Naruto: Tango with Death

Chapter 146: Shinigami

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Jashin explained, "As I already told you, that guy felt familiar. I felt like I was meeting an old brother of mine. Shinigami."

My eyebrows shot up as I asked, "Shinigami? As in the Sage of Death, whom Yami warned me was plotting the revival of the Sages?"

"One and only."

Releasing a breath, I started tending to the flowers as I asked, "Are you saying that Nawaki has some kind of connection to Shinigami then? Maybe he is his Patron Sage, and allows him to enter Sage Mode? That would be a bother."

I doubted that was the case, as he would have used Sage Mode in our fight, but who knows.

But it seemed I was right as Jashin said, "More than a connection. This Nawaki is Shinigami's incarnation. The Sage of Death lives through him, his spirit lays within him."

Frowning, I said, "He seems awfully weak for a Sage. He didn't even use Sage Mode."

Jashin replied, "He does not seem to be in full control. Believe me, I know Shinigami better than anyone else in this world, and he definitely wouldn't sacrifice himself for his own flesh and blood, not to mention the son of his vessel."

"Then what?"

Jashin suddenly appeared among the flowers, fully naked, as always, and was about to say something when I abruptly cut him off, "I already told you that I prefer the cat form. By far."

Jashin rolled his eyes and morphed into his cat form, before saying, "I believe that Shinigami has been slowly grooming Nawaki into his host for many years now, manipulating his life as he did so. He probably copied the Karma technique of the Otsotsuki."

Karma… that rings a bell, but I can't seem to remember exactly what that is. Well, a reincarnation technique of the Otsotsuki, going by what Jashin is saying.

"Why were you so sure he was a Senju? Shinigami can only possess Senju Clan members?"

Jashin shook his head and replied, "Well, being my brother, he has the best compatibility with my descendants, so Uchiha and Senju lads. But if he wanted to, he could have possessed any human. It's simply that knowing him, he was going to want a strong body, and the Senju and the Uchiha have the most potential."

He looked at me for a second, before adding, "Well, it's easier to bring it out in them, I suppose. Also, only the Senju can use the Mokuton to that efficiency, so he could only be a Senju."

I smiled at that, before asking, "If he has been grooming him for years, how come you didn't say anything back when I fought him in the giant tree in the Land of Jungles?"

Jashin rolled through the flowers, harmlessly phasing through them as he replied, "That tree is special, it has a relationship with Sages, so when I felt Shinigami's aura in that tree, I didn't think much of it. I also felt the left over energy of many other sages in that tree."

I nodded, before saying, "So, we got the Sage of Death, supposedly plotting for the revival of all Sages, within the body of Nawaki Senju, someone capable of using Mokuton. That could be troubling."

Jashin replied, "More than you would think. I guess that the reason why Nawaki is only this strong is because he is struggling against Shinigami's influence, but the more time passes, and the lesser his ego will become. In the end, he will be completely swallowed up by Shinigami."

I asked, "Can anything be done to save him?"

Jashin said, "Not that I know of. Besides, killing him would be a favour. Shinigami must have been clinging on this guy's soul since he was a child, can you imagine living after not only experiencing a probably gnarly death, but then getting revived with a parasite leeching off your soul, and feeling it's influence grow everyday?"

I sighed and said, "So I got to kill Nawaki, both to save the world from certain damnation, and also to save what remains of his yet. Yet, I cannot say anything to Tsunade."

Jashin nodded, "Yes, I can feel Kastuyu's disgusting aura on her. And it's quite strong. Tell her anything, and you can be sure Katsuyu will learn of it."

This time, I did not reply. After a second of silence, Jashin picked up on it and said, "There is something you want to ask me. Yet at the same time, you don't. It's not like you to hesitate."

I replied, "And it's not like you to annoy me with pointless questions!"

"That's more like my Queen!"

Sighing, I asked, "Fine. Shikkotsu Forrest, Ryuchi Forest… and Mount Myoboku. None of them are your allies?"

Jashin continued rolling around me as he said, "Katsuyu is a disgusting slug that never managed keeping children because she kept eating them. She has quite the hunger you see, and not the best control. So she learned to divide her body into innumerable smaller parts.

"Shirohebi, or the White Snake Sage, she is the best of the three I would say. She doesn't have any disgusting habits, and although she can be rather devious and dangerous, she isn't unreasonable either."

I asked, "What about the Toad Sage then?"

Jashin replied, "Well, he's the worst of the three. You see, Gamamaru is an expert in divination, but he also is extremely self centred and selfish. He thus uses his gift in divination to seek out the best path for himself. He also is extremely manipulative."

I grabbed one of the flowers, a red one that stood out, and increased my grip as I said, "There's been something I have been… avoiding. I happen to know about a few people who are connected to those three. You already saw Tsunade."

Jashin said, "You are talking about that white haired old man and that Fourth Hokage of yours, right? I can feel the aura of Gamamaru on them."

I nodded, before asking, "You never specified how exactly the Sages would influence humans connected to them, so I can't help but wonder… how exactly do Sages influence humans? Be it for Shinigami with Nawaki, or the Toad Sage with Minato and Jiraya."

Jashin replied, "Well, Shinigami's situation is rather unique. His entire soul seems to be within the Senju lad's body, so his influence is extensive, and he is slowly swallowing his soul. As for the other Sages, they can't give direct instructions to those under them."

"How so?"

"It's more like a voice at the back of their mind. A feeling. A Sage can't simply oblige a human to kill their loved ones through the influence alone, but if a human is hesitating between two things, then that influence may sway them one way or the other."

I nodded, before realizing something.

"If Shinigami's entire soul is within Nawaki, then he is probably in a position similar to you and me, right? A Jinchuriki like connection?"

Jashin nodded, "Yes, probably. Why?"

I explained, "When I killed Yagura, I absorbed his vitality, but also Isobu's. So if I kill Nawaki, and you don't stop at the reasonable part of energy…"

Jashin said, "We would be killing Shinigami, yes. And for good."

Squinting my eyes as I smiled, I said, "That sounds like a solid plan, doesn't it?"

Looking at my smile, Jashin turned back into his human form, his face looking funny as he moaned, "That sadistic smile, it feels like you are going to make me your thing! I like it!"

Hmm, of course he would say that. And here I thought his mental state was getting better recently.

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