National Fantasy Family: The Only Ancestor, Hundred Times Rewards

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: What About The Withdrawal Flow? (800 Reviews Plus More)

“Invincible Realm.”

“It turned out to be such an invincible.”

After the young man showed his cultivation of gathering spiritual realms, Zhang Chuxuan’s eyes froze, and he opened the Dao-level invincible realm for the first time.

There are two ways to open this field.

First, Zhang Chuxuan took the initiative to open it.

Second, when Zhang Chuxuan encounters danger, the field will automatically open.

Zhang Chuxuan has always guessed that after opening the realm, he will temporarily improve his strength and reach the point of being stronger than his opponent.

But now, he realized that he was wrong.

After the realm is opened, it is not that his strength will increase, but that the opponent’s strength will be suppressed and suppressed to the refining body realm.

On closer thought, Zhang Chuxuan felt that this made sense.

There is too much uncertainty about really giving him a temporary boost in strength.

Suppose you come to a great emperor and be proficient in all kinds of magic powers.

Could it be that his strength will also be raised to the Great Emperor level?

He is a martial artist of the Refining Body Realm, and he suddenly has the Great Emperor realm, how much strength can he exert?

The assessment of the strength of both sides is a very troublesome matter.

It is better to suppress the opponent’s strength to the refining body realm, which is more crisp.

Even if the Great Emperor enters his realm, his cultivation will be suppressed to the refining realm, and his magic power cannot be used at all, and the imperial weapon cannot be controlled.

And he has the peak strength of the Refining Body Realm, and he can be stronger in the future, and in this field, he can naturally be invincible.

“Give me some quiet.”

Zhang Chuxuan glanced at Xinghong.

Xinghong tried to mobilize qi, blood and spiritual power, but he was never successful, and he was afraid in his heart and did not dare to refute at all.

Zhang Chuxuan shifted his gaze, put it on Mo Fan, and asked lightly: “Little guy, you come here, does Mo Yun know?” ”

Zhang Chuxuan is very short.

His granddaughter is going to be withdrawn, although it is only a verbal marriage contract, he still has the urge to destroy the other party.

He just endured without breaking out.

It’s not that I’m afraid of the Xingyue Sect.

With virtual panel trading functions and unboxing functions, invincible avenue-level realms, and a hundredfold reward ability, he is not even afraid of the Great Emperor, and he will be afraid of a Xingyue Sect?

The reason for not making a move was because of Zhang Jinxuan’s request.

Zhang Jinxuan firmly believed that Mo Yun would not do anything treacherous.

Mo Fan came to the door to withdraw from marriage, there may be hidden feelings.

For example, sect persecution!

To verify this, Zhang Jinxuan asked Zhang Chuxuan to give him time to figure out the situation first.

Zhang Chuxuan agreed.

But now, Zhang Jinxuan trembled.

He understood that his father was already impatient.

Although I don’t know how Zhang Chuxuan managed to make Xinghong obedient, this did not prevent him from being more in awe of this father in his heart.

“It can’t be delayed any longer.”

Zhang Jinxuan sighed in his heart, and also asked Mo Fan, “You came here, does your father know?” ”

After asking, Zhang Jinxuan closed his eyes.

He was afraid to hear answers he didn’t want to hear.

The Xingyue Sect is a dual cultivation sect, internally divided into the Star Vein and the Moon Vein, recruiting female disciples and male disciples respectively, and the two veins complement each other.

Mo Fan was accepted by the Star Vein, and according to the regulations, he needed to find a Taoist in the Moon Vein, and the two of them practiced the double cultivation secret method.

If Zhang Yanran’s strength did not regress, he would probably be accepted as a disciple by Yuemei, and the two would have the opportunity to become a Taoist.

But three years have passed, Zhang Yanran is still refining the body triple.

Zhang Jinxuan understood that the two of them were a personal disciple of the Nine-Rank Sect, and the other had no hope of breaking through the early stage of refining for life, which was not suitable!

He had already been mentally prepared for the day of the dissolution of the marriage contract, and he was not angry.

After all, it was originally a verbal promise of wine promised by the parents after drinking too much, and there was no marriage certificate.

It was always Mo Yun who made him embarrassed.

When a man goes to a high place, so does he.

As long as Mo Yun came to him and the two had a drink, this matter would be over.

He just didn’t expect that it would actually be Mo Fan who personally came to the door and withdrew from the marriage with great fanfare.

This is a slap in the face!

Zhang Chuxuan, on the other hand, cares most about face.

Mo Yun, a brother of life and death, feels that he has handed it over.

“My father didn’t know I was here.”

As soon as Mo Fan spoke, he made Zhang Jinxuan open his eyes suddenly, and a look of joy flashed in his eyes.

After being overjoyed, Zhang Jinxuan said in disbelief: “You ran to withdraw from marriage yourself?” ”

“Can’t you?”

It may be that with the support of the Xingyue Sect, Mo Fan acted very tough, and said: “My father is simply an old stubborn and pedantic. ”

“Say what brother Yinuo, weigh a thousand pounds.”

“Casually set me this marriage, and sold me without even knowing what the woman looked like.”

“Fortunately, I have a golden spirit body and was accepted as a personal disciple by the master.”

“As a disciple of the Xingyue Sect, of course I have to find a Taoist in the sect.”

“Since my father can’t show this old face, then I’ll do it myself”

Mo Fan said a lot in one breath, as if he was venting.

When Zhang Jinxuan heard this, it was angry and funny.

The context is clear.

He didn’t look at the wrong person, Mo Yun didn’t let him hope.

Everything is Mo Fan’s adolescent rebellion and does not want to be betrothed.

Joining the Xingyue Sect gave him confidence, so he ran to the Zhang family to suppress people.

I plan to make things a set fact first, and then go to deal with Mo Yun.

From Mo Fan’s standpoint, he was right to do so.

But he used it in the wrong way!

One thing that would have been easy to solve.

It’s so noisy.

Anyway, Zhang Chuxuan was angry.

He was angry and someone had to pay the price.


Zhang Chuxuan is ready to leave Mo Fan with a lesson that will last a lifetime.

It’s just a golden spirit body, and it has a bit of an advantage before cultivating to the Transformation Spirit Realm.

Compared to the Xuanyin Holy Vein, it’s nothing!

But before he could speak, a nursing home voice suddenly sounded outside the hall: “Patriarch, the head of the Mo family in Yanchi Town is visiting.” ”

The head of the Mo family in Yanchi Town.

Isn’t that Mo Yun?

The Lord actually came.

“Let him in!”

Zhang Chuxuan ignored Zhang Jinxuan’s gaze and spoke.


The nursing home responded.

There was silence in the hall.

Mo Fan’s expression was calm, and his clenched hands betrayed his true mood.

About half a minute later, a middle-aged man’s hearty laughter sounded outside the door: “Brother Zhang, I brought the little girl to find you.” ”

“Where’s your son?”

“The marriage that was originally agreed can be handled, right?”

Take the little girl, come to find the son?

Zhang Chuxuan threw an inquiring look at Zhang Jinxuan.

Zhang Jinxuan’s expression was innocent, indicating that I was also confused.

Zhang Chuxuan:….

What a fairy script this is.

What about the said withdrawal flow?

What about playing?

PS: Iron juices, the author Jun added more.

The author Jun likes to make a fuss, and will not let everyone guess what to write later at a glance.

Ask for wave evaluation votes, ask for broken flowers! *

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