Naruto: Reborn As Orochimaru

Chapter 82: New Mission

After conducting research for so long, Orochimaru should have probably known all along that individual genetic factors would influence the effects of the gene-enhancing liquid. But with so many projects on his plate and having only tested the serum on himself, the intricacies of its varied effects hadn't been a focus. As such, the case of the ANBU agent, Fox, had genuinely caught him by surprise. 

Once Orochimaru finished his discussion with the Third Hokage, their conversation ended amicably, with Hiruzen once again marveling at his disciple's achievements. On one hand, the Hokage felt immense pride, but on the other, a sense of bewilderment. As Orochimaru's teacher, he had always been the one imparting knowledge, particularly in the areas of ninjutsu and combat. However, when it came to the world of scientific research, Hiruzen's understanding was superficial at best—if even that. The depth of Orochimaru's brilliance in this field far surpassed anything he could have taught, which often left the Hokage wondering if he was still truly fit to guide him.

But, Hiruzen consoled himself, at least in the realm of combat and ninjutsu, he was still stronger than Orochimaru, with many secrets in his repertoire. And so, he shelved his insecurities, steering the conversation towards the primary reason for their meeting.

"Orochimaru, there's a mission that requires your attention," Hiruzen said, shifting to the day's business.

"What kind of mission?" Orochimaru asked, ever composed.

"There's a document that needs to be delivered to the Daimyo of the Land of Grass, and you'll need to bring back his response. With everything that's been happening recently, we're stretched thin on manpower, so I'll have to trouble you with this task."

Orochimaru nodded, unfazed. "No problem. I have some business in the surrounding countries as well. However, considering Tsunade's current state, it looks like Jiraiya and I will handle this mission alone."

The Third Hokage sighed. "Yes, leave Tsunade to me. She needs more time."


"Just the two of us?" Jiraiya asked, blinking in surprise when Orochimaru relayed the mission details. They stood outside Jiraiya's home, and for the first time, it struck Jiraiya how strange it was to have only the two of them going on a mission. Normally, it was always the three of them Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Tsunade.

Orochimaru gave a small nod. "Her condition isn't suitable for fieldwork right now. We'll meet at the village gate in an hour."

Jiraiya agreed without hesitation, and the two parted ways to prepare for the journey. Orochimaru returned home to gather his equipment—his ninja tools, gear, and the standard-issue chunin vest. Though genin didn't have formal uniforms, chunin were provided with vests that had tactical advantages, with multiple pockets for tools and scrolls. These vests served not only as identifiers for Konoha ninjas but also as vital equipment for combat and survival.

Back home, after organizing his supplies, Orochimaru pulled out a small scroll. It wasn't just any scroll—it was a space scroll, a useful tool for sealing items into a separate dimension and summoning them when needed. The scroll was covered in black runes with a blank space in the center, which could store one item at a time. 

Using the technique, Orochimaru sealed a small metal box into the scroll and then stored the scroll in his vest. This process was repeated three times one scroll for a recovery potion, another for the weakened gene-enhancement serum, and a final one for a money box. Although Orochimaru could store these items in his system's space warehouse, doing so openly might raise suspicion. To avoid unnecessary questions, he opted to use standard space scrolls, like other ninjas.

With his gear packed and scrolls prepared, Orochimaru slung his backpack over his shoulder and made for the door. But as he stepped outside, he found himself face-to-face with Tsunade.

She was fully armed, her expression steely with determination. "Orochimaru, are you going on a mission? Take me with you."

Orochimaru paused, his eyes scanning her. "You… are you feeling better?"

"Much better," Tsunade said with a slight nod, though her tone carried a trace of uncertainty.

Orochimaru weighed her words for a moment, then gave her a slight nod. "Very well. Let's go."


Orochimaru wasn't one to offer many words of comfort, even when Tsunade had been mourning her parents. It wasn't that he didn't care—it was simply that in the harsh world of ninjas, death was far too common. His experiences had hardened him, numbing his emotional responses. Losing family, comrades, even children… it was all too normal for him.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Orochimaru asked, noting Tsunade's fully armed state.

"I came back to rejoin the team," she explained. "I didn't know you had a mission today."

"I see," Orochimaru mused. "Then go pack your things. I'll meet you at the village gate."


Half an hour later, at the entrance of Konoha, Jiraiya was waiting. He was visibly stunned to see Tsunade approaching with her gear, though he remained unusually quiet. Normally, Jiraiya would have made some playful remark, but today, the air between them was heavy with unsaid words.

None of the three spoke much as they set off towards the Land of Grass, moving swiftly through the forested paths. They had been teammates for years, but there was a silent understanding between them now a shared acknowledgment of the recent loss.

As they ran through the trees, Tsunade suddenly broke the silence.

"Orochimaru," she called out.

"Yes?" he replied, his voice as calm as always.

"Can you tell me how you felt when your parents died?" Her tone was eerily calm, a stark contrast to the deep emotions she was grappling with. Even Jiraiya, usually the loudest of the trio, remained silent, not daring to interrupt.

Orochimaru's mind briefly flashed back to a distant memory, a time long ago when he first learned of his mother's death. It had been a moment of overwhelming anger he had wanted to destroy everything, to tear apart the world and make those who had wronged him suffer. The desire for vengeance had consumed him for a long time. But now, those emotions felt distant, muted.

"It's been too long… I've forgotten how it felt," he said, his voice emotionless, as if speaking about something trivial.

Tsunade looked at him, her eyes searching for something more. But Orochimaru's expression remained impassive, giving her nothing further to hold onto. He didn't see the need to elaborate on his pain it was part of the past, and he had already moved on.

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