Naruto: Tango with Death

Chapter 160: Coronation (4)

Opening my eyes, I breathed out a fine mist because of the cold, and raised my hand towards the sky.

Following my will, clouds quickly started gathering in the sky, and that was the cue for them to start attacking.

The Sannin seemed to have reached a consensus while this was happening because they all summoned their giant summons at the same time. At the same time, Kushina, who already had her Kyuubi Cloak on, had long claws made of chakra grow out, while next to her, Minato closed his eyes, and natural energy started converging towards him, but there wasn't much left.

However, I didn't care about this, for my eyes remained locked onto the Uchiha side. I ignored Fugaku and Mikoto, and instead trained my eyes on… Shisui.

Clenching my fist at his Sharingan, I said, "Please… don't."

He smiled back, and his Sharingan's tomoes started spinning as he replied, "Only way to avoid this bloodshed…"

Before he could finish what he was saying, I took a step, and appeared right in front of him as his Mangekyou finished manifesting.

I wildly swung my hand at him, I couldn't let him use his Mangekyou on me.

Shisui saw me move, he had the Sharingan after all, but although he was fast, it was obvious to me that he wouldn't be able to dodge this.

Yet, as my hand approached his head, and I felt my heart stop, I suddenly felt my hand enter a strange current.

There was nothing in between my hand and his head, the air was not disturbed, yet my hand made an unnatural swerve, thus missing his head completely.

I didn't understand what happened, but I couldn't let go of him, so I prepared to jump after him. However, I picked up Itachi's movement on the side, who suddenly opened his eyes, which were bloodshot.

I hurriedly backed away, dodging the black flames of Amaterasu just in time.

However, as I backed away, the sky seemed to suddenly darken, and looking up, I saw a black skeletal giant right above me, with a long sword in its sheath. I recognized its stance, for it was Mikoto's, who was in the middle of the giant.

Clenching my hand around my sword's handle, I completely disregarded the fact that I was in mid air and solidified the very air around me to take my own stance.

We both unsheathed out swords at the same time, and while our sizes was massively different, a stream of water followed after my blade, going right past the Susanoo's sword and hitting it in the chest.

Mikoto, who struggled to block my own blade, was sent flying backwards by the stream of water. However, I could not follow after her as Kushina appeared right next to me in a burst of impressive speed.

She quickly dished out her attacks, each claw having more power behind it than Mikoto's single slash.

I parried each of them, as I wasn't only stronger than her, but also more skilled, but as I gained the advantage, Minato suddenly teleported right next to me, a Rasengan in his hand.

Our eyes crossed for an instant, before he pressed the attack onto my shoulder.

The Rasengan… that was nasty stuff. Moreover, it felt like it had been enhanced from the original as I did feel some pain from it, and it even forced me a step back.

Kushina used the opportunity to claw me across the chest, but the claw never reached me as a water dragon slammed into her side, sending her flying.

My eyes returning to Minato, I clenched my teeth and swung my blade at him, but he teleported away, my blade harmlessly passing where he was, when I noticed the small seal on the ground.

Next moment, Minato reappeared, and while I had prepared for an attack, I certainly didn't expect a giant slug to appear on top of me.

Still, I punched out with all of my strength, which, I reckon, would be enough to shatter a mountain, yet I felt like I had punched into jelly.

The slug into a sea of smaller ones at contact, surrounding me from all sides, and restraining me. I exerted my strength out, and formed a giant, circular spiked blade of water around me, and made it spin to clear out the slugs around me, but before I could get to any result, something else came at me.

The slugs naturally parted like the red sea to let pass the tsunami of oil, flooding me and my surroundings. Knowing where this was going, I tried to move away, but the slugs restrained me very efficiently as Jiraya lit the oil on fire.

I expected a giant explosion, but instead the fire instantly spread through the oil, sticking everywhere around me. Worst though, was that the fire spread to the left over Amaterasu, which quickly began feeding on it, growing the inextinguishable flame.

Meanwhile, I was on fire myself, yet all I felt was a relative warmth. That's it. Still, I would rather not test my resistance against Amaterasu, and since the slugs around me had been wiped away by the fire, I could get out fine.

However, as I was about to, the ground below me caved in, revealing a giant snake's wide opened mouth. It ignored the raging fire, and seemed intent on swallowing me up.

I directly flew off, something that came to me naturally with Senjutsu Chakra.

I reached the sky, and got the burning oil away from me now that I was away from them. However, as I did, the world around me turned red.

Looking down, I saw the old Uchiha of the Akatsuki had his Mangekyou out. As the whole world around me turned into a hellish dimension, I heard a whisper in my ear.

"Let go, Sukaina."

Sighing softly, I replied, "You don't understand. I am trying to save you all."

The whispering voice, Shisui's, replied, "No, I am trying to save you. Please, come back."

As Shisui spoke, I felt a warm feeling spread through my body, making me feel more comfortable than I ever felt before. And as I thought of going against his words, the warm feeling disappeared, replaced by a cold, uncomfortable chill.

"I… I can't. I'm sorry. I wish I could, from the bottom of my heart."

Shisui replied, "Then come. All you have to do, is to accept it. Come back to Konoha with us. Let's go back to the way things were. Now that the war is over, things can back the way they were."

Sighing, I replied, "It's already too late."

As I spoke, the chill only got stronger, I could feel Shisui's influence, his Kotoamatsukami was strong. However, it wasn't strong enough.

Another whisper came into my ear, from Jashin, "Sukaina, how long do you plan on stalling."

Frowning as I looked around the hellish dimension, I replied, "I'm not."

With a wave of my hand, I formed a bunch of water spears that went through the surrounding demons, only for them to disappear like mirages.

Jashin pressed on, "I know this isn't easy. Believe me, I've fought my own family. However, certain things must be done, and for the sake of not only yourself, but for the world, you need to put an end to this. Use your powers."

Biting my lip, I replied, "I'm not stalling. They are just very strong."

Jashin groaned, "Don't take me for a fool, you know how strong you are. They don't stand a chance before a Sage. Besides, you would also be doing them a favour. Those are some of the strongest in the world, and look at the difference in power between you. You are only a single, newly formed Sage. Do you think humanity would stand a chance if the Sages and the Otsotsuki revived?"


I said, "I don't want to do this."

Jashin said, "But you have to."

Closing my eyes, I sighed, and finally relented, "But I have to."

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