National Fate Survival: Deduce The Method Of Covering The Sky At The Beginning!

Chapter 156 S-Class Monster, The Terrifying Garuda

When the monster siege was about to start, Ye Hao was still deducing the exercises.

Although he hasn't completed the deduction yet, all kinds of miracles have been shown around him.

The space around Ye Hao has been completely distorted, and time is constantly traveling and rewinding, which obviously has affected the order of time and space.

This scene also made the savior who followed him feel extremely horrified, and was shocked by this kind of practice.

The savior of the world in the Wu Geng era——walked against the sky. After seeing this scene, he was extremely horrified: "What kind of exercise is this? It can affect time and space. If it is fully deduced, it must be It's a terrifying skill!"

"It's a pity, if Ye Hao could be given more time, even an extra hour, he would be able to deduce this supernatural power, but now the time is running out, and the remaining time should not be enough to deduce the terrifying scene Supernatural powers!"

The tone that went against the sky was full of horror and regret.

He was horrified that this supernatural power was extremely terrifying, but it was a pity that Ye Hao didn't have enough time to deduce the complete exercise, so he couldn't witness how powerful and terrifying this supernatural power was.

"Ye Hao is too aggressive. He shouldn't be deducing the kung fu at this time. No matter how powerful the kung fu is, it's useless if it can't be deduced now!"

Superman Karl said: "However, Ye Hao is really incredible, even this kind of exercise can be deduced, and if there is enough time, he will definitely succeed, but if he miscalculates the time needed, he will only fail in the end! "

Huangfu Longdou said in shock: "Ye Hao is amazing, he can bring miracles every time, but this time I don't know if he can continue this miracle!"

At this time, in front of the various savior cities, light gates suddenly appeared one by one.

From the gate of light, powerful monsters appeared in front of the Savior. They were monsters in the shape of a human-faced bird, half-human, half-bird, with an eagle head, sharp claws, and a beak, and their bodies and limbs were inseparable from human beings. Different, golden all over.

These half-human, half-bird monsters are the ones who attacked the city this time.

But the number of monsters that appeared this time is not many, there are only five monsters in the intermediate difficulty, ten in the advanced difficulty, one hundred in the top difficulty, five hundred in the hell level difficulty, and one thousand in the nightmare level difficulty. The difficulty of the abyss level is two thousand heads.

As for the mythical difficulty, there are only 500 monsters, which is less than the number of monsters at the abyss level, but everyone knows that monsters with mythical difficulty will only be more terrifying

The small number of monsters does not mean that they are easy to deal with.

The monsters of different challenge difficulty are not only different in number, but also different in monsters. Although they are all in the form of half man and half bird, the higher the difficulty, the stronger the strength of these monsters.

The number of monsters that attacked the city this time was not large, which meant that these monsters were very powerful, and they were not monsters that won by numbers. This was quite a challenge for the savior.


"【Garuda, an S-level monster, has the characteristics of infinite strength, sharp claws and eagle beak, and is extremely fast. The weakness is the fear of toxins. Please the city lord to formulate a combat strategy for the weakness.】"

"[Garuda is divided into four types, transformation, wetness, womb, and egg. Among them, the transformation is the most powerful, followed by wetness, and then the womb Garuda, and finally the egg. Luo, under the difficulty level of hell, there are Garuda born from eggs, while Garuda born on hell level is difficult, and Garuda born on the nightmare level is Garuda born from wetness [Garuda born on the abyss level and above is Garuda born by metamorphosis. 】"

After the monster appeared, the systems of the major cities also sounded prompts in time.

It turns out that this kind of Garuda is divided into four forms. No wonder the number of monsters for each challenge difficulty has not increased too many times, but because each form of this monster is already many times stronger.

Egg-born Garuda, womb-born Garuda, wet-born Garuda, and metamorphosis-born Garuda, the strength of each form is estimated to be more than ten times different.

However, both Mythic and Nightmare Difficulty are Huasheng Garuda, but I don’t know what the difference will be. On the contrary, there are fewer Huasheng Garudas in Mythic Difficulty. It is estimated that the strength should be stronger, and there are even more A tremendous strength.

"Infinite strength, incomparable sharpness, and fast speed. Isn't this the perfect fighting technique? The only weakness is the fear of toxins. It seems that I have to make some preparations in this regard!"

After hearing the system prompt, many saviors fell into deep thought.

This is an S-level monster. Not to mention the difficulty above hell level, it is estimated that a top-level difficulty monster is already enough to make the savior suffer. No one dares to underestimate this kind of monster.

Therefore, many saviors began to formulate new combat strategies based on Garuda's weakness, and began to prepare poison attack methods.

When many saviors are ready to defend, only Ye Hao is still deducing the exercises.

At this time, Garuda had already arrived in front of the city and directly attacked the savior.


With a cracking sound, Garuda's speed was as fast as lightning, and before a savior could react, he had already appeared in front of him, and his sharp claws directly scratched a deep bone wound on his chest, Almost killed the savior.

Then, another Garuda appeared behind him, leaving another bloody hole in his back.

In front of the speed of these Garudas, this savior was kicked around like a ball, and he couldn't even dodge.

Because, Garuda's speed is too fast, as fast as a teleportation, and at the speed of the savior, he has already attacked and added before he can react at all.

Moreover, Garuda is also extremely powerful, making it even more difficult for the savior to parry.

Even if there is only one egg-born Garuda, it is enough to make the savior suffer, let alone more than one, and the challenge is even higher, and there are viviparous Garuda, wet-born Garuda and metamorphosis Garuda are even more powerful Garuda.

After seeing this scene, many saviors and the audience in the live broadcast room were horrified and extremely surprised. Garuda's strength far exceeded their previous predictions.

The many saviors became more dignified and began to use all means to deal with Garuda.

Facing the incomparable speed of these Garuda Luoqis, many saviors really seem very passive. When the speed reaches the extreme, "many attack methods will lose their effect.

Fortunately, many saviors have made countermeasures based on this in advance. They either prepared means to limit the speed of monsters, or found ways to temporarily increase their own speed, and exchanged a large amount of poison attack means.

In this way, it is definitely not easy to deal with these Garudas, but after the embarrassment, many saviors can still eliminate these Garudas bit by bit, but the process is not easy.

After all, for the savior in this two-dimensional battlefield of thousands of races, the difficulty of the challenge chosen is not high. Except for Ye Hao, most of them are hell-level difficulty, and more are top-level difficulty.

Because of this, even if it is not easy to eliminate all Garuda, it is not an impossible task.

But the power of these Garuda still shocked them extremely. Just the egg-born Garuda and the viviparous Garuda were already so powerful. The wet-born Garuda, and the most powerful transformation-born Garuda, How scary will it be.

In other two-dimensional battlefields of thousands of races, many saviors choose the difficulty of nightmare level and abyss level. Lou Luo and Viviparous Garuda are countless times more terrifying.

Especially the Huasheng Garuda, if placed on this two-dimensional battlefield of ten thousand races, except for Ye Hao, other saviors are afraid that it will be difficult to parry, even if there is only one Huasheng Garuda.

Therefore, these saviors did not choose the challenge difficulty above the Nightmare level beyond their means, but chose the Hell level, which is indeed a more sensible approach, at least allowing them to complete it with their lives, instead of being completely destroyed by terrifying monsters.

Facing these Garudas, although the many saviors looked extremely embarrassed and scarred, they finally wiped out all the Garudas by relying on many means and specially restraining the poisonous attacks of Garudas.

Many saviors successfully defended the city, (Nuo Hao) was not attacked by Garuda, and also eliminated all Garuda, successfully completing the challenge.

"`"【Congratulations to One Punch Man, the savior of the world——Saitama successfully challenged the hell-level difficulty and achieved a perfect defense! Waiting for the statistical score to be settled. 】”

"[Congratulations to the savior of Wu Gengji—Going against the sky and successfully challenging the hell-level difficulty, achieving a perfect defense! Waiting for the statistical score to be settled.]"

"[Congratulations to the savior of the DC (movie) world——Superman Karl successfully challenged the hell-level difficulty and achieved a perfect defense! Waiting for the statistical score to be settled.] Stalk"

"【Congratulations to the world savior of Zhenhun Street—Huangfu Longdou successfully challenged the top level of difficulty and achieved a perfect defense! Waiting for the statistics and scores to be settled.】"

"[Congratulations to the savior of the Fengyun world——Di Shitian Xu Fu challenged the top level of difficulty and successfully achieved Fengmei's defense. Waiting for the statistical score to be settled.】

"【Congratulations to the savior of the martial arts world - Dugu Qiubai successfully challenged the top level of difficulty and achieved a perfect defense! Waiting for the statistical score to be settled.】"


"【Congratulations to Uchiha Madara, the savior of the Naruto World, for successfully challenging the top level of difficulty and achieving a perfect defense! Waiting for the statistical score to be settled.】"


But at this moment, the voice of the Ten Thousand Races battlefield system kept ringing, and the names of the saviors who successfully defended the cities appeared in the announcement. .

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