Naruto: Sakura Blizzard

Chapter 105 - Goodbye Mr. and Mrs. Shidaime【中】


Kyuubi scolded, but he was helpless. He was locked in a seal and couldn’t get out. In the first few years, he could secretly infiltrate his chakra, but then he didn’t know how to get back. It happened that all the Chakras that he secretly penetrated into Naruto’s body disappeared, and he wanted to continue to penetrate the Chakras, but was blocked by a very strange energy, the kind of energy different from Chakras. Chakra was completely excluded, and there was no way to have any influence on Naruto.

“Do you feel very angry? It’s a pity, I like your way of looking at me and can’t get rid of me!” Sakura spread her hands, and Nine Tails almost had a cerebral hemorrhage in anger. “In the past few years, it has been dark, and how does it feel that even Chakra can’t penetrate? Isn’t it cool?!”

“You made the ghost?” The beard of Nine Tails shook. Before, he could use the connection of Chakra to look at the outside world. Then, one day, the connection disappeared, and he was like Being locked in a small dark room, that feeling made him almost crazy.

“Hehe, your chakra is stronger than Naruto’s chakra, so you can use chakra to influence the operation of Naruto’s chakra, so that he can’t control his chakra, even ninjutsu is not easy to release. It is a pity that my power is stronger than you, so I can naturally remove the chakra that you have penetrated into Naruto!”

In the original book, Naruto was unable to learn ninjutsu at all because of the influence of Nine-tailed Chakra. Even the use of Helix Maru requires the help of the shadow clone. It was not until later that he reached a consensus with Nine-tailed Chakra that he could control the Chakra freely. He can use the spiral shuriken with one hand, and now Naruto, since he was with Sakura when he first started practicing, the energy contained in the soul gem is stronger than that of the Nine-tailed Chakra. The Nine-Tailed Chakra in the human body is back in the seal. Without the influence of the Nine-Tailed Chakra, Naruto’s talents are displayed to the fullest, and he learns various ninjutsu very quickly. After all, his father’s talent is very high and inherited. In his body, naturally it won’t be bad anymore.

“Asshole, asshole, asshole…”

Nine Tails patted the door again and again, roaring with grinning teeth, and the sound of the water shook the ground to fly.

“Keep on cursing, you just keep repeating it. If you have the ability to change another word!” Kozakura cut out her ears nonchalantly. The guy Kyuubi seemed to scold so fiercely, but after a long time, he would only say such a curse. Sakura, who has witnessed too many sprays in her previous life, has long been immune to such weak verbal abuse.

“If you have the ability to let this uncle go out, this uncle must slap you to death…” Nine tails were furious, and the nine tails behind them flicked back and forth, wishing to go out and slap a few people to death now.

“Okay, I will help you open the seal now!” Sakura said as she walked forward.

“Sakura…” Kakashi’s heart tensed. If this makes Kyuubi come out, it would be terrible.

“Teacher Kakashi, believe me, even if you let him out of the cage, I can easily cure him. What’s more, don’t forget that you also have a writing wheel, as the pet of the six immortals for your descendants. , The writing round eyes have completely defeated them, and besides, Teacher Kakashi, have you forgotten my blood inheritance limit!”

Sakura pointed to Kakashi’s left eye, and reminded Kakashi of the fact that he would use wooden escape.

Kakashi didn’t say anything, but he forgot nervously for a while, the kaleidoscope was against the tail beast, not to mention the power of Mu Dun could suppress the tail beast.

“Little Guitou, what did you just say?” Kyuubi was irritated by Sakura’s words pet, thinking of Uchiha Madara and Senjuzuma’s attitude towards him, isn’t that a pet.

“A product that can be easily controlled by a kaleidoscope, are you sure that you are not a six-dao old man who specifically left it as a pet for his offspring?” Sakura chuckled. The tail beast is really sad in some respects, especially the face. This is even more true for the two big guys Uchiha Madara and Senjuzuma. There is no second way except for acknowledging them.

Kyuubi suppressed the anger in his heart and watched with expectation that Sakura stretched her hand to the seal talisman. Very good, as long as the seal is opened, he can go out. When the sky is high and the ocean is wide, it is not just what he wants to do. Come.


The moment Kozakura’s hand touched the seal talisman, a big hand stretched out from the side and firmly grasped her wrist.

“You can’t touch this thing, Naruto…” The smile on Bo Feng Shuimen’s face suddenly froze. “Wait, why did you become a girl Naruto? And even the color of your hair and eyes have changed?!”

“Mr. Watergate, your son is over there!” Sakura’s black line is full of heads. No wonder that even the second generation of Hokage in the original book said that the fourth generation is natural. This brain circuit is really strange enough to see someone come to reveal it. The seal was called the son. Several people over there did not pay attention, but instead paid attention to their own hair and eyes.

“Huh? You are not Naruto?” Bo Feng Shuimen was taken aback, not his son? Then how come to unseal the seal?

“Um, this uncle, do you…what do you want me to do?” Naruto clenched his fists, his voice trembling, as if a heart was about to jump out of his body.

“Naruto, you shouldn’t call me uncle, you should call my father Yo!” Bo Feng Shuimen looked at Naruto for a while, then suddenly walked in front of Naruto and hugged Naruto. “It turns out that you have grown up so much!”

“Father…Father?!” Naruto was stunned. This word has never been unfamiliar to him. He once thought about why other children have fathers but he does not, but always He couldn’t get the answer, but the Bo Feng Shui Gate that suddenly appeared today made him feel a familiar feeling, obviously they had never seen each other.

“Now, I personally picked your name!” Bo Feng Shuimen said with a smile.

“Didn’t Jiraiya also take this name?” Sakura ruthlessly pierced the lie of Bo Feng Shuimen. It was this ghost who named him. If he is really asked to take the name, Naruto might still call it. what.

“Ahaha, Teacher Zi Lai Ye took the same as I took!” Bo Feng Shuimen’s expression was a little embarrassed. He also knew his level of naming, but he was always a little embarrassed to be exposed in front of his son.

“Let’s wait a little bit for the old things, now let Senior Jiuxina come to see his son too!”

Sakura snapped her fingers as she spoke, and the infinite gem power was activated, pulling a group of Chakra directly from the depths of the seal.

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