Ninja World Live: The Ninja Rabbit I Picked Up Was Actually Kaguya Hime

Chapter 7

Chapter 007 Naruto: I Am Going To Defect, Do You Want To Come Together! (Seeking Data)


Naruto put the book of seals on his back on the ground, making a sound.

Although the action of putting the book of seals is a bit rough, the action is rough, and the words are not rough.

“Are you sure this is the sealed book?” Kitahara Hitoshi asked.


Naruto came down carelessly.

“And you stole it?”

“Yes!” Naruto said. “I thought it was dangerous, but no one was guarding it!”

“…” Kitahara Hitoshi.

[Children and grandchildren? (^_-) chat group]

【Namikaze Minato】: This statement is slightly problematic.

【Namikaze Minato】: The Book of Seals is an important resource that Hokage needs to take care of.

【Namikaze Minato】: Then it shouldn’t be stolen by anyone.

【Namikaze Minato】: And this little blond boy, from the way he climbed the window and fell to the ground, is not very good.

【Namikaze Minato】: So trying to steal the sealed book is as hard as heaven.

【Senju Tobirama】: So after all these years, Sarutobi no longer values ​​the sealed book?

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: Hey, according to what I said, this book of seals will be destroyed directly.

【Senju Tobirama】: What ruined it. Brother, this is the Forbidden Technique that I have carefully developed.

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: But it is not very harmful or the conditions of use are very harsh, that is, you can learn Tobirama yourself.

【Namikaze Minato】: Well, if that’s the case, I can endorse Nidaime.

【Namikaze Minato】: I studied Flying Thunder God by Nidaime.

【Senju Tobirama】: Oh! Flying Thunder God! This is good.

【Senju Tobirama】: I used this Forbidden Technique very well, I really want to see it with you.

【Namikaze Minato】: This… a little embarrassed.

【Senju Tobirama】: No, this is a discussion.

【Namikaze Minato】: But, as far as I know, Third Generation still respects Nidaime, so it is impossible to let the Book of Seals wander freely.

【Namikaze Minato】: You know, the Forbidden Technique above is not easy to practice, but…if it leaks out…it will be a big threat.

【Namikaze Minato】: That’s why Third Generation-sama won’t let the Book of Seals go away so easily.

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: Well… so I still think it should be destroyed sooner.

【Senju Tobirama】: Aniga!

[Dazhuzi Hanhan]: Okay, I asked you to write these Forbidden Techniques before without saying that they would be destroyed. I also hope that the younger generation will not use them.

[Big Pillar Hanhan]: Eh…Is it really the real Konoha decades later when I came here? Is my ideal really… destroyed?

Senju Hashirama was instantly downcast.

【Namikaze Minato】: Um…that Nidaime.

【Senju Tobirama】: Don’t worry about him. He was so stupid and sweet, and it was true that the juniors were added to a lot of trouble.

That’s when Tobirama and Minato heard Kitahara Hitoshi’s voice on the live broadcast.

“Then Naruto you may have been fooled,” Kitahara Hitoshi said.

“The Book of Seals is a research work by Second Hokage.”

“It’s filled with all kinds of powerful and unique Forbidden Techniques.”

“Any Forbidden Technique released to other Shinobi villages will turn into something horrible.”

“So, it’s probably the Third Generation that deliberately let you steal it now.”

“Of course I do!” Naruto said, however. “Because I’m a little kid, and then I also failed the practice exam today.”

“And at this time, Teacher Shuimu came to comfort me, telling me that there is still hope. As long as I steal the sealed book, I can succeed in the make-up exam.”

“Then… My first reaction was that Mizuki-sensei has a problem.”

“Because…” Naruto said. “I never left you, Uncle Ichiraku, Grandpa Third Generation, and Iruka-sensei paid attention to me.”

“Everyone else hates me, hates me.”

“That’s why Mizuki-sensei told me that if he stole the book of seals, he would give me a make-up exam when I passed it.”

“I knew he was lying to me.”

“But I tested it, and I didn’t expect it to be successful.”

“So, this is the sealed book…”

“While Grandpa Third Generation hasn’t chased after him, and that idiot Mizuki-sensei hasn’t reacted, let’s go to other villages together!” Naruto said in a loud conspiracy.


[Children and grandchildren? (^_-) chat group]

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: This blond child seems to be a little miserable.

[Big Zhuzi Hanhan]: From his speech, it seems that his life has been very bad.

【Namikaze Minato】: Yeah, so when someone showed kindness to him, he immediately started to doubt.

【Namikaze Minato】: It was definitely formed after the fact.

【Namikaze Minato】: Hmm…and, he is also called Naruto.

【Senju Tobirama】: What? Are you impressed by this name too?

【Namikaze Minato】: Well, how should I put it, I died when Nine Tails was sealed, but at that time I had a newborn child, and I named him Naruto.

【Senju Tobirama】: Are you sure it is also Naruto?

【Namikaze Minato】: Uh… Nidaime, don’t you suspect that this child is my son?

【Namikaze Minato】: How should I put it? Although I named my child Naruto, the name is a reference to the name of the hero in the best-selling book by Mr. Jiraiya.

【Senju Tobirama】: Oh. Then it’s fine.

Tobirama’s tone was rather relaxed.

【Senju Tobirama】: Since you are the Fourth Generation, your son will definitely be well-bred by Sarutobi.

[Senju Tobirama]: I am quite confident about this.

【Namikaze Minato】: Hmm… I had to leave it to the Third Generation at that time.

【Namikaze Minato】: I just don’t know what happened to Naruto now, but looking at this Naruto, I don’t think it’s easy for this child.

【Senju Tobirama】: Fourth Generation, you are a lover.

【Senju Tobirama】: Sarutobi chose you really well, you are also a generous person.

【Namikaze Minato】: Thank you Nidaime for your compliment.

【Senju Tobirama】: But the encounter was close, and then he had to defect with the sealed book. This Naruto is really not good.

[Senju Tobirama]: I think Sarutobi made it so easy for him to steal the sealed book, so he should have set up a game.

【Senju Tobirama】: One is to catch the man called Mizuki-sensei, and the other is to teach this Naruto.

【Senju Tobirama】: I really saw the wrong person, Sarutobi really shoulders the responsibility of guiding and teaching the next generation.

【Namikaze Minato】: Yeah.

[Tick! ]

[Hatake Kakashi goes live]

Kakashi, who had been entangled over and over again, had regained consciousness in the hospital. After thanking Iruka, he thought about it over and over again and felt that he still had to tell the truth to the two of them.

However, as soon as it went online… I saw the conversation between Nidaime and Mr. Minato.


Kakashi suddenly felt unable to speak.

In the small group, the system suddenly popped up the message that Kakashi is back online.

But no one noticed, because everyone was taken aback by what Kitahara Hitoshi said next.

“Naruto although you’re acting smart.”

“However, the mantis catching the cicada oriole is behind.”

“The silly teacher Mizuki has already come to the door.”

Saying that, Kitahara Hitoshi pushed Naruto back, and he stood in front of Naruto.

I saw more than a dozen Kunai burst open the window and shoot at them.

“Shinra Tensei!” Kitahara Hitoshi raised his left hand.

And his ninja raised his head at this time.

ps: Ask for data!

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