Ninth Grade Jailer: He actually went on a blind date with the leader of the Demon Cult at the beginn

Chapter 59 Living Coffin

"Hmph! This is the treasure trove of Prince Wu's mansion that has lasted for generations. Would you like to try splitting one?"

King Wu was a little angry.

I usually have enough energy to nourish my qi, but for some reason, when I met this Li Nuo, my mentality became a little unbalanced.

Could it be that this guy was born to defeat him?

Li Nuo smiled and said: "Then please open the treasure house, so that we country people can see the world and see what treasures are hidden in Prince Wu's Mansion."

"Li Zian, do you really think my son will hide in here?"

King Wu asked.

Li Nuo said with ill intentions: "Who knows, maybe the young prince likes to play hide-and-seek with the maids of Prince Wu's palace!"

"Okay, I can open the treasure house, but if you don't find my son, don't blame me for being rude!"

King Wu gritted his teeth and said.

The treasure-hunting mouse rubbed against Li Nuo's palm, indicating that Dan was inside.

But even if he was very sure, Li Nuo still wanted to leave a way out for himself, and said: "Forget it. This is not something I should get involved in. Your Royal Highness, if the King of Wu does not cooperate, then I will go back first. As for whether you want to find the young prince, you are the imperial envoy and you can decide for yourself. By the way, didn’t Wu Wanggang just say that the incident of me beating the young prince has been written off."

He threw the ball to the Fourth Prince again.

What else can the fourth prince do besides accepting moves?

He bit the bullet and said: "Haha, I heard that Uncle Wang bought a jade statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva from the Western Regions a few years ago. Why don't you let me see it too?"

"Now that His Highness has spoken, how dare I not obey. Someone, please open the treasure house."

A butler hurried over, ran a special skill on a mechanism, inserted a special key, and saw a stone door revealed behind the rockery.

The stone door slowly opened, and there was indeed a cave inside.

"My lord, you are truly as rich as the rest of the country. His Majesty's internal funds are not as rich as yours."

Li Nuo followed everyone into the grotto treasure house and saw that it was filled with boxes. When he opened them casually, he saw that they were all fine jewelry.


I think he was worried about the 10,000 taels of silver, and finally thought of making the wine shop bigger.

But look at King Wu, there is more than ten million taels here.

Do you think this young prince has a bad brain, or is he blinded by lard? You already have this family property, but you still want to set up a winery?

Or is it that King Wu deducted the young prince's pocket money a little too much on weekdays, and this caused the young prince to have bad thoughts?

Of course, the King of Wu did not answer Li Nuo's heart-wrenching question. He said to the fourth prince: "Your Highness, this is the wealth accumulated by the six generations of our Prince Wu's family. I think back then, my ancestor and Emperor Taizu were from the same mother. , followed Taizu's expeditions in the south and north for thirty years, and then the world was pacified. Taizu granted Yuzhou in the south of the Yangtze River as the fiefdom of King Wu. Later, Taizong, Renzong, Xuanzong... they also treated me King Wu's palace generously, and rewarded him a lot every year Gold, silver, silk and satin. In this way, our Prince Wu Mansion has accumulated such wealth."

"Of course, if the court is short of money, as long as your majesty asks, the gold and silver can be taken away."


Let His Majesty speak.

Doesn't that mean that the emperor covets the family property of his ministers?

How do you want the princes and ministers in the court to view the emperor?

How to block Youyou's mouth?

If people's hearts are broken, it will be difficult to lead the team.

If the emperor dares to take advantage of the property of the princes and ministers, then the Dayin Dynasty will definitely fall apart overnight.

I didn’t expect that this King of Wu would also learn to be treacherous!

Li Nuo secretly despised him.

"Here we are, that's it."

After walking around for a while, Li Nuo stopped.

"Li Zian, are you sure the prince is hiding here?"

Zhennan Bo asked.

The place was eerie and cold, and there was a coffin made of golden nanmu in front of it, which looked a little scary.

A trace of sadness appeared in King Wu's eyes, and he sighed: "My health has been deteriorating in recent years. I don't know when I will go underground to see my father, so I thought of preparing a coffin for myself."

"Tsk, tsk, golden nanmu, just this coffin, you can't even buy it for a hundred thousand taels of silver." Li Nuo smiled, "Open it, the young prince is hiding inside, he is filial, he actually wants to go first Exploring the path for King Wu, I wonder if I feel comfortable lying in this coffin..."

King Wu was furious: "Li Zian, don't bully others too much!"

Li Nuo said innocently: "Huh? Did I say something wrong? Isn't the young prince not filial in daily life?"

The fourth prince forced himself to keep a straight face so as not to laugh.

He sighed in his heart, what a pity. If Li Zian's foundation of Confucianism and Taoism is still there, then how beneficial this [vocalism] would be!


King Wu turned his head.

He could finally see that this Li Zian had bad intentions and was always thinking of irritating him.

Never be fooled.

But Uncle Zhennan came out to speak: "Li Zian, you are still a scholar! After the coffin is built, the coffin cannot be opened, otherwise it will be unknown. How can the prince hide in it?"

The fourth prince was also in a dilemma: "Zian, are you really sure that the young prince will hide in the coffin?"

"Then don't leave. Let's go back wherever we came from. Anyway, King Wu and I have reconciled. Right, His Highness King Wu?"

Li Nuo broke the jar again.

He won't take all the responsibility on himself.

Uncle Zhennan was a fifth-level martial arts master. He immediately put his ear to the coffin wall and felt it carefully.

Know the subtleties!


After a while, he couldn't feel the breath inside at all.

This is enough to show that there are no living things inside at all!

Uncle Zhennan laughed proudly: "Haha, Li Zian, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. There is no breath of life in it."

Li Nuo said calmly: "You mean it doesn't exist if you don't? I also said there is a big demon hidden inside!"

"It seems that you won't give up unless you open the coffin?" King Wu said with an ugly face, "Your Highness, Li Zian has gone too far... If Your Highness does not make the decision for me, then I will have no choice but to go to Beijing to face the Holy Spirit, even if I won’t hesitate to be disrespected by the censor!”

The vassal king is not allowed to enter the capital without obtaining the decree. This is an iron rule.

"Okay, okay, King Wu, we will investigate the case today and get to the bottom of it. If you are really wronged, I will make it clear to your majesty that your majesty will never treat Prince Wu badly. Come and open the coffin!"

The fourth prince finally showed a hint of world majesty.

"I come!"

Naturally, Zhennan Bo took the fourth prince's attention seriously and immediately took the initiative to invite him.

Moreover, he is a martial artist and a general who has been on the battlefield. He is surrounded by the evil spirit of blood, but he is not afraid of such ominous signs.

He stretched out his arm and pushed the coffin lid away.

And in the coffin, there was indeed the young prince Li Tang lying.

"Son, oh, oh, oh, why are you hiding in the coffin? It's so hard for my father to find you..." King Wu cried with joy, but his expression suddenly changed, and he said in horror, "Son, are you okay? You must not Scared my father!"

Zhennan Bo was shocked and immediately stretched out two fingers to check his breath and pulse...

The young prince has already lost his breath!

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