Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 84: Thousand and One Strange Stories

After a quick skimming through the two manuscripts, merely glancing at the broad ideas without delving into their details. Lynn was able to form a general understanding of what each one was about.

Having completed his cursory review, he carefully closed the books and returned them to their rightful places on the bookshelves.

Unfortunately, these texts had minimal to no value in terms of enhancing his experience level. They contained outdated information, along with numerous errors and flaws. As a result, it seemed unnecessary for Lynn to activate his talent [Gemini Soul].

His gaze swept across the bookshelves that adorned the walls, each one meticulously lined with an impressive assortment of books and manuscripts. 

As Lynn surveyed it, a glimmer of curiosity sparked within him. "While the majority of it may consist of fictional stories and literature, there could still be something valuable hidden," he contemplated this possibility.

Intrigued, he moved from one bookshelf to another, his eyes carefully scanning the titles and spines of the books. Every now and then, he would select a tome, gently unfurl its pages, and immerse himself in a few paragraphs of its contents.

The vast majority of the books in the collection were captivating works of fiction and literature. However, interspersed among them were a handful of volumes that ventured into diverse domains such as history, philosophy, science, and more.

In terms of medical knowledge, Lynn came across several manuscripts that appeared to be more recent and well-kept, suggesting that they were authored by individuals associated with the hospital.

These texts were developed within the framework of the four humors theory, aiming to establish connections between specific diseases and imbalances in the four bodily fluids.

For example, one author proposed a connection between pneumonia and an excessive accumulation of phlegm in the lungs. According to this perspective, the solution to this condition was to induce vomiting, which was believed to help expel the pathogenic phlegm from the body.

Another one emphasized the importance of maintaining a proper diet and lifestyle to balance the four humors. Specific foods were associated with each humor, and individuals were advised to consume or avoid certain foods accordingly. For instance, someone with an excess of yellow bile was often advised to avoid spicy or pungent foods.

Despite the initial glimmer of curiosity, Lynn found himself increasingly disappointed as he delved deeper into the vast collection. This presented a challenge to his goal of quickly gaining experience.

"I must admit, this collection isn't as interesting as I had hoped," Lynn muttered, his voice tinged with disappointment. He continued his systematic search, scanning the titles of the books one by one.

However, just as he was about to abandon his quest, his eyes caught sight of something that made him pause. It was a particularly intriguing book, distinct from the others. 

The tome was unusually thick, its cover worn and dusty, bearing the telltale signs of age. Moth bites and faded stains had marred the once-vibrant binding, making the title barely legible.

Lynn carefully wiped away the layers of grime obscuring the words, revealing the faded title: "The Thousand and One Strange Stories." As the words became visible, Lynn couldn't help but mutter them aloud, his interest piqued by the intriguing title.

As he opened the book, a faint scent of aged paper and dust filled the air. The pages had succumbed to the passage of time, displaying visible signs of decay and revealing frayed edges that hinted at the book's long history.

On the opening page, an enigmatic text was written, brimming with an aura of mystery. A casual reader might perceive it as a deliberate attempt by the author to cultivate an atmosphere of intrigue and ensnare the reader's curiosity.

" The essence of life takes shape through the embodiment of spiritual energy. It is the very source that propels beings towards life sublimation and transcendence. But it is also the source of its destruction, spiritual pollution is a disaster from which no being can escape. "

However, the moment Lynn's eyes traversed these words, a sudden realization dawned upon him, causing his eyes to widen in astonishment. "If it's truly what I believe it to be," he exclaimed, his voice filled with a mixture of excitement and disbelief, "I have stumbled upon a treasure."

Quickly browsing through the pages of the book, it was a captivating collection of short stories, each one filled with strange and mysterious events caused by various monsters.

The book not only delved into these extraordinary occurrences but also provided an intriguing visual element by featuring an image of the monster that appeared in each story at the end.

Flipping through the aged pages, he caught glimpses of story titles like [The Faceless Phantom], [The Village Consumed by Shadows], and [The Demon Tree That Devours Wanderers].

Lynn quickly skimmed through, his eyes darting from one headline to another. He didn't stop to read each one in detail; instead, he was on a mission to find a specific story that would confirm his growing speculation.

After a brief moment, he suddenly halted, his body freezing in place, and his attention became completely captivated by the illustration that accompanied a story titled [The Cannibal Werewolf].

Lynn's heart raced as he stared at the image, his mind flooded with memories of a recent encounter on Blue Star. The werewolf he had faced there had possessed the same unnaturally swollen and misshapen heads as depicted in the sketch before him.

"This is too similar to be mere coincidence," Lynn muttered under his breath. As he continued reading the anecdote on the story, his growing speculation started to solidify into a resolute certainty. The details of the story about the monster's ability only served to strengthen this conviction.

Lynn was filled with excitement. If everything written in this book turned out to be true, it meant that he had indeed stumbled upon a genuine treasure.

Such a thick book filled with a wealth of information about extraordinary creatures and monsters, which Lynn had never encountered or even heard of before. Although it would not increase his experience level, it would certainly be useful in facing the monster attacks and even investigating the person secretly controlling them.

Eager to quickly absorb this information, Lynn activated his talent, [Gemini Soul]. Immediately, his senses became heightened, and his perception accelerated to an extraordinary degree.

With unparalleled speed and focus, he devoured the contents of the massive book, absorbing its intricate details. In a matter of minutes, he accomplished the remarkable feat of committing the entire voluminous tome to memory.

After deactivating this heightened state of concentration, he carefully returned the thick tome to its designated place on the shelf. 

Casting a glance out the window, his eyes were met with the sight of a deep darkness that had engulfed the vibrant town. The late hour had arrived, and he realized it was time to make his exit. 

Lynn slipped out quietly into the night. The chill autumn air nipped at his skin as he walked briskly through the empty streets.

The gas lamps that lined the sidewalks barely pierced through the thick fog that had settled over the area. An eerie silence permeated the surroundings, broken only by the occasional echo of Lynn's shoes striking the pavement.

Most citizens were safely tucked away in their homes at this hour. Only the occasional patrol officer on duty could be glimpsed wandering the streets.




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