Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 91: Intriguing Investigation Result

Lynn stepped out of his dormitory building, feeling a sense of liberation as he left the confining walls behind. His gaze instinctively gravitated upward, captivated by the vast expanse of the evening sky above.

The sun, with its resplendent radiance, was gracefully making its descent toward the horizon, casting a soothing golden hue on everything it touched. As he observed the celestial spectacle, his mind drifted to the imminent operation that lay ahead.

Although the scheduled time was a little way off, he understood the importance of being punctual and ready. Fueled by determination, he took purposeful strides, directing himself towards the sheriff's office.

As he briskly walked through the bustling streets, he couldn't help but notice the occasional glances from passersby. It wasn't entirely unexpected, considering his distinctive appearance and the fact that he was fully armed and prepared for battle.

Despite his attempt to conceal most of his equipment beneath a long black trench coat, the one that he was wearing when he first appeared in this dungeon, a few telltale signs still managed to catch the attention of observant onlookers.

Underneath the coat, Lynn donned a sleek black outfit, meticulously designed for optimal stealth and maneuverability. It allowed him to blend seamlessly into the shadows, ensuring he remained undetected by his adversaries.

Crossing his chest, a sling securely held an AK-47 assault rifle. Although this firearm had spent considerable time collecting dust in his inventory since he obtained it, he decided to bring it along to avoid using spiritual energy in case he encountered a large group of monsters that could be dealt with the firepower of a fully automatic weapon.

Attached to his tactical belt, which he had acquired from the abandoned district, were several pouches containing ammunition and grenades. These tools of destruction were readily accessible and ready to be employed.

On the opposite side of his waist, a recently acquired sword scabbard from the [Trading] section cradled his main weapon, Flame Edge, allowing easy access to the extraordinary blade.

Lynn had meticulously organized his equipment to ensure optimal efficiency. Every item was strategically placed to eliminate the need for fumbling or wasting precious time when crucial moments in battle arose. His setup allowed him to swiftly access any necessary tools without interrupting the flow of combat.

In the past confrontations, he had often been the one caught by surprise, forced to react and defend himself. But this time, he would be the aggressor, giving him the luxury of ample time to prepare for the upcoming battle.

There was one more recent addition to Lynn's arsenal - a single slick black glove that now adorned one of his hands. It was the reward gained from completing the hospital side mission, [Medical Enlightenment].

[Plaguebane Glove]

[Grade: Rare]

[Evaluation: Inspired by the ancient healers who treated victims of deadly plagues, it was crafted from supple leather and adorned with intricate patterns. It possesses unique properties that aid in combating diseases providing healing support, and enhancing combat abilities.

Effect 1: Disease Resistance – Forms a protective barrier, reducing the risk of contracting diseases.

Effect 2: Healing Touch – channels spiritual energy, allowing them to apply a potent healing aura to themselves or others.

Effect 3: Venomous Grasp – Infuses the wearer’s touch with toxic venom, causing gradual damage to the enemy in combat.]

Using [Evaluation] on the new equipment he had acquired, he noticed that the level increase of the skill enabled him to gather more detailed information than usual. This boost in his skill level was proving to be effective in uncovering valuable insights about the equipment's capabilities.

His mind brimming with thoughts about the potential impact of the glove, he strolled purposefully. Each stride he took was accompanied by a meticulous analysis of the gear, contemplating how to integrate it into his combat style seamlessly

As Lynn approached the sheriff's office, he couldn't help but notice the reception area was unusually chaotic. The usually calm and organized space was now filled with officers bustling about, engaged in last-minute preparations and inspections of their equipment. The atmosphere was charged with tension, but there was also an undercurrent of anticipation running through the room.

Navigating through the organized chaos, Lynn approached Cooper's office. Along the path, he couldn't help but observe a significant change in the armament of the officers.

In the past few days, only a select few had carried revolvers, but now it seemed that every officer was armed with a firearm. Lynn nodded approvingly to himself, realizing that Cooper must have successfully acquired the weapon shipment. This development would undoubtedly improve their chances tonight.

Reaching the office door, he gave a brief knock before entering. Inside, he found the sheriff seated at his desk, intently studying some documents. He looked up as Lynn stepped in.

"Ah, right on time," Cooper greeted, his voice laced with a palpable sense of relief. With a swift motion, he gestured for Lynn to take a seat, all the while organizing the scattered papers on his desk.

Lynn couldn't help but make a remark as he settled into the offered seat. "I see your men are ready for battle," he commented.

The sheriff’s nod confirmed Lynn's observation. "Thanks to your invaluable suggestions regarding the necessity of enhanced firepower, I pulled some strings and managed to secure additional weapons."

However, a somber expression settled upon Cooper's face, betraying his underlying concerns. "I just hope our preparations prove to be sufficient.”

Briefly glancing at some documents spread across his desk, the sheriff continued. "We've come across some intriguing information about this individual, Knott, the merchant in question."

Lynn raised an eyebrow and asked, "Intriguing? How so?"

The sheriff elaborated, "He is actually one of the wealthiest merchants in our town. He owns a multitude of businesses and factories and frequently travels abroad. He's known for his active involvement in various events and banquets, often showcasing his impressive collection of exotic animals."

Lynn nodded attentively, his curiosity piqued as he leaned in, interested in the direction of the conversation.

"However, following a recent trip abroad a few months ago, he adopted a more reclusive lifestyle," Cooper revealed. "He relocated from the town center to his secluded estate on the outskirts and dismissed the majority of his servants, retaining only a small number of cooks and handymen."

Observing Lynn's realization expression, the sheriff proceeded to state the main point. "When we combine this information with the records we've gathered on his substantial food purchases over the past few months..."

"The food purchases don't align with having dismissed most of his staff," Lynn interjected, finishing the sheriff's thought "Instead of decreasing it increased, which implies he's feeding something...or someone...that requires large amounts of sustenance."

"Well, I'd say this solidifies our suspicion," Lynn remarked, his voice filled with certainty, and his eyes gleaming with determination. "All the evidence points to Knott."

Nodding in agreement, Cooper concurred with his assessment. He swiftly gathered a stack of papers into a folder and handed it to Lynn. "Here is all the intel we've compiled on Knott and the layout of his estate. I suggest you review it while I brief my men."

Lynn spent the next few minutes carefully perusing the documents, absorbing the valuable information within. Detailed schematics of the sprawling property were included, along with profiles of Knott's remaining staff members.

His eyes were drawn to one section in particular - the pages describing Knott's extensive menagerie and exotic animal enclosures. They were highlighted as key locations of interest during this operation.

After a moment, he closed the folder. The stage was set, and the mission to uncover the truth behind the series of deaths of patrol officers was about to begin.

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