Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 87: Unveiling the Mysteries of Blood

Lynn stood confidently on the stage, positioned at the center of the amphitheater. His eyes were fixed upon the rows of unoccupied seats, but his anticipation soared as he witnessed the gradual arrival of eager medical apprentices.

One by one, they took their places on the once-vacant benches, their vibrant conversations resonating through the room. Their eyes gleamed with an infectious curiosity.

Minutes turned into moments, and the classroom gradually transformed. What was once an empty space slowly began to fill with life and energy.

Lynn's astonishment grew as he realized that the number of attendees far exceeded the crowd that had gathered for his previous demonstration. The news of his advanced medical skill had spread like wildfire throughout the hospital community, igniting a fervor that couldn't be quelled.

"I really must have left an impression yesterday if this many people showed up," he pondered to himself. While his usual demeanor exuded calm and composure, the spectators watching him from the benches started to stir a sense of nervousness within him.

His sharp eyes scanned the gathered crowd, noting many familiar faces from before as well as numerous new individuals. That's when he spotted Director Nolan sitting comfortably in one of the back rows. Their gazes met, and the director offered Lynn an encouraging nod.

Taking a deep, steadying breath, Lynn steeled his nerves. Clearing his throat, he spoke up loudly so that his voice carried clearly to the furthest corners of the amphitheater.

"Thank you all for coming," Lynn greeted them with a warm smile. "I'm so glad to see so many people have shown up to listen to my lectures. Your enthusiasm for learning is truly inspiring."

He started pacing across the stage, captivating the audience with his presence. "The well-known humoral theory, with which all of you are undoubtedly acquainted, revolves around the concept of four essential bodily fluids: blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile," he commenced.

"According to this theory, an imbalance in these fluids within the body is the cause of disease. We'll be focusing on blood today. Current beliefs attribute blood as one of the four humors, associating it with vitality, cheerfulness, and a sanguine temperament."

He paused his movement to gauge the expressions of the listeners. As expected, nods of familiarity met his opening statements, suggesting that he had appropriately summarized their existing level of understanding.

"It is believed that an excess of blood can result in symptoms such as fevers, inflammation, and bleeding. Meanwhile, a deficiency of blood is thought to cause weakness, fatigue, and other similar symptoms," Lynn continued.

"But I propose that there is much more waiting to be discovered about the intricate nature and multifaceted functions of blood within the human body," he added, his voice brimming with a captivating sense of intrigue. As his words echoed through the room, a mixture of perplexity and skepticism danced across the faces of several audience members.

For the next hour, Lynn delved into a meticulous explanation of the circulatory system, also known as the cardiovascular system. He described the heart's majestic workings, its rhythmic beats propelling blood through an intricate network of vessels.

"The heart is perhaps one of the noblest organs in the human body," Lynn remarked. "Each day, without rest, it pumps over two thousand gallons of blood throughout our frames, sustaining us with its commitment and fortitude."

He spoke eloquently yet simply, emphasizing the heart's tremendous labor with admiration. Lynn's words ushered the students into a sense of awe and respect for the vital pumping muscle within their chests.

Veins and arteries carried the crimson fluid across the body in constant motion. "These vessels work tirelessly as a team," Lynn continued, his voice carrying a subtle rhythm akin to pulsing blood. "While arteries rush oxygenated blood away from the heart under pressure, veins courageously return depleted blood back home."

He even started using chalk on the blackboard to draw simplified diagrams of the circulatory pathways. With swift strokes, basic anatomical charts sprang to life under Lynn's adept hands. The students watched with fascination as each line materialized until a basic circulatory map covered the board.

After nearly an hour of fluid explanations, Lynn stopped for a few minutes, announcing the end of the first lecture session.

During this brief pause, he seized the opportunity to glance at his panel. With each piece of knowledge he shared with the eager crowd, a constant stream of notifications chimed in, notifying him of the experience he had gained. The feeling was immensely satisfying, like pieces of a puzzle smoothly clicking into place.

[+1% experience]

[+1% experience]

[+1% experience]

[+1% experience]

[Player: Wandering Doctor]
[Authority: F-Rank]
Class: [Doctor lv9] (53%)
Talent: [Gemini Soul]
[Strength 16] [Dexterity 16] [Constitution 16] [Intelligence 17] [Perception 15]
Class Skills: [Cell Proliferation] [String Threading]
General Skills: [Evaluation lv1] [Swordsmanship lv3] [Spiritual Vision lv1] [Quickstep lv1] [Meditation lv1]
Equipment: [Bloody Reaper (Soul bond)]
[Attribute Points: 8] [Skill Points: 13]

He refocused his attention on the audience, waiting for questions, but the classroom was unusually quiet. The questions and doubts he imagined did not appear. There was only the sound of the crowd recording and writing in notebooks trying to commit everything to memory.

Lynn waited patiently for a dozen more minutes, allowing everyone sufficient time to finish scribbling notes before continuing the second lecture.

Clearing his throat, he began speaking once more in a clear, assured tone. "We discussed the circulatory system and how blood circulates continuously throughout the body via arteries and veins. But what exactly is blood, and what role does it serve beyond merely balancing humors as conventional beliefs claim?"

He started highlighting key aspects of blood itself, such as its composition and role in nourishing tissues. "Within each drop of blood coursing the body is an entire world," he remarked, hinting at the microscopic world. "Blood consists of multiple essential components - plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Each one plays a vital function that sustains life."

Lynn emphasized how it functions far beyond merely balancing humors. "Blood is the vessel of nutrition, respiration, thermoregulation, and waste removal," he stated definitively. "It allows us to breathe, to think, to feel, and to live. Through circulation powered by the heart.”

Pausing briefly, Lynn assessed the crowd's reactions. Their focus remained unwavering, hanging onto his every word with rapt attention. The initial skepticism and doubt that had lingered in the minds of some was gone replaced with a growing sense of fascination. The students leaned forward in their seats, their eyes wide, eager to absorb every ounce of knowledge that he had to offer.

Satisfied, he delved further by describing the roles of each blood component. This time, Lynn was determined to continue speaking until the incessant sound of notifications stopped, indicating that he had achieved the significant milestone of reaching level 10.

He delved deeper into the various roles that blood plays within the body. He even mentioned common blood disorders like anemia that arose from deficiencies or excesses, and how their symptoms aligned with physiological changes.

With each passing minute, the notifications continued to chime in the background and Lynn's voice grew more animated, his gestures more expressive, as he painted a vivid picture of the wonders happening within the human body.

As he wanted to go even deeper and start talking about each component of blood - red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets - in further depth, exploring their diverse functions, shapes, and origins, the constant sound in his mind suddenly ceased.


[Class [Doctor] +1 Level: +1 Attribute Point, +1 Skill Point].

[Your body has been strengthened: Dexterity +1, Perception +1].

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