Nightmare Paradise : Starting as a Doctor

Chapter 63: The Hidden Ambush

Lynn knelt down beside the fallen patrol officer, his heart pounding with concern. He carefully examined the man, his eyes scanning for any visible injuries.

However, to his surprise, the officer appeared to be completely unharmed. There were no wounds that he could detect, and the person simply seemed unconscious.

He reached out to feel his pulse, confirming that he was indeed alive. Lynn furrowed his brows in confusion, his mind racing to make sense of the situation, the memory of the terrified scream still fresh in his mind.

Suddenly, Lynn's focus on the unconscious officer was abruptly shattered as a cold, sticky, foul-smelling liquid dripped onto the back of his neck. His muscles tensed reflexively, a shiver coursing down his spine at the unexpected sensation.

"A trap?!" Lynn exclaimed under his breath, his senses sharpened instinctively.

In a split second, fueled by a surge of adrenaline, he swiftly propelled himself forward, putting distance between himself and the potential danger that lay behind him.

Simultaneously, he utilized his class skill [String Threading], manifesting a formidable arsenal of sharp threads from his back.

Lynn's razor-sharp threads surged forward, slicing through the air with deadly precision, poised to tear apart anything in their path.

As they met resistance, they collided with various objects in the vicinity, each impact accompanied by a unique sound. A resounding clang reverberated when the threads struck metal, a sharp shatter pierced the air as glass shattered under their relentless force, and the resulting symphony of destruction echoed through the area.

However, amidst the chaos, one sound pierced through the tumultuous symphony—a pained, inhuman screech that resonated from above. Lynn's gaze snapped upwards, finally catching sight of the hidden assailant.

Perched atop a shattered gas lamp stood a creature, concealed within the veil of shadows and mist. Its body quivered with agony, bearing the wounds inflicted by Lynn's attack.

As the monster's attention wavered, consumed by the pain, Lynn wasted no time. Recognizing the opportunity, he swiftly sprang into action.

With remarkable speed and strength, Lynn effortlessly scooped up the unconscious patrol officer with one hand. Without hesitation, he rapidly retreated several meters, ensuring the officer's safety by placing him behind a conveniently parked carriage. 

Now, with a secure distance established, Lynn could focus on assessing this unexpected adversary and determining the best course of action.

The creature presented a ghastly appearance, lacking any trace of eyes or a nose. Its defining feature was a horrifying mouth, which stretched wide to expose a set of jagged, serrated teeth that protruded unevenly from its gums, creating an unsettling and distorted smile.

As for the liquid that dripped onto the back of Lynn's neck, it was none other than the repugnant drool emanating from the creature's mouth. 

Without warning, the monster sprang from its lofty position atop the lamp post, its mouth agape and drooling, aiming to sink its teeth deep into Lynn's form

Reacting with lightning speed, Lynn raised his empty hand and summoned the Bloody Reaper. It materialized within his grasp.

Without a shred of hesitation, he squeezed the trigger, unleashing a powerful shot. At such close range, the bullet would certainly hit the monster's gaping mouth.

A deafening boom reverberated through the empty street as the Bloody Reaper discharged its heavy round. The bullet rocketed forth from the smoky barrel, crossing the short distance in an instant before slamming into the creature's gaping maw.

The resulting explosion of sound and violence was awe-inspiring. The heavy round tore through the creature's skull with unrelenting force, causing a spray of dark viscera to burst forth from the back of its head. The force of the impact left the creature's lifeless figure to crumple to the ground with a resounding thud.

Lynn's cautious steps brought him closer to the motionless corpse, his eyes locked on the defeated creature sprawled before him.

"Is it already dead?" Lynn muttered with suspicion, he prodded it with his foot, but no hint of movement came from the thoroughly devastated creature.

"Is it weak, or did I become too strong?" Lynn wondered aloud, his voice laced with a tinge of disbelief.

The ease with which the monster had been dispatched raised doubts within him. The power of the Bloody Reaper was undeniable, but such a swift and effortless kill left him skeptical. He didn't even use his new sword Flame Edge.

Lynn frowned as he studied the remains of the monster on the ground. The creature resembled an animal, but its appearance was marred by an unsettling blend of serpentine and insectoid characteristics. Its flesh was stretched out, sickly, and pallid. Its elongated limbs ended in sharp claws, extending from joints that twisted unnaturally.

But the most unsettling feature was still by far the creature's massive maw, split wide in a nightmarish grin filled with jagged fangs. Even in death, its mouth remained agape in a silent scream, blood leaking from the fatal gunshot wound.

Lynn had an interesting look on his face as he contemplated the creature's dead body before him. A thought crossed his mind - perhaps he could gain some valuable experience by dissecting this bizarre abomination.

However, before he could act on that notion, Lynn's sharp senses detected an approaching sound. He instinctively shifted his gaze down the empty street, trying to identify the source of the noise that disrupted his train of thought.

He discerned a shadowy figure gradually emerging into view. With each step, the distinct sound of leather shoes striking against the brick pavement reverberated through the air, steadily growing louder as the person approached. 

Naturally, Lynn raised the Bloody Reaper in his hand and aimed at the approaching stranger. His muscles tensed, prepared to unleash a deadly shot if necessary.

"Don't shoot!" the silhouette called out as they noticed the gun leveled in their direction. “It’s me!" the figure added urgently, raising both hands to show they meant no harm.

Lynn's sharp eyes scrutinized the person, trying to ascertain their identity amidst the foggy backdrop.  Beneath the glow of a streetlight, the person's appearance was partially obscured by a dark color coat that blended with the night.

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