Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)

Chapter 78 - Surging 3

Huh! !!

Lin Sheng rolled down from the bed.

He was sore, feeling as if he had taken a hard workout, and his sweat was soaked in his underwear.

He was just lying on the cool floor, but his face was completely uncomfortable without waking, and it was more of a surprise.

The priest who was killed by him was called Del Baphos. Is a member of the priest in Snowwind Castle.

At the same time, it is also one of the followers of Santa Anselia in the Snowwind Castle.

None of this matters. What’s important is that Lin Sheng can finally get at the real knowledge system of extraordinary abilities.

Because this saint priest’s memory fragments have this knowledge!

“I have also encountered monsters with extraordinary powers in Kurowa City before, but that guy is simply a metamorphosis, but he is totally good, this time it is just right.”

Lin Sheng got up from the floor, patted the dust on his body, and put on his coat. He glanced at the time.


It’s still early.

Lin Sheng immediately immersed himself in the memory fragments of the priest.

“First, it’s the kind of smoky attack!”

It was just his originally surprised face. With the screening of memory, he gradually became more and more disappointed.

Regarding the extraordinary power, the memory of the priest is clearly described.

That kind of black smoke is actually a special power formed by a combination of plural gray prints.

Just like the gray seal of the sanctuary he got, except that this black smoke requires at least nine different gray marks to form a specific gray seal ring in order to obtain it.

The inheritance of the gray seal must pass the Holy Scriptures formally. This is the kind of Dawn of the Dawn that Lin Sheng received before the sanctuary.

Simply from the memory of the priests, the seals that Lin Sheng could see were all blurred. Only the seal of sanctuary he had long received was clearly visible in the holy ring.

“Is there no other way?” Lin Sheng frowned, and began to scrutinize meticulously.

But this time, he gained a lot from the memory of the priest.

That’s the description of the soul in the temple.

Perceived something good, Lin Sheng immediately separated this memory separately and read it carefully.

‘….. The human spirit, given by God, is divided into five parts, like the most beautiful puzzle. They are like five guardian angels who together build the sacred temple of the soul. ’

‘The five major parts are:

The part that represents all strength, courage, anger, hatred, madness, and so on, is called Angel of Power. ’

‘The part that represents all wisdom, logic, memory, summary, reason, and so on is called the Angel of Wisdom. ’

‘The part that represents all instincts, the nature and the desire that is hidden in the deepest place, is called the Angel of Nobility. ’

‘And the house that holds all the positive goodness of the soul is called Seraph. ’

‘Finally, it contains all the negative and ugly parts of the soul. It ’s called … the black angel ….’

“Five Great Angels …” Lin Sheng once heard the myth of angels when he was on the earth, but he was the first to hear such a soul angel talk.

After understanding, he continued to look down the memory.

‘….. The best way to create a powerful warrior who is always loyal to the temple and always maintains order is to melt the black angels in the soul, and to engrave the name of the holy light in its angels. ’

‘How to engrave, the only way is to use baptism. ’

The more he looked down, the more Lin Sheng felt creepy.

This so-called holy baptism is completely removing a part of the human soul through mysterious means, and then replacing it with a part of the soul of the caster.

Both the caster and the casted are in a relationship of master and servant because of soul exchange.

This is reflected in the temple as the relationship between the priest and the brainwashed temple warrior.

A holy priest can only control one warrior through baptism.

Therefore, this secret technique is generally only used on powerful and elite units.

“This kind of mystery … it’s almost indescribable …!” Lin Sheng felt cold.

According to the information in the memory fragments, once the Holy Baptism is performed, the person who is recruited will not have any problems.

On the contrary, because the dark side is pulled away, he will cry and runny, and he will feel well-being, be aware of the situation, and change his past.

At the same time, he will open his heart to the caster, and then be engraved with the name of the caster in the angel of energy.

The horror of this mystery is that the recruiters still retain their original intelligence, emotions, memories, character, and so on.

The only difference is that he is absolutely fanatical and loyal to the caster.

“Brainwashing directly from the soul … Some of the recruiters can’t even detect it themselves. They thought they were infected by the charm of the other person’s personality …”

Lin Shengguang felt horrified when he thought about it.

Fortunately, holy baptism is also strictly restricted.

Only those born with strong souls can become priests. A priest who can use holy baptism must also have a black feather birthmark.

The black feather birthmark represents that this kind of person is born with a powerful soul, and the black angel part of the soul has a huge natural volume.

Lin Shengli checked himself immediately, but found no birthmark, and was a little disappointed.

Although this baptism is cruel, it depends on who is using it.

Compared with those who are fierce and evil, Lin Sheng believes that if he masters the technique of baptism, it will be a good thing for society, the country, and everyone around him.

He is not assured that anyone else has mastered this secret technique.

Leaving aside holy baptism, Lin Sheng also found the only unrestricted ritual that can be used without the gray seal ring from the memory fragments.

It was a summoning ritual.

A magic circle capable of summoning real creatures.

Unlike the previous ritual of sacrificial rituals, that time was to summon unknown dangers and exchange abilities for sacrifices.

This time it is different, this time it calls for a contractual existence below itself.

That is, various creatures that contract with the caster.

This is also the real biggest gain of Lin Sheng this time,

As long as this ritual is successful for the first time, it can be activated at any time through the launch word, so as to quickly notify the contract creature and summon him to rush to his side. Equivalent to long-distance communicator.

The name of the ceremony is called an oath.

Lin Sheng got out of bed, quickly sat at the desk, took out the notebook and pen from the drawer, opened it and quickly recorded.

The oath ceremony requires the caster to be at least three levels in order to perform after mastering the light of extraordinary power.

The power consumed is the Holy Power called the Holy Light in the temple.

The rest is to prepare some prerequisite materials.

Lin Sheng recorded these details one by one, and then took the picture of the array and started the combination of pragmatic pinyin, Chinese characters, and black feather city accent. You can’t understand whoever is here.

This is the combination method of his new invention. Confidentiality is absolutely secure.

After the recording, it was already half past seven.

Lin Sheng collected his notebook.

“If the oath ceremony can be successfully completed, then I will contract a more powerful pet later and be able to notify him at any time, which is equivalent to solving the problem of long-distance control with pets!”

He had some expectations in mind.

Although the oath ceremony belongs to the orthodox ritual of the temple and requires three levels to use the divine power arrangement, he is now a second level, and the third level extraordinary should not take long …

Recently, Lin Sheng can occasionally feel the warmth from his body when he meditates on the gray marks recently.

After all, in addition to special abilities, gray marks also have a role in breaking the limit.

Let the fighters who have reached the limit break through themselves, generate divine power, and enter the extraordinary.

This is also the temple’s unique method of breaking limits.

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