Naruto: The Birth Of Fenrir and his Keeper

Chapter 20 – Annoying Friends

During his two years of visiting the facilities, Keitaro had learned quite a lot about ninken and the clan in general. He had even made friends with a few of the kids that he ran into around the compound who would also often come with their own parents when they came to work from time to time.

So it was hardly a surprise to him anymore that he had barely managed to begin reading from the massive scroll on the desk in front of him when he was interrupted by the spirited shouts of one of his close, but also irritating friends. 

Renji's loud voice echoed through the room as he blasted through the door.

"Hehe! I knew it was you Keitaro!" 

The boisterous boy slammed his hands onto the table, almost knocking over the ink well that Keitaro had been using. As usual his excitement was palpable and he quickly scanned over the scroll that Keitaro had been reading through before pouting at Keitaro's lackluster reaction to his entrance.

"You know that I'm always here early with my dad. You could have at least stopped by and said ‘hi’ if you were going to be here early today."

Keitaro sighed tiredly and quickly marked where he had been reading before looking up at the disgruntled Renji. 

It had been a pleasant surprise when he had first arrived and found that there were quite a few children running around the compound since he had truly wanted to mingle with other kids from the clan. 

Unfortunately, he was the youngest one here, which made it difficult to really mesh with most of the children who deemed him to be much too young. 

His time wasn't all wasted though, as it had been while he tried to mingle with his peers that he learned that not all of the members of a shinobi clan were raised to become shinobi.

In retrospect it was an obvious conclusion to come to, that not every member of a clan was suitable for life as or even able to become a shinobi. Yet it was only once he had actually been confronted with such a reality that Keitaro had really thought about it. 

Most of the prominent clans had all dipped their toes into many different fields of study and areas of economic interest overtime. Many of them had been heavily involved in agriculture, husbandry, the textile industry and even in areas such as mining, blacksmithing and construction. 

In a way it was inevitable for such a thing to occur as it would have been impossible for them to survive the warring states period without healthy sources of revenue to push their combat personnel to higher and grander heights.

In some ways the economic strength of a clan was directly related to how potent their combat potential was, which meant that most if not all clans had to take special care to ensure that their businesses and investments were well taken care of and well maintained.

Of course, that meant that they couldn't simply leave these important sources of income in the hands of people that they couldn't fully trust since it could very well become a weakness that enemies could exploit.

 As such, most clans allowed persons who didn't have much potential or interest in becoming shinobi to take over these industries and businesses for the clan. This not only served as a way to safeguard the interest of the clan, but also fostered a better sense of unity amongst the clansmen. 

After all, it allowed anyone from the clan, regardless of their strength or value as shinobi, to be able to contribute to the furthering of the prestige and strength of the clan in some way.

Not surprisingly, Renji was the son of one such individual in the clan, Kazuki Inuzuka. Renji's father had been forced to become a part of the breeder division rather early on in his shinobi career simply because he was deemed to not have much potential as a shinobi. 

Instead of giving in to despair and choosing to give up on the path of a shinobi though, he endeavored to continue to find ways to improve on his strengths and he chose to do so solely through his ninken partner.

As a result of his decision, he ended up delving into the medical field in order to find ways to strengthen his ninken; and specifically, he focused heavily on the field of bioengineering.

He was one of the only people of the clan who focused on improving the strength of the ninken by altering their genetics on a fundamental level. His successful research resulted in him being considered amongst the small number of non combat personnel that were viewed highly within the clan, because of the improvements that he had managed to induce in his as well as other the ninken of the clan. 

Most of the newer ninken breeds who had been blessed with greatly enhanced senses and stronger bodies were the direct result of his extensive experimentations, and while it had taken time for the clan to recognize his brilliance, once it was discovered that the improvements he had made to the ninken not only affected the ninken in question but could also be passed down to their offspring, his position of importance in the clan was greatly elevated and solidified.

These days he spent most of his time on long-term research projects geared towards ensuring that none of the genetically modified ninken had any genetic defects that hadn't yet been noticed or discovered.

As such, he could usually be found in or around the research facilities of the clan. Usually in his office that was inside the underground laboratory, and as a result of his fathers work, his son Renji spent a lot of his time at the compound as well. Studying and learning the tricks of the trade since his father hoped to pass on his knowledge to his son. 

Keitaro had run into the two of them a few weeks after his father had started working in the facilities and was pleasantly surprised when he found out that Kuma and Kazuki had been friends from back in their academy days and remained friends even before Kuma had 'left' the clan. 

It didn't take much for the two former friends to rekindle their friendship and the two were more than happy to reconnect once again. 

The more concerning problem for Keitaro though had been Renji, who for whatever reason, had decided then and there that he and Keitaro were destined to be close friends just like their fathers had been. 

No matter how much Keitaro tried to avoid the boy who he deemed a nuisance, Renji always seemed to find him no matter where he hid, and eventually Renji had badgered Keitaro so much that he had simply given in to the boy's whims and become 'friends'.

Since then, the two would occasionally be found wandering around the facility from time to time, with Renji who was two years his senior explaining different things to an often tired looking Keitaro.

It hadn't taken long for Keitaro to notice that Renji was much, much smarter than he often appeared to be and that discovery resulted in Keitaro oftentimes going to look for Renji whenever he had problems understanding something in his studies, instead of finding his father.

It was only then, while learning from Renji, that Keitaro learned that the reason Renji had taken a liking to him was because he was 'smart' like him.

Renji had apparently been aware of Keitaro since the first day he had come to the facility and had been watching him from afar for a while. It was during that time that he had noticed how Keitaro would oftentimes pay attention to the conversations of the 'adults' around him and how he would react to some of the things that the adults around him said. 

That plus the fact that he could usually understand the things that Renji would mention from time to time while talking to him made it that Renji grew to enjoy Keitaro's presence.

Of course, while Keitaro called Renji his annoying friend, he viewed him in a much better light.

In a way he was the first real friend that he had managed to make. That coupled with the fact that most if not all of the knowledge that was sitting inside of Keitaro's head was in part thanks to the detailed books and notes that he borrowed from Renji, meant that the two were as thick as thieves. 

So it wasn't surprising that Renji was here to annoy him yet again.

Keitaro merely glanced up at the boisterous intruder before once more focusing on the scrolls before him. 

"Why would I bother to go looking for you? I figured you'd eventually find me anyway like you always seem to do." 

Renji rolled his eyes at Keitaro's attitude and sat at the table with him. 

"You're always like that. You won't be popular with the girls if you keep acting so cold you know." 

Keitaro raised his eyebrow at Renji's comment, remembering his single life from before and venomously deciding to poke fun at one of Renji's soft spots.

"What would you know about being popular with girls, you've been rejected every time you attempted to even talk to one. I should know since I've seen a few of your failed attempts." 

Keitaro couldn't help but shudder as he recalled that one particularly pathetic scene of Renji practically begging for forgiveness after being besieged by a cackle of girls who he had angered in some way.

Renji almost seemed to choke on air as his face flushed beet red, but he quickly fought past the embarrassment.

"None of that's important right now. Instead you should focus on what I have planned for today. I'm glad I ran into you when I did, if not you'd miss out on the chance of a lifetime." 

"Oh? What great opportunity have you managed to secure for me, oh mighty one?" 

Keitaro leaned back in his chair and couldn't help rolling his eyes. Chances were that if he entertained Renji and his shenanigans, he'd end up being dragged all around the compound again one another of Renji's great adventures.

Renji didn't let Keitaro's sass deter him though, and he too leaned back in his chair but with a haughty look plastered across his face.

"You'll be singing a different tune soon enough. If I remember correctly, you've always said you wanted to watch one of my dads experiments in person right?"

Keitaro nodded his head. He had already grown bored of all the notes that he'd been reading and memorizing lately. All he needed to do now was to start practicing the actual medical jutsu he'd been reading up on, but his father wanted him to wait till he was a student at the academy first. 

Since that was the case, he'd been wanting to sit in on some of the experiments that had been carried out by Kazuki, not only so that he could see the things he'd been studying in action, but also so he would have an idea of what direction to focus his studies on for the future.

"Well my friend, today's your lucky day!"

Once more Renji's over-activeness sprung forth as he explained for Keitaro to understand.

"Dad told me that he's going to be working on an important project that the elders of the clan specifically ordered him to deal with. I'm not fully sure what it is, but I do know that the first stages of the project are going to be carried out today. Dad told me I could watch and if you're down, I could pull a few strings and get you in as well. Of course that depends on whether or not you're still interested of course. So, what do you say?"

 Renji's smugness was on full display as he waited for Keitaro's response. 

Knowing what Renji wanted to hear from him, Keitaro sighed before pandering to his friends ego.

"Come on Renji, my ole pall, best bud, how could I say no to you and your benevolence? Just let me tell my dad I'll be gone for a bit and we can head off." 

Keitaro immediately pushed the scrolls to the side and quickly packed up his stuff. 

It would be a lie if Keitaro said that he wasn't ecstatic at the fact that he had finally gotten permission to sit in on Kazuki's work. He'd been begging Renji to talk to his father for him for over a year now and never once had gotten a positive response till now. 

While he had accepted that his young age would have made it difficult for him to gain access to the lab, it had still been annoying not being able to be taken seriously. 

In a world where ten and eleven year olds were sent out on assassination missions, you'd think that children would be treated a bit more seriously, but it felt as if that wasn't the case at all.

Even though most of the people he came into contact with grew to treat him differently due to his maturity, in the end they still saw him as a child and as such there were still barriers that he simply couldn't cross. 

Now though? He was finally going to get a glimpse at something that he had planned to delve into in the future. He had already planned to use his future medical expertise and knowledge to 'upgrade' both his ninken and himself, as he figured it was the most sure fire way to improve his strength in the future. 

Given how important having the right genetics seemed to play an important role in the overall strength of a person, he knew there was a lot of room for improvement as far as his body's natural genetics was concerned.

Plus since he knew that he lived in a world were it was possible for some random toads, snakes and even slugs to grow so large that they were able to dwarf even the tallest of buildings in the village, then he was certain he could find a way for his ninken to also become as amazing as them. 

If they could do it, then why couldn't his future ninken partner?

Shortly after informing his father about his escapades, Keitaro and Renji could be seen making their way towards the research area of the facility.

"So what type of experiment is your dad carrying out exactly?" 

Keitaro eyed his friend who was quickly leading him down a corridor. He wanted to get as much information about this supposed experiment as possible. While he didn't expect to be able to fully understand everything that would happen, he at least wanted to have an idea so he wouldn't look completely clueless.

Renji didn't pause his steps but slowed down slightly so that he could fall into step with Keitaro as he spoke. 

"Well like I said already, dad didn't tell me all that much, but from what I can tell, the elders of the clan are trying to increase the ferocity and battle capabilities of the clans ninken and have gone to my dad to do it." 

Renji paused and glanced around. Once he was sure that there wasn't anyone around he leaned in closer to Keitaro and whispered into his ear. whispering hurriedly.

"Dad said that the elders have been doing everything they can recently to think of ways to improve the standing in the clan within the village in the coming years. He thinks that it is because of the decline of the more noble clans. 

With the Senju being pretty much destroyed, the Uchiha being sidelined at the moment, and the Huyuga becoming more and more reclusive as time goes on, the elders seem to think that this would be the best time for the minor clans to 'rise up' so that they can improve their position in the village."

Renji eyed the corridor once more before speaking normally once again. 

"Either way the Elders are making moves all over the clan but as far as dad is concerned, they want him to make a breakthrough by improving the combat potential of the ninken in the clan. From what I can tell this is an experiment that was always meant to be carried out, but it was supposed to happen over a period of years so that there wouldn't be any unforeseen problems with the end result. However, because of the importance of improving the clan's strength as quickly as possible, it's being placed at the forefront instead."

Renji chuckled uneasily as he recalled how his father had practically exploded on the shinobi that had sent him the message from the elders.

"Of course, dad wasn't too happy with that directive. As far as he is concerned they're rushing and badgering him to produce results as quickly as possible, something that he absolutely hates doing, but when the Elders give a command the only thing we can really do is to comply."

Keitaro had been listening attentively but couldn't help but scoff to himself when he heard of the Elders supposed plans and demands.

He might not have an understanding of the bigger picture, but he knew full well that it would take a lot of effort for the Inuzuka Clan of all people to climb over the 'Noble clans' of Konoha. 

No matter how things may appear on the surface, most of the clans were still recuperating from the Kyūbi attack and even then, none of them were being idle. Everyone was slowly making improvements and solidifying their strengths for when the time to show their claws once more came to be.

While it wouldn't hurt for the Inuzuka to do their best to improve themselves now, the chances of the other clans being stagnant was impossible. None of the clans were stupid and while some of their lower leveled members might be in the dark, the higher profiled ones would all be pushing for improvement in some way.

It was only obvious that if each of the various clans chose to focus on improvement, then there wouldn't be much of a change when it came to the political climate of the village. In the end things would simply settle back into how they had always been from before the Kyūbi attack.

Of course that would all be subject to change when the Uchiha were eventually wiped out but that was a problem for another day.

It didn't take them long before they could hear the distant sound of people running around. Keitaro assumed it was the sound of the researchers, most likely preparing for whatever experiment would be carried out today, and couldn't help but wonder how important it could be to have so many people taking part in it. 

Surprisingly though, instead of leading him towards the lab door, Renji pushed him towards one of the side corridors, quickly making sure that no one was around before pointing to the vent at the bottom of the wall.

"You'll have to crawl in through there and watch through the ventilation shafts."

Keitaro, who was understandably quite confused at his friend's directions, couldn't help but to look at him funnily. 

Seemingly unnerved by the look Keitaro was giving him, Renji fiddled with his fingers while not meeting his eyes. 

"To be honest…I kind of already asked my dad if you could watch, but he said that this wasn't something he could allow people without the 'proper clearance' to see." 

Renji, who was making a point of not looking into Keitaro's eyes that had now been drilling into him for the last few seconds, crossed his hands across his chest and huffed in annoyance.

"So since he didn't want to give you clearance, I decided I could just let you watch without telling him. As long as you're quiet and follow my instructions, you'll be able to see everything that's happening without much issue. Plus since everyone is going to be focused on the experiment that they're running, it'll be even easier for you to sneak in." 

Renji patted the vent cover, which conveniently slid to the side without a sound, before finally looking directly at a now slightly hysterical Keitaro.

"Are you mad!” Keitaro shouted as he began tugging on his hair in frustration. 

“What exactly do you think is going to happen if I get caught?! I can't exactly play it off as a silly honest mistake, especially when you just said that your dad told you explicitly that I couldn't be here without the proper clearance! 

This could end horribly for both of us!" 

Keitaro couldn't help but look at Renji like he was a madman. This wasn't the first time that he had proposed some ridiculous plan, but it was definitely the one that promised a lot of problems if it fell through.

"It'll be fine as long as you don't get caught, and as long as you don't make too much noise you won't. You are the one that said you wanted to watch my dads experiments. Now's your chance."

As if he didn't understand the gravity of the situation, Renji simply brushed aside Keitaro's concerns and started nudging him towards the vents. 

Keitaro dung his feet into the ground to prevent himself from moving any further before whirling around to face his friend once more.

"Look Ren, when I said that I wanted to sit in on an experiment, I meant a normal experiment that wouldn't possibly result in me being court martialed by the clan. I was hoping to use that as a way to get my foot into the labs and begin training here for a while before I had to focus on shinobi training.

I did not mean that I wanted to spend a day in the vents while watching an experiment that requires so much secrecy. This is madness!"

"Do you think I don't know that?!" Renji hissed irritably as he covered Kentaro's mouth to prevent him from drawing attention to them.

"Of course I know that this isn't exactly what you wanted or were expecting, but you're not going to get into these labs otherwise. I've been asking my dad for the past year to let you in and to let you begin studying under him, but  he hasn't said yes once. He still sees you as a kid."

Once Renji was sure that Keitaro had calmed down and wouldn't start shouting again, he let him go. 

"Look, I'm just giving you a chance to peek behind the curtain. If anything, with how important this is, now is the best chance to see my dad truly at work. I'm giving you a chance, but it's up to you if you're going to grab ahold of it."

Renji pulled out a scroll that he'd been hiding in his shirt and handed it to Keitaro. Once he opened it, he was surprised to see a rather detailed map of the air vents within the lab. 

Before he could reject the offer, Renji patted him on the back and quickly made his way back down the hallway leaving Keitaro alone.

Keitaro contemplated for a bit about whether or not he was really willing to take the risk, before he sighed and began to crawl into the ventilation shafts.

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