NeToRi System

57 – Reflections

Although it was nice he did feel it was the ability with the least growth potential long term unless you were talking about the growth potential in his pants. At least out of all the abilities he had received so far. Both [Hypertrophic Hyper Responder] and [Enhanced Neuroplasticity] had high potential for growth. After all the former would allow him to have a superhuman physique with enough training and growth time while the latter would only lose value after he had learned everything there was to learn in the world which he didn't see happening.

He would take every little bit he could get though and this ability would also help him with the function of his system. Having sex was  requirement of the system after all so anything that could raise his ability in this area had value. He could of course simply sleep with women in a relationship once and be done with them to get their partner's ability, but then he wouldn't ever gain their ability through Full Domination and it also didn't sit right with him to simply let a women he worked to get go like that. So anything that allowed him to keep more women sexually satisfied was good in his book.

Not to mention that being known as a guy that was good in bed and could keep going for a longer than his partner was a good rumour to have when pursuing particular types of women. The kind that enjoyed the act itself a lot and if there was one thing women were good at it was gossiping, the juicier the better and nothing was juicier them gossip regarding things that people did in the bedroom.

In his excitement over the boons Kate had brought him, he couldn't stop himself from leaning down and giving her a deep kiss. This caused her to blush due to the blatant show of affection in front of most of the school just moments after what had happened with Brad. The rest of those in the cafeteria still watching on as the things developed. Gossip already abound a little more wasn't going to hurt. They also no longer needed to hide the relationship from what was now Kate's ex.

It had taken a couple of weeks, but his reputation was many times better than it was before. The only ones still looking for trouble with him were Jeffrey and Mara and their little group of friends. However his year mates had started changed their opinion on him.

The boys deciding he wasn't one to mess with while some of the girls started thinking he might be exactly the guy to mess with after what he did to Jeffrey and now how he handled Kate. It didn't hurt that he had gone from a tall twig with a bit of a belly to looking ripped. He could still get much bigger, but he had already achieved close to a lean swimmer's physique with little fat to speak of. The loss of fat also showed in his face which had become more defined and his jaw was less rounded than it had been.

There still was plenty to improve however it had only been just over three weeks. He hadn't gotten any abilities that focused purely on improving his appearance yet with all his abilities so far focusing on his mental and physical capabilities. [Enhanced Testosterone] was the first to bring a slight improvement here as it would improve how tall he was, make his facial hair better, and his voice. The largest improvement would be his dick, but he couldn't go around showing that one off. Well not blatantly at least.  

It was already good enough for now though. If he could keep up his growth soon he would be the top scoring student with both the best academic and athletic performance in the school. He just needed to swing that into scoring some more girls, maybe focus on a few with appearance enhancing abilities to really help him land even better girls. If he had the looks, the physical prowess, and the brains the only thing he would be missing was money. That would only be a matter of time though as it would follow from his success in the other fields.

He had hated this world for so long, but with the NeToRi System he could literally become a Jack of All Trades, Master of All. All he needed was the time to develop and he could entirely turn his life around and make up for all those lost years.

The rest of the school day was mostly uneventful though Kate once again seemed to have grown closer to him now that their relationship was public and her relationship with Brad was entirely over. Dave wasn't looking forward to the end of school though. He still had no idea how meeting his father for the first time since he put him in the hospital would go.

After a heated goodbye at the school gates with Kate he jogged to the gym by himself for the first day of his apprenticeship. Thankfully he wasn't alone as Vanessa was there too. He hadn't heard from her all day despite what happened the night before. Not that he had too much time to think about what happened with everything that had been going on and his other worries that were occupying his mind.

When she saw him she blushed and looked around nervously which was rather unusual for the brash young woman. Before he had a chance to even say hello she ducked into the women's changing rooms preventing him from talking to her. Maybe it was a coincidence, but he was fairly certain she was avoiding him with how she was behaving. He could have waived it off if it hadn't been so obvious she had seen him before rushing off.

He hoped he would get a chance to talk to her and clear up what she was thinking before she left for the day.

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Writing Soundtrack: Imagine Dragons - Various Tracks

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