Naruto: Mind over matter

Pein! (5)

Pov: 3rd person.

The earth shakes and the mountain chuckles as rubble and ruin rise into the air- the Peins watch with confusion and the Asura path grabs the Naraka path before leaning down and jumping backwards.

The two other paths one being the one that was sent flying and the Animal path sprint ahead of the two to clear the way for them.

They sprint and leap up to the edge of Konoha, as they reach the outer ring- *Slam!* a small rock flies fast into the Animal path and he takes a step back.

The rubble starts to slam and fly into the Peins that try to make an exit, but the rocks form into walls and weapons in defence, the Asura path fires missiles and the Animal Path summons a Giant Rhino that slams into the wall- but unfortunately for them the hole created by the missile is quickly repaired and the Rhino's neck is gripped and snapped by hundreds of rocks.

A few rocks pry Tsunade from the wall and raise her to the cliff- the rocks finish up the rescue operations and escort the medic ninja and genin who carry many injured.

At the gates of Konoha all the Peins are stormed by stones and scraps- *thunk* *wham* *snap* as stone, rock and wood break over their bodies and push them back, they are forced to retreat back into the pitch black crater and as they land back down the ground begins to crack and shift.

The ground levitates and reveals the brown dirt underneath as the Rock sages weapons have tripled as more and more rocks lift and separate from the ground, now no longer just the remains of buildings but rather an entire crater of itch black stones.

The once smooth crater is now filled with jagged brown dirt and rocks as the sky fills completely and darkness reigns over Konoha- only the light of the golden eyed Kage's can be seen- the rocks form a dome that covers all of Konoha and flips the crater upside down.

"So. God. What will you do when the earth goes against the heavens?" The booming voices echoe.

The dome of rubble and ruin waits for an answer and when none come the sage speaks once more.

"[Dominion Aura: Storm of Ruin]"

Suddenly the still and calm rubble that floats above shakes and vibrates chaotically and starts to fall... like rain drops but with an entire villages worth of buildings and rocks.

*fwoooooh* *vvvmm*

The drops of ruin start to rotate and swirl around the Peins- the sun is visible once more as a tornado of rubble and rock swish around them.

Dirt picks up and dust follows, soon they cannot see anything again as a rock made storm covers everything and closes in on them.


a rock slams into the Animal path and sends it into the storm- where it will be destroyed.


a pillar flies and crashes into the Asura path- it stands against the pillar and sends it away but another pillar follows behind the last.

*click* *Boom!*

A missile destroys that one and unfortunately for the Asura path the destroyed black pillar turns into seven more projectiles that tear and ruin his corpse.

*Slash!* *Crash!* *Bam!*

First his arms are torn from body.


Then he is sent into the storm much like the Animal path.


The human path is dragged into the storm by violent furniture and he is taken.


Fortunately for Pein these Rocks do not even touch the Naraka path and rush violently around him- as if mocking him.


The Deva Path has returned.


A repulsive force slams into some of the stones and the attention of the rock sage shifts to the Deva path who flies into the sky.

The storm chases that Pein into the sky and suddenly stops once it has reached above the clouds.

"So you have a range limit. Around the size of Konoha..." Pein declares and raises his arms much like before where he smoothened Konoha into a crater.

The rocks hover just above the clouds and cannot go any further- if they leave him to charge up he will release a powerful energy that can take out all the rocks that the sage possesses.

The Naraka path watches the faces of the Hokage reset to their previous positions and slowly stop being covered in that pitch black chakra.

It watches a lone rock rise to the rest above- this one is different, this one is outlined in a gold shine.

'It is following my Deva path as predicted... but why leave? Why let my Naraka path live to revive the others? What game is Riku playing...' Nagato thinks to himself.

Above the clouds the rocks start moving upwards and Pein stops his almighty push to fly faster then ever through the clouds- he still charges up that energy to release later, the Rock sage flies after him with all the rubble and ruin orbiting it like a star.

*Voom!* *Fwoosh* *Whaafooo!*

Small rocks and big pillars launch from the orbit of ruin and start flying faster towards The Deva path who weaves and dodges every shot.

Suddenly Pein dives down below the clouds and the rocks follow to see a battle between Konan and the trackers of Pein.

The Deva path suddenly releases that pent up Almighty push it was charging earlier and all the rocks and rubble surround him in a sphere like shape.

*Slam!* the rocks tumble from the sphere and drop out of the rock sages control as intense pressure bombards and destroys the wall.

"Is that Riku..!?" Ino shouts.

"It seems that Pein is trying to make him save us like with Ace- we need to get away and to the real Pein quickly!" Shikaku shouts.

"No offence but we are trying!" Inoichi yells back as he dodges five more paper bombs and attempts another mind technique on the rapidly flying and fluctuating paper angel.

"Shit! Lets hope he can last as long as Ace!" Shikamaru curses as his plans suddenly shift and change.

The group of ninjas suddenly flicker in multiple directions catching Konan off guard- Kiba, Hinata and Shino dash towards the true Peins direction and Konan goes after them.

"What do we do? We cant just leave those three and fighting the real Pein and the Paper lady at the same time isn't going to be easy!" Ino yells.

"We will just have to do it" Inoichi declares and everyone else nods before giving chase.


The rocks and rubble behind them explode and tear apart, perhaps half of itself is left alive and standing.

Pein floats to the ground and smiles smugly as it slams its hands together.

The confused Rock sage doesn't have time to think what that means and charges at him- *rumble* a low rumble echoes behind the Rock sage and his orbit starts to drag backwards as he pulls against this sudden attractive force.

The rocks swarm around a small black orb that was snuck in while the Deva Path was distracting the Rock sage.

The Deva Path is hit by rock after rock as they struggle to fly after him and his robes are torn- face beaten and bleeding from many cuts. The last rock that glows gold attempts to resist this attractive force and stares down the falling Deva Path- The sage declares one last thing before being swallowed.

"It does not matter- My lord will be here soon. [Force Burst]!" the rock sends a pike of rubble into Pein's chest as he descends and is swallowed by the orb in the sky. 


The Deva Path crashes into the ground and the Rock sage is trapped and stuck in the sky as one big ball of rubble unable to move.


"It seems that only one more threat remains" the Deva Path gets up, pulling the stone pike from its chest and starts walking back to Konoha to be rebuilt by the Naraka path... after a minute his powers return and Nagato coughs up blood violently.


Pein descends in to the ruined and broken crater, landing next to the Naraka Path who takes five minutes to revive the Asura path again before starting on fixing the The Deva path.


All is silent in the crater as one by one the Paths return fully.


They wait and surround the corpse of Riku. They will kill him as soon as he descends and arrives into his old body.


Pov: Eiko

We are all being escorted by ninja away from the village... but after that last attack where Pein arrived and slaughtered twenty Chuunin and five Jonin effortlessly everyone has stopped running.


Its hopeless- but Riku's crew returned..? Is he coming back? Is he alive...

I look out towards the distance.

What do I even do if we survive? I'm weak and only know how to count good...

I look towards my parents who walk with me.

"I'm going back..." I declare to them.

They grab my shoulder and look at me worried.

"What? Why? No! Eiko you are coming with us-" they start trying to tell me different but I shake them off and say again.

"We cant run fast enough away! We are the entire village of civilians! He will find us if we wait and I would rather die alongside Riku!" I yell and a few people look up at the commotion.

"Listen to yourself! You are not dying!" My mother sternly lectures.

"Your right! I'm going back to help Riku! We cant do anything either way! So I am going to die cheering him and his crew on!" I yell with tears in my eyes and the silent crowd around us starts picking up in yelling in favour of going back.

"She is right! My daughter died there and I am not running!" A man shouts.

"We will face Pein together with the TERROR! WE WONT SIT LIKE DUCKS AND DIE!" Another lady agrees and starts running- causing many others to follow her.

"Wait!" A few shout out in opposition.

"WE ARE KONOHA BORN! WE WONT RUN AND HIDE!" Another screams causing many to grit there teeth and follow as well.

"The terror will give us vengeance! And we will cheer him on!" Another yells and soon voices cheer and drown out any other voice of opposition.

I run after everyone else and soon the Hyuga family follows.


After ten minutes everyone is following in a stampede of people, with the ninja unable to help them escape they instead manage the horde and help anyone to not get stomped under them.

The yelling is loud and as we reach the cliff and peer over the edge we see the six Paths of Pein watching and waiting around the corpse of Riku.

Soon a tsunami of voices curse in spite of the intimidating Pein and stones are thrown down at them.

A sea of violence is above the Hokage cliffs and I shout Riku's name.

"RIKU!!!!!!! PLEASE BE ALIVE!!!!!" I scream and soon others scream his name too.




And as they call his name in the sky descends a bright light... much bigger then the last few... much more whole.


Pov: Pein.

Four of my Paths look at the body as two watch the light in the sky- we wait until the light slams down and everyone on the cliffs quiet down.


Light blinds the eyes as it slams into the corpse and both Asura and Deva unleash missiles and crushing force onto the body of Riku.



Eerie silence ensues as the dust clears and we stare at the bloody mess that was once Riku.


I have the Paths watch for five seconds and scan around us and it seems that Riku is done.


We all turn to the cliffs and see the horror in the faces of everyone.

With Konoha gone the other lands will want to claim its land- we will have a much easier time completing our plan when all the nations will try to backstab the other for land and power.




I turn to the Naraka path who looks at his own arm.


The Naraka paths bones pop and twist.

Its mouth moves and I make a face of disgust, it feels horrid to have my body not move as I want.

"Sorry- Fuck- Sorry! Just give me a minute to work this thing!" The Naraka Path says with its voice- MY VOICE! Is he in me....?


The voices on the mountain murmur and Asura path raises his missile arm at Naraka path.

I turn to the Naraka Path and I try to sense Riku... where is he?

"Sorry about that- all better now, you going to shoot or am I going to have to do it for you?" The Naraka path questions the Asura path and I don't feel any resistance in the Naraka path at all... how am I and him in control at the same time..?

"Ah! Its handy how you are all connected! Let me go kill the actual you!" The Naraka path declares and claps with a laugh and my face drops.

I fly full force towards me and I carry the Asura path with me.

Riku cannot get close to my main self- if he is even a fragment as powerful as his rock sage then I am in need of my paths.


I have the three other paths restrain and hold down the Naraka path as the Human path places his hand upon him.

I am surging through the body and I touch something foreign within its body.

"Ah! Tricked you! [Mimicry of Man] is much more useful than I thought" It laughs throughout my mind and body and I pull on the foreign soul with the Human path- attempting to drag it out of the Naraka path.

I have my Asura and Deva path turn around but it is too late.

"When it comes to matters of the mind- you may have my terrors beat yes, but me? Don't think yourself better" The Human path is shunted from inside the workings of the Naraka path.

The Preta path tries to absorb any chakra but I am unable to distinguish if I am taking my own or his chakra.

Tch-what an annoyance, he is holding one of the most important Paths hostage... wait- No!

[Intimidating Deflection] bursts from the Naraka path and shrugs off the two holding him.

I can feel the Naraka path struggle as it does a set of hand signs... this terror... he made me revive myself so many times to memorize the hand seals for my revival!



the last seal is done and the blood pool on the ground is swallowed by the king of hell.

Thanks for Reading :) 

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