Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 30 The four-county martial arts competition begins

Tianjue Mountain.

Located at the source of Qianjiang River, it is a vast mountain area.

This is the exclusive venue for the Four Counties Martial Arts Competition.

The number of participants in each Four Counties Martial Arts Competition is as high as 100,000. Naturally, it is impossible to fight one-on-one. Instead, a segmented competition system is adopted to screen all participants in batches and the survival of the fittest.

Therefore, the four major county governments specially invited the cultivation masters of the imperial city to transform this mountain area into three areas, corresponding to the three stages of the competition.

The first stage is the pursuit race.

All participants will start from Qushui Town on the edge of Tianjue Mountain and pass through the first area in a race of 10,000 people.

This process is of course not just as simple as competing in speed. The terrain of this area is steep and the weather is complex and changeable. It tests endurance and perseverance.

Ninety percent of the participants will be eliminated in this area and only get a consolation reward.

The second stage is the flag-grabbing competition.

In the second area, there is a flag at every distance, guarded by an armored puppet made by the Imperial City God Manufacturing Department.

Only by knocking down the armored puppet can you take the command flag.

Or, knock down other contestants and take away their flags.

The third stage, the battle.

As long as you have four command flags, you can climb the peaks in the third area.

Then challenge step by step until the final ranking is determined.

In addition to the supervision of the four county governments, the major cultivation sects were also invited to watch the whole martial arts competition.

After all, the original purpose of the four county martial arts competition was to select disciples for the major sects.

The tenth day of May.

The sky was clear and the weather was fine.

Hundreds of thousands of young practitioners gathered in Qushui Town.

This day was the day when the four county martial arts competition started.

Lu Yu led a group of three-house disciples to Qushui Town.

At a marginal area of ​​the town, the final assembly was being made.

At this time, there were densely packed people everywhere, and there was a sense of oppression that a storm was about to come.

"Are you Lu Yu?"

Suddenly a clear voice came.

Lu Yu turned his head and saw a young man who appeared behind him without blinking. The man was wearing a moon-white robe, and he had a unique and unworldly demeanor. Lu Yu was slightly shocked. How did this man appear behind him... Why didn't he notice it at all? But he was relieved soon. There were so many people at the scene, and it was impossible for him to pay attention to everyone's movements at any time. "Yes! This is our brother Yu! The hot candidate for this year's Wujia list, have you placed a bet?" Lu Xiaohu said with a smile. There have been many such situations in the past few days. Many people who bet on gambling want to see what Lu Yu is like with their own eyes. The man smiled and said nothing. Lu Yu's heart moved and asked, "Who are you? Are you also a contestant?" "I am Fang Haoran, not a contestant." The man answered calmly. "Then I wish you a successful start!" After that, he turned and left. "Fang Haoran?" Lu Yu muttered to himself, always feeling that this person was a little strange, but he couldn't tell what was strange about him. Soon, this matter was forgotten as an episode, and no one took it to heart. As time slowly approached, more and more people gathered around, and the atmosphere became more and more tense. Most of these young disciples experienced such a scene for the first time, and they all became nervous. "Everyone must work hard! Brother Yu will definitely enter the top list, and we can't drag the third room down! At least, we must get all the rewards for the first stage, right?" Lu Xiaohu encouraged loudly. Although this guy is not very old, his mentality is surprisingly good. Everyone was really relaxed by his shouting. "Aren't you nervous?" Lu Yu asked Hu Zi with a smile. "Not nervous! I'm so happy to be able to compete with so many older brothers and sisters!" Hu Zi answered happily. It seems that this guy is really a natural optimist. However, Lu Yu's mood is similar. He didn't feel nervous, but just very excited, an excitement of facing a huge challenge.

Moreover, on this challenging road, it is very likely that he will meet Xiang Chen and Buyi!

Suddenly, a huge horn sounded.

Hundreds of thousands of practitioners suddenly scattered from Qushui Town, like ants pouring out of their nests, and instantly spread out around the town, the scene was extremely magnificent.

Lu Yu carried the Feihong Sword on his back and stood up proudly.

"Let's go!"

Because it was a long-distance endurance competition, and there were many dangers along the way, so people were not in a hurry to speed up, and walked out of the town in an orderly manner.

It was not until they left a certain distance that some people gradually began to speed up, and the distance gradually widened.




People kept speeding up and passed by Lu Yu and others.

"Young Master, you go first! You are going to compete for the first place, you don't have to wait for us!"

Lu Ping, the most mature and steady one among this group of young disciples, shouted to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu looked back at everyone and didn't refuse.

"Okay, then you guys just protect yourselves and do your best, don't force yourself, I'll leave first!"

After saying that, the power of the red lotus was activated!

Lu Yu's figure suddenly jumped out, so fast that only an afterimage could be seen.

Behind him, a group of disciples from the third room were very excited.

"As expected of the young master!"

"It's so strong!"

"Brothers, we have to cheer up! We can't embarrass the young master!"

The further you go, the steeper the mountain becomes.

The weather gradually became gloomy, with thunder and lightning in the sky.

It seems that the peaceful Qushui Town before was now a completely different world from this one.

Lu Yu was also shocked when he saw such changes for the first time.

Soon, heavy rain poured down.

Lu Yu did not stop and continued moving forward in the heavy rain.

The temperature is gradually getting colder...

Heavy rain turned to hail...

Hail turns to frost...

The frost turned into heavy snow again...

The weather got a little worse with each hill we crossed.

Lu Yu had finally experienced the power of this first area. No wonder he could eliminate 90% of the contestants just by relying on this level.

Even someone like him, who has the Red Lotus Karma Fire around him, has such a hard time coping with it, let alone those contestants with ordinary cultivation levels?

After crossing a mountain covered with thick snow, Lu Yu couldn't help but panting.

At this time, only the last mountain remains in the first stage.

This is also the most difficult and dangerous level - the eye of the storm.

Lu Yu stood at the foot of the mountain and looked up.

I saw a strong wind blowing, flying sand and rocks, and darkness.

The twelve formation gates leading to the second area are hidden in this storm field. As long as you find one of them, you can successfully reach the second stage.

Lu Yu took a deep breath and stepped into the storm.

"Someone has entered the eye of the storm!"

There are still many people stranded in Qushui Town at the rear. Some of them are relatives and family members who accompanied the contestants, while others are just spectators who come to watch the fun.

This sudden news suddenly surprised everyone.

"Someone entered the eye of the storm so quickly?"

"It's only been less than two hours!"

"You have never entered the eye of the storm so early before, right?"

"Yes, this is a record!"

"Who is this person?"

Everyone was filled with speculation, and they all gathered around the center of Qushui Town.

In the center of the town, there is a huge sand table ten feet square. This was made by a specialized tool maker, on which the entire martial arts situation can be synchronously deduced.

I saw that on the last mountain peak of the first area, a model villain had indeed entered it.

There is no name on the little mannequin, only a number - Gengzi 026.

At the same time, in the middle of Tianjue Mountain, there was a similarly huge sand table.

The four county guards, as well as the envoys and representatives of the major cultivation sects, are here to observe the changes in the situation of the entire martial arts competition.

"Who is this Gengzi Zero 26?" someone asked.

This person asked this question not to know the answer, but just to discuss it with others.

In fact, in order to ensure the fairness of the competition, each contestant's number was randomly selected, and even the four county governors did not know who corresponded to whom.

Of course someone responded: "A certain family made a bold guess. The person with such courage must be His Highness Liu Qianjun, the crown prince of Wuyang County!"

"How could it be Prince Liu? Prince Liu should be the Jiawu 533 who arrived at the Eye of the Storm before but did not enter!"

"No, no! I think Jiawu 533 should be Hua Zhilan!"

"Jiawu Wu San San is obviously Ning Feng!"

A group of people immediately started arguing over the identity of the number.

This is also one of the great pleasures of watching the four-county martial arts competition.

"No matter who Gengzi Zero-26 is, he is very brave if he dares to be the first to enter the eye of the storm!"

"What kind of courage is there? It's obviously a reckless act!"

"That's right. In fact, someone had reached the eye of the storm before him. It's just that others stopped to rest and were not in a hurry to go in."

"To be fair, this first stage of the competition is indeed very intense, especially the last stage of the Eye of the Storm. It will be difficult to successfully pass it without taking a rest!"

"It's a pity that this person can reach the eye of the storm so quickly. He has a good foundation, but his temper is too impatient. I'm afraid he will sink in the storm..."

"Cultivation is not just about brute force. If he doesn't know how to be flexible, he can't blame others..."

A group of people were spitting and criticizing Gengzi Zero-26, and they were talking happily.

Suddenly, another urgent report arrived.

"Report, Gengzi Zero-26 has found the formation gate and is currently the first to enter the second area!"

The discussion stopped abruptly.

Those who had been talking cheerfully before and asserted that Gengzi Zero-26 would stop at the eye of the storm were all stunned and dumbfounded.

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