Natasha the Halve

Oni’s Eyes. Part II

Two hours after the party had entered the dungeon, Yolin's eyebrows twitched for the nth time.

A snap within her stole her attention for a second, discharging energy throughout her body and mind. Her body had, once again, acclimated to the large amounts of E'er released by the Mind Flayers and sent through the Bond by Natasha and Lapia.

The Oni bit her lips in concern. I'm leveling up too quickly, she concluded, looking at the party members.

Everyone had the slight awkward feeling of benefiting from something they did nothing about written on their faces.

Except Lapia. The Domi Elf had a smile as wide as the oceans on her face, and her throat and shoulders shook with joy. Her efforts were showing great results. The woman's eyes, however, remained focused on the complex spells.

Yolin's eyes squinted in curiosity, and she appraised the Wizard she was guarding.

[Lapia Pofeta – Bonded Partner – Domi Elf, Lvl 315 Pyromancer]

A surprised whistle escaped the tank.

Progress was massive, and the Elf was getting the most out of the delve.

Yolin looked around for any potential threats that would approach, and after noticing none would go past the Halve, she checked her progress.

Yolin Makav
Red Oni

-STR: 2676 (+10000)
-CON: 4841 (+10000)
-INT: 604 (+250)
-WIS: 596 (+250)
-DEX: 2141 (+750)
Health: 96820/96820
Stamina: 24205/22322
E’er: 11920/8405


Monk, Lvl 305

-Replicating the discipline of the mind on the body, Clerics who approach their faith with the violence of a fighter will find themselves following the Vow of Protection, attempting to reach the Eternal and Divine with the unbreakable conviction of Holy Servitude.




Rank 2.

-Manifestation of Greater Blessings, lvl 42. Channel the Holy idea of steadfast body and will, increasing Toughness, Constitution, and Strength by (CON/Total Level) for every Manifestation. Spends E'er in accordance to the duration of your intent.

-Knowledge of Severance, Lvl 41. Scan opponents and reveal critical joints, key nerve paths, damaged organs, and the flow of Life Energy.

-Transcendental Body of the Holy Servant, Lvl 48. Gather your will and manifest your faith, gaining Toughness with injuries sustained. Subparasympatic exploitation keeps the benefits as long as the fight lasts, even if your wounds are healed.

-Body of Water, Mind of Mountain, Lvl 49. Awareness of pain and nerve function prevents loss of focus regardless of injuries. Greater understanding allows for reactive healing, directly related to the level of focus.

-Five Ordinances of Red Faith, Lvl 40. Punch and Kick the non-believer, Red Island Style.


Rank 3.

-Faith over Mind over Matter, Lvl 50. Heal your wounds, growing in intensity with your Toughness. Natural Healing.

-A Monk's Tools, Lvl 50. Enhances your Body the greater your total Level, focusing on the Toughness of your skin, bones, and internal organs.

-Vow of Protection, Lvl 50. When in a Party, the effect your skills have on yourself are doubled. If your party consists of eight or more members, the effects are tripled. If you have a Partner in your party, the effects are quadrupled. (Stacks)


Paladin, Lvl 304

-Symbols of Faith and Perseverance, Paladins are charitable individuals focusing on auras that benefit allies and punish foes. Inspire the faithful and smite the wicked!




Rank 2.

-Mind of Faith, Temple of Charity, Lvl 42. The Echo of Danuva in accordance to Joy's Law emits an aura (CON/2) meters around you which redirects Life Energy coming your way if it would bring you no benefit. Bless the less fortunate with your surplus.

-Body of Faith, Temple of Sacrifice, Lvl 48. The Echo of Danuva in accordance to Solivis' Grand Charity uses your (Life Energy Pool/Toughness) to heal allies (CON/2) meters around you who suffer injury.

-Life of Servitude, Temple of the Gods, Lvl 49. The Echo of Divinity in accordance to Danuva's Proclamation of Sentience and Shorvanna's Command to Struggle emits an aura that arouses the Fight of Flight response of enemies (CON/3) meters around you, forcing their focus on you.


Rank 3.

-Protectoratum, Lvl 50. An ardent aura surrounds you, sharing (Total Level/Skill Level)% of your toughness with allies (CON/5) meters around you. Faith triumphs hard knowledge. Foes see the truth of their feeble selves in the Divine Message, receiving a castigation to their endurance of (Total Level/Skill Level)% in the same range.

-Choir to the Gods, Harmony of Faith, Lvl 50. Clerics you are Bonded to increase the effects of your auras by (Number of Clerics Bonded To/Number of People Bonded to x100)% if wihin their reach.


Asura, Lvl 322

-The truth within is Divine in Nature. Consciousness is Merciful. Weaponize the Holy Gift.




Rank 3.

-Golden Blessing, Lvl 50. Manifestation of Greater Blessings can be absorbed, further increasing the effects by (CON/Skill Level)%. Grant a Manifestation of Greater Blessings to a Bonded ally within (CON/5) meters, granting the effects to the ally instead. Increase Natural Healing by (CON/Skill Level)% for each Manifestation of Greater Blessings.

-Asura Projection, Lvl 50. Conjure up to (Skill Level) limbs to assist you. Their resilience is (Skill Level/50 x100)% of yours. Release a burst of light and Natural Healing when broken.

-The Eye of Asura, Lvl 50. Scan a target, revealing Life Energy pathways for exploitation or assistance. Further understanding reveals sensitive zones and weaknesses.

-The Great Icon of the Isles, Lvl 50. Manifest your faith as an image that increases Strength, Tenacity, Constitution, Toughness, Intelligence, Perspicacity, Wisdom, Insight, Dexterity, and Alacrity for allies (CON/5) meters around you.

-Beggining of Cycle, Lvl 50. All skills increase in intensity by up to (CON/skill level x100)% depending on how close to death you are.

-End of Cycle, Lvl 50. Your body and mind become perfectly attuned with each other. All skills become auras, are active at all times, and double in cost. Healing is exclusive to Oni.


Yolin pursed her lips, letting out a pensive hum.

It could be said Yolin Makav's focus was to endure whatever Galeia could throw at her. She had gone for quality over quantity, choosing complex skills that would ensure her and her party's survival, whoever she would end up joining.

What should I focus on? She wondered, going over her skills and Classes. With how fast we're leveling, maybe Monk would be nice to get a bit more Strength. She looked ahead and eyed the Mind Flayers within Lapia's spells. Constitution would be better, though...

As such, the Oni changed the path E'er took when entering her from Paladin to Asura. More Constitution is always better, moreso when considering she planned to ask Natasha to break her mind.

Every point counted towards being indestructible.

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