National Star Sea: 10,000 times the reward, single ship broken star!

Chapter 55

Chapter Fifty-Five Lost in the Fleet of The Transition Passage, Dyson Ball Under Construction! 【5K chapter, please order first!】 】!!

Above the stars.

In the void of space, the azure portal opened.

The fleet’s jump engines trigger the star’s own enormous gravitational pull.

As a result, the cosmic strings that connect all the stars in the universe, like the neural veins of the universe itself, are touched.

The passage opens slowly.

The Great Qin Empire fleet began to gradually enter the passage.

A transition channel through cosmic strings.

Qin Sheng quickly locked in the distance of the target’s stellar coordinate system five hundred and sixty light-years away.

According to the speed of Qin Sheng’s existing jump engine, it needed to travel in the cosmic string channel for thirty-five days.

More than a month.

Time was very fast if Qin Sheng didn’t have a jump engine.

Sail at a speed of curvature that is only ten times the speed of light.

Then it will take fifty-six years to reach the target planetary system.

“After thirty-five days, we will be able to see other civilizations.”

Qin Sheng was a little excited in his heart.

Although Qin Sheng in his previous life had also seen many non-player civilization forces.

But most of those forces are high civilizations.

Higher civilizations are usually disdainful of communicating with lower civilizations.

Unless this lower civilization has something special to offer.

Therefore, Qin Sheng in his previous life also had no opportunity to communicate with higher civilizations.

However, Qin Sheng was different now.

He had a large number of Chaos Destruction Credentials in his hand.

From this point of view alone, he will receive great favors in judging the Holy See.

Cosmic string channel.

It’s a void, empty passage.

It’s like another layer of space in the universe.

In the first few days, in this cosmic string channel, only the fleet of the Great Qin Empire was sailing.

But when Qin Sheng sailed to the tenth day.

A number of situations have emerged.

Qin Sheng was resting in his room when suddenly he received a message from Avrila.

“Emperor, we have another fleet in front of us.”

“Another fleet?”

Qin Sheng pondered slightly, “Don’t worry about them.” ”

In the cosmic string space passage, encountering another civilization’s fleet is not a rare thing.

Not to mention that Qin Sheng’s goal was a hub galaxy of the Mibach civilization with a lot of civilization flow.

On the way to the goal, encountering the fleets of other civilizations is even more worthless.

However, Qin Sheng wanted to skip the other side.

The unknown fleet took the initiative to send a message to Qin Sheng’s fleet.

It was a message of help.

The other party also took the initiative to send Qin Sheng their civilized language dictionary.

For Qin Sheng’s side, he could quickly decipher their language and communicate with them.

“Taking the initiative to send a dictionary of civilized languages is a sign of active overtures.”

In space, if a civilization wants to communicate with another strange civilization that meets.

Then they will take the initiative to send the language dictionary of their own civilization.

So that the other party can quickly translate and communicate with themselves.


Qin Sheng frowned.

Although in the whole universe, the laws of the Dark Forest do not apply much.

However, between two strange civilizations that meet for the first time, there will still be a certain dark forest law.

Because of the various races in the universe, there are all kinds of strange things, and moral concepts are not uniform.

According to the standards of earthlings, some space civilizations do not have the concept of morality at all.

So whether they cheat or kill, they may even be perceived by themselves as a friendly gesture.

Therefore, Qin Sheng in his previous life was very cautious when he met people of other civilizations.

People of other civilizations, too, act cautiously.

It will not be like this direct initiative to show goodwill.

“There must be something wrong with it.”

Qin Sheng pondered.

By this time, Avrillia had deciphered the other person’s language.

With her computing power, it also took her a few seconds.

“Dear Strange Civilization.”

“We are the Norton Bounty Hunter Organization, The Third Class Civilization 021 Squadron.”

“One hundred and twenty years ago, we went two hundred light-years away to carry out the mission of judging the Holy See.”

“Perform the Mission of Destroying chaos believers that occupy deTZS-051141 galaxy, a living planet.”

“But after we completed our mission, we were ready to return to the Mibach Hub Galaxy through the transition channel.”

“But suddenly encountered a subspace storm set off by a powerful bloodthirsty demon.”

“That subspatial storm affected cosmic strings and damaged our fleet’s string navigation system.”

“We have lost our coordinates, we have been lost in this cosmic string passage for one hundred and twenty years.”

“If your civilization’s fleet is ready to go to the Mibach Hub Galaxy, let’s follow in the rear.”

“When we reach the Mibach Hub Galaxy, we will pay your civilization a thousand source crystals as a reward.”

“Norton Bounty Hunters – Commander of Squadron 021 III, Norton Black.”

“A fleet lost in the strings of the universe?”

Qin Sheng frowned slightly.

This is not unusual.

There are more than 250 billion stars in the entire Milky Way.

How many stars are there in the entire universe? The number is also uncountable.

Between each star, there are also dense cosmic strings connected.

Such a dense network of cosmic strings must be huge and complex.

If it is not strong enough, it can maintain the calculation power of accurate route at all times.

It is necessary to rely on specialized navigation equipment to navigate in order not to get lost in this intricate cosmic string channel.

If you encounter something unexpected that causes the navigation device to be damaged.

Oh well.

That’s the end of the calf.

The standard migration engine of the third-level civilization level can only be directional, that is, you only reach the target coordinates.

In order to open the transition channel again and come out of it.

And there are also distance restrictions.

At most, you can only move a distance of 200 light-years at a time.

For example, when the fleet of an ordinary third-level civilization wants to travel to a planetary system three hundred light-years away, it must choose a planetary system two hundred light-years away from itself.

Determine the coordinates to move near the planetary star two hundred light-years away.

After shortening the distance, make another transition.

Qin Sheng’s migration engine was systematically strengthened, and it was a very stable migration engine, and the last migration distance could reach 600 light years.

And once lost in the cosmic string channel…

If you’re lucky, it’s been spinning in the cosmic string for hundreds of thousands of years.

If you’re unlucky…

I died in the strings of the universe.

In his previous life, Qin Sheng finally had a jump engine after he was promoted to a third-level civilization

Just in the cosmic string passage encountered the eternally lost, the entire fleet of people have all died in the battleship remnants inside.

When it was also to let Qin Sheng pick up a wave of cheap, decipher a lot of useful techniques from it.

And the Norton Bounty Hunters Organization.

Qin Sheng had also heard of it in his previous life, and it was a very active organization that specialized in receiving the Judgment Sect to hunt down the chaos forces.

A bounty hunter organization led by a fourth-level civilization and joined by multiple third-level civilizations.

Within the surrounding range of thousands of light years, it is also a bit of strength and a good reputation.

“Wait, Norton Black?”

After Qin Sheng saw this name, he fell into thought.

He seemed to have heard the name.

But the impression is vague.

Using psychic energy to search for one’s own memory.

Qin Sheng finally found the name in the depths of his memory.

Norton Black, a famous third-level civilization bounty hunter in a previous life.

But this famous man is called by other civilizations, unlucky and lucky man.

Norton Black in his previous life was indeed trapped in the cosmic string passage, but he accidentally broke into an unstable space.

The passage of time in that space is different from the real universe.

After spending twenty-five hundred years in an unstable space, he finally broke away from the cosmic string channel.

Back to the real universe.

He almost died in the cosmic string passage.

But compared to those who are trapped in eternity, he is lucky.

At least not old dead in the cosmic string channel.

So he is called, that is, the unlucky and lucky man.

And now, Qin Sheng didn’t expect that he had actually met this person.

Norton Black’s fleet was a third-class civilization fleet with eleven hundred warships.

It is based on an ultra-small miniature Battlestar with a diameter of thirty kilometers as the core mothership.

The rest of the battleships, large and small, more than 1,100 warships, all surrounded the spherical battleship with a diameter of thirty kilometers.

After a little thought, Qin Sheng decided.

Help the opposite.

If nothing else, he offered the other party the reward of the thousand source crystals.

Source crystal is a crystalline mineral that contains special energy.

It is usually a high special energy source used by civilizations above the sixth level.

It is a far more advanced energy source than the stars everywhere in the universe.

Some special projects of sixth-level civilizations will require a large amount of this special energy to support higher civilizations above level six to mine or acquire in the universe.

Therefore, the source crystal has become a kind of hard currency in the universe.

Can be used in lieu of currency.

A standard source crystal is a sphere ten centimeters in diameter.

The energy contained inside was enough to supply Qin Sheng’s ‘Han Gaozu’ class aircraft carrier that was sixteen kilometers long, six kilometers wide, and three kilometers high for more than a year.

Qin Sheng quickly gave the other party a response.

“We are the fleet of the Great Qin Empire and are preparing to travel to the Mibach Hub Galaxy.”

“You can follow the rear of our fleet and follow us out of the Cosmic String Passage.”

Qin Sheng did not explain his civilization level to the other party, which was also a means of self-preservation.

After the Norton Iii Civilization Squadron received the news.

Millions of people up and down the entire fleet cheered!

They’ve been trapped in this goddamn cosmic string passage for a full hundred and twenty years!

Now it’s finally time to leave!!

They also immediately sent a message back to Qin Sheng: “Really thank you very much! Our fleet will follow behind your civilized fleet and sail at a steady pace. ”

“After arriving at the Mibach Hub Galaxy, we will pay your civilization a thousand standard source crystals as agreed.”

Norton Iii Civilization Squadron.

Thirty kilometers in diameter, ultra-small miniature battlestar, in the central command room.

A strange-looking creature with four stout elephant-like legs, two arms, a triangular head, and a body covered with third-level special alloy armor sighed.

“What a good civilization.”

“It is our good fortune to encounter this kind of talkative civilization in the galaxy now.”

He is Norton Black, the commander of the Balons Elephant Civilization Fleet, part of the Norton Bounty Hunters, a third-level civilization.

“Adjutant, do you think this Great Qin Empire opposite is a civilization of several levels?”

Norton Black turned his head and asked an aide-de-camp beside him.

“I can’t see it, but if I can enter the transition channel, the minimum must be the level of a third-level civilization.”

“But if it’s a third-level civilization, why doesn’t their fleet have a miniature Battlestar?”

The adjutant threw up the question.

The ultra-small miniature Battlestar is a large mothership built by a third-level civilization that imitates the true planetary battlestar of a fourth-level civilization.

But because of the lack of technical power, it is impossible to build a real star Battlestar.

So most third-level civilizations will build the ultra-small miniature Battlestar as the core mothership of a fleet.

“If you look at their fleet, they are all large ships with a length of more than ten kilometers.”

“And there are not many of them, only twenty.”

Norton Black sighed and said his guess, “So, I think they should be a squadron of some fourth-level civilization out on a mission.” ”

“But the fourth-level civilizations all have real battle stars, right?”

The adjutant wondered.

“Have you forgotten that the gravitational pull of a real planetary Battlestar due to its enormous mass cannot pass through the cosmic string channel?”

“If you want to let the star-ranked Battlestar pass through the cosmic string channel, you must use a large number of source crystals to create a gravitational shield.”

Norton Black made up a very reasonable reason directly on his own.

Not only did he convince himself, but he also convinced the rest of the fleet.

Therefore, Qin Sheng did not know that the Norton squadron opposite recognized him as the fleet of a certain fourth-level civilization.

Qin Sheng was even sighing that the Norton Third-Level Civilization Squadron was indeed very obedient and said that it was obediently following behind the Great Qin Empire fleet, and it was really honest.

The Great Qin Empire’s ten sixteen-kilometer-long ‘Han Gaozu’ class aircraft carriers and ten ten-kilometer-long giant transport supply ships sailed ahead.

The ultra-small miniature Battlestar and more than a thousand warships of the Norton III Civilization Squadron followed the rear of the Great Qin Empire fleet.

Originally, Qin Sheng could reach the Mibach Hub Galaxy in only thirty-five days, but because he had to take the Norton Third-Level Civilization Squadron out.

It was ten days late to arrive.

Mibach Hub Galaxy.

The core of the planetary system, where the star system is located.

In space, a series of transition channels are constantly opening.

Fleets of other civilizational forces kept coming in and leaving.

Qin Sheng’s fleet also finally broke away from the transition channel.

Officially entered the Mibach Hub Galaxy.

The whole fleet had just moved over, and the first thing that was observed by the battleship’s optical detection system was a huge star!

This star is ten times the mass of the Sun and two hundred times the volume of the Sun!

The light emitted by it, the average brightness, is 15,000 times that of the sun! The star is named Yautos.

Yautos is the name of a fourth-level civilization.

Why is the most core star in the hub galaxy of the sixth-level Mibach civilization named after a fourth-level civilization?

The reason was the scene that Qin Sheng saw at this moment.

This huge star, which is two hundred times the size of the Sun, is now covered with seventy percent of its light!

The larger diameter of Piaoutos is a larger black round shell, covering more than seventy percent of the star’s area!

This is a Dyson ball under construction!!

Thus the native civilization forces of the planetary system, the dyson ball commissioned by the fourth-level civilization Yautos civilization to the sixth-level civilization Mibach civilization!

And this hub galaxy, it is precisely because of this is being built that the forest-carrying ball will gradually form a hub station.

Qin Sheng was not here for the first time, he had also been here once in his previous life.

When I came in my past life, this forest ball project was nearing its end.

Therefore, Qin Sheng, who knew the rules, first sent the Chinese dictionary to the giant space station next to the star, which was two kilometers in diameter.

Soon, Qin Sheng received a response…

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