Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy

Part 25

Chapter 27


Marcy woke up with a loud groan as her alarm went off loudly and way too early. She really had to drag herself out of bed as she didn’t look forward to her day ahead at all, but she couldn’t afford to waste much time at all as she still had a busy morning ritual to take care of. It started off bad with the kiss to the dildo, although she had to admit that the plastic was way preferable opposed to the real deal.


Another groan escaped Marcy’s lips as she got out of bed. The corset had stayed tight since yesterday at CC’s and after spending a whole night in it her whole torso felt somewhat sore. Never the less she got up and minced her way to the bathroom where she headed for the toilet first.


Her plug which had been keeping her aroused all evening had also cause the sanitary sissy condom to be filled once more. Even though that there wasn’t a sign that her blackmailer was awake already Marcy was too nervous to fuck up so she pulled the condom off and swallowed it’s contents instead of just throwing it away. She shuddered in disgust, not at all happy to have to start off her day with the taste of cum.


After relieving herself and putting on a new sanitary sissy condom Marcy got up and went to the sink to prepare her enema bag. While she waited for it to fill she carefully peeled off her facial mask, surprised at how much smoother her skin looked now that it was well hydrated with all dead skin cells sticking in the mask.


Now that the enema bag with the scented soap was filled she went about delivering it. Hanging the bag up, kneeling on her bathroom floor and slowly pulling het plug out before carefully replacing it with the enema nozzle. Careful not to cum as that would land her in trouble. The big amount of water flooding her intestines remained uncomfortable, luckily there never was a trace left to tell her she needed a second enema after she emptied herself.


With her insides cleaned Marcy replaced the batteries of her plug and shoved it back in. Taking a shower was out of the question with how she couldn’t take off her corset, so instead she just washed what she could take off as well as those nasty boxers.


Luckily she still had pink panties and stockings from another set which would match with her corset. So that’s what she put on although she would have preferred something less colourful that would look more like socks since she realised full well her ankles would be visible again. The best thing she had in that regard were the white opaque stockings that went with her schoolgirl outfit. Even those would look ridiculous under her jeans though.


Getting dressed in yesterday’s outfit Marcy was nearly ready to leave. The only thing that rested was packing her belongings like her phone and wallet. Out of habit she tried shoving them into her pockets only to realise that her pockets were way to small to fit anything but her key without the chain in. She had heard girls complain about this and not really thought much about it, but now it really annoyed her that those pockets really were there just for show.


Marcy fixed this issue by throwing it into her old black backpack. The one she had used to go to school previously. Believing she had pulled of everything that was asked of her correctly Marcy grabbed her backpack, give the dildo a farewell kiss and headed out hiding the washed boxer’s in their usual spot.


Nervously Marcy minced towards the bus stop, at least this time his parents were well out of the house already. Almost halfway to that bus stop Marcy suddenly realised she was mincing. She hadn’t even thought about it, but now that she did she quickly corrected herself with a blush. Luckily she hadn’t run into any of the neighbours.


The bus ended up being only half full and much to Marcy’s relieve she didn’t get stared at like she had been yesterday when she left CC’s. Most girls didn’t even look up, while she felt the stare of pretty much all the men checking her out. If anything it proved that people pretty much accepted her as being nothing but a pretty young woman. It was a horrible realisation for Marcy who had tried her best to appear as normal as possible. Objectively speaking though she blended in even better than she did when she tried clinging onto her old male self. It wasn’t something she was happy with at all though.


Throughout the entire bus ride there was one guy in particular who kept stealing glances at her. It was making her very nervous and embarrassed to be dragging this much unwanted male attention. It was so bad that she was relieved when the bus finally pulled over in the seedy neighbourhood where Suzan’s Salon was situated.


Although she had no desire to go the salon she hurried over there as fast as she could. This neighbourhood was one she didn’t feel safe in as a guy, let alone looking like she currently did. There was no telling what the thugs hanging around here might do to her and thus the relative safety of Suzan’s Salon was preferable, even if a painful waxing was probably awaiting her there.


Spotting the building where Suzan’s Salon was Marcy was surprised to find it looking completely different than the faded old thing she had visited previously. The front was basically one big window with a sliding door in it. Above a lacquered pink bar was sitting reading the new name which apparently was “Suzan’s Sissies and other Deviants”.


Entering the salon the surprises kept coming. The entire interior looked brand new, with new equipment, freshly pink painted walls and an impeccable white marble floor. It looked more like a place fitting for a fancy shopping mall rather than this rundown neighbourhood although it all looked a little too pink for such a setting.


Behind a fancy glass counter a pretty Hispanic girl stood at attention. At least everyone would think she was a girl at first sight, but by now Marcy could spot a sissy if she saw one. The frills and bows added to the slightly too scantly clad uniform and the lack of breasts made her suspect so at least.


It was a suspicion which got confirmed quickly as the girl spoke up with a bad lisp just like Stephanie did. “Welcome to thuthan’th thithieth and other deviantth, what can I…” She started off, but got cut short by Suzan who walked in from somewhere in the back. She pretty much seemed to be the only thing that hadn’t been upgraded in this store, she was still wearing that formless pink dress, her nude thick support stockings and her comfortable loafers.


“Aaaah Marcy, how good to see you again. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart as you have single handily saved my Salon from going bankrupt. As you have probably noticed it is quiet an improvement from last time and I have so many new and improved products to work with.” Suzan said with a smirk as she walked past the counter and pulled a shocked Marcy into a tight hug.


“After Linda noticed my work when you became a client at her store, she promptly contacted me and offered me a deal I simply couldn’t refuse. She sponsored the entire renovation of my salon and included me on her website. You see we have decided to become partners. While she takes care of the clothing, I take care of all the beauty needs of our city’s sissies. She refers her clients to me and vice versa.” Suzan smile down at the shocked sissy.


As far as Marcy was concerned this was a match made in hell. She didn’t even want to think about all that Suzan had been able to do with those funds or how that poor sissy behind the counter had ended up here. It made her even more worried for her current visit.


“I’ve also managed to make a deal with the local gang so they’ll surely leave you and any other client of mine alone. So there is no need to worry when you come here. That is unless of course you would try to run away without paying or in your case before the appointment you master paid for is finished, but I trust that won’t be an issue. I’m sure you have been looking forward to this as much as I have. In any case if you would try to run there is a panic button which signals to the gang that they don’t have to leave you alone anymore.” Suzan smirked seeing the panic in Marcy’s eyes.


“Anyways, enough formalities let’s get you all settled in because we have a lot of work to do.” Suzan said as she wrapped an arm around Marcy’s shoulder and led her to the back of the Salon where she had gotten her waxing last time.


The back of the store was entirely renovated as well with a big pink leather massage table as its centre piece. It was positioned right underneath a full-length mirror on the ceiling. “Good now why don’t you get undressed and take place on the table Marcy dear?” Suzan grinned with a predatory smile.


Remembering the spanking she had gotten last time as well as Suzan’s earlier words about the thugs outside Marcy knew better than to object. As fast as she could she stripped down to her lingerie. “Take off everything darling, even those cute panties of yours” Suzan said with a smirk seeing that Marcy had no intention to remove her lingerie.


Taking off her stockings and panties with an even brighter blush Marcy turned towards Suzan and nervously asked. “Uhm Miss Suzan, could you please help me with the corset? Miss Linda put it on really tightly yesterday and the bow is too high up for me to reach.”


This only seemed to make Suzan’s already amused smirk grow even wider. “Well of course Marcy darling. We will have to remember to lace you in tightly once more when your treatment is over.” Suzan said as she untied the corset’s bow, finally releasing its tight grip on Marcy’s torso. There wasn’t a lot of room to enjoy her new found freedom however as she got on the table for her treatment. Al thought it was silly, looking down on her own exposed body made her feel even more vulnerable. Especially with those pressure marks from the corset all over her torso.


Marcy’s vulnerable feeling only grew as Suzan suddenly pulled a pair of pink padded leather cuffs out from under the table and fastened them around Marcy’s wrists and ankles. Suzan could see that Marcy wasn’t about to give her any problems, but she did like having her subjects secured and at her mercy.


“My my Marcy, wearing one of Linda’s special condoms as well? My Angel wears one too! It’s really true what she says about you sissies, you really are such horny little things leaking day in and day out. I see you haven’t been wearing one all that long though.” Suzan said with a mysterious smirk before pulling out something that looked a little like a hair dryer.


“Good, now let’s start your treatment, this is a new product on the market. It should yield better and longer lasting results than the waxing does. I’ve heard it’s less painful even, in any case it sure is a lot less work for me.” Suzan smirked as she put on a pair of sunglasses, pulling a pair of pink framed heart shaped sunglasses on Marcy as well. The thing she was holding was a device for laser hair removal and she sure wasn’t lying when she said it should give longer lasting results. What she didn’t say however was that she meant permanent results. That would just cause unnecessary whining on the sissy’s part.


As Suzan carefully moved the strange devices over Marcy’s legs there were all kinds of flashes underneath it hence the stupid sunglasses Marcy guessed. It didn’t exactly hurt less though. The pain was just different, burning rather than sharp. If it would need to happen less frequent however Marcy thought it might be worth it though.


Suzan was meticulous as she made sure to pass over every single spot of Marcy’s body with the exception of her pubic area and her head. She did take the beard area along as well though just to be sure that Marcy would never grow a beard. For the pubic area Suzan took a way finer pen like device with which she carefully outlined the heart shape and the MJ formed in the middle.


Making sure Marcy had at least two cuffs on at all times Suzan flipped the sissy on her stomach and went over the back as well. None to gentle she pulled out the sissy’s plug and lasered carefully in between her cheeks as well. There she added some kind of slightly burning substance to the area around her anus, waiting a few minutes before wiping it away and shoving the plug back in. Marcy would probably never notice it, but she had just bleached the sissy’s asshole making it look more appealing and fuckable before turning her back over.


With Marcy’s body hair completely and permanently removed except for the heart shaped pubic patch Suzan asked. “So sissy, I’m supposed to give you a nice tongue stud of your own, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about right? One like my Angel has and one like your friend Stephanie has. Oh don’t look so scared and shocked Marcy, I know you’re going to love it as it will allow you to pleasure everyone you use that tongue on that much better and before you try to say anything or protest just listen first.” Suzan said as she gave the heart shape a shorter trim making it look even more pronounced as she worked in a new pastel pink colouring paste to touch up the roots.


“As I’m sure you’re aware of a piercing like that can create a bit of a let’s say lisp. It’s so very suiting for a sissy though, but if it’s that you’re worried about then you’ll want to listen closely. While it is true that putting a stud close to the tip of the tongue causes a lisp for obvious reasons, one can also be placed further back allowing for the same pleasurable use but without the lisp.” Suzan explained with a smile seeing she had Marcy’s attention now.


“Where I’ll place that piercing is up to you. I can place it close to the tip giving you that precious sissy lisp, or I can place it further back. However if I do place it further back I’ll be piercing your ears as well. Of course the choice is yours a precious lisp or earrings? If you want I could give you both though.” Suzan asked with a smirk knowing that Marcy probably didn’t want either option.


Shocked Marcy had a hard time figuring out which one the lesser of two evils was. That lisp would make her sound like a freak every time she tried to speak while the earing would make her look even girlier. Both would be hard to hide, but at least the earrings would be possible to hide. At least if you wore her hair over her ears that was. Wearing her hair like that would make her look girlier either way, but she guessed it was better than a lisp.


With a heavy heart Marcy finally made her preference known. “I would like to go for the piercing further back avoiding the lisp Miss Suzan.” Marcy announced not wanting to ask for the earrings while still going for that option.


“Great choice sissy, a pair of earrings can really be a great accessory. They can really make your outfits look classier or trashier depending on whether your goal is to dine at a diner or at a glory hole.” Suzan laughed. She didn’t mind not giving Marcy a lisp at all. A second stud could still be added further forward in the future after all.


Smirking broadly Suzan pulled out her piercing gun enjoying the frightened look on Marcy’s face. “Oh don’t worry Marcy, you’ll just feel a pinch. This won’t hurt too much I promise. I know how sensitive and frail you sissies are.” Suzan taunted knowing that the pain was probably the least of Marcy’s worries now.


Not wasting any more time Suzan leaned over Marcy and lined the gun up with the middle of Marcy’s earlobe. A light thud along with a sharp pinch followed. Suzan then quickly disinfected the hole and put a fluorescent pink keeper stud in the newly pierced hole before repeating the process on the other ear. Carefully she brushed Marcy’s hair behind her ears so she could have a good look at her newly pierced ears.


“Those came out great, now I know you probably want a pair of big hoops like my Angel has, but you’ll have to wait a bit for such earrings. First the holes need to heal a little. In any case let’s get on with that tongue piercing.” Suzan exclaimed. Marcy was horrified at that assumption. The last thing she wanted was for her earrings to be noticeable so big hoops were definitely out of the question. Even those pink studs were way too much for her as they were way too bright to go unnoticed if not covered by hair.


The prospect of the tongue piercing worried her greatly. She was afraid that Suzan would not keep her word and give her a lisp anyways. It’s not that she could do anything about it, tied down to the table. Hell even if she had chosen the lisp Suzan would have still been able to give her earrings as well, just like she was able to give her more piercings than agreed upon now. All she had was Suzan’s word and not surprisingly that wasn’t something she really put a lot of trust in.


When Suzan appeared above her head holding a pair of medical pliers Marcy’s panic rose. Not bothering to ask Marcy to stick out her tongue Suzan simply squeezed the sissy’s jaw muscles forcing her mouth open before reaching in with the pliers and pulling her tongue out. True to her word Suzan then lined the piercing gun up with her tongue on a spot further down than it was with Stephanie.


A thud and a sharp pinch later a hole was made in Marcy’s tongue, quickly getting filled with a stainless steel ball. “So all done, now you should be able to enjoy all the benefits of being an even better cock sucker or pussy muncher without the lisp.” Suzan proudly announced as she let go of Marcy’s tongue. The stud felt strange in her mouth and she sincerely hoped that Suzan was right and she wouldn’t develop a lisp.


“Good, now that that’s out of the way we can start with the other part of your appointment.” Suzan casually said seeing the instant look of shock wash over Marcy’s face. Not surprisingly since Marcy had thought this whole appointment was finally over.


After unlocking the cuffs holding Marcy down Suzan threw a pink nylon cape Marcy’s way. “Here put this on so your skin can breath a little longer while we take care of you for the remainder of your appointment.” Suzan said helping Marcy by tying it off in a big bow behind her back and neck.


Marcy felt like a fool wearing the cape. It was open in the back so if she turned with her back to the window her butt would be visible for everyone outside. Hesitance to get moving was a luxury she didn’t have however as Suzan once again wrapped her arm around her shoulder and forced Marcy to walk along.


She was led out back into the main area of the Salon where she was guided to a hair washing station. Seeing this Marcy only got even more nervous. What the hell was going to happen now? Whatever it was this couldn’t be good at all, but running wasn’t an option so with a shudder Marcy resigned herself to her fate as she allowed Suzan to sit her down in the reclined chair, her head hanging over the edge of the washbasin.


“Angel, come over here and take care of Marcy’s nails while I wash her hair will you?” Suzan called out to the sissy behind the counter only making Marcy worry even more as her long brown hair got carefully scooped into the washbasin and the tap started running. She was breathing heavily but there was no escaping this, she would just have to see this trough and hope for the best.


“Yeth Mith Thuthan, right away!” Angel lisped out as she minced her way over to washing station, rolling along a trolley with materials before kneeling down in front of Marcy. she didn’t waste any time as she started removing all the smallest hints of calluses from Marcy’s feet before staring to file her toenails to perfection.


While Angel worked on Marcy’s feet Suzan wet her hair now that the tap was on temperature. A moment later the room filled with a strong scent of overly sweet strawberries as Suzan worked a good amount of shampoo in Marcy’s hair. After rinsing it out she washed Marcy’s hair again using that same shampoo, before rinsing and washing it with a conditioner that smelled the same.


In the meantime, Angel kept working on Marcy’s nails. She had filed Marcy’s fingernails as well and was now carefully applying something cool to them. Marcy didn’t recognise the feeling, but she did recognise that typical smell as nail polish from when she had noticed her mother doing it from time to time. With Suzan taking care of her hair she couldn’t look down to assess the damage though.


Rinsing out the conditioner Suzan started drying Marcy’s hair slightly with a towel, enough to ensure it wouldn’t drip everywhere, yet leaving it wet enough for a fresh cut. Angel was just finishing up as well while Suzan kept Marcy seated for a few more minutes so the polish could dry.


Once the polish was dried Suzan pulled Marcy out of the chair and led her over to one of the hairdresser’s chairs where she promptly got seated again. On the way there she had a chance to look down at nails. She was shocked to see her toenails sporting a luscious shining pastel pink colour, but slightly relieved when she noticed her fingernails had gotten just a clear coating. They shone a bit more, but they were still somewhat normal looking although maybe a bit on the dainty side as her short nails were filed into a perfect oval. Too perfect for a guy who simply cut them every now and then.


“Let’s get to work on that hair of yours Marcy cause let us be honest it’s a big mess. All brushed out it might look reasonably good at first glance, but a closer look is enough to tell that it hasn’t been cut in ages. You have a ton of split ends and there simply is no style in it at all.” Suzan scolded further worrying Marcy.


First of all she started by combing Marcy’s damp hair down all around her head. Like she had expected there was no style in it whatsoever. Taking Marcy who was blinded by the hair in front of her eyes completely by surprise Suzan snipped away the hair just above her eyebrows in a straight line creating a pair of bangs which immediately made Marcy’s hairdo very girly.


As Marcy just stared at her reflection in shocked horror, seeing how even without makeup she looked more like a girl than a guy right now, Suzan just continued snipping around Marcy’s head, evenly trimming off all the split ends. It was a pretty simple and straightforward cut and so it didn’t take all that long to complete.


Before Marcy was able to recuperate from seeing herself with bangs, Suzan was already brushing and drying her hair. She used a round brush to wrap Marcy’s hair around as she dried it, creating a slight wave and a lot of volume throughout the sissy’s new hairdo. By the time she was done the cut looked decisively girly. The bangs and the now shining healthy hair looked so much better than just brushing it had done.


“There you are Marcy, it looks so much better than before and I’m positive that everyone will think so. This new hairdo really does bring out the pretty sissy in you but then again, it wasn’t all that hard since you already had so much and such long hair to play around with. I’m just happy that I could help you style it like you must have dreamed of when you started growing it out.” Suzan smirked loving the way Marcy’s do had turned out. Luckily Marcy had such long hair as it was way more fun to play around with than Angel’s shortish hair when she was placed under her care. A short bob was all she had been able to do with Angel’s hair.


“Now there’s only one tiny detail left and then you’re all ready to get dressed and be on your way.” Suzan said turning Marcy’s horror back into worry. What the hell could she possibly do that hadn’t already been done?


The answer came quickly when Suzan approached Marcy’s face with a pair of tweezers. “I’ve noticed your eyebrows are a mess when I cut your bangs so let’s fix that, especially that small start of a unibrow is simply unacceptable. We have to get rid of that before it can grow visible. Now don’t worry, I will only remove the stray hairs, so it looks somewhat neater. You can decide for yourself whether you like thin arches or fuller brows later.” Suzan said as she plucked away a few hairs making Marcy wince.


Once she was done one couldn’t really tell much of a difference. They certainly did look a little more well kept and they didn’t help the overall picture making her look even more girly, but in the end it was the least of her worries. The bigger question was how in the hell she was supposed to hide her earrings and what had happened to her hair.


“So, much better. You’re all ready to go now so let’s go back to the backroom and give you your clothes back, don’t worry, I’ll help you with your corset.” Suzan said with a smirk as she pulled Marcy out of the seat and guided her to the back once more.


Although she couldn’t really refuse it Marcy really wished she could refuse Suzan’s help with her corset. The burly salon owner laced her in even tighter than Linda had done yesterday. The corset had felt somewhat okay on her way here as her waist had adapted to the severe constriction over time, but now it was pulled in even tighter than it had been making it just as uncomfortable as when Linda had first laced her in yesterday. Once more the bow was placed up too high for Marcy to reach.


With her corset back in place Marcy quickly put on the remainder of her outfit. She wanted to get out of here as fast as she could before Suzan got any other ideas. One thing she noticed when she rolled her sheer pink stockings back up her legs was how different and how much silkier they felt now that her legs were completely smooth again.


At least all of this was paid for already, while there hadn’t been enough on her card for her complete outfit at CC’s there was still some money left on it. If Suzan was in the CC’s price range though there was no way she could afford this visit which would probably mean she would get thrown out in front of those thugs without the protection Suzan had made a deal for. That or she would have to work for Suzan as well, both prospects terrified her.


“Bye bye sissy, see you next time always fun helping you out.” Suzan waved with a smirk as Marcy picked up her bag and walked out as fast as she possibly could. She wasn’t too thrilled about going out in the world with her new hairstyle, reeking strongly of sweet strawberries but she certainly wasn’t spending a minute longer in this salon.


Walking to the bus stop at a quick pace Marcy was suddenly shook up by a loud ping coming from her backpack signalling she had a message. Opening up her phone her face went pale seeing it was a message from her blackmailer.


“Shame on you Marcy! Suzan just called me and she informed me that you didn’t mince, she also told me that you didn’t even thank her or compliment her on her work. In fact she informed me that you barely said a word during you whole appointment. That’s not how a proper sissy behaves. You should be grateful and enthusiastic at all times. Now like I told you yesterday the punishment for not mincing properly is adding another cock to the ones you already have to suck before you get to cum. Your rudeness equals yet another cock so that makes two extra cocks for a total of four before your next orgasm. Since I’m not cruel I give you the address to a few of my favourite glory hole spot’s there should be plenty of cock for you to suck there. Who knows you might even end up sucking mine, would you recognise it already?” The text read followed by a list of addresses.


Marcy was shocked. She didn’t take in account that not mincing at Suzan’s would get her in trouble as well. Now that she gave it some more thought it was stupid of her not to think about it, but it was too late for that now and as a result she would have to suck even more cock.


Her not thanking Suzan hadn’t even been to be rude, it was simply because she was scared of what she would sound like. Despite seeing that her tongue stud was indeed moved further back she still wasn’t sure if it would keep her from lisping and she didn’t want to find out either. It was the entire reason she hadn’t said a word after that piercing. Of course if she was honest there was no way in which she wanted to thank Suzan either after what she had done to her, but that stubbornness and fear sure as hell weren’t worth sucking another cock. She would have to remember to be more enthusiastic next time event though she still hoped there wouldn’t be a next time.


With four cocks to go she had a lot of sucking work to get to her next orgasm, one she could really use already since that plug had been keeping her continuously horny since last night. On top of that, not getting it over with today would just put her total on five cocks to suck tomorrow.


As much as the thought of having to wrap her lips around a cock made her shudder she realised it might be best to just get it over with now. After all her parents wouldn’t be home yet for a long time so she had all the time in the world to get it over with and get back in her bedroom before they got home. With her new outfit and hairstyle there simply was no way in which she wanted to risk having to sneak past them and run the risk of getting caught. Up until now they luckily respected her privacy enough to leave her be in her room, but with how long this was going on already she didn’t know how much longer it would take until they demanded to see her.


That was a worry for later though, there was not much she could do about it anyways so she just opted to push the thoughts of this confrontation away until it happened besides she still had other worries like having to find four cocks to suck. Yesterday she had already figured out that a gloryhole would be the least worst option for her it was far from good, but it would have to do.


She could of course wait longer, but tomorrow was Friday and she had no illusions that she would be able to contain her arousal until Monday. It would be impossible and since she didn’t want to risk having to sneak past her parents she would have to get her arousal out of her system today or tomorrow. With a deep sigh she decided it was best to just get most of those cocks done with so with a dreadful feeling she pulled up the list her blackmailer had sent her and started looking for a place that would have the most decent gloryhole. If there even was such a thing as a decent gloryhole.


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