NeToRi System

50 – Envious Thoughts

This time didn't go according to plan as Dave managed to hit it dead on sending it flying full force with a loud crack. Dave immediately let go of the bat and dashed for first base. The others on the bases did the same.

"Homerun!" the Coach yelled.

All of them slowed down as they didn't need to rush anymore jogging across the bases and home base instead.

Their entire team except Mara was cheering. She seemed unsure whether she should be excited about their team scoring a bunch of points or unhappy that her boyfriend lost again. The end result was her looking kind of like she was constipated.

Jeffrey had a somewhat defeated look as he just stood on the pitcher's mound aimlessly. Not only had he failed to get his revenge on Dave, but he had caused his team to suffer a massive defeat due to his incompetence.

When Dave made it past the home plate and back to the bench his team actually congratulated him excitedly with a few of them high-fiving and fist bumping him. This was a rather fresh experience for him since he had been the least popular and bullied member of all classes for many years now.

Kate met him with a big hug. "That was crazy!" she said.

He smiled back at her. "Yeah, I didn't expect that," he agreed.

Mara looked annoyed and was the only one that hadn't congratulated him yet. "It wasn't that impressive. Just lucky," she said.

Kate snorted and hugged Dave tighter. She seemed to be feeling a little possessive. "Someone seems to be feeling a little jealous," she said sarcastically.

Mara looked like she had swallowed a bug. She wasn't used to being upstaged, let alone by someone like Kate. "Who would feel jealous? You're simply the best he can do," she retorted.

Kate sported a knowing smirk. "His new muscles aren't the only thing big on him," she said. This caused the girls on their team that were close enough to listen in to blush as they looked down at his crotch before looking away. Even Mara's cheeks turned ever so slightly pink.

Mara coughed awkwardly. "H-how classless," she managed to stammer out.

Kate raised her brow. "Oh? Does that mean you haven't seen all of 'your boyfriend'?" she asked snarikly. She was enjoying being able to clap back at one of the popular girls for once in her life and it felt amazing.

She had unintentionally put her in a no-win situation. Either she said they had never even seen or touched each other below the waist painting Jeffrey as some kind of simp loser or she said they had and everyone would believe she was not better than Kate. No she was even worse because she would be saying she was a hypocrite on top of being loose.

Mara's face was turning even redder, but it wasn't just embarrassment anymore. She eventually just ignored them not being able to figure out how to deal with question.

To taunt Mara even further when Dave sat down Kate sat down in his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. It really seemed he wasn't the only one that cared if her boyfriend found out anymore. He hadn't heard whether she had broken up with her boyfriend after they slept together, but he didn't really care anymore either. He already got his reward so he wasn't risking losing out on anything if they did break up.

He wrapped his arms around her hips pulling her in closer without care.

Mara spent the rest of gym class doing her best to ignore them, but something that did stand out was when class ended Jeffrey went up to her trying to get some attention and make himself feel a little better. However rather than indulge him she wasn't having any of it and actually intentionally avoided him going to the girls locker rooms without saying anything to him at all. It seemed she felt he had publically embarrassed her and she didn't feel like taking care of his feelings regarding the situation. Her image and reputation were most important to her at the end of the day.

She was with him because he was popular and them being together increased her social standing, yet now because she was tied to him as his girlfriend he was repeatedly dragging her down after suffering loss after loss and even getting beaten up twice by the loser she had discarded. Her social gains were being lost and she actually blamed Jeffrey for it even more than she blamed Dave since Jeffrey kept causing the situations. She would have been happy if he looked for payback and got it, but by failing he was slowly turning himself and indirectly her into a laughingstock.

Dave wasn't surprised though, he knew how easily she could drop someone if they didn't perform the way she expected them to and didn't help her reputation. Jeffrey was just getting a little taste of what he had gotten for years now.

Jeffrey spent most of the day glaring at Dave with impotent rage, but wasn't able to do anything yet as the last few times he had tried doing so it had backfired on him rather badly. Noticing the shifting dynamics some of his classmates warmed up to him some, but Dave was still cautious about interacting with them. They hadn't cared to get to know him when he was on the bottom after all. The only ones he would be more interested in were any of the girls that could gain him some rewards.

His main focus during class remained Kate though. He might have gotten his reward already, but he wasn't just going to abandon the women that had already given him rewards unless they had wronged him. He might not be monogamous with them, but as long as they remained faithful and loyal to him he wouldn't abandon them and they could enjoy growing along with him.

Of course the moment they stopped being loyal was the moment he would be done with them. It wasn't something that would surprise him. After all if they cheated on others to be with him then they could also cheat on him to be with others. He wasn't delusional. The only thing he had going for himself was that he planned to become better than any of their alternatives which should reduce the amount that wasn't able to remain loyal.

Throughout the day he sometimes caught Mara looking at him with a conflicted look, but just shrugged it off. Things still needed time to develop to his taste.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 16+ chapters ahead.

Writing Soundtrack: Titans In Time - Various Tracks

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