National Star Sea: 10,000 times the reward, single ship broken star!

Chapter 76

Chapter Seventy-Six Athous Battlestar Strikes Out! The goal is to destroy the Great Qin Empire!!

The dense fleet of the Great Qin Empire was in the center of the planetary system, and the stars flew out of the transition passage in an instant.

Then it re-entered the transition state in an instant.

With a spherical mothership with a diameter of 400 kilometers as the core, the densely packed more than 9,000 warships surrounded by it instantly turned into a dense white light and jumped into the transition channel.

“They ran!”

“Don’t let them go!”

“Great Qin Empire, let me catch them!”

“All the garrison fleets, stay one-tenth as garrisons, and the rest, all enter the transition passage, and give me a chase after them!”

The many garrison fleets of the Athous Empire immediately turned on their engines. The first is to gather near the ~ star.

Subsequently, the space wave-motion probe was turned on.

Find out the direction the Great Qin Empire fleet is headed—after that. All the battleships emitted a brilliant white glow.

The light draws the gravitational pull of the star, and the next moment, the azure transition channel opens.

Thousands of athos Empire garrison warships also turned into a dao white light and entered the transition passage.

Pursue the Great Qin Empire fleet.

At the same time, they also sent one message after another faster than the speed of light to other galaxies and all directions in the universe.

This was the second migration of the Great Qin Empire.

For the first time, the Great Qin Empire fleet moved, and the transit station was an unmanned planetary system

This second migration moved directly to the territory of the Athos Empire, and most of the planetary systems with colonies usually had a large number of garrison fleets of local noble lords.

And Qin Sheng’s second leap directly moved more than a thousand Athous Empire fourth-level civilization warships to pursue him.

Soon, he sailed in the string space of the jumping universe for more than twenty days, spanning a distance of a thousand light years.

The transition channel opens at the star.

Densely packed, more than nine thousand warships of the Great Qin Empire surrounded the mothership and flew out of the transition passage with great momentum.

It directly frightened the private fleet of the local Athos empire nobles. The Athos Empire was not monolithic.

Some of the major nobles reacted quickly, and some were slow to react.

Some people are afraid of things, do not dare to participate in things, and only want to guard their own two or three planets, one acre and three points to live.

And the noble lord of the galaxy that Qin Sheng had migrated to for the third time was obviously the kind that was unresponsive.

The fleet of the Great Qin Empire was already pressed to the face. Appeared for a moment, then moved away. The lords and nobles of the local galaxy had not yet reacted.

A few days later, after waiting for the pursuit fleet of the previous galaxy to come out through the transition channel.

Even the fleets of the lords and nobles of the local galaxies had not yet begun to assemble.

“Did a fleet of other civilizations just pass through the migration channel?” Use this as a stopover? ”

The commander of the fleet of the pursuing Athous Empire sent a courier inquiry to the local noble lords.


The local noble lord was hosting a banquet when he suddenly received the message.

He couldn’t help but be confused.

He had no idea there was such a thing. The pursuing fleet commander was furious.

Nima’s, that fleet has already run, and you don’t know they’ve come?!!

In fact, the local aristocracy was so hedonistic that it had not been paid for space monitoring posts at the stars for a long time.

In this case, the equipment is not maintained, and the soldiers on duty at the outposts are not even paid.

Pure and pure grievances.

Under such circumstances, how could there be information reported to the local nobles?

“You moths! On behalf of Archduke Jardon, I order you to assemble your fleet! ”

“Go after them with me!”

The commander of the pursuing fleet was furious and angrily rebuked the local noble lords.

The noble lord of this galaxy panicked when he heard the name of Grand Duke Of Arleton.

Hurriedly said, “I know, I know, I will assemble the fleet at once.” ”

The banquet of the local noble lords was also open, and after driving everyone away, he gave orders to his officers.

The fleet began to assemble.

But it took four or five days for the whole fleet to assemble.

What is surprising is that among these warships, there are even more than a dozen ships that cannot be driven due to lack of maintenance.


In total, less than two hundred warships had been assembled, and a dozen more had not yet arrived. The pursuing commander of the fleet was already in a hurry.

But at this moment, the most important thing was to pursue the Great Qin Empire.

He also didn’t care to say so much, and continued to detect spatial fluctuations.

To find out the direction in which the Great Qin Empire fleet was headed, it was to lead a fleet of twelve hundred warships and pursue them.

Along the way, Qin Sheng passed through the galaxy of the Athous Empire, all of which caused the local garrison fleet to pursue.

After several consecutive jumps.

The number of Athous Empire warships pursuing Qin Sheng was already more than 8,000 and these 8,000 or so warships, all of which were genuine fourth-level civilization warships.

When the fleet of the Great Qin Empire finally reached the vicinity of the planetary star of the migrating target.

When the dense fleet emerged from the transition passage next to the star, the local soldiers on duty at the space monitoring post were stunned.

What’s the situation!?

Nearly six months have passed now.

Qin Sheng’s fleet experienced a total of seven space jumps, spanning a distance of 6,281 light-years.

Reached this distance to the target neutron star, nineteen light-years from the Athous Empire planetary system.

Next, Qin Sheng’s fleet would sail forward using curvature.

The fleet of the Great Qin Empire, at a speed that the local garrison fleet could not react to at all, instantly entered a state of curvature.

Countless space curvature bubbles envelop the battleship, and the space light shimmers and overflows with colors.

In an instant, it turned into Dao Dao light and disappeared into the universe and space.

A few days later, numerous fleets of the pursuing Athous Empire reached the galaxy.

They broke away from the cosmic string space channel.

As soon as they came out, more than a dozen inquiries were sent out to ask the local garrison fleet.

Because these fleets were all led by the nobles of the various galaxies, there was no one nominal supreme leader.

They basically just got together to chase.

This time, Qin Sheng did not cover up his curvature space trajectory. These trajectories were deliberately detected by the fleet of the Athos Empire.

Soon, more than a thousand garrison fleets of the local planetary system also joined the pursuit.

The number of Athos Empire warships pursuing Qin Sheng was close to 10,000. They probed and cleared the curvature trajectory of Qin Sheng’s fleet.

It is to continue to chase away. Hub galaxy.

Star, the capital of the Athos Empire. Imperial City.

It was still the highest level, suspended in the skyscrapers in the air. Here, the Grand Duke of Arleton received news from his subordinates.

“Grand Duke! Got it! Got it! ”

The Security Archon finally dared to return to see Archduke Jarton. He was overjoyed to report the news to Archduke Jardon.

“What did you find?”

Archduke Arthur Arton stood up with the help of a mechanical device implanted on his body, a huge, fat body like a hill.

“It’s a wanted criminal, the Great Qin Empire has finally appeared!”

The Security Archon said happily.


Archduke Jardon burst out laughing!

Along with his laughter, the folds of skin that were loose because of the fatness trembled.

It looks sinister and twisted.


“I will definitely make these unscrupulous interstellar criminals pay the price!!”

“It seems that I don’t need to report to the Galactic Civilization Destiny Community Council!”

“Pass on my command!!”

Archduke Jardon roared in anger.

“Order the first, second, fourth, seventh, and battlestar garrison fleets, battlestar army groups, all out!”

“Go on pursuit! This time, I will personally lead the fleet and take revenge on my destroyed home planet!! ”

On the orders of Archduke Jardon.

The Athos Empire fleet, gathered in the hub galaxy, took action.

The most massive of these was a huge battlestar with a diameter of more than five thousand kilometers, two circles larger than the moon, and seemed to be all forged by hequan!

Huge warships of the fourth-level civilization swirled around this battlestar like moths.

The battleship’s quark fusion engine starts.

Countless gray lights flickered in space.

In the depths of space, this battlestar under the command of Archduke Jardon began to move.

Everywhere the Battlestar, the gravitational pull emanating from its body seems to be able to pull all the battleships and buildings around it.

Make it flutter.

Archduke Arleton’s private fleet.

A total of more than 23,000 fourth-class civilization warships, a star-rated battlestar with a diameter of more than 5,000 kilometers!

“Great Qin Empire, wait, I will destroy you with my own hands!!”

“Since this time, the pain in my heart will be left alone, and all will be vented on you!”

In the central control room of the star Battlestar, Archduke Alton is fat, full of wrinkled eyelids, and his pupils are shining with a vicious light…

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