Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 77: Suspect Apprehended

As the suspect's situation grew increasingly dire, a sense of desperation consumed him. Frustration and panic surged through his veins, fueling his determination to find a way out.

"Fuck," he cursed under his breath, his emotions running high.  Before the other officers could completely encircle the scene, he forcefully pushed the hostage in the face of the nearest one desperately to create a diversion and disrupt Ritz’s line of sight.

The sudden and unexpected action momentarily startled Ritz, causing his aim to falter as his attention shifted to the immediate person before him.

Seizing this momentary disruption, the murderer acted swiftly. With a surge of adrenaline, he made a desperate bolt into the frightened crowd that was already moving away from the scene, hoping to get lost among them and avoid the officers who immediately gave chase.

Lynn, silently observing the chaotic event unfold, discreetly withdrew the sharp threads that were swirling around his fingers. They had been ready to strike the killer from behind, should the hostage situation persist.

There was no need for him to chase after the suspect. The murderer, in his attempt to escape, was unknowingly heading straight towards Lynn's position.

Oblivious to the imminent danger that awaited him, the crazy killer began swinging recklessly his deadly dagger in front of him.

The crowd quickly moved away in response, creating a clear pathway through them. Amidst the chaos, a safe passage materialized, leading directly to Lynn, who stood fearlessly at the end.

Lynn's eyes narrowed, his focus unwavering as he prepared for the confrontation. 

"Fuck off!" the killer bellowed, his voice filled with rage. With his grip tightened around the deadly dagger, he lunged toward Lynn. His sole intention was to eliminate the only person standing in the way of his escape. His movements were fueled by a destructive determination, leaving no room for mercy or hesitation.

The dagger was moving fast toward its target, but despite its speed, it appeared sluggish to Lynn’s keen eyes. He watched as the dagger hurtled through the air, seemingly in slow motion.

"As expected, this incident was just a normal crime," Lynn let out a profound sigh, acknowledging that the person in front of him was an ordinary individual.

The force behind the impending stab was no stronger than that of an average man, lacking any supernatural or extraordinary abilities.  Even without special skills, His exceptionally high attributes were more than sufficient to handle this attacker.

Lynn stood immobile, rooted to the spot, waiting for the criminal to be really close. It was a sight that sent shockwaves through the crowd. For them, it seemed like the young man had been caught off guard by the incoming assault, leaving him momentarily stunned and immobilized. The crowd couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for him.

However, despite their overwhelming compassion, the spectators were paralyzed by their own fears and self-preservation. They found themselves unable to intervene or come to Lynn's aid, their merciful hearts bound by the constraints of their own safety. 

In the decisive moment when the dagger drew closer, inching within Lynn's striking range, he finally started moving. Swiftly, he extended his hand, seizing the killer's wrist with a firm grip.

Lynn's grip tightened in that split second, his fingers wrapping around the assailant's wrist like a vice. With a sudden, powerful twist, he applied an incredible amount of force, leveraging his own strength against the attacker's limb. The sickening sound of bones dislocating reverberated through the air, accompanied by a chilling cry of pain from the assailant.

"Release me! Let go! Let go! MY HAND!" the person screamed in agony, pleading for Lynn to release his grip as the dagger he had wielded slipped from his grasp, clattering to the ground.

"You're making quite a noise," Lynn remarked, his voice laced with a hint of annoyance, as he simultaneously delivered a precise, controlled chop to the base of the neck. The force of his blow was swift and precise, causing the killer's limbs to instantly surrender to gravity's pull, his consciousness slipping away.

The patrol officers finally stopped chasing, their eyes transfixed on Lynn, their faces a mix of astonishment and disbelief, as they processed the incredible demonstration of skill and control.

"Suspect apprehended," Lynn looked at them and stated calmly, directing their attention to the restrained individual.

The spectators, much like the officers, found themselves trapped in bewilderment as they struggled to comprehend the unfolding events that had just transpired before their very eyes.

The entire incident had occurred in the blink of an eye, leaving everyone present with a sense of disorientation. No one had managed to catch a clear glimpse of the events that had transpired.

Lynn, who had appeared destined for certain death in the eyes of the crowd, suddenly shifted the tide, and in an instant, the crazy killer was writhing in excruciating pain, his screams piercing the air.

The only person not surprised was Ritz, he already witnessed more unbelievable things during the confrontation of Lynn with the bell monster.

Even Deputy John stood there with a puzzled look on his face for a moment. However, he quickly steadied himself and began issuing orders to the officers.

A group of them moved in swiftly, working together to restrain the now unconscious killer, ensuring that he posed no further threat. Meanwhile, John approached Lynn, his face reflecting a mix of admiration and astonishment. "Excellent work," he commended, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "Your deduction was spot on, and you handled the situation perfectly."

Lynn nodded, maintaining his usual composure. Inside, he felt a small spark of satisfaction at having solved this case efficiently.

After that, the deputy got back to helping his men with the process of securing the crime scene, gathering evidence, and transporting the suspect. He coordinated the efforts of the officers, ensuring that everything was done meticulously and according to protocol.

During that time, Lynn focused on the notification that chimed inside his mind—a signal that the mission had been accomplished. He quickly checked the mission panel that appeared before his eyes.

Effectively, he had completed the side mission of solving the murder case. Lynn had hoped this side mission would provide an important lead related to the supernatural incidents plaguing the town. But it turned out to be an ordinary murder without any clear ties to the mysterious monsters he was investigating.

[The Murder Case]

[Side Mission: Help John investigate the murder case and catch the murderer] (Redeem reward)

"I wonder what kind of rewards this mission will give," Lynn pondered. He couldn't shake the feeling that the reward might not be as valuable as he hoped. After all, this particular assignment seemed relatively straightforward and lacked any extraordinary challenges or supernatural elements.

As he was about to claim the mission rewards, the sheriff’s deputy approached him once more, interrupting him.

"Sir Lynn, we are about to transport the suspect to headquarters. Are you coming with us?" John informed him of their next course of action.

Taken by surprise, Lynn took a moment to gather his thoughts before shifting his focus to the deputy's words. He deliberated for a brief moment, recalling that he still needed to retrieve the map from Jink at some point.

"Yes, I still have some unfinished business to attend to in the sheriff's office," he responded. With a nod of acknowledgment, he joined the deputy, making their way toward the waiting carriage where the unconscious murderer was secured.


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