Nine Rounds Of Reincarnation In Online Games

Chapter 3644

Chapter 3637: Departure

It has to be said that the heads of the major servers of the Japanese server alliance are very accurate in grasping the situation. After Mount Fuji and Tokyo Mythology stated that they launched a sneak attack on the Chinese server imperial city, they immediately realized the benefits of doing so, especially in Twilight. After Weiliang and Mt. Fuji made some additional details, they decisively agreed, and then began to discuss some details, but they quickly reached an agreement.

Of course, with such a plan, their ambitions are not just to keep the super gang site. After all, even if the super gang site is kept, it will only allow them to continue to stalemate and linger in the alliance with the Chinese service party. They can’t reverse the situation at all. It is planned that this action must destroy the imperial city of the Chinese server-once the imperial city of the Chinese server is destroyed, the overall attributes of all players of the Chinese server will be reduced by 15%, which will greatly reduce the overall strength, which will also make the overall strength of the alliance of the Chinese server stronger. At a discount, after all, the Chinese server is the absolute main force in the alliance of the Chinese server, and the strength of only one Chinese server can top the sum of the strength of two, three or even more servers.

If the people of the alliance on the day of the day do not have any confidence to destroy the imperial city of Zhongfu, but now it is different. Not surprisingly, Zhongfu and even their allies will use a large number of elites to attack the super gang station, so The left-behind power of the Chinese server is somewhat empty, which gives them a chance to take advantage of it.

The most important thing is that Sakura Ruxue still retains the [Profound Meaning*Space Portal], which can transmit millions of elites in a short time. At this time, coupled with the cooperation of other servers to dispatch troops, it will definitely be able to easily occupy the outer wall of the Zhongfu Imperial City. There is a big chance of destroying it next.

“Yes, we must destroy the imperial city of the Chinese server, otherwise we are still being suppressed and driven out of the game.” The perfume beauty took the stubbornly, and when he said this, his brows wrinkled slightly: “But even if we Keeping the [Profound meaning * space portal] and then mobilizing millions of elites in a short period of time and dispatching troops from our servers will not necessarily succeed. After all, the imperial city has two walls, and the Chinese server is not mentally prepared. It is easy for us to occupy the outer wall of the imperial city, but once they react, it will not be so easy for us to occupy the inner wall, especially Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others rushing back to support…”

“So we have to take action when the Chinese server alliance is fully attacking our super gang site. Originally, we have a number advantage, and coupled with the gang resident’s control as far as possible, there is no big problem. “The emperor’s hymn interrupted the perfume beauty, and he continued after a short pause: “Not only that, when we are about to launch a sneak attack on the Chinese clothing imperial city, we have to deal with Ye Luo Zhiqiu and other members of the Chinese clothing alliance at all costs. Super masters charge, keep them as much as possible, and even if there is a chance, we can let our Space Department players use [Space Enchantment], so as to keep them as long as possible.”

“The more masters we leave, the more likely it is to destroy the Zhongfu imperial city next.” The emperor chanted, and while talking about him, he looked at everyone: “So at this time we can’t be stingy, and use all of them as much as possible. The cavalry or space system players entangled the players in the alliance of the Chinese server.”

“Yes, in order to destroy the imperial city of Zhongfu, these are all worth it.” The hero said in a solemn voice: “Even we can consume all the [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other assassin props, of course, we have to divide a considerable part to attack the Imperial City of Zhongfu. We don’t have to worry about getting revenge from them if we get rich rewards once their imperial city is destroyed.”

“Even if they were retaliated by them, at that time the imperial city of Zhongfu was destroyed and the overall strength was greatly reduced, plus the attack on the super gang resident and the following battles in the battle of the imperial city of Zhongfu. It will definitely consume a lot of money, so we don’t have to worry about their revenge at all.” The hero Wuming added.

Maybe it has a great chance of success, maybe knowing that this is the only way to reverse the situation and not be kicked out of the game, so everyone quickly reached a consensus.

“Of course, in order to ensure that we can destroy the imperial city of Zhongfu, in addition to leaving sufficient power here, we are to transfer our remaining strength to Zhongfu as much as possible. Fortunately, even though we are still at a disadvantage, we still have players. “The advantage of Tokyo Mythology.” Tokyo Mythology suddenly said: “Although the super gang site covers a wide range, but the players that can be accommodated are also very limited. Other players should mobilize as many as possible if they are transferred to the Chinese server. At this time, everyone There is no need to keep the elite to prevent a sneak attack by the alliance of the Chinese server, because they will be overwhelmed by the time, and there is no chance to sneak attack on the gangs of our major servers or even the imperial city.”

“In short, this is our only opportunity. We must adjust our power as much as possible. Success or failure depends on this one action!” Tokyo Mythology’s voice has increased a bit, and there is a faint feeling of emotional agitation and deafening.

Hearing that, everyone was also infected, and they all expressed that they would go all out next.

The next step is to discuss specific details, such as when to launch a sneak attack on the Imperial City of China Service, and how to attack the Imperial City of China Service. A detailed plan is quickly drawn up, and the next thing is simple, everyone. Acted one after another according to the plan.

The first thing the major servers do is naturally to mobilize their forces. In order to prevent them from being discovered by the Chinese server alliance, most of the major servers mobilize players to the Indian server, the Australian server, and the Southeast Asian server. Most of them mobilize these forces to arrive in Australia at any time. Service support posture-because the super gang station is at the junction of the three-party servers, and the major servers mobilize troops here, it seems to everyone that it is natural to support the battle on the Australian server, so it will not cause the Chinese server The suspicion of one side of the alliance players.

It is worth mentioning that although servers such as Indian and Southeast Asian servers are bordered by Australian servers, they are also bordered by Chinese servers. It is also very convenient to change directions and directly rush to Chinese servers. At home, Japanese and Korean servers have also mobilized a large number of elites. Set off on the border with the Chinese server, so once the battle against the Chinese server’s imperial city breaks out, many elites can be mobilized to enter the Chinese server battle in a short period of time.

The Japanese-serving party’s alliance was so aggressive that it could not hide the intelligence system of the Chinese-serving party’s alliance, and soon learned about this, but the people of the Chinese-serving party’s alliance did not take it seriously, because in their hearts the mobilization of troops by the major servers must be ready to take over. The fierce battle that comes down, although this will cause a lot of pressure on the alliance of the Chinese server, but after thinking that only Ye Luo and others can easily occupy the outer gang station and the preparations made this time, they don’t worry about this problem at all.

Of course, some players thought about whether it is possible for the Japanese server alliance to lead the elite into the Chinese server to encircle Wei and save Zhao. However, this worry was soon dispelled by everyone, not because the Chinese server alliance occupied the absolute right now. The upper hand and the Japanese server alliance has almost no such opportunity, but because even if the people of the Japanese server alliance do so, it will not pose much threat to the Chinese server or the allies of the Chinese server.

On the contrary, many people are eager to do this, because in this way they can use the gang station to cause a heavier blow to the Japanese server alliance, and this is still very helpful for future national wars.

In a word, the players of the Chinese server alliance believe that their side has an absolute advantage, so they don’t worry about how much counterattack power the Japanese server alliance has.

I won’t talk about this for now, let’s say that Ye Luo and others have greatly improved their strength after using the [Group Blessing Scroll] and can move forward steadily. How long did they take them to the city wall, and then tens of thousands of elite cavalry locked Ye Luo and they sent them. These cavalry lined up to charge on both sides, plus Ye Luo and others displayed various group attack skills, so it was easy. A vacuum area was cleared.

At the same time, the life players of the Chinese server alliance also rushed over and installed the mobile magic crystal cannon. With the assistance of the magic crystal cannon, Ye Luo and the others have even greater advantages, even if the Japanese server alliance mobilizes the army to charge. They also don’t have to worry about falling to the wind-since they have occupied a section of the city wall and installed the mobile magic crystal cannon, the biggest disadvantage of the alliance of the Chinese server is gone, and with their strong strength, they can naturally be fearless of large-scale melee.

Think about it, the previous worry about the outbreak of large-scale melee refers to the failure to attack the city wall, so that the Japanese server alliance has defensive equipment, eight-winged fallen angel NPC, and the rear can continuously send players over. The Chinese server is extremely disadvantageous, but since the Japanese server does not have such advantages, the Chinese server alliance naturally does not fear these, and even hopes that a large-scale melee will break out with the Japanese server alliance at this time.

Of course, the people in the Japanese service alliance are not fools. Since their advantage in this gang site has been gradually reduced, they will naturally not mobilize the army to break out a large-scale melee. At this time, all they have to do is to send cavalry from The walls on both sides intercepted, delaying time as much as possible.

However, at this time, a large number of cavalry from the Chinese server alliance rushed up, they brazenly stood in the forefront, while the super masters such as Ye Luo attacked unscrupulously behind, and many players of the enemy alliance were killed under the powerful attack. In this way, the players of the Chinese server alliance can steadily advance, and it is only a matter of time to occupy all the walls of this gang’s residence.

The fact is also true. As time goes by, the Chinese server alliance has occupied more and more walls, and the situation on the two sides has been completely reversed. When the Chinese server alliance occupied half of the city wall, the Japanese server alliance has disappeared. The speed of casualties has also increased a lot, and in desperation they can only choose to abandon this gang resident.

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