Naruto: Reborn As Orochimaru

Chapter 57: Nawaki

Orochimaru took Tsunade and Jiraiya back to the Hokage's office to report on their mission. After collecting their commissions, the three of them parted ways and headed to their respective homes.

Orochimaru, exhausted from the long mission, planned to rest as soon as he got back. He had just laid down, closing his eyes for a moment of peace, when Tsunade burst into his room, her excitement palpable. Before he could even ask what was going on, Tsunade, who proudly called herself his girlfriend, dragged him out of the house with a gleeful smile.

Still confused, Orochimaru followed Tsunade, wondering what had gotten her so excited. It wasn't until they arrived at Konoha Hospital that he began to piece it together.


In the hospital's intensive care unit, Orochimaru was introduced to a new scene. A woman with long, dark green hair lay peacefully on a hospital bed. Her features and the calm expression on her face reminded him of what an adult Tsunade might look like. By her side sat a man, also with dark green hair, wearing a gentle smile. These were Tsunade's parents, a couple Orochimaru vaguely remembered seeing at the Second Hokage's funeral.

Tsunade's father's hair color stood out it didn't match the typical Senju black hair of Hashirama or Tobirama. Orochimaru couldn't quite tell how pure the man's Senju bloodline was, but he put the thought aside.

Seeing Tsunade walk in holding Orochimaru's hand, her father gave a knowing smile, though there was a hint of helplessness behind it. Clearly, Tsunade had spoken about Orochimaru before, but her father wasn't one to intervene in such matters.

Tsunade, aware of how direct Orochimaru could be, introduced him to her parents with a quick nod and then hurried him over to the corner of the room.

"Orochimaru, come here!" Tsunade called him excitedly.

In the corner of the room, a small bed held a newborn baby. Orochimaru peered over, seeing a tiny figure wrapped in blankets, sleeping soundly. 

"Look, Orochimaru!" Tsunade exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with joy. "This is my little brother his name is Nawaki! He was born just a few days ago!"

Orochimaru's eyes softened as he looked at the baby. So, Nawaki, the younger brother Tsunade would later care for deeply, had finally been born.

"Isn't he adorable?" Tsunade grinned, clearly thrilled to show off her newborn brother.

Orochimaru nodded slowly, offering a small smile. "Yeah... he's cute."

In truth, Orochimaru didn't particularly care for babies. He wasn't someone who felt a special affection for children. Still, seeing Tsunade this happy made him play along. After all, this was Tsunade's family.

Tsunade, however, was too caught up in her joy to notice Orochimaru's lukewarm response. Seeing him agree, she smiled even wider and continued to fawn over little Nawaki.


Meanwhile, back at the hospital reception, a conversation was unfolding between a white-haired boy and the hospital staff.

"Is there any way I can buy one of those new recovery potions? My friend is badly injured!" the boy pleaded, his desperation clear.

"I'm sorry, but they've all been sold out. The production process is complicated, so only about ten can be made per day. Right now, the soonest you can reserve one is in two weeks."

"Two weeks?! My friend needs it now!" The boy's voice was filled with frustration and panic. "Isn't there any other way?"

The hospital staff shook their head sympathetically. "I'm sorry, but these potions are in high demand. Most of the people who buy them are using them to treat severe injuries. You could try reserving one, but it won't be available for a while."

The white-haired boy sighed in defeat. Hatake Sakumo had hoped to save his injured companion, but it seemed like the potion wouldn't be available in time. Shoulders slumped, he turned away from the counter, walking toward the hospital exit.

Before he could leave, though, a voice stopped him in his tracks.

"You need a recovery potion?"

Sakumo turned to see a pale-skinned boy around his age, dressed in ninja gear, with golden vertical pupils. The boy was looking at him curiously.

"Y-Yeah," Sakumo stammered. "My friend's been seriously hurt, and I thought that potion would help... But I guess it's sold out everywhere."

Without saying a word, the pale boy reached into his robe and pulled out a vial of the recovery potion. He handed it to Sakumo with an air of nonchalance.

"Here, take this."

Sakumo's eyes widened. "Wait, what? Why are you—"

"You need it more than I do. Just take it."

Sakumo stood there, stunned, before quickly fumbling for his wallet. "I can't just take it for free! Here 60,000 ryo!"

The boy waved him off. "Keep your money. I don't need it right now. Just make sure your friend gets better."

Before Sakumo could argue further, the boy turned and walked away. 

"Wait!" Sakumo called after him, chasing him down the hallway. "Why did you give this to me?"

"I told you, I don't need it," the boy replied, not slowing down.

"But still... I can't take it for nothing! Here, please, take the money." Sakumo shoved the ryo into the boy's hand. "My name's Hatake Sakumo. What's yours?"

The pale boy paused, glancing at the money before pocketing it with a small smile. "Orochimaru."

"Orochimaru, huh? I'll remember that. But I have to go now! My friend's waiting!" Sakumo said before rushing back to the inpatient ward.


Orochimaru stood there for a moment, watching Sakumo disappear down the hall, feeling the weight of the 60,000 ryo in his hand. 

Hatake Sakumo..." Orochimaru whispered to himself, a faint smirk appearing on his face.

The encounter had been unexpected. After visiting Nawaki, Orochimaru had overheard Sakumo's conversation with the staff. Deciding on the spot, Orochimaru had chosen to offer a favor, even if it might seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things. After all, who could predict how Sakumo's future would unfold now that Orochimaru was here, altering the course of history? 

As night fell and the sky grew dark, Orochimaru took a deep breath, looking out toward the village. His work here today was done he had helped Sakumo, and even visited Nawaki.

With a shrug, Orochimaru turned and headed home, his thoughts already drifting toward what lay ahead. A good night's sleep was in order.

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