to break the situation!

He said respectfully: "Master Li's official position is far above that of the lower officials. The lower officials dare not make mistakes. Everything is decided by the Holy One."


Regarding this matter, I just stated a fact that Li Zian cannot refute. As for the final outcome, it is of course up to His Majesty to have the final say.

If His Majesty said he should be dismissed and investigated, then he should be dismissed and investigated. If His Majesty said he should be punished and meritorious service should be paid, then he should be punished and meritorious service. What does it have to do with me, the right minister of the Ministry of Rites?

Nangong Feiying looked quite pleased.

The ministers curled their lips with disdain on their faces!


What a gentleman!

That's it?

Is it true that this has all been pretending over the past few decades?

It's really disgusting.


A villain who has no sense of responsibility, I am ashamed to serve as an official in the same court as you!

All the ministers despised him.

At this moment, Nangong Feiying's image of a gentleman in the hearts of everyone completely collapsed.

It’s not that easy to establish a persona or reputation. It takes at least ten or twenty years. But destroying it is much easier. As long as you do one wrong thing, it will completely collapse in an instant.

Li Lianyue suppressed a smile, looked at her lover, and said, "What do you think, Grand Master?"

Li Nuoyi said righteously: "Your Majesty, at that time the situation in the northwest was urgent and people were panicked, so I had to promote Mr. Le to appease people. But really speaking, I did decide on this matter without going through the Ministry of Personnel and the Cabinet, and I did owe a lot. I have thought about it, but the fault lies with me, so I am resigning from the post of grand master, and I hope that your majesty will grant you permission to set the record straight!"

Listen, listen!

This is the pattern of a grand master!

They did this to stabilize the northwest.

This is a great achievement, but people are willing to be punished.

Zhengyipin Taishi, the head of civil servants!

If you give up on this kind of glory and power, just give up.

With this magnanimity, everyone was truly convinced.

This is a gentleman!

There is a steelyard in everyone's heart, and the characters of Li Nuo and Nangong Feiying are judged.

Nangong Feiying's face was ashen. This is really shooting yourself in the foot!

At this moment, he also experienced the Confucian and Taoist leader's rhetoric and his irresistible gentlemanly demeanor.

The empress nodded lightly and said in agreement: "Since the Grand Master has made up his mind...Okay, come and take off the crown of Grand Master from Li Aiqing. From today on, Li Zian is no longer the Grand Master of this dynasty."

The courtiers were stunned.

They originally thought that this was just Li Zian's strategy of retreating in order to advance. As long as the empress said that the court could not live without a grand master for a day and sincerely tried to persuade her to stay, then Li Zian would follow the trend and say hello to you and me. Hello to everyone.

But he never expected that the empress would actually...approved Li Zian's resignation.

The empress is actually willing to do so...

However, Nangong Feiying's complexion improved a little.

Although he became a clown and made people laugh, he finally pulled Li Zian down.

However, he seemed to be happy a little too early.

How could the empress let her lover suffer such cowardice?

Moreover, her courage has been vividly demonstrated in the battle of Chang'an!

She continued in a firm tone: "But a mistake is a mistake, and merit is merit. Any fault must be punished, and merit must be rewarded. Chen Hao and his son resold salt and iron and other contraband, and had fornication with the Blackwater tribe and Wuman, which was tantamount to rebellion. Duke Wu An found out in time, pacified the northwest, saved the people of the northwest from a military disaster, and made Xirong completely surrender. He even built the city of Loulan in the Desert of Death, expanded the territory, and showed off the power of the emperor. This achievement is unparalleled and should be canonized. for……"

Speaking of this, the empress paused.

The courtiers took a deep breath and listened.

If you are removed from the post of Grand Master, what should you change the title to?

Prime Minister?

It shouldn't be.

Although Cui Wuhui went to the Great Rift Valley, he is still the prime minister!

But if you don't have the title of Prime Minister, then what other official function is comparable to that of Grand Master?

Could it be...

Some people immediately blushed when they thought of an official position.

The empress looked around the hall and said sternly: "I will be canonized as a super first-class regent! Add nine gifts, a false festival ax, a ten-point crown, and swords and shoes to go to court. If you see the emperor, you will not bow!"


As soon as this statement came out, the whole place was in an uproar.


He is truly a regent who is superior to the official positions of Grand Master and Prime Minister!

And he won’t worship the emperor!

This is equivalent to being on an equal footing with the emperor.

Once Li Zian becomes the regent, he will be the real head of the officials. Both civil and military officials respected him. In fact, what he said was equivalent to an "imperial edict"!

this moment.

Nangong Feiying's face turned black.

Li Nuo shook his head with a wry smile.

This woman is really petty. So you must not offend a woman if you offend anyone.

Poor Nangong Feiying, why are you doing this?

You see, if you piss off the Empress, she will slap you so hard that you don't know what to do.

"I accept the order and thank you!"

At this juncture, Li Nuo accepted the order generously, and of course he would not pretend to refute his woman.

The regent will be the regent.

In fact, the power he used to act was no different from that of the regent. It was just that he lacked the crown.

Now the woman herself crowned him.

"When you come, first give the regent the seal and ribbon."

The empress said in an unquestionable tone.

She wanted to characterize this matter directly and not allow anyone to refute it.

The ministers opened their mouths, but they were all helpless.

What else could they say?

Li Zian's illustrious military exploits in the northwest are indeed enough to be crowned king.

What reasons do they have for not agreeing?

The regent is just the regent, and it doesn't matter if you add Jiuci, Jiajie, etc.

You must follow His Majesty's wishes.

Otherwise, if they object a few more times, if His Majesty becomes violent and directly abdicates the throne to Li Zian, it will be great fun.

Don’t doubt that the Empress can definitely do such a thing!

A few moments.

Then a group of palace maids and eunuchs walked slowly over holding several gold plates.

One plate is a four-clawed python robe.

One plate is a jade bead crown.

One plate has a purple ribbon and gold seal.

In front of the courtiers, the palace maids and eunuchs put Li Nuo in the regent's crown.

After putting it on, Li Nuo felt a wave of luck flying from the Ancestral Temple, and it instantly fell into his eyebrows.

This is……

Great luck to the country!

At least 20% of Dayin’s national destiny!

Li Nuo couldn't believe it.

With the training of this national destiny, he found that the shackles of his martial arts realm were loosened...

Soon, there was a crackling sound in his Dantian.

After about fifteen breaths, he easily broke through the shackles of his martial arts realm.

Second level...immortality!

He never expected that Yang Wudi, who had spent seventy years imprisoned in the Purgatory Tower to break through, could be accomplished so easily by him.

At this moment, his inner strength of martial arts was slowly transforming into the spirit of the true dragon.

He had a vague realization.

All the major systems in the world have produced first-level experts, except martial arts...

Even before Yang Wudi, the [Third-grade Vajra Indestructible Realm] was the ceiling. The second and first grades that follow are actually modeled after other systems.

Why can’t martial arts produce first-level martial arts myths?

Just because in terms of "quality", the internal power is one level lower than Buddhist power, literary power, spiritual power, demon power, witchcraft power, etc.!

Therefore, the third level is the upper limit.

This is the restriction of internal force level.

And Yang Wudi forcibly inhaled the "Blood Evil" in the Purgatory Tower to temper his internal strength, and then he reluctantly entered the [Second Level Immortality Realm].

But this is already the limit.

Because this "blood evil" that does not belong to him will irreversibly destroy his Dantian, so that his mutated internal energy will never be able to store the amount of realm shackles.

As for Li Nuo's internal strength, once it transforms into the power of a true dragon under the influence of national destiny, it will no longer be bound by the shackles of the realm.

The power of the true dragon is even superior to other systems at certain moments!

For a time, Li Nuo's aura continued to overflow and became stronger and stronger.

All the officials in the court felt suffocated. They gritted their teeth and widened their eyes in disbelief.

What the fuck!

Are breakthroughs as easy as drinking water?

Most people who practice a system will never reach the threshold of the third level in their lifetime.

But you are lucky, it has only been two short years since you abolished the foundation of Confucianism and Taoism, and you are still practicing both civil and military skills.

Now that martial arts has been broken through, will it be necessary to break through to the third level of Japanese Wen Dao as well?

Comparing people to each other is so irritating.


Dayin has another second-grade martial artist, which is also a great event celebrated by the whole world.

Some people even start to look forward to it. Now that the second-level realm has arrived, can the first-level realm be far behind?

There are first-class strong men in the Central Plains, such as the land god Yuan Tiangang, but they are outsiders.

In fact, compared to other dynasties, Dayin was still a head above water.

Because Dayin has never produced a strong person of the first grade in the officialdom!

Perhaps Li Zian will change this embarrassing ending?

Most likely!

At this moment, all the ministers in the DPRK and at least the meritorious classes were extremely excited.

There was something wrong with the way Zhennan Hou looked at Li Zian.

At this time, Li Lianyue also opened her red lips in shock.

Li Lang, is this a breakthrough?

But this is a great breakthrough!

This deterrence is absolutely powerful.

I don’t know what Nangong Feiying is feeling at this time.


How else could poor Nangong feel.

His heart is bleeding.

Well, Li Zian was able to break through so easily, and he actually contributed three points.

I wanted to make others look bad, but my face was sore.

He didn't know if it was an illusion or a hallucination, but he always felt that the eyes of his colleagues were full of teasing.


Li Nuo let out a heavy breath, and then calmed down the uncontrollable overflowing momentum.

Only then could the courtiers breathe a sigh of relief.

Hoo ho ho.

Wiping the sweat from their faces, the courtiers hurriedly congratulated: "Hahaha, congratulations to the Prince Regent for becoming the number one martial artist."

"What a blessing for Dayin!"

"As expected of the God of War Dayin! Prince Regent, I have to ask you to solve the problems in the north."

The great court meeting came to an end with Li Nuo's coronation and breakthrough.

Nangong Feiying ran away in disgrace.

A crack appeared in his Wenxin.

The first thing he did when he got home was to write a letter to his father Nangong Qu.

Li Zian is invincible! Never make enemies!

If the Nangong family continues to be enemies with Li Zian, they will surely be defeated.

As for the eldest brother’s hatred?


This is because the eldest brother provoked Li Zian first, and then was killed by his adopted son Nangong Ziyao. What does this have to do with Li Zian?

If my father still persists in his stubbornness and makes mistakes again and again. Then he had no choice but to...

Think of this.

Nangong Feiying gritted his teeth. He would either join hands with brothers Nangong Qinhu and Nangong Qinxiong to hold a Nangong clan meeting to "remove" his father from the position of head of the family.

Or... set up your own business!

After all, Nangong Feiying is still sober and knows how to give in. If you do something you know you can't do, it will definitely make you suffer a bloody injury or even kill you.

After the court meeting, Li Nuo naturally went to the harem.


The woman was so powerful that he had broken through the realm, so of course he had to reward this woman well.

After a moment of tenderness that was more about love than etiquette, the empress' eyes were as charming as silk and she said: "Li Lang, I've thought about it. We don't want to get married in a big way."


"Our wedding must be hosted by the Ministry of Etiquette, so it cannot be held simply, which will definitely hurt the wealth and the people. And if what goes up is followed by deeds, luxury is popular, and the people at the bottom will probably have a hard time. So I thought, we will Just sit down and have a meal as a family."

The Empress said.

Li Nuo held the empress's hand, feeling extremely distressed.

I wonder which woman in the world doesn’t want a grand wedding?

But the woman in front of me has become the empress. Her words and deeds will have a profound impact on the whole world.

And in order to stop the trend of extravagance, she is willing to wrong herself like this...

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