Naruto- Secret Sage

Tsunade Senju

"Looks like the old man wasn't lying, you are definitely abnormal." a female voice said from the dust before a woman who appeared in her early thirties with long blonde hair and a strange diamond shaped tattoo on her forehead walked out.

"Are you referring to the Hokage or someone else?" I asked cautiously without dropping my stance at all.

"You can relax brat, if I really wanted to hurt you I doubt you could do anything to stop me. Tsunade Senju, the old man asked me to be your sensei and I wanted to make sure he wasn't trying to trick me when he told me about you." Tsunade said bluntly and with a little annoyance.

"Since you felt like testing me it's only fair that I return the favor." I said before flaring my chakra and shattering the ground as I kicked off in a cricket leap at full force.

'Cricket scorpion chimaera strike!' I thought the moves name as my hand was covered in a super sharp chakra flow poised to pierce through the woman if she couldn't move.

My cricket leap was no laughing matter in terms of speed as it exceeded even my body flicker as I used the entirety of my legs strength in the leap. In other words I crossed the seven or eight meter distance between us like I was teleporting. The woman surprisingly managed to react but only after my chakra flow had started to cut into her stomach past her tight grey-white kimono top and blue obi belt. In a single fluid motion she sidestepped the attack while simultaneously lifting her leg in an upward kick. 

'Serpent escape!' I thought as my body bent in the middle and the flew leg past by me before I myself struck a tree across the clearing.


The air shuddered from the force of both our attacks clashed kicking up an violent windstorm in the area.

"Not bad at all, you might be qualified to teach me after all." I said as I casually ripped my hands and feet out of the trees trunk.

Tsunade didn't say anything but held her hand over her stomach as it glowed green without her looking at the wound. Once she was done moments later the wound was gone and there wasn't even a scar where I cut her.

"Do you have any idea how expensive this outfit is?" she asked with a vein bulging on her forehead in anger.

"Does it matter?" I asked with a confused head tilt.

Honestly I had no idea what she was on about since unless it was shinobi gear no clothing was really that hard to buy, I was mistaken. What I came to learn after that was that my new sensei was a perpetual drunk and a habitual gambler and as a result had no money to her name until she withdrew some from her clan account. She was strong though, very strong as according to her she had purposefully limited herself to about eighty percent of her full strength during our little spar.-

Not because her full bodily strength was greater than mine because she confirmed that it was actually close physically speaking. No the reason she only used eighty percent was because of the skill difference. To her I had raw power in spades but my skills were downright terrible as I left a bunch of openings and had many wasted movements and lost opportunities. She had asked me to limit myself to about the average academy student my age and then proceeded to absolutely destroy my style, I was thrilled.-

I'm not a masochist or anything who enjoys getting all their effort in doing something stomped on like it's worthless but I had been seeking ways to improve my taijutsu style and my new sensei was giving me exactly that if a bit harshly. There was one problem with her however that I was not a fan of, she insisted that if I was going to learn from her that I had to become a medical ninja.

"I'm not going to make that promise, it's against my entire path!" I said angrily as she tried to force me to agree to her terms.

The terms in question were quite simple. First I had to reach a level she deemed fit in medical jutsu before she would allow me to "graduate" from being a genin. Second I was not allowed to fight directly, at all. Third was that I wasn't allowed to collect any more beasts if I was her student. As should be obvious I was VEHEMENTLY against the second and third set of terms. I was a combat ninja and a beast master plain and simple and she was all but telling me to give that up.

"Listen here you little brat! This isn't me asking, this is me telling you what is going to happen. I was told to be your sensei and that means that my rules go and these are my rules." The blonde said firmly.

"Then I'm going to go have a talk with that old man to get things fixed because I refuse your terms. I don't mind the first but the other two are unacceptable." I said not giving in at all.

"Go ahead and try! The old man will just tell you that you are out of luck!" Tsunade yelled with a scoff.

"Then I'll just go rogue and we will see what he says then!" I yelled angrily before flickering off towards the Hokage building.

I wasn't subtle at all about my approach and might even have come across hostile from my anger as I moved towards the red roofed building. When I arrived the old man had a stern expression.

"Shouldn't you be with Tsunade?" he asked seriously.

"I was until she laid out the terms for me being her student. We have an unreconcilable difference in paths and I am here to demand a replacement." I said staring him dead in the eyes.

"I am aware of her terms but you are in no position to demand anything." the Hokage said sternly and with a hint of warning in his voice.

I reached over to the metal headband on my forehead and pulled it off before tossing it at him. 

"I will not accept her terms." I said absolutely seriously.

"Does the village mean so little to you that you'd let your petty pride ruin your future? What about your parents or Naruto?" the Hokage asked sternly.

"I may regret how this effects them but I would regret accepting those terms more. Do you even understand what they mean for me? She wants me to give up my entire path, everything that I strive for and even my life's goal. And for what? Just to be some damned medic whose only purpose is to serve others? It's not worth it." I said drawing the line clearly.

The old man stared me down for a good few minutes before smiling. "I believe this is the time to clarify things wouldn't you agree?" he said and to my surprise Tsunade stepped out of the shadows of the office with an annoyed look.

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