Naruto: Tango with Death

Chapter 154: Chunin Exam

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[Yugito Nii's POV]

As I stood next to Lord Raikage within the VIP section of Konoha's arena, I couldn't help but touch the stump, where my right arm was supposed to be. I didn't like being here.

"You okay?"

I looked at C next to me, who had whispered his worry to me. I shook my head and whispered back, "I have a bad feeling."

C looked around vigilantly and asked, "A hidden enemy?"

I, again, shook my head, "No, not from Nibi. I guess I'm just tense."

C dropped down his vigilance a little and patted my back as he said, "It's fine, she's not here. Besides, we are on a diplomatic visit, she wouldn't do anything."

She. He hadn't even used her name. None of us did. I remember I swore vengeance, but since the death of the Mizukage…

I couldn't help but shift my eyes towards the newest Kage of the five, the Fifth Mizukage. Like her predecessor, she was young, not even thirty from what I heard. I wonder if she would be able to survive her attack.

While I was lost in thought, Lord Raikage asked rather impatiently, "Am I the only one who thinks it's about time to speak our terms?"

The oldest of the five, the Third Tsuchikage, nodded, and said, "The war has to end, none of us can keep it up. Besides, I believe we've all had similar instructions from our Daimyos."

As he said that, all eyes turned towards the Fourth Hokage, the Yellow Flash, as we all knew what was happening in his country.

The Hokage sported a frown, but he still replied, "While I do agree this war has to end, all we did since the beginning was defend ourselves."

Next to him, the Mizukage commented, "Kiri never agreed to this war, my predecessor did. Since he met his… unfortunate death, we have stopped all attacks. To us, the war ended a year ago."

The Hokage nodded, "And I thank you for this…"

The Kazekage, who had remained silent until now, cut off the Hokage and asked, "Since no one is going to ask, I'll do it. What exactly are you doing with the Queen of Flowers?"

The Hokage's frown deepened, and even his wife, the strongest Jinchuriki, didn't look so good. It was Shikaku Nara, the Hokage's advisor, who replied, "Sukaina Sumichi has been tasked with quelling the rebellion brewing within the Land of Fire."

Lord Raikage snorted angrily, "Do you take us for blind fools? She is obviously seizing power for herself. If nothing is done about her, she will sooner or later take over the Land of Fire. Then, who's to say she won't go on to expend beyond that?"

The Hokage opened his mouth, but suddenly, I felt myself froze, and another voice asked, "Talking behind my back?"

Blinking, I saw every head turn towards us. I turned my head slowly, and saw the last person I wanted to see, leaning onto Lord Raikage's seat.

She… she had just snuck in this room, and leaned on the Raikage's seat, unnoticed. Would I even have spotted her if she didn't speak?

Lord Raikage's body tensed, faint electricity appearing around his body, but the… woman standing behind him took a step back, and walked to the center of the room, ignoring Lord Raikage's glare.

But I knew… I knew that had she attacked, we wouldn't have seen it coming. Fuck!

"What are you doing here?"

The Hokage immediately questioned her, and just like the others, he looked tense.

The woman, who looked like she was around 16-17, tilted her head and said, "Can't I visit my own homeland? I remember of a time where you enjoyed seeing me."

The Hokage replied, "That was before you betrayed the village."

She merely raised an eyebrow, and questioned, "Betrayal? Everything I have done was for the Land of Fire, and from what I remember, Konoha exists to protect the land, not to rule over it."

She then looked at the Nara, and asked, "Now, can I get a chair, or are you going to keep me standing?"

To his credit, Shikaku Nara merely nodded, prompting some of the hidden Anbu to move, while the Tsuchikage asked the Hokage, "Are you seriously going to let her have her way?"

Before the Hokage could reply, she said, "As the Shogun of the Land of Fire, it it my duty to protect the land, and that includes Konoha. Now that four foreign Kages and their Jinchurikis showed up, do you think I'm going to leave you unsupervised."

The Hokage groaned, "Your task was to stop the rebellion, not… this. Besides, I have already removed you your grade, you are keeping the position unlawfully."

She scoffed and replied, "It seems you missed the bill passed last year. The Shogun is no longer under the village's authority, but rather is a separate entity, ABOVE the Hokage. So watch your words. As for this rebellion, I have done my job already."

As she said that, the Anbu who left came back with a chair, which she brought before the five Kages, and sat down.

As she sat down, she looked at me, and as our eyes crossed, I felt my heart stop for a moment. There was something wrong, very wrong with her. Was she even human?


As cold sweat drenched my back, I forced my gaze away from her, but I heard Nibi, who spoke very rarely, say, "Warn your Kage… she has something planned."

A little stunned, I asked her, "What do you mean? There are Five Kages here, and we are in the middle of Konoha."

Nibi replied, "I don't know what it is, but she has a plan for being here. Although I can't feel her killing intent, I can feel… something else. You should be careful."

I nodded slowly, and bent down to whisper Nibi's worries to Lord Raikage, but he showed no response. Still, he knew of Nibi's powers, so he should have taken my words seriously.

Having said that, I asked Nibi internally, "Why help me now? You said to me more than once you wouldn't mind seeing me dying."

Nibi replied, "You wouldn't understand. Just watch out."

And with that, she turned quiet.

The atmosphere was tense, but after a moment, the Hokage rose up, and said, "May the finale start then."

The crowd cheered, while the Genins from the five villages who had made their way to this stage bowed in the arena. It was time for the exam to take place.

But as the exam was about to start, an Anbu appeared next to the Hokage, and whispered something in his ear.

Whatever was said, it made him frown, and turn to look at the woman. He questioned, "Why are your men spreading around the arena? Are you so foolish as to attack?"

So we weren't the only ones to be suspicious about her?

However, she didn't look worried. Instead, she smiled, and replied, "No, I am doing my duty. Seems like our guests are a little late… ah, here they are."

As she said that, we all put on our guards as we felt huge chakra signatures rise up from the spectator stands.

As the crowd thinned out, two men in a dark robe with red clouds remained, and walked our way.

One of them looked at the woman with coldness as he said, "Do you think they will protect you?"


She laughed, and said, "That was a good plan, one I almost fell in. Unfortunately for you, I was one step ahead. Do you think you can keep me from returning to Sendai?"

What was happening? While those two talked, every Kage got on their feet, the surrounding Anbu having already left to secure the civilians.

The two men in robes looked a little surprised, but the one who hadn't spoken said, "It doesn't matter if you know about the attack, you are not leaving out of here."

As he said that, his eyes turned red… the Sharingan!

Yet it wasn't the usual one, it was the evolution of it, the Mangekyou Sharingan.

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