National Fate Survival: Deduce The Method Of Covering The Sky At The Beginning!

Chapter 190 Ye Hao Makes A Move, The Monster Siege Ends

Zerg fighters are fighting more and more.

Even if the savior fights with all his strength and eliminates the Zerg warriors continuously, it is inevitable that there will be more and more Zerg warriors.

Countless Zerg warriors were wiped out in the sky, but because the reproduction speed of the Tyranid Hive Mothership was really amazing.

In this way, no matter how many Zerg fighters the savior wiped out, it would not be able to match the reproduction speed of the Tyranid hive mothership, so the Zerg fighters were fighting more and more.

Some planets have been broken through by Zerg fighters, and Zerg fighters have entered the interior of the planet.

In the beginning, there were just a few Zerg fighters, but more and more Zerg fighters will break through the defense line [finally, all Zerg fighters will occupy the entire planet.

This is not alarmist talk, but as long as the savior has not thought of a solution, this kind of result will appear on every planet.

As for the scene in front of him, even Ye Hao couldn't help frowning.

Although, with Dragon Star's current defensive combat capability, it is enough to control the number of Zerg fighters, and there will be no situation where more and more fights will occur, and the speed of elimination can still catch up with the reproduction speed of the Tyrannian hive mothership.

But in Ye Hao's eyes, this is also a passive defense, and he can only fight like this forever, and there will be no end.

Moreover, if the fight continues like this, it will also consume a lot of resources for Dragon Star.

The most important thing is that if this continues, it will take a very long time to complete this challenge. Even if all the monsters are finally eliminated to attack the city, the score will not be too high.

After thinking of this, Ye Hao couldn't let the Zerg fighters continue to attack, but he had to find a way to eliminate all the Zerg fighters and complete this challenge as soon as possible.

Therefore, Ye Hao, who had never made a move, finally set off.

In an instant, he had already appeared in the sky, and after countless Zerg warriors discovered him, they scrambled to besiege him.

It's just that before these Zerg fighters came within ten meters of Ye Hao, they were blocked by an invisible protective circle, and were quickly burned to ashes.

Where Ye Hao passed, countless Zerg warriors were wiped out and ceased to exist.

However, the number of Zerg fighters is really too much, and the Zerg fighters he wiped out can only be regarded as a very small part, which cannot end this war at all.

But Ye Hao didn't think about destroying the Zerg warriors to end this monster siege.

After he took the shot, his goal was very clear, which was to keep multiplying the Tyranid hive mothership of the Zerg fighters.

Only by destroying the Tyrannian hive mothership can the Zerg fighters be fundamentally wiped out.

If the Tyranid hive mothership continues to exist, there will only be a steady stream of Zerg fighters, and there will never be a moment of end.

Therefore, Ye Hao's target now is the Tyranid Hive Mothership. He wants to destroy five thousand Tyranid Hive Motherships, so that this monster siege can end as soon as possible.

The Tyrannian Hive Mothership seems to have discovered his purpose. While retreating, it also launched various attacks. Countless Zerg fighters also frantically besieged him, preventing him from approaching the Tyrannial Hive Mothership .

However, although Ye Hao couldn't wipe out all the Zerg fighters in a very short time, it was impossible for him to be blocked by the Zerg fighters either.

Countless Zerg warriors were all turned into dust in front of Ye Hao, and they could not stop his progress in the slightest.

And although the attack methods of the Tyrann Hive Mothership are not weak, they also have no effect on him.

Soon, Ye Hao came to a Tyranid Hive Mothership. Looking at the Tyranid Hive Mothership at a close distance, he would only feel more disgusting. The pores that kept multiplying eggs made people feel creepy. Goosebumps all over.

And Ye Hao also felt disgusted, and the disgusting things, of course, should be eliminated as soon as possible.

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly condensed endless golden light and thunder, and bombarded the Tyrann Hive Mothership.

Although the strength of the Tyranid Hive Mothership is also very strong, after all, it is not good at fighting. Instead, it uses breeding Zerg warriors as its core strength, and wins by counting.

Because of this, facing the power of Ye Hao's golden light and thunder, the Tyrannian hive mothership has no ability to resist at all.




Under the bombardment of the golden light thunder, the nearby Tyranid hive mothership turned into dust in an instant.

Ye Hao frowned slightly, not very satisfied with the result.

After all, if one attack only wiped out hundreds of Tyranid hive motherships, then he would have to make dozens of hundreds of shots to destroy all the Tyrannian hive motherships.

This is mainly because the location of the Tyrannian hive motherships is too scattered, so that they cannot be eliminated in a centralized manner, and the efficiency is naturally not high.

The good thing is that these Tyranid hive motherships cannot regenerate, at least they cannot breed new Tyranid hive motherships in a short period of time, unlike the endless Zerg warriors.

Therefore, as long as Ye Hao spends some time to wipe out all these Tyranid hive motherships, this monster siege will come to an end.

However, he still felt very dissatisfied, and still felt that this efficiency was too slow.

"`"He turned himself into a free method..!"

Therefore, Ye Hao directly used his magical powers to create two avatars.

In addition, he still felt that it was not enough, so he summoned all the puppets he got before, and attacked the Tyranid Hive Mothership from different directions.

After Ye Hao's magical powers were fully used, the combat efficiency increased to a terrifying level.

The 5,000 Tyranid hive motherships were quickly wiped out under this crazy attack, and no new Zerg warriors appeared.

Next, as long as all the remaining Zerg warriors are wiped out, the monster siege will be over.

The strength of these Zerg fighters was too weak, so that Ye Hao had no interest in making a move, so he returned directly to Dragon Star, and let Dragon Star's defense system eliminate these Zerg fighters.

(Wang is good) Dragon Star's defense system is enough to eliminate these Zerg fighters. The reason why it was not possible before is because of the constant breeding of Zerg fighters by the Tyranid hive mothership, it was impossible to wipe them all out.

But now, the 5,000 Tyranid hive motherships no longer exist, so no new Zerg fighters will be bred. With Dragon Star's combat system, it is naturally enough to wipe out the remaining Zerg fighters.

In fact, this is indeed the same as Ye Hao predicted.

After the Tyrann Hive Mothership was completely wiped out, the remaining Zerg fighters were quickly wiped out by Dragon Star's combat system, not a single Zerg was spared.

Ye Hao's strength, coupled with Longxing's own combat ability, really made it impossible for a bug to get in.

He is also extremely satisfied with the results of this battle, and it is not in vain that he invested 50 million origin points. This defensive combat system has indeed played a great role in this monster siege. .

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