Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

Chapter 68

68. The Son Of Transmigrators War Plane “One More Order For The First Order!””

However, Golden Lion has too many younger brothers. His right hand for brushing sword qi is fine. He has practiced the basic skills for three days and three nights, and sprinkles water after brushing sword qi for three days and three nights, but his left hand is calling frantically, and his fingers are numb.

It seems that although the fourth leaf has not been activated in the last year, the stamina will be cultivated in time. Large-scale afforestation, and a lot of brushing sword energy do not feel tired.

“Boom! 35

“Damn it! Red-haired, you don’t want to mix up anymore, you don’t learn well at a young age, and you come to be a pirate like others, Uncle Marine will teach you how to be a man! (^∇X)”

Just when Leonardo was so good at brushing and had to keep checking on whether Father Sun in the sky was coming home, there was a loud noise from below, his wooden dragon suddenly froze, and he almost slipped off the wooden dragon’s head without a foot. fall down.

Looking from the ground, good guy, a figure with a broken straw hat and some red hair was actually cutting his wooden dragon into two pieces with a broken sword and a sword, and then stepped on Newton’s. The coffin board jumped on the wooden dragon’s back and killed him.

Needless to say, he was indeed the chosen person to inherit Roger’s straw hat, and he was also an intern on the Roger Pirates. After the red-nosed Buggy started fighting, he didn’t know where he was. The youngest Four Emperors in the future, just now After only two years on Roger’s boat, he has a sturdy aura on his body. Although his perception is not too accurate, Leonardo can be sure that the red-haired Shanks who looks seventeen or eighteen years old is definitely a top swordsman. Dragons are not parallel imports, so how can they be cut off so easily.

“Hidden knife!”

“Dragon Moon! 35

“Ding ding ding…! 99

The Shanks of the mentally-headed guy is not forced, and it is a crazy output when he comes up.

He knows how sharp the mouth of this Marine Rear Admiral is, and he has sprayed Golden Lion into a dog. Although he is currently practicing mouth escape, he is not the opponent of this Marine Rear Admiral. He didn’t want to fight Marine. , after all, the purpose of their Roger Pirates has always been that pirates hide from Marine. If possible, try not to fight Marine. Their captain’s sword is a painful lesson, and there are so many Golden Lion’s younger brothers. The younger brother is about to vomit.


This Marine Rear Admiral snapped his fingers, they spent their entire fortune and the new boat they had just built was tied into a tangle, without stopping him, do they still want their boat?

The pirates don’t even have a boat, is that a good thing…

Shanks’ output is very strong. Although he only has a small broken knife in his hand, his moves are sharp, fast and ruthless. In order to deal with him, Leonardo can’t be distracted and brush people’s heads. Crazy forging iron, the collision between sword and sword resounded in the sky.

Whether it is Armament Haki or kendo, the two of them are half a pound. To say they are strong, they are not as spectacular as Sengoku VS Golden Lion and Roger VS Garp in the distance, but they are weak? Although they are not comparable to Admiral, their combat power is Also much better than those Vice Admiral.

Of course, with the exception of Garp, the Marine Vice Admiral who enjoys the treatment of Marine Marshal, Garp is the only one in the world…

The two of them were frantically hitting the iron on the big dragon’s head, and the defense button was deducted. The best defense is to attack. There are some styles of the peak duel between the transmigrator and the son of the face.

Although he is a traveler, Leonardo has never dared to underestimate these sons of planes, especially when his system father is a little bit of money. Rollover example.

What’s more, these sons of planes don’t have a few messy halos on their bodies. Although the red-haired Shanks can’t be called the sons of planes, they are teachers of the sons of planes. Now Garp, the son of planes, doesn’t even have sperm. So how can the Master of the Son of Plane be any worse?

You must know that before someone breaks his hand in the future, he will be able to compete with the next world’s No. 1 swordsman, the strongest Ping A Hawkeye in kendo. This talent is definitely a group.

“Siguoyi! Who is that red-haired kid who can actually fight against Curry Rear Admiral! o(?Month?)>~*!

“The people of the Roger Pirates are really monsters…

When Leonardo and the red-haired Shanks opened up the third battle on the wooden dragon’s head, the Marine uncles surrounded by the wooden dragon were all stunned by the crazy pairing of the two.

Curry Rear Admiral is one of the supernovas of their Marine. The New World pirates who are worth over 100 million yuan by him are also a few higher. Now the kid on the Roger Pirates can actually fight with Curry Rear Admiral and he can do it. cut for so long.

You must know that almost all the people on the Roger Pirates are famous big pirates, but there are two little ghosts. After all, they are only interns who have just boarded the ship, but one of the two interns is with Curry Rear. Admiral on the chop.

Sure enough, Curry Rear Admiral is really not bragging, the people on the Roger Pirates are all talents who can become the core of the family in a small city…

66**˙ Oh? I remember that guy seems to be an intern on the Roger Pirates?”

Kuzan also looked at the two figures on the wooden dragon’s head in surprise.

He has played against Leonardo many times, and he knows Leonardo’s strength the most, especially Leonardo’s swordsmanship, which is more powerful than the fruit. I didn’t expect that he had seen the Roger Pirates when he followed Garp to chase the Roger Pirates. The second red-haired boy was so powerful that he was able to fight Leonardo Kendo to this extent.

But… this red-haired brat took the wrong medicine and dared to play with that guy. (-_-)/

Thinking of Leonardo’s amazing vitality, Kuzan raised his eyebrows and glanced at the figure wearing a straw hat and not covered in bloodthirsty and madly wielding swords.

Just Leonardo’s sword was swiped by the Golden Lion (Wang Wanghao) and he was still alive and kicking. After the battle, he didn’t even have the ability to recover from the scar. This kid is slashing with Leonardo, isn’t this a trouble…

However, the two of them on the wooden dragon’s head gave up their defense to attack each other. After thirty rounds, their clothes were completely red with blood, and their clothes were also seen as tattered.

However, the state of the two was diametrically opposite, Leonardo was still full of energy and alive and kicking, while the red-haired Shanks was bleeding a little and his face was pale, and his feet were starting to soften.

“Jie Jie Jie… young man, you are so useful, you are also the first person who dares to stand with me for dozens of rounds!

“Respect you are a tough guy, I’ll help you get a single room at Impel down, and you should reflect on it….

“Hidden knife!!

Leonardo looked at the red-haired Shanks who was sweating profusely, pale and weak feet, raised his eyebrows, let out a flat laugh, and slashed again with his sword.

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