Naruto: Mind over matter

Luke’s past

Pov: Riku

I've just been summoned to the Hokage's office and while I go there I will have Ace and Edge practice and keep training for as long as possible, I want to master that weapon as soon as I can, why? Because it is fun to use mostly, and very effective.

I also have Jewel free from Sasuke now so that's good, ill have him do more research on making my very own S-rank jutsu, though due to that one jutsu I'm pretty sure I'm going to make 3-4 by-product jutsu that are strong by themselves... so good all round no?

*knock* *knock*

"Its Riku"

"Come in"

As I enter into her office I look around and see Double-senseis, Windoor, Tsunade and Shizune.

"Yamato-sensei! Your back! How are you?"

He gives me nod and smiles.

"Good, and you?"

"Pretty cool, became Jonin and all that, no biggie"

His smile grows a little warmer before he coughs and looks back towards Lady.

Lady looks at me seriously and exhales before speaking.

"It has come to our attention- the people in this room have found evidence that you are afraid of death... or rather not finding an afterlife, we wanted to make sure that you are doing well mentally and more importantly wanted you to tell us. Have you died?"

I gulp and look around at the studious faces that watch me and sweat falls down my face, Tsunade continues.

"Was it when I was operating on you?"

Kakashi speaks up as my breathing picks up.

"Was it earlier when Mizuki attacked you?"

Anko adds.

"Or younger when you where in the hospital?"

Yamato asks.

"Are you alright Riku?"

I take a big breath and breathe out... lets calm down, I knew they would ask this sooner or later, don't panic... just take a minute and then reveal, you never wanted to hide Luke... just tell them and rip that band aid off, I cannot afford to be brought off the roster again because of mental instability and I don't want a Yamanaka 'helping' me and finding Lukes memories.. lets tell them when I am in control.

"I- died and this is my second life..."

There is a moment of silence and a brief confusion on everyone's face before they all look at me with worry more than anything.

Shit bad opener, sound insane over here.

"I Riku reincarnated... I am not a fifty year old in a thirteen year old body to clarify, I am a child with the memories of someone named {Luke Chance}"

Kakashi looks at Yamato with that I'm sorry but he is crazy look.

"Luke was given a second chance at life and then I was born... not from parents but from an old man, kind of like a demi-god who built him a new body and refreshed his soul into me..."

Shizune asks sceptically.

"So you think that you had a past life? Or remember one? Are you able to... conjure details of this life?"

"Luke chance, thirty three when he died in Homewood park... Alcoholism maybe... never certain on that part, I remember his brother Jacky and all the times they shared but I haven't felt those moments... it feels like reading a book on someone else... I can say that Luke loved partying with his brother but I can not feel that love... he hated writing and office like work but I could never relate to that..."

Anko looks to Tsunade who says.

"Lets get a Yamanaka... sorry Riku but these claims need to be verified"

I nod and sit down on the couch within her office.

Ten minutes pass and Ino's dad enters the room.

"Tsunade-sama, you have need of my services?"

"..Yes, we need you to confirm a phew.."

She continues to explain the situation to Inoichi and I sit in silence.

Was that the right thing to do? Should I have said something? Done something else? No. They had to find out and before I told Eiko... this information should of been stated before, of course I'm not going to tell the whole world, just these guys and Eiko... maybe Hinata and Naruto as well, but that's all, just need someone to know.

Especially so if they search for me in the pure lands and find out there... where they will get angry at me for never telling them.

Is this a bad choice? Yeah, if I was Luke... but I am Riku.

"Okay Riku, I need you to stand over here while we do a Mind Jutsu, I need you to enter your mindscape as we are all going to enter there together okay? If you don't want to do this that is fine, we can always-"

"No that's fine with me, please go ahead"

I stand near the others who stare at me and Inoichi starts doing hand signs and pointing his hands at each of us, then he does one final sign at my forehead.


I suddenly enter into Homewood and see that everyone is here with me too.

"Welcome to my mind... cool right?"

Inoichi chuckles and glances around then at me.

"Excellently taken care of Riku, and what a unique mind form?"

"Based off my soul actually, what does it feel like?"

He thinks before answering.

"Warm and hopeful, Determined and Relaxed... somehow"

I laugh.

"I know weird right?"

Inoichi turns to the rest.

"I made sure that you all look like you do outside, sometimes your subconscious shapes you and that can get... personal"

They nod there heads and look around, Anko asks.

"Any chance for a tour?"

"Ah! Sure this is Homewood a park turned jungle and put here-"

I lead the group out of the park and into the valley of wooden flowers.

"That's the open space, if you hold onto one of the flowers and focus a memory of my inner voice will echo... and up there the clouds form imagery depending on what I'm thinking about- look there's us in our mind in cloud form!"

Kakashi bends down and holds a wooden toy shaped like a tomato.

--Sasuke... why the fuck are you throwing Jewel like a baseball? Never mind disconnect---

"These are memories of your thoughts?"

"Pretty much yeah"

Tsunade looks around and holds a flower shaped like a Diamond.

--...damn, that Lady is right! I should of been cheating this entire time! Stupid Riku! Stupid!--

"That's from our gambling?"


"You really weren't cheating"

Anko walks over to a flower shaped like a toy snake.

--I swear when I get out if this fucking Forest I will end you! No matter how long or how many lives it takes! No academy student should have to- Stop biting me you fucking!--

"Oops... that's from when I was assigned to be your sensei the first time right?"

"Yeah, I really didn't like you then"

"Glad I got a second chance... maybe"


I'm cut off from another thought as Yamato-sensei holds a wooden fox toy.

--Naruto... please for the love of god... please just look at Hinata! She is five fucking feet from you blushing, twitching and mumbling your name! Stop. With. The. Sakura. Thing! Just turn around for love- never mind he is charging at that cat again... haaaa~--

"Ah. Helping Hinata find love huh?"

"Luckily Naruto finally figured it out before he left... pretty sure they held hands at Hokage mountain... he is working on it"

Shizune walks over and holds one herself, a wooden toy flower shaped like a little chibi Eiko.

--Eiko... why are you wearing my underwear... wait a minute! Why are you cooking in only my underwear! Haaa~ never mind what's the point of asking, she  will just say 'sorry ill take them off' and then wont put anything else on... shouldn't of given her an inch--

"Ah.. sorry that was a bit private wasn't it?"

"Yep. Don't tell Eiko that you know how... odd she can be..."

Shizune scratches her cheek awkwardly and shuffles back to Tsunade, everyone starts looking upwards to the clouds and see them form various shapes... I think of everyone one by one and see the clouds shape them...


Inoichi speaks up.

"Should we continue on? This jutsu isn't free... have limited chakra here"

Ah right.

"How do I show you Lukes memories?"

"You have excellent control over your mindscape, just will it and it will happen"

All right.

I'm currently conjuring his memories through there eyes, like they are sensing through Luke... and I start to summarize as much as I can of Luke, they need a life story for them to actually believe this.

Lets focus.


Pov: Shizune

I'm watching the scenes play out in front of me, a little boy much like Riku is baby babbling to another boy that his parents call Jacky, looking much like Luke.

I watch as scenes unfold and the visions slow down when Luke meets his grandfather, a man who well into his 70's he teaches Luke how to carve a small little wolf.

Luke picks up the craft and takes after his grandfather, I cant feel anything that says this but it is obvious the kid loves his grandfather and is happy to learn anything he can in his fathers workshop.

Soon after I watch him meet a little girl around his age who immediately beats him up for stepping 'on her side of the sandbox', the little girl is yelled at by her mother and eventually comes back to Luke and apologises to him, soon they start to play together and a friendship is formed.

Around age 10 Luke is walking down the stone path of his favourite park with Em what he calls the little girl, eventually Luke is stopped by her and she pulls out a small flower for him and says 'marry me when I'm older', Luke responds normally? No.

'Id rather not marry an abuser dummy' he states and the girls face goes deadpan and she continues to hit him on the shoulder every chance she can get.

When he hits eleven the boy gets news that his grandfather passes away and Luke shuts off most emotions, just sitting in bed and going to school like a machine without variation.

'Cmon! Luke! Please!' Em begs for his attention and pleads with him to go to the movies with her... it is obvious she is smitten with Luke but the way Luke just doesn't understand... I can see why he wing manned Hinata so much now.

Luke eventually gets persuaded to go on a date with the girl and he starts being more expressive again, his brother also introduces him to a stolen bottle of alcohol and that definitely wont go wrong.


Pov: Anko

I watch as the now 13 year old Luke gets drunk from yet another bottle that Jacky managed to snag for themselves... that kid is addicted.

He also starts going on more dates with Em and after what... 3 years together he finally understands that he is dating the poor girl? Wow Riku... you were so... bad at that socialising thing in your old life- very different now.

I can see why what he means by two separate people now, its like watching a play or reading a story, these memories don't have that same emotion those flowers and clouds do... you cant feel them as well.

But on another note... no chakra at all, its not just because he is a civilian but all these things don't have anything to do with chakra and it is mind boggling.


Pov: Inoichi

He is still in the academy? Or school in this case, its been years and apparently he has like three four more years until he leaves, that's ridiculous!? Why would you spend so much time in one place learning five different things you wont ever use in the job that you wish? Is there no schools that teach the tracks that the kids will eventually get a job in?? These schools are so weird.

Luke is 14 now and is carving anything he can get his hands on, pretty sure he got in trouble at school because he carved an amazing pattern into one of the school desks...


Tsunade Senju

I watch the brat graduate school and start working in some toy factory just making sure that any damaged good was put into his box, its the most boring thing I have ever seen, worse than the Hokage's paperwork.

At age twenty he plants a tree in the park with Em and she carves something into it, they laugh and leave the park and just as they leave a man in a black hood and mask pulls a knife out on them... Luke and the lady freeze? What are you doing brat just... never mind not Riku, Luke.

Em is stabbed and dies in Lukes arms as the mugger takes his items... a very, very familiar scene...

Luke doesn't shut off, he does something very similar to me, Drinking and gambling- its just that he is good at it, so good that he quits his job and pisses off every casino in his city.

Eventually he gets another job working at the casino to win against anyone on a lucky streak, casinos are smart, saw the man who would win most games and paid him to keep there money, I would say that Riku has next to no luck compared to Luke... then again luck isn't always a factor, it wasn't bad luck that killed Em...

When Luke gets into a random chance based game however, he lands right where he needs to, almost every time.

Lucky Luke Chance, a fitting title.


Pov: Yamato

I watch as Luke drinks at every opportunity and descends into a party man with only his brother who cares about him.

He did grow an excellent moustache I will add.

Haaaa- Luke eventually gets invited to a party in which he decides 'this is boring' and hops into a roaming party bus and drinks with some random people, eventually he meets back up with Jacky whom he runs into at another birthday party.

During this party he someone somehow gets him to drown himself in five vodka bottles before he stumbles and tumbles out of the park with a smile on his face, so happy and looking at the trees around him with a sense of joy.

He eventually stops and lays near the tree he planted with Em. He stops forever.


Pov: Kakashi

He is an orb among many, a light drifting in eternal darkness towards his afterlife  but unluckily he drifts away... he finds himself running into other lights and he follows them-

Kushina? Minato? Oh.. Oh wow... he met them...

I listen as Kushina mentions a masked dumbass and make a mental note to investigate that further.

Eventually Luke wakes into the audience with someone you could only describe to be the Sage of six paths... I do not understand them like it was translated for me before, the language is blocked and eventually Luke finds himself in a babies body



Pov: Riku

I stop the memory and everyone looks at me with mouths agape.

"Understand and believe me yet?"

They all nod there heads in contemplation before we are back in the Hokage's office just staring at each other.

Everyone has so many questions and I answer all of them to the best of my ability, eventually they understand and I am dismissed and warned to stop drinking till I'm sixteen by everyone- psh! I'm not Luke I know when to stop... is what Luke said but with Jacky...

Eh, ill make sure to not overdrink this life, want to live it after all, no?


Pov: Anko

"That was... enlightening"


I look around the room and it seems that we all have worry on our faces, if Riku dies we may never see him again, but there is a sense of calm in the room, we all look to each other and nod our heads as we start to leave.

Riku has it handled, we can only trust that he has the ability to get there himself and if he needs any help at all. Then we will help him.

-one day later-

Pov: Riku

I wake up in my bed, lonely this time as Eiko cant stay forever and has been getting into trouble for staying so long at my house.

I have my shower and eat my breakfast and send my not-puppets about.

I should grab a mission, get my mind out of the panic it is in, its been all worries that Lady would bust down my door and start killing me for being a reincarnation... why? I have no fucking clue, minds are weird as hell.

Heading to the mission desk I ask for some simple C-rank that's close by and get a mission to deliver a package towards a town half a day away from Konoha.

I dash of to the gates of Konoha and head onwards to my destination.

It feels good to do simple things like this sometimes, just rushing to different towns and feeling the wind in my hair, I take a breath and let everything just calm down.



Soon I reach the town and hand in my package towards the ninja who needed it, seems to be just a package for restocking ink, one of them is a seal worker and needed to remake some of the protective seals around the bigger farms here.

I start walking back out of town but something catches my attention... I squint my eyes and over in the distance is a giant stone man... what?

I should investigate, I de summon my not-puppets in Konoha just in case and summon Edge to my hand, I start tree hopping over the forest and it takes me ten minutes to reach the rock monstrosity...

Is that? No.... that's definitely my chakra... how the fuck...? Why is it so... weird?

Looking around the mass of rocks about forty feet tall reaches for me.. Oh no! Im not about to overload my mind here of all places... though what do I do here? Bring it back to Konoha? Is it following me? I start to walk away but suddenly cannot move... what? I shake of that feeling and continue on, though with heavy resistance.

The rocks charge at me.

"What!? No stop!"

I [Launching Point] away and lead it from the town I was at... lets just try to get it to Konoha, I'm not risking this being a threat to innocents and patrols are at double shifts recently due to Danzo and Roots sudden departure.

I can feel a pull on me and the rocks de form from a humanoid shape and fly at me individually, god that's terrific... just what I wanted.

I de summon Edge and put all my chakra into [Launching Point], which puts me ahead of the rocks by a bit.

They stop flying and start rolling faster on the ground, like a horde of beasts chasing me... but its rocks.

Okay, lets just- *whabam!*

Suddenly something hits me in the side and I go flying far away from where I was.

Rubbing my head I look up to see three ninja flicker onto the trees in front of me, all of them from sand and all of them have marks across there forehead protectors.

"You fucked with our plans terror, and now we will cash you in for your bounty!"

The heavy looking one with a giant club mentions and the two smaller ones pull out kunai.

"Yeah! You know how long it took to gather all those rebels and then you just cash in our work!? Well now we will cash in you!"

I get up and look at them with indifference, my manual operations keeping my title true.

I utter coldly.

"Please, I could beat you in my sleep-"

Suddenly I am bombarded with over a years worth of memories and I fall over prone, as comatose as you can get.

"Did he... just fall asleep?"

The big one questions.

"... sir... did he think us genins? I knew we should of kept our vests, they make us look like actual Chunin!"

"What's happening... he is called the terror is he actually... you guys poke him with a stick"

While the three bicker a small pebble that snuck up on Riku thinks one word as he reconnects to his main body. 'Fuck'

thanks for reading :)

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