NeoRealm – Staring Back Into the Future

Chapter 50 – Fluffy Bird in Charge

Using Blast Punch had felt almost completely different. Before his Energy flowed naturally along with his strength. Travelling down his arm it would burst out of his fist after having followed what to Jason had been the natural path for it to take. Now though if before the skill was like a meandering stream the current feel was like a broad river. Straight from his core the Energy rushed down the filaments directly to his fist. The whole arm being used to move the Energy. While this might only speed up his skill imperceptibly right now Jason can tell it will be of great help for anything with a longer activation time.

Satisfied with what he has found Jason continues onward. While he debated for a moment whether he should stay and fight in this area for a while. His skill was very effective against the emus. However only being in advantageous fights would not be good for his progress. Though he needn’t have worried as the emu territory doesn’t seem to end.

The wasp style emus however get phased out. Sadly for the birds what replaces them is an even worse match up with Jason. While being based on a heavily armored beetle would normally make them safe. With how slow they are the Blast Punch combined with Jasons maneuverability hard counters them. They don’t stand a chance against him and the minuscule amount of XP they give him shows even the System knows it. After the first few he doesn’t even bother with them and instead makes his way through the area.

Not even minding if they see him Jason makes good time. Running past the slow moving birds he weaves between spires. Though the emus eventually stop him. A fight soon develops after Jason barely avoids a shot of acid. The enemies finally had variety to them. Instead of just the slow beetle emus a new type and two of a returning old type. On top of the two biggest slow birds are a pair of Vespula emu. The same type that had been leading the first fight he saw between the dogs and emus. Just this alone would temp Jason to avoid them but it seems that isn’t an option. Only one of them fired a shot at him, the other is holding back, likely to prevent his escape.

Holding this group together is the new emu. Being close enough Jason can glimpse its name and what the System tells him doesn’t look good. The “Lesser Swarm Node Emu” weighs in at a poultry level 10 but if anything this only makes it more dangerous. Jason is already a good example of why level do not mean everything. Any creature staying in an area like this and under leveled? Especially with terms like “Lesser” being thrown on? Though to top this cake of bad times off the thing looks the least insectoid of the bunch. In fact, if it wasn’t for the name you might mistake it for a baby. Being half the size of even the smallest emu Jason had seen yet and covered in the fluffiest of down this critter does not look dangerous.

“Looks like I found why the emu’s have such a large territory. Hiveminds are not a thing to joke around with. That thing isn’t even up to my knees yet the surrounding emus are positioned with military precision. They are looking for a fight so I can’t stop it but I need to decide now. Do I kill it or not?”

Jason doesn’t even get to finish his thoughts though. This enemy isn’t willing to let him gather wool. The 5 slow emu take up a star formation around the Node with the acid emus on the back points. Ready they approach him at a slow jog. Jason makes motions of running to the side but a sizzling glob of acid blocks his path. Shaking his head, he gets into a stable stance and waits for them.

Moments later the front emu arrives before him with a kick. While Jason is deflecting it the other two riderless beetle emus fan out into flanking positions. However, just as they get into position Jason uses the force from blocking the others kick to spin around with a high kick. While the armor protects his target, the bird is dazed for a moment putting it in a bad situation. Jason doesn’t take this chance though and instead moves on to attack the other flanker. A good decision as another glob of acid slides right past him through his previous position. It comes so close that some acid splatters him in passing.


Ignoring the pain Jason continues his attack with a Blast Punch at the unhurt flankers body. Unlike in his previous fights though, this emu blocks his blow with a raised leg. Generally, a smart choice in other situations. However, the sound of a breaking bone and the emu falling to the ground proves otherwise. While emus in real life have stronger bones than most birds, especially in the legs, these gave up some of that strength for their exoskeleton.

With one of their numbers unexpectedly taken down the two emus in melee range retreat. Taking this chance Jason finishes the downed one off. As he turns back to them a surprise acid shot falls behind him. The ranged emus seem to have taken on using a more artillery style of combat. Lobbing shots of acid up over his head to force him to come at them. The group now in a square formation with the Node between the spitters they seem ready for him.

Taking a cue from them Jason approaches the formation at a slow pace. He throws a half hearted punch to the left emu before turning his motion into a back kick. This takes the emu to the right by surprise as it tries to attacking him. The kick doesn’t do much damage, but this was the dazed emu from before and it cringes from the attack. Taking a chance the left emu whips its head at Jason in a fierce pecking motion. Not having expected this attack it wings him as he staggers back.


Both the groups are once again standing apart. The Node and Jason stare at each other waiting for the other to make a move. The barest of movement from one of the acid birds and Jason tenses causing the bird to stop. Both of sides are now stuck in a standoff but Jason is running out of time. This is the birds territory so they have all day to wait and may receive reinforcements. Finally, Jason release all the tension in his muscles.

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