Naruto: Mind over matter

Oorochimaru’s defeat; Riku is kidnapped

-half a day before-

Pov: Riku

We enter the cave mouth and it descends into the ground, the rocky mossy texture slowly starts forming into a finely formed stone corridor and walk down with anticipation the dark corridor lights up into a dimly lit small square room.

In the room is Kabuto, Oorochimaru's assistant and medical expert.

"It seems that you have arrived, lord Oorochimaru isn't here I am afraid- though I am glad to have met you two of all people possible, especially you Riku..."

"May I ask why?" I reply to the creepy medic ninja.

"Because we have quite the deal for you, Riku-san~" Another figure walks out from the darkness and reveals himself... a man with the silliest voice possible wobbles and stumbles out, an orange mask and Akatsuki cloak.

"I'm Tobi! Nice to meet you!" He yells.

"Tobi? And why would we partake in any deals with you? We came for Oorochimaru after all" the toad sage responds coolly.

"Tobi isn't here for that stuff!!! Though Kabuto has quite the deal for you~ I wish to speak with Riku-san alone~"

"We are not separating" the toad sage declares and steps forward, blocking me from view.

Tobi giggles and cackles to himself before descending into the floor, as if he never existed... a ghost?

"It is true... I will give you the seal key to destroy Sasuke's mark... all I need is for you to kill lord Oorochimaru" Kabuto declares and Jiraiya scoffs while scanning the cave for the masked man, Kabuto continues "I have his location... and I have the locations of every marked individual... ready to be de-marked"

"And why would we ever do something like follow your whims" The sage asks.

"Because it is the best deal you will get, in fact I will even cure Sasuke Uchiha before you do so..."Kabuto responds and throws a scroll at Jiraiya... why?

"That has the key to break his mark"

Why? Why would he give us that? We haven't even given so much as a word in acceptance... what's his game here...

Jiraiya looks through the scroll scanning it up and down, ten minutes pass in silence and then closes it and summons a frog, placing the scroll in its mouth.

At this moment of the toad sages distraction the ghostly Tobi flies up through the floor and grabs my shoulder, all I can see is a black swirl as I am taken from the cave... where have I seen this swirl before?

Jiraiya flips around and sends a blast of hair at Tobi which slashes through his thigh and causes a minor wound as we disappear somewhere else.

Caught off guard and Jiraiya still managed to get an attack in... don't call him a legend for nothing I suppose...

I blink and the swirling ends, I am now in a snowing region and my foot falls through the soft white powder, I turn around and look at Tobi who sits there on the snow and tilts his head.

"There! More private! Now Tobi can speak without that grouchy old man interrupting!" He flails his arms and hugs his torso while trembling... this man is comedically powerful, or just insane and powerful...

"What deal?" I ask with a monotone voice before standing straight and taking manual operations.

"Ohhh~ the Terror is so scary!" He stumbles back and falls on his ass before crawling backwards, he is messing with me.

"Again, what deal?" I repeat.

He jumps up and takes a step back before wiping his cloak off.

"Phew~ Tobi thought he was going to die there! *cough* the deal of course!" He doesn't elaborate again and it is making me mad.

Take a breath, calm your nerves.



We stare waiting for each other to talk, Tobi eventually gives in.

"Aren't you going to ask about the deal?"

This little shit.

"What deal?" I ask again.

"The deal of course!" He raises his arms to the sky and shouts that same line.

I throw a kunai at his face which he attempts to dodge... he dies but falls over from his own clumsiness.

"Right, the deal... of course" I let out in a monotone voice, sarcasm pouring from my tongue.

"You accept!?" He shouts.

"No" I reply deadpan.

"What!? But this deal is great! Its even got dental!" He shouts more. Dental?

A job perhaps? I am not working for the Akatsuki. This man is crazy and I need to figure out where I am and get back to Konoha.

I start walking away and having Emrys expand his Telekinetic sight to find any paths or rivers to follow, suddenly a deep voice emanates from behind me.

"Turning your back on the enemy? They don't make them like they used to" I turn around and Tobi has stopped squirming and standing straight up, looking down at me.

"You have dual personalities or something? Or maybe you are just still insane"

"My performance was that good? You flatter me child"

"Child now? Quite the tone change... perhaps you will alleviate my curiosity and let me know why you have kidnapped me? Because it has become obvious that there is no 'deal' being struck"

"Nothing personal, just ending your life" My telekinetic sight sees two more Akatsuki enter its range and it seems Kakuzu and Hidan have arrived... fighting and winning against three members of the Akatsuki? Well... I have had better odds, lucky that I'm lucky.

"Too shy to attack first?" He laughs magnificently and and starts falling through the floor.

"No, you are all bark no bite- without allies you are weak and my job is done, I will be heading to my other duties- enjoy your final moments" Tobi chuckles maliciously in that deep voice... I turn towards the two Akatsuki members direction and I proceed to stand absolutely still... not even a hair being blown in the wind.

I start gathering nature chakra and I enter into Telekinetic sage mode, looking around they chose the right place to kill me... snow is a powder and I am not wasting time imbuing each snow flake with my telekinesis.

I take a breath and summon Ezra and Edge, I summon Anchor and Almighty.... is currently in my workshop, shit only anchor.

I summon Jaunt and place my minds inside, Ace and Javelin are currently occupied in Konoha, I need Javelin to relay any message I can get out after this fight and I haven't reconnected to Ace in a while... it will take my attention away to focus on compiling any knowledge that I get...

I ready myself and stand in wait as Kakuzu and Hidan approach... they are two hundred feet away.


Pov: Yamato

"Didn't bring the boy? Here I though we might strike a deal today..." the snake sannin says coldly.

"I already struck a deal, Oorochimaru..." The toad sage declares and slams his palm down before summoning a giant toad the size of a small mountain.

"Jiraiya boy!? Why did you summon me?" The toad yells.

"Oorochimaru is in front, the snake you hate as well" The sage responds.

It looks like a fight then, I prepare myself and weave hand signs for a wood jutsu, Naruto yells at Jiraiya, a small amount of orange beast like energy rushing around him.

"Where is Riku!?" The sage sighs in response and looks at Naruto.

"I don't know... but defeating Oorochimaru here is the only way I can fathom his kidnapping being undone, whatever the kidnapper did- I could not sense him anywhere near the area... he was taken by an Akatsuki member and without warning, Tobi he declared himself as... able to teleport and phase through objects... wears an orange spiral mask"

I see Kakashi's eyebrows furrow at that and we all look towards Naruto who lunges at the opposing Sannin covered in an orange chakra, two tails spitting from his rear.

"Then all we have to do is beat this snake black and blue!! Then we find Riku!!!" Naruto screams his heart out and slams a rasengan into the giant snake, before jumping up to Oorochimaru and entering melee with him... the snake sannin twists his body inhumanly and dodges the jinchurikiis violent attacks.

The giant toad jumps at the giant snake and starts fighting it, Jiraiya yells "help Naruto! I will ensure the snakes cant run!" Me and Kakashi take the opportunity to jump off of the toad and onto the snakes head to join the fight.

I need to bring this fight to the floor to do anything worthwhile... but I can certainly do water justu!

[Water bullet technique] I spit out a stream of high pressure water at the snake who dodges it easily before twisting around Kakashi's chidori, he does get slashed across the chest by Naruto who has three tails now... not good.. not good at all.

The snake sannin taunts Naruto as me and Kakashi rush in to combo beatdown-he catches each and every attack before flipping over us.

"Riku has been kidnapped...? Shame... I had so many things I wished to test him on... the amount of things that soul could survive..." the snake snarls out and Naruto gets angrier.

I take this opportunity to pull out a Kunai and aim it at the Sannins head before Kakashi does some handsigns and [water release: Water Shuriken]! Five shuriken made if water spin violently at the sannin and he gets hit by one in the shoulder and dodges the others.

I take this opportunity to douse the sannin with water again [Water Bullet technique]! And my mouth fills with water before spewing out at the sannin, Kakashi does three hand signs [Lightning Strike]! And launches lightning at the sannin who attempts to dodge but cannot due to Naruto pressuring him.

*Bzzzzzzt!* *zzzzaapp!*

The water/lightning combo hits him and smoke emanates from his body, Naruto snarls and jumps at the sannin, raising both hands into a coupled fist, bringing them down over his head- *Slam* the sannin flies down the back of the snake and grips into its flesh before stamping his hand down and summoning a torrent of snakes in our direction.

I don't even need to dodge them as Kakashi does the hand signs and lightning strikes them again, causing a chain reaction of snakes to fall- *stretch* one of the snakes was holding another snake in its mouth and rushes to bit Kakashi's hand, it gets bit and I throw a kunai- *slice* and decapitate the snake.

Naruto rushes at the sannin again but gets pushed backwards by the body horror of the sannin snapping and twisting before slamming his palm onto his chest and summoning a snake twice the size of Naruto- *crash* to Naruto's credit he pushes back and barely gets moved before destroying the snake with his bare hands and a well placed rasengan to the eye.


The snake flies away and disappears from existence, Kakashi gives me a look and I nod- *Chirp!* Kakashi rushes at the sannin to attack and distract him.

I rush at Naruto to try and stamp the seal to calm him down but the fight is too frantic and there is no way to get close without- never mind... the chakra darkens into a black red and me and Kakashi rush to the giant toad as it leaps from its tussle with the snake.

*boom* *crash*


Pressure builds around the area and a force of power dons over everyone... I look back to see that the giant snake was dispelled and the fox like Naruto is in a staring contest with the snake sannin.

Naruto raises his head and condenses chakra into one point... a tailed beast bomb.... before swallowing it.

The snake sannin places his hands down and starts to summon something with an impressive seal.


The giant toad leaps through the air and lands behind Oorochimaru.

"We are standing in front of that!?"

"The gates he is summoning will protect us, worry about getting the snake and as soon as the beast bomb ends, Yamato go and place that seal on Naruto... he will be weaker from the blast.." the toad sage responds as we rush off the giant toad once more to enter combat with the sannin, just summoning the gates he turns around in time to dodge two of my wooden beams but not Kakashi's chidori to the shoulder, I start forming a wooden cage around the sannin and Kakashi does some hand signs before spewing fire at the cage.

Jiraiya starts using his brush to paint some seals and-


A deafening explosion fills our ears as all I can see around us is light... how do you even face something so strong? The gates stand and puff out of existence, I dash towards Naruto and slam the seal on him.

The cloak of chakra dissipates and Naruto starts to wobble and fall... fainting on the ground.

I turn to see oil and fire behind me.

The snake sannin keeps getting back up and keeps finding more and more ways to return alive... but he cannot escape, it seems the toad sage made a barrier that is keeping the snake sannin inside.

I watch as Oorochimaru tries and fails to run, his body splitting into many snakes and running... trying to reform...

"Its over old friend... I'm sorry things ended this way..." Jiraiya states before approaching and sealing the small group of snakes that once formed Oorochimaru...

He places a giant scroll and one by one the snakes are inhaled and swallowed by it, eventually no signs of Oorochimaru pass and the scroll rolls up.

The toad sage places the scroll in his bag and turns to us.

"It seems you must go to Konoha... Riku has been kidnapped by the Akatsuki"

No... they only want to kill him....

My first student... mine and Anko's first student... please be alive... please don't die Riku... please surprise us once more...

Thanks for reading :) small chapter today, my bad :/

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