Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy

Part 23

Chapter 25


While Marcy was doing her best to reapply the many makeup products Stephanie had shown her to use, Stephanie was making quick work out of repairing her own makeup. It was very clear that she was very practiced at it since she only needed a few minutes to reapply the complex look. The rest of it was spent sternly supervising Marcy’s job.


When she was finally finishing up she was once again shocked at how much this make up made her look like a real girl. It really did make a world of difference, even though it wasn’t quite perfect yet. “Hmm, that’th good enough for now. You’re thowing improvement and it’th thtarting to look good if you don’t look too clothe.” Stephanie eventually lisped once Marcy was done with her make up. Although Marcy wasn’t all too happy to be complimented on such a skill, it was a huge relief to hear Stephanie was satisfied with her work. After all even an unwanted compliment was so much better than that painful crop.


Another problem now was that she didn’t really know whether or not she should thank Stephanie and curtesy to her for that compliment. It was pretty much a dilemma for Marcy. Curtsying, especially to Stephanie was very embarrassing, so she wanted to keep it at an absolute minimum. At the same time however, she knew that if she forgot to curtesy when she should, she would face another lash with the crop as well as being forced to perform the curtesy anyways.


In the end Marcy decided it was better to be safe rather than sorry, better curtesy too much than too little. So she reluctantly got up and dropped into a deep curtesy towards Stephanie saying. “Thank you Stephanie for complimenting my make up.”


When she got back up out of her curtesy Marcy saw a broad smile plastered across Stephanie’s face who was obviously enjoying her embarrassment. “Alright, we’ve lotht enough time already. It’th time to get back to work tho chop chop off you go to the thtore once more.” She lisped, happy to see that her strict training was obviously paying off.


“Yes Stephanie.” Marcy obediently said dipping into another curtesy before paying attention to keep a perfect mince as she walked into the store again. As long as she remembered to mince it had actually become quite easy to do so. It still made her feel like a fool, but it didn’t feel all that unnatural and forced anymore.


The broad smile on Stephanie’s face hasn’t left at all as she followed Marcy into the store. She quickly thrust a feather duster into Marcy’s hands. It had a shining white handle and pink feathers matching her over the top maid uniform.


“Thince you did thuch a good job vacuuming the whole thtore thith morning, I think the time hath arrived to clean the thtorefront window ath well. Your job thith afternoon ith to dutht off all the mannequinth in the thtorefront window, you are to do tho carefully and with motionth from the writht alone. Don’t worry, I’ll correct where needed.” Stephanie said, enjoying the look of pure horror on Marcy’s made up face.


 Her entire workday had been a humiliating nightmare up until now, but this latest task was so much worse than anything she had to do before. Hell even sucking that delivery drivers cock in the backroom was better than this. Sure it was gross, but at least it was private. Working in this store was technically in public and people could very well walk in if they wanted to, only due to the kind of store it was no one really walked in here unless they had really planned to. Unlike other clothing stores this one didn’t have random customers who were just browsing stores. No one looked at the storefront and thought they might find a nice bargain dress in here, especially with the price tags. Only people with ulterior motives and a clear goal came here.


If she had to clean the mannequins in the store front then the relative safety of the store would be gone and she would be seen by pretty much every passer-by. After all it would be really hard not to notice her in this ridiculous outfit, especially with the required delicate movements she was told to make. She just couldn’t handle the horror of mincing in that store front and so she froze completely, too scared to object as well.


Stephanie recognised that look of frozen horror very well. By now she also knew Marcy well enough that she had an idea of how to push her buttons to make her comply after all. “Are you jutht going to thtand here, or are you going to get to work? You know if you jutht thtand around inthead of earing your thchool girl uniform back I can alwayth give you another ten hitth and I can get my mommy. I’m thure thhe would be dithpleathed. I imagine thhe would have no other choice but to call the police and thay you stole that outfit during a previouth thhift.” Stephanie lisped with a smirk, enjoying how Marcy look turned from horror to fear.


Having to clean in that storefront window would be horrible yes, but if the police got involved and she got arrested things would be so much worse. All kinds of horror scenarios flashed through her mind. The snickering officers would be bad, having a record would be devastating for getting in a college at the end of this summer. At this moment college was her biggest hope of escaping this whole situation so she couldn’t ruin that.


Even worse would be that her parents would have to bail her out and she doubted Linda would let her change into her normal outerwear first. Her secret would be out for everyone. Marcy didn’t know how her parents would react, but she feared for the very worst. The first terms which came to mind were being disowned or kicked out.


Then there was also the problem of what would happen once she was arrested. Sure she might not go to jail if her father would take on her case, but even the holding cell could be terrible especially if it had to be shared with someone. Since she was a guy you would certainly end up with other guys and from all the stories she had heard regarding prison’s and prison bitches she couldn’t help but wonder how long she would survive in such an environment, or rather what she would have to do to survive there.


Scared out of her mind Marcy dipped into a curtesy. “I’ll get to it right away Stephanie.” She whimpered obediently before mincing off to the storefront as fast as she could, praying that at least no one she knew would be passing by. After all it would be inevitable that she would get spotted by a lot of people. Despite not having many visitors this store sure drew the attention of every passer-by with the exaggerated outfits. Marcy could only imagine her movements would attract even more looks.


Climbing up on the small podium where the mannequins stood on proved to be rather difficult for Marcy in her high heels with the corset hindering her movements. Once up on the stand she was painfully aware that she was now in plain sight, no longer behind the thin pink wall separating the storefront from the rest of the store. Dressed in her maid outfit with the tons of petticoats holding up her skirt she was painfully aware of just how well she fit in between the mannequins.


She had only barely gotten up on the storefront when a girl a little older than her walked by, her eyes were glued on her phone screen until Marcy’s movements were caught in her peripheric view. She only meant to glance up shortly, but when she saw the what looked to her as a pretty girl in the outrageous maid’s dress standing between those outrageously dressed mannequins, she just couldn’t pull her eyes away until she was well past the store.


Marcy had instantly looked away, too mortified to run the risk of them crossing gazes. Under normal circumstances things would have been wildly different. The girl was rather pretty and with the horny hormones ragging through Marcy’s body she would have blatantly stared at this girl as long as she possibly could and not all too subtle either. Just like most guys her age would have. Now that she had been subjected to such a stare she hoped she would never have to see this girl ever again. God she would be mortified if she ran into her once more. Even without the makeup and normal outerwear.


“Don’t jutht thtand there Marcy, there ith work to do. If you are going to freeze at every pather by I better call mommy in here right now tho thhe can call the copth anyway. I mean there will be tonth of pather by’th.” Stephanie said cruely, enjoying Marcy’s plight.


“One word of advice, jutht focuth on the tathk at hand. I expect you to preform perfectly tho quit focuthing on the window and focuth on the mannequinth. The thtareth will come either way, but if you don’t focuth on the mannequinth another few hitth will be added to the mix, and I wont thhy away from giving them right there.” Stephanie added.


Marcy was mortified, but she guessed Stephanie was right, looking at all the passers-by would be no help, in fact it might even do harm since she doubted anyone would recognise her from behind. Gulping loudly, she got to work mincing over to the furthest mannequin and starting to dust of its plastic face with limp wristed waves using her feather duster.


Cleaning these Mannequins made Marcy pay real close attention to them for the first time. While before during quick looks she had noticed these mannequins weren’t exactly female ones, it only now became clear how much effort had gone into making these really sissy mannequins. They were flat chested and obviously male in that regard, yet unlike most male mannequins there was not a single sign of muscle tone on them. On top of that their shoulders were rather narrow and their limbs simply slender. Even their faces had some sharpness to them although it was carefully hidden under a layer of painted on makeup.


The closer she looked the more painfully obvious resemblances to herself she spotted on these mannequins. Pretty much every characteristic she noticed to define these mannequins as sissy rather than female or male was present on her as well. She couldn’t help but come to the conclusion that she had really turned into one big sissy, no matter how hard she still wanted to deny it.


Despite following Stephanie’s ‘advice’ and focusing on her task rather than who saw her and who was passing by, Marcy’s nerves didn’t ease one bit. Not seeing who was watching her or if she was being watched was possibly even worse since standing there in the storefront window made her feel so exposed that she felt like she was being watched by at least a hand full of people at all times. Still it might be preferable to seeing what was really going on and who was really watching her, if not it at least helped her avoid the crop.


Her feelings of exposure only got worse as well as to clean the lower parts of the mannequins she had to bend at the hips, keeping her legs straight just like Stephanie had shown her this morning. It had the unfortunate effect of exposing her panties to everyone in the street and she was painfully aware of it.


This afternoon felt like one of the longest of Marcy’s entire life as she remained in the storefront, giving each mannequin a thorough limp wristed once over with the feather duster, exposing her panties for the whole world to see before mincing over to the next one and repeating the process.


It was already near closing time when she finally minced back into the store. She was probably seen by half the city by now or so it felt. At least she had managed to avoid the crop, having perfectly minced and cleaned all afternoon long. She was both physically and mentally drained and she hoped this was finally the end of it and she would be allowed to go home.


“Congratulationth Marcy, you have carried yourself like a perfect thithy all afternoon I’m tho proud of you. You really did an amazing job, or at leatht the faceth of all passer-by’th looked rather amazed to thay the leatht.” Stephanie giggled with delight rubbing a bit more salt in the wound.


 “Thank you Stephanie.” Marcy meekly said dipping into yet another curtesy. She was too tired to resist by now, just going along with the show and hoping it would all be over soon.


“Alright, let’th go thee mommy. Thhe’ll tell you if you can go or not and if you have done a good enough job in her eyeth.” Stephanie said instantly spotting how Marcy’s expression changed to a scared nervous one. While Stephanie with the crop was scary it was Linda she really feared. She could feel her stomach turn to knots walking behind Stephanie to her office and waiting at the door after Stephanie knocked.


Even Stephanie looked slightly nervous now that they stood in front of the office door. After all a lot depended on this for her as well. If Marcy didn’t answer to Linda’s satisfactions, then she would get punished as well. If she had done a good job then she would get a reward, but knowing her stepmother those rewards were often pretty humiliating as well. Still they were way better than the punishments.


“Come on in sissies!” Came the sudden confident voice of Linda after letting them wait for a full minute. Instantly the door opened and both sissies nervously minced in, dropping into a deep curtesy in front of her before getting back up while their head remained down cast. Neither of the sissies dared make eye contact with her and she loved it.


“I have to say Marcy, I’m pleasantly surprised that you make such a good sissy. I hadn’t expected you to move so outrageously swishy after just one day, but it must be that you’re a real natural at this. Of course I also have to compliment my Stephanie for doing such a good job in guiding you along. I do think she has earned a reward. Naturally I have only seen fragments so I can’t really judge whether or not she really deserves one. You on the other hand have been there all the time Marcy.” Linda said with a big smirk seeing the relief on Stephanie’s face while Marcy looked deeply embarrassed at being called a natural sissy.


“So Marcy, what do you think? Has my Stephanie earned a reward? Are you satisfied with her guidance? Do you think you’re a much better sissy now thanks to Stephanie? Or hasn’t she done quite that much and are you really such a natural?” Linda asked with a smirk. No matter what Marcy answered it would be great. After all if she said Stephanie didn’t earn a reward then Stephanie would hate her even more. She would also have to admit that she really was a natural sissy. If she said the reward was earned however she would have to face the embarrassment of actually getting Stephanie reward for making her in such a sissy. No matter what Marcy would answer, embarrassment would follow.


The look on Marcy face basically told the story as her cheeks flushed red even before answering. She realised there was no answer that would safe her from more humiliation. Since Linda thought Stephanie deserved a reward however she didn’t dare go in against that. Afterall she was afraid she might get punished for it. “I… I think Stephanie has earned a reward Miss Linda.” Marcy eventually stammered dipping into another deep curtesy.


Linda’s intense stare told her she wasn’t yet satisfied with Marcy though. She looked like she was expecting more and eventually it got Marcy to rant on. “Stephanie has definitely earned a reward. Thanks to her I’ve become a much bigger sissy than I was this morning.” Marcy whimpered with yet another curtesy. She was mortified for saying this, just like a becoming a bigger sissy was something she wanted. Yet Linda’s satisfied smirk also brought a sense of relief. Linda always loved making the sissy’s nervous into ranting on. What they came up with always proved to be so much more embarrassing than just repeating after her.


“Alright Stephanie, I guess you really did earn a reward and since Marcy sounds so grateful, I guess it’s only fair that she gets to reward you and show her gratitude in the process.” Linda exclaimed with a big smirk, taking a moment to enjoy the worried looks on both sissies faces as neither of them knew what to expect, but knowing Linda they expected the worst. Even Stephanie who was supposed to be rewarded was worried.


“You remember how I told Marcy she could give you a blowjob way back? Well as a reward I think Marcy should give you some oral attention. Removing that cage is out of the question though so I guess Marcy will just have to stick to stimulating your boy pussy, a sissy’s only real sex organ.” Linda exclaimed watching the horror on both sissy’s faces grow while once more remembering Stephanie what she was angry about.


Neither Marcy nor Stephanie was thrilled about this to say the least. While for Stephanie it wasn’t so terrible, it would be better than her stepmothers huge strapon or some of the cocks she had to take. She still didn’t want Marcy anywhere close to such an intimate spot.


Marcy on the other hand was downright horrified. Having to say Stephanie earned a reward was already hard, actually having to give it to her and in such terrible fashion was downright disturbing. Hell sucking a cock was one thing, but actually licking another person’s butthole sounded nasty. It was the last thing she wanted to get her tongue near, already growing nauseous at the prospect alone. Doing so to thank Stephanie for turning her into an even bigger sissy only made this whole thing more offensive.


“Alright Stephanie, you’re going to lower your panties, roll up your skirt and lay down on your back across my desk. Marcy you can kneel in front of her with your head between her legs and get to work as soon as she’s in position.” Linda casually instructed the sissies as they both hurried to get into place, their fear of Linda bigger than their reluctance.


Once they were in place Marcy instantly noticed that things were even worse than she had foreseen. Taking her position between Stephanie’s legs she was confronted not only with the sissy’s butthole, plugged with a pink jewel, but also by the fact that her caged cock was pointing straight down at her face. She realised full well that if she made Stephanie cum, she would be cumming right on her face.


With a swift motion Linda grabbed the crystal base of Stephanie’s plug and pulled it out with ease leaving her clearly bleached butthole slightly gaping. Marcy was shocked seeing the sheer size of that plug combined with the ease with which it came out. At it’s widest it was probably as big as her fist. Something she couldn’t imagine ever fitting up a butt. Hell her relatively small but rather sophisticated plug felt huge already.


“Come on Marcy get on eating that butt, you do want to show your gratitude to Stephanie for helping you become a bigger sissy don’t you? It’s just like eating pussy, only instead of a clit you have to search for a small swelling if you curl your tongue up. You know that same special spot you like to play with so much” Linda smirked towards Marcy who was clearly reluctant, but didn’t have it in her to defy her.


Slowly Marcy inched forward, closing her eyes as she tried to imagine it was just a pussy she would be licking. Getting closer to Stephanie’s butthole she was at least relieved that it smelled like roses. Just like her Stephanie must be having regular enemas which made this slightly better. At least there wouldn’t be any nasty surprises, yet licking a butthole was nasty in and of itself, no matter how clean it was.


Pressing her lips against Stephanie’s gaping hole Marcy groaned but pressed forward. As with many things these days she just tried to get it over with and so she searched out Stephanie’s prostate with the tip of her tongue like Linda had told her to do, not long after that she managed to get a soft moan out of Stephanie.


Despite hating how this was happening Stephanie had to admit that Marcy’s tongue did feel good, not only the tongue, but the way the tip of her nose was rubbing against that sensitive spot between her butthole and cock. It was driving her crazy as slowly her moans became louder and more frequent.


Soon after Stephanie had started moaning Linda climbed on top of her desk herself. She rolled up her skirt revealing that she still hadn’t bothered putting her panties back on after lunch before casually straddling Stephanie’s face with her wet pussy.


Sitting down on her stepson’s face gave her the perfect point of view to see Marcy eating ass, the power rush was intense turning her on greatly and she was in exactly the right place to do something about it. “Stephanie darling, I want you to eat me out the way Marcy is eating you out. Oh and I better get off before you or you are going to be sorry after all.” She smirked.


She didn’t really plan on punishing Stephanie but making a game out of it was so much more fun. Despite how Stephanie was already moaning the odds were stacked in her favour completely. Sure she might not be able to hold out very long, but Stephanie had had a lot of practice eating pussy, especially hers. Combined with her tongue stud she should be able to win easily.


This didn’t mean Linda couldn’t make the challenge harder on Stephanie though. With a few swift motions she unbuttoned the sissy’s blouse and reached with her fingers into Stephanie’s bra cups, gently rolling the sissy’s puffy sensitive nipples between her finger while her tongue worked on her pussy.


Linda could feel the moaning underneath her increase, telling her her efforts were working. In the meantime, she was losing the battle with her orgasm though, not that she minded. In fact she was proud somewhere deep down that she had managed to make Stephanie such a great pussy muncher.


Not long after that a powerful orgasm coursed through Linda’s body as she pinched Stephanie’s nipples hard making her scream in her pussy while cumming all over her face. The pinch to the poor sissy’s nipples only stopped once she slowly came down from her high. The orgasm didn’t prompt her to get off of Stephanie’s face though. She just resumed gently playing with her nipples as she watched Marcy eat ass like her life depended on it.


Despite moaning loudly for a while now it still took Stephanie several minutes to cum and when she did it looked glorious from where Linda was sitting. She loved the way Stephanie’s cage suddenly started twitching as a load of clear looking cum spurt out of the tip all over Marcy’s face. It wasn’t a huge load by any means, but from the look of Marcy’s grimaces it didn’t really matter, it had the same effect.


After savouring that look Linda immediately got off Stephanie’s face allowing her to come down from her orgasm for a few seconds while she straightened out her skirt. “Look at you Marcy, proudly carrying the evidence of your first ever successful rim job. A proper way to say thank you if I do say so myself. Now get up, I believe it’s time for you to get ready to go back home. Your first workday here is officially over, so follow along to the employees lounge, unless of course you want to take the bus like this.” Linda taunted as she started leaving the office, leaving Stephanie behind on her desk.


Marcy was still shocked and horrified from having eaten ass and the facial, but Linda’s taunt was enough to get her right on her feet and mincing along. Finally this whole ordeal was over and there was no fucking way that she would go out like this. Having to clean the mannequins in the storefront had been more than enough exposure for a lifetime.


Once in the employee room Linda unzipped the back of Marcy’s dress. “Okay Marcy, you can take off everything but the lingerie, that you’ll be wearing home, so chop chop, get out of your outfit so I can pack it up.” Linda said clapping her hands. It confused Marcy, why did it need to be packed up? She decided not to ask questions and just go with it. After all she couldn’t wait to get out of this horrid outfit she had been stuck in all day.


The first things Marcy took off were her shoes. The high heels had been uncomfortable from the start, but after spending a whole day on her feet wearing them it felt like her feet and calves were on fire. It was such a relief to finally take them off, but at the same time standing flat somehow felt weird.


Out of her heels Marcy didn’t waste much time to take off her gloves, choker, headdress, the tie holding her hair up and finally the heavy dress and the seemingly endless layers of petticoats. She badly wanted to get out of that crushing corset as well, but it didn’t look like Linda was about to help her and she still couldn’t reach the bow. It worried her especially since she would have no way to get out of it once home. She couldn’t ask her parents, that was for sure. Maybe she could ask Lisa to come over and hope she would be willing to help her out.


With the outfit off Marcy quickly minced her way to the vanity table to remove her makeup and especially those nasty spurts of cum Stephanie had deposited on her face while she ate her ass. It took several wipes to put her at ease that she wouldn’t be able to clean anymore off. Rationally she knew it was all gone, but she could still feel and smell it. At least it didn’t smell as strong as her blackmailer’s had.


After the cleaning of her makeup, Marcy carefully moisturised her face just like Stephanie had shown her.  It was a step she would have certainly skipped if Linda hadn’t been there supervising. Moisturising made her skin shine, true it made her skin look much healthier, but one look on the mirror was enough to confirm her worry that it made her look girlier. Even without the makeup and with her hair down she looked more like a girl than a guy.


Turning back around she saw that Linda had laid out her jeans, t-shirt and sneakers on the bed along with three big pink CC’s bags which were obviously stuffed. It were those that instantly drug her attention as she stared at them with a confused look on her face.


Confusion Linda was all to happy to clear up. “I packed your uniform for you Marcy. After all I can hardly sell it or give it to someone else after you have worn it all day. No it’s yours. Of course as you know these clothes are expensive and you’ll have to work off your debt for this outfit as well. Minus your lunch break and the time it took to get you ready this morning I’m afraid you haven’t even earned back your first outfit yet. So I’ll be seeing you back next Wednesday is that clear? Otherwise I’m afraid I’ll have to inform the police of your theft.” Linda said with a big smile happy to entangle Marcy further, getting her to work from her a day every week from now on.


“I also put a fully equipped makeup-case in your bags on top of the box with your newest heels along with an instructional video on how to apply and use everything. So next week you’ll be expected here fully made up already so we don’t lose time. Also, I suggest you practice a bit since we do expect a substantially better job than you did today.” Linda informed Marcy, seeing the horror spread on her face as she realised, she would have to travel with a full face of makeup next week.


“Alright Marcy, it’s time for you to get dressed and get out, unless you want to stay a little longer of course. I can imagine a few ways in which we could have some more fun together.” Linda with a smirk as Marcy minced over to the bed where her clothes were in a hurry, obviously not wanting to stay any longer.


Up until now she hadn’t paid much attention to the clothes at all, having been too distracted by the bags. Now that she was standing in front of them however she realised these clothes weren’t hers. They were merely somewhat similar items but then catered to women. Shocked Marcy looked up at Linda and stammered. “Th…these aren’t my clothes.”


“Oh yes they are, unless of course you rather wear your new dress out. I can help you zip it back up if you insist.” Linda said teasingly, giving Marcy a daring look, making it clear that she meant it.


Marcy instantly knew there would be no arguing possible. Resigned to her fate she looked back to the clothes, then to Linda. “What about my wallet, my keys and my phone?” She whimpered in a last attempt to maybe get her old clothes back.


“Don’t worry, they are in the bag with your makeup case and heels.” Linda smirked easily fending off Marcy’s last hope to get her old clothes back. Not that her argument would have mattered. If Linda had forgotten about those, she would have probably just collected them without handing her her old clothes. Even if she had to take them out from wherever they were there was no way Marcy would be able to claim them from Linda, she would just be able to see them which would be no better than where she was currently at.


Knowing that there was no way she was going to get her old clothes back Marcy resigned to putting on the clothes laid out for her. She shuddered picking them up, knowing she would have to head out in them, but she couldn’t lose any more time. She had to get out here quickly so hopefully she could go back home before her parents came home. If they caught her with these bags or this outfit she was screwed.


Just like the clothes she had worn when she came here this outfit consisted of a black t-shirt, only this one was plain black instead of with a band logo on it. It also fit way tighter than her baggy shirt. Especially the waist seemed slightly trimmed in, accentuating her corseted waist. The sleeves themselves seemed shorter as well and the neckline was cut in a V-shape.


The pants just like the shirt were way tighter than his own baggy jeans. They fit like a second skin and had a high waist. The material itself was a lot lighter in colour as well. Closing them proved to be a small ordeal as they were a real tight fit making the back-seam dig between Marcy’s cheeks while providing a small lift effect and pushing her cage back between her legs and completely flat. The pant legs ended a couple of inches above her ankles, showing a lot of her pastel pink stockings with their white back-seams.


Last there were the sneakers, they were bright white, obviously new with pastel pink laces and logos on them. If not for the pink they could have past as unisex sneakers, much like her own worn out ones.


One look in the mirror was enough to confirm her worst fear. Marcy really looked like an average college girl. What she lacked in breasts she certainly made up for in ass, both the corset and the lift of these pants gave her an ass that would turn most guy’s head. Hell if she saw a girl with such an ass she would look as well.


Much to her horror the thing that stood out most about her look wasn’t how some would think she was a guy. It were her pink seamed stockings peaking out between her sneakers and pants. No girl her age would wear such things unless maybe for a special occasion with her boyfriend. Definitely not under casual clothes.


Marcy was just about ready to head out, but she didn’t want to, not dressed like this. On one hand she wanted to be away from this place and she needed to get home before her parents did. On the other hand however she really didn’t want to go out in public dressed like this.


In the end Linda decided for her. She put the bags on Marcy’s held out limp wristed arms and gave her a hard slap on the butt. “Off you go sissy, and don’t forget. I expect you back here at work next Wednesday at eight thirty sharp. You’re to bring your uniform and you’ll have to have a full face of make up like shown today when you arrive. Of course that doesn’t mean you can’t come and visit before then. You’re welcome to come here any time and by all means if you see an outfit you desperately want, I’m sure we can arrange a deal for alternative payment.” Linda said with a smirk.


Marcy looked horrified, another outfit was the last thing she would want. Especially if it meant having to strike another deal with Linda. The reflection of her days work here to pay off her first outfit was more than enough motivation to never ever want to rake up more debt with Linda. She would do everything she could to avoid that although she realistically knew that choice wouldn’t really be hers to make. Worried and exhausted she minced out of the store, her arms full of bags looking just like a college girl who did some serious shopping. At least if one was blind enough not to notice the huge pink bags with CC’s written all over them along with her exaggerated mince she had been practicing all day under threat of the crop.


Linda smiled broadly watching Marcy go. Her grip on the sissy was getting tighter and tighter and she loved the power it gave her. Watching her mince out, completely unaware of just how sissyish she was walking was just perfect. Too bad she wouldn’t be able to see her face once she realised.


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