Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 96: Burning the Beast

Lynn quickly interrupted the officers who were persistently continuing to fire their weapons in vain at the creature, urging them, “Don't waste your bullets!'"

As the gunfire ceased, his mind raced, contemplating the best course of action and carefully weighing his options.

One possibility was to maintain a safe distance and allow the monster to exhaust itself. After all, the transformation was likely temporary rather than permanent.

However, time was their most pressing constraint, and they couldn't afford to wait idly for it to dissipate naturally. The enemy's ritual remained shrouded in mystery, leaving Lynn with an overwhelming sense of urgency.

Recognizing that taking proactive measures was their sole choice, he opted to eliminate the threat, firmly convinced that it was the optimal course of action.

"To deal with this overgrown weed, we need fire to reduce it to ashes!" Lynn solemnly informed the sheriff. He understood that conventional firearms wouldn't be sufficient to penetrate the creature's robust foliage armor and inflict significant damage.

Cooper nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'll gather a team to retrieve lanterns and torches from the carriages," he promptly responded, taking charge of the task.

Meanwhile, Lynn skillfully maneuvered around the monster, leaping and rolling to maintain a safe distance and avoid the retaliatory blows from its flailing limbs.

With nimble footwork, he deftly evaded being struck or trapped by the vines lashing out in his direction, thanks to his exceptional agility and the use of his skill [Quickstep].

Although Lynn contemplated launching a counterattack using Flame Edge, he hesitated, not wanting to deplete his spiritual energy reserves this early. He wanted to conserve his strength for the ultimate battle against the final boss, which had yet to be confronted.

Consequently, he prioritized evasion and restraint, patiently awaiting the return of his companions armed with the necessary elements.

Soon enough, the sheriff and several other officers rushed back to the scene, clutching a collection of lit torches and lanterns in their arms. The vibrant orange glow emitted by the dancing flames illuminated the once-dark and devastated garden, casting eerie shadows on the surroundings.

Lynn, taking charge of the situation, quickly instructed the men on how to utilize the blaze to their advantage. "Use the fire strategically!" he commanded. "Focus on burning the base of the limbs to sever them."

They nodded, their expressions determined as they spread out around the creature, positioning themselves strategically. Lynn observed their movements, ensuring that they maintained a safe distance while effectively coordinating their efforts.

As he gave the signal, the men simultaneously hurled their lit torches and lanterns at the creature. The flaming projectiles arced through the air, leaving trails of fire behind them. The projectiles found their targets, landing on the creature's limbs and foliage, igniting them in a fiery blaze.

In addition to this, Lynn reached into his arsenal and retrieved a set of incendiary grenades. With calculated precision, he threw them, their explosive contents bursting into a torrent of flames upon impact, adding an extra layer of intensity to the inferno that engulfed the creature.

The combined assault of the concentrated flames grew increasingly scorching and began to take effect. The creature convulsed and flailed, emitting anguished screams as its actions grew increasingly erratic and desperate.

Lynn watched from a safe distance as the fire spread rapidly, consuming the creature's defenses, and weakening its once impenetrable foliage armor. The officers maintained their positions, ensuring the blaze continued to ravage the entity's form.

Under the relentless attack of the scorching heat, the creature emitted a haunting, otherworldly wail as sections of its bark armor charred and disintegrated, exposing the vulnerable layers beneath. Its limbs, one by one, succumbed to the intense blaze, severing from its body. Fragments of burning material broke away, floating into the air like drifting embers.

With one final, piercing scream, the monster’s remaining strength abandoned its body. It crashed to the ground with a thunderous impact, shaking the earth beneath.

The force of the impact caused the raging flames to momentarily flare even brighter, consuming the entirety of the creature's massive body.

In a matter of minutes, the entity that once commanded fear had been reduced to nothing more than a heap of smoldering ash and charred foliage. The officers, visibly drained and worn out, let out a collective sigh of relief.

The defeat of this entity demanded unwavering concentration and coordinated effort from the group. However, their triumph marked a significant shift, bolstering the confidence among their ranks. 

Lynn meticulously examined the remnants of the incinerated monstrosity, hoping to uncover valuable insights. Unfortunately, due to the methods used, this particular adversary had left behind nothing but ashes, rendering any potential revelations elusive.

With the conclusion of this threat, he commended the assembled officers for their remarkable teamwork. Their composure and coordination in the face of danger were highly praiseworthy.

Cooper nodded in agreement, acknowledging Lynn's judgment and leadership as invaluable in overcoming the dangerous situation. The fatigue on his face reflected the numerous close calls they had experienced, but underlying gratitude was evident.

"Let's not declare victory just yet," Lynn cautioned, emphasizing that the true mastermind was still at large within the vicinity. The mission is far from over.

"Cooper, direct your men to conduct a thorough sweep of the perimeter before regrouping at the entrance. We must remain vigilant and not allow any surprises to catch us off guard," he instructed.

"Understood," the sheriff nodded, his voice filled with determination. Addressing the group of officers standing before him, he continued, "Men, spread out and thoroughly search the surrounding area. Leave no stone unturned, and ensure that every nook and cranny is thoroughly inspected."

Aware of the limited time available, he added a specific deadline. "Report back within ten minutes," he instructed, his tone leaving no room for ambiguity.

Rather than simply waiting, Lynn located a secluded spot near the entrance of the manor and settled down on the ground in a cross-legged position.

As the officers dispersed to sweep the perimeter, he decided to take advantage of this free time and meditate, allowing himself to recover the small amount of energy he had consumed. He knew it would only take a few dozen minutes to recharge.

Even amid profound meditation, Lynn's awareness of his surroundings remained sharp and vigilant. Whether it be the call for assistance from officers or the slightest hint of peculiar activity, Lynn was prepared to react swiftly and lend his aid without delay.

While his muscles appeared relaxed, they remained primed and ready to spring into action. Like tightly coiled springs, his physical form concealed a well of untapped power. 

Minutes passed, and the officers diligently combed through the surrounding area, inspecting every corner and investigating any suspicious signs. Cooper, along with a few others, returned to the entrance.

The sheriff approached him with a serious expression on his face. "We've thoroughly searched the perimeter, and there's no sign of any additional threats," he reported. "It seems like the immediate area is clear for now."

Lynn nodded, acknowledging the officers' tireless efforts as he scanned their faces. Most of them appeared worn out yet resolute. Understanding their need for a brief respite, Lynn decided to not enter the manor immediately. 

"Take a moment to catch your breath," Lynn said, his voice filled with understanding. "We've faced a formidable adversary, and your dedication and bravery have been commendable. Gather your strength; we'll continue our mission shortly."

This would not only give the officers a chance to rest but also allow them to make necessary preparations for the imminent final confrontation.

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