National Fantasy Family: The Only Ancestor, Hundred Times Rewards

Chapter 68

Chapter 68: Zhang Chuxuan Calls Good Fellow, Sure Enough, It’S His Own Granddaughter! (Customized)

“Grandpa, don’t you ask clearly before killing?”

Zhang Yanxin stepped on the water and flew over.

Seeing Zhang Chuxuan solve Ding Qiuchun cleanly, he couldn’t help but ask out loud.

She had vaguely heard Ding Qiuchun mention the Earth Flame Sect just now, so she suspected that there was still a hidden secret behind his incident of causing the beast tide.

It stands to reason that Zhang Chuxuan could not have thought about these things.

“Don’t be so troublesome.”

Zhang Chuxuan shook his head lightly and said, “After he mentioned the Earth Demon Sect and the Soul Devouring Ghost General, I have already figured out the cause and effect.

“You are all clear?” Zhang Yanran stared at Zhang Chuxuan, his eyes full of curiosity.

“How did I not know you had such a heavy curiosity before?”

Zhang Chuxuan shook his head with a smile and explained: “This world is divided into black and white, cultivators naturally divide into good and bad, the Xuantian Continent is vast, and the sects above it are unknown, but they can be roughly divided into three categories.

“Good, devil, evil?” Zhang Yanran blinked.

“Good!” Zhang Chuxuan nodded and continued: “The doctrine and concept of decency and demonism are different, but most of the time the position is righteous, and the style of behavior is also restrained, and the two sides are in a dispute between the two sides.

“These two sects are accepted by the world, and they can start a sect in the world and write books and educate people.”

“And the evil faction, doing things with evil intentions and unscrupulous means, harming others and benefiting oneself is the foundation of one’s life, harming others and disadvantageous to oneself is a hobby, and what they do is often contrary to humanity and is not tolerated in the world.”

“Once an evil sect appears, it will definitely be attacked by all the crowd.”

“This Di 997 Xu Sect in Ding Qiuchun’s mouth was once prominent, it was a six-rank superior demon path sect, and it dominated the land of ten states when it was the strongest, and its headquarters was set up in Nanyangzhou, located in the Soul Broken Mountain Range in the territory of today’s Yue Kingdom.

“The strongest person in the sect is called the Demon True Monarch, who has reached the peak of the Divine Mansion Realm with one cultivation, and is only one step away from the Distraction Realm, relying on the claws of the devil with one hand to step alone in the world.

“There are seventy-two Earth Demon Demon Generals under the Demon True Monarch, and each of them is also a Jiedan realm existence, and the former is even more in the Divine Mansion realm. 35

“The Soul Eater Ghost General, ranked thirty-seventh on the list of Earth Demon Ghost Generals, is a real person in the middle of Jiedan.

Zhang Chuxuan told what he learned.

Over the years, he has secretly cultivated secret guards, spreading in the name of caravans and dormant everywhere in Qingchuan Province, although some sect insiders cannot hear it, but some gossip and character anecdotes have been collected and recorded.

Zhang Yanran felt like he was listening to a story, and after listening patiently, he still had some unfinished thoughts, and asked: “According to my granddaughter, now that Nanyang Prefecture is controlled by five countries, the Difu Sect should have been destroyed, right?”

“That’s right, three hundred years ago, the Difu Sect was discovered to be an evil sect, so several surrounding six-rank sects joined forces to destroy it and swallow up the state it originally managed, leaving only Nanyang Prefecture as a place for chess battles.”

“Where to fight?” Zhang Yanran’s eyes showed a strong desire for knowledge.

Zhang Chuxuan felt funny when he saw it, but still shook his head and said, “I’ll tell you about this after a while.”

Regarding Namyangju, Zhang Chuxuan has some plans, and many things will be raised at the family meeting soon.

Say it now, and say it again when the time comes.

He’s tired!

“Ah~” Zhang Yanran showed a disappointed expression.

It feels like reading a novel and seeing the climax position meet the dog author out of chapter.

Although Zhang Yanran had never read the novel, his mood to send a blade to Zhang Chuxuan was even stronger.

But what can she say in the face of the ancestors?

“Then grandpa knows why Ding Qiuchun started the beast tide?” Zhang Yanran changed his question, his eyes full of curiosity and grievances.

That posture seems to say, you just refused to tell one story, so you shouldn’t refuse the second one, right?

Very well, the granddaughter began to understand the tear offensive and coquetry.

It seems to have grown up.

Zhang Chuxuan glanced at the place where Beast Chao and Zhang Jinxuan and others were fighting, and found that the slaughtering business would continue for a while, so he did not refuse this time. Ah, it’s an opportunity to care and teach your granddaughter.

“That beast tide is to vent anger and turn ghosts.

Venting anger and ghosts?

Zhang Yanran was completely incomprehensible.

The first point is that I can’t understand Ding Qiuchun’s mentality, and the latter point is directly incomprehensible.

“In the face of the medium-sized beast tide, if it weren’t for your grandfather, millions of people in this Lingxia Town would have died, and several nearby towns and even the entire Dongxing County would have suffered. 35

“We killed Li Xiaofeng, it’s okay for Ding Qiuchun to come to us to take revenge, but in order to vent our anger, so many people have to be implicated?”

“If it was just for revenge, of course he wouldn’t be so heartbroken, and he wasn’t his own son, just a newly accepted apprentice.” 5

Zhang Chuxuan also did not sell Guan Zi, explaining: “Just now Ding Qiuchun mentioned that he is the protector of the Thirty-Seven Ghost Eater Ghost General of the Earth Demon Sect.

“This Soul Eater will be proficient in spiritual attacks, and his famous skills are Soul Changing Technique and Blood Soul Devouring Ghost Dafa.”

“Soul swapping is a special spiritual skill, and the caster can use this secret technique to exchange souls with people with special physiques when his strength is superior.” 5

“The Blood Devouring Ghost Dafa is to devour essence and blood grievances and newly born souls to temper their bodies and transform into high-quality (aeed) ghost bodies.

“Just now I noticed that Ding Qiuchun’s vitality in his body is routing, and he will die in three hours at most.” ”

“He launched a medium beast tide in order to kill two birds with one stone.”

Zhang Chuxuan voiced his analysis.

Zhang Yanran is very clever, and after summarizing the key information, he immediately understood it.

Ding Qiuchun still has three hours of Shouyuan left, indicating that he is dying.

Li Xiaofeng is a wood spirit body.

The conditions for the use of the soul changing technique are that the opponent’s strength is lower than his own, and he also has a special physique.

Obviously, Ding Qiuchun wanted to change his soul into Li Xiaofeng’s body in order to extend his life, and by the way, he would use his spiritual talent to become stronger, and maybe he could also get a glimpse of the spiritual realm.

But this opportunity was destroyed with Li Xiaofeng being killed by the Zhang family.

For Ding Qiuchun, the Zhang family not only destroyed his life, but also destroyed his opportunity to rise, which was naturally extremely angry.

So, launch a medium-sized fierce beast tide to vent your anger!

And launching a medium-sized fierce beast tide can allow the fierce beast to wipe out Lingxia Town, and millions of people will die at that time.

Ding Qiuchun can just perform the Blood Soul Devouring Ghost Dafa, forge the supreme ghost body, and lay the foundation for ghost cultivation along the way.

Perfect to kill two birds with one stone.

“But it was all destroyed by grandpa.”

“And grandpa only learned sporadic information from Ding Qiuchun’s mouth, so he analyzed all the dragon contexts, which is also too powerful.”

“Worthy of being called an old traitor… Man with the ultimate title of clever!35

Zhang Yanran looked at Zhang Chuxuan, his eyes full of adoration.

Zhang Chuxuan was calm and calm, saying that this was all small meaning.

At this time, Zhang Yanran suddenly thought of something, and said pityingly: “Grandpa, wouldn’t it be too wasteful to kill Ding Qiuchun like this?”

“Waste?” Zhang Chuxuan raised an eyebrow.

“Yes, grandpa, didn’t you just announce our Zhang family’s next three May plans a few days ago, the first step is to improve the strength of the family, and the second step is to destroy the three major sects of Qingchuan Mansion.

“It would have been much easier if I hadn’t killed Ding Qiuchun.”

Zhang Yanran sighed and said his analysis: “If we keep Ding Qiuchun, we can discredit the incense burning valley soon?”

“In addition to the sect of evil cultivators, our Zhang family, as a famous family, should serve the people and eliminate harm for the right path, right?”


Sure enough, good fellow!

After listening to Zhang Yanran’s remarks, Zhang Chuxuan opened his mouth, secretly thinking that this Zhang Yanran was worthy of his own granddaughter, and put his conspiracy tricks: Fart, is ingenuity, resourcefulness has been learned.

As soon as he knew the identity of Ding Qiuchun’s evil cultivator, he knew how to use it to maximize benefits.

This granddaughter is suitable for inheritance of thirty-six counts.

“Words, insidious… You’re very good!”

Zhang Chuxuan praised sincerely.

Zhang Yanran:?

You just wanted to say sinister and cunning, right?

“Keep up the good work, you have learned the essence of grandpa.

Zhang Yanran: ???

“What can you think of, do you think grandpa will be negligent?”

Zhang Chuxuan looked at the sky from a forty-five angle, looking lonely as a master.

“Grandpa, what do you mean?”

“Just say that you are smart, you are stupid again.”

“Could it be….

“Is that the case, do you think Ding Qiuchun is really dead?” 35

Zhang Chuxuan smiled disdainfully and glanced at Ding Qiuchun’s body.

“Boom! 99

Ding Qiuchun’s body suddenly exploded at an instant, turning into a blood mist in the sky.

A blood-black light shot out from the blood mist and flew towards the position where the fierce beast and Zhang Jinxuan and the others were fighting.


The corner of Zhang Chuxuan’s mouth hooked up a disdainful sneer, and his eyes froze.

A hint of blue appeared on the surface of his eyes.

“Ice Eyes.


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