Night of the Divorce! A Proud Lady Was Forced to Marry the Emperor’s Uncle

Chapter 83 - 83: Assassination Attempt During an Outing

Chapter 83: Assassination Attempt During an Outing

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Seeing the smile in her eyes, Xiao Nanye also smiled. “Your brother treats me as if I were a wolf.”

“My elder brother is simply worried about me,” Jiang Peihuan assured him.

“Huan Er?”

The moment Jiang Peihuan finished speaking, her hand was held by Xiao Nanye.

She instinctively looked at him. His eyes were suddenly ablaze. If it had been before, she would not have dared to meet his gaze. But now, having decided to marry the man before her, she softly inquired, “What can I do for you, Your Highness?”

“Three months… it’s too long.”

If it were up to him, he’d marry her at this very instant.

However, Xiao Nanye understood this was merely wishful thinking.

He could only sneak into the Plum Garden in the dead of night by scaling the wall, not to mention advancing their marriage.

Upon hearing his words, a glint flashed across Jiang Peihuan’s eyes. As soon as she realized what Xiao Nanye was implying, a wave of warmth swept over her face.

Extracting her hand from his, she spoke quietly, “My parents believe even three months is too hasty.”

“Huan Er, would you accompany me to a certain place?”

Recalling the reason he had come here, Xiao Nanye look at Jiang Peihuan, posing the question gently.

Jiang Peihuan was about to decline, but catching the hopeful look in the man’s eyes, she found herself asking, “Where to?”

“You’ll find out when you get there.”

With that, he reached for her hand. Xiao Nanye’s lightness skill was unmatched. Even carrying Jiang Peihuan, when he left the Plum Garden, no one noticed their departure, except for Han Feng.

Looking at the two of them leaving, he sighed softly.

Ye Xiao saw him and asked coldly, “Aren’t you going to accompany your master?”

“The master went to great lengths to be alone with the young miss. As his secret guard, how could I intrude?”

Outside the city limits.

At this moment, Jiang Peihuan found herself seated on the back of Zhui Yun, with Xiao Nanye positioned behind her.

From her early childhood, either in her previous life or the current one, Jiang Peihuan had mastered archery and had never shared a ride with anyone. This was her first time, held in the embrace of a man.

Xiao Nanye’s hands reached around Jiang Peihuan to grasp the reins. He was exceptionally tall, his stature superior even while seated, causing his breath to brush against her ears each time he spoke.

“We’ve arrived, Huan Er,” he said.

Upon viewing the mountain peak before her, a glint of confusion flickered in Jiang Peihuan’s eyes. However, once they reached the mountain’s top, the panorama took her breath away.

The city lay beneath them, bathed in a million lights, the protective moat embracing all its streets. From this vantage point, one could see the whole capital in vivid detail.

The sight of the city lights seemingly eased the tension within Jiang Peihuan.

“Come,” Xiao Nanye gestured as he dismounted his horse and extended a hand towards her.

Meeting the man’s outstretched hand, Jiang Peihuan placed her own hand in his.

After assisting her off the horse, Xiao Nanye released the reins, allowing Zhui Yun to frolic nearby.

They proceeded to a nearby grassy area where Xiao Nanye casually sat down, patting the spot next to him as an invitation for Jiang Peihuan to join.

Sitting beside him, Jian Peihuan quietly looked at the scenery in the distance.

Xiao Nanye remained quiet as well, his attention focused on the woman by his side.

This sensation was peculiar. In her previous life, she had bared her soul to Xiao Junhao, but he never reciprocated with genuine emotions.

And now, in this life…

Jiang Peihuan glanced towards the man beside her, her lips parting to speak. But before any words could form, Xiao Nanye’s face hardened, pushing her away abruptly.

A long black arrow flew between them them.

Immediately, Xiao Nanye sprung to his feet, pulling Jiang Peihuan off the ground and shielding her behind him.

Six men in black descended from nowhere and slowly appeared before them.

A fierce determination flickered in Xiao Nanye’s eyes as he took in their presence.

“Huan Er, be careful.”

With that, he unfurled his fan and squared off against the six black-clad men.

Jiang Peihuan could tell that these men were of the same ilk as the ones they had previously encountered outside the Jiang Mansion. The only difference being, these six were more proficient in their martial skills.

But Xiao Nanye held his own, skillfully maneuvering against all six.

Jiang Peihuan swiftly drew her whip from her waist, her attention fixated on Xiao Nanye’s movements.

“You think you can take this king’s life? You overestimate yourselves.”

At his words, the six men in black fell to the ground. But an arrow, jet black and unexpected, shot forth. Only then did Jiang Peihuan notice a figure perched on a distant tree.

The six men had been a mere diversion, the real threat being the archer concealed in the tree.

“Be careful, Your Highness!”

Jiang Peihuan saw an arrow darting towards Xiao Nanye and immediately swung her whip. The dark whip split the arrow in mid-flight.

Nonetheless, Xiao Nanye had to grasp his arm where the arrow had hit, revealing a needle hidden within it.

Discarding the folding fan in his hand, Xiao Nanye successfully made the man dressed in black on the tree end his life by slitting his own throat. However, the needle had already pierced into Xiao Nanye’s arm.

Swiftly, Jiang Peihuan moved closer, “You’re wounded.”

“It’s nothing. Just a minor injury. Death…”

His words were abruptly interrupted by a bout of bloody coughing. Jiang Peihuan disregarded the risk of revealing her medical knowledge and immediately examined Xiao Nanye’s pulse.

Upon feeling his pulse, her face turned grave, “This needle is poisoned.”

“What kind of poison?”

“Venom from a cobra.”


Upon hearing Jiang Peihuan’s diagnosis, a glint of hostility flickered in Xiao Nanye’s eyes, and he coldly chuckled, “She truly stops at nothing.”

“It seems that Your Highness have an idea who is behind this.”

“It’s the Grand Empress Dowager.”

“The Grand Empress Dowager?”

Jiang Peihuan’s initial suspicion fell on the princes, but it never crossed her mind that it would be the Grand Empress Dowager. Stunned, she stared wide-eyed at the man before her.

Seeing her surprised look, Xiao Nanye smiled slightly, “Are you curious about the motives behind this?”

“Could it be that the Grand Empress Dowager fears you might usurp the throne?”

After a few moments of silence, Jiang Peihuan finally spoke in a low voice.

Hearing this, Xiao Nanye’s eyes revealed some surprise. He hadn’t expected Jiang Peihuan to be this perceptive.

“That’s part of the reason, but not the whole truth.”

“Huan Er, do you know how to cure this poison?”

Without uttering a word, Jiang Peihuan promptly rolled up Xiao Nanye’s sleeve, extracted the poisoned needle, then pushed on a ring she was wearing. She used a small knife concealed in the ring to make a finger-length incision on Xiao Nanye’s arm.

Next, Jiang Peihuan brought out several silver needles and inserted them into precise acupuncture points on Xiao Nanye’s arm.

Soon, blackened blood began to ooze from the fresh wound.

Once the blood flowing from the wound returned to a normal red, Jiang Peihuan withdrew the silver needles and used her handkerchief to carefully dress Xiao Nanye’s wound.

Throughout this process, the man remained silent.. Once everything was taken care of, Jiang Peihuan couldn’t help but question the man before her, “Your Highness, aren’t you curious about how I know medicine?”

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