Naruto: Mind over matter

Jonin exam (2)

Pov 3rd person.

Almighty starts leaking a smoke- nothing poisonous but definitely plenty... trying to blind Kakashi.

[Great Breakthrough]

But Kakashi easily dispels the smoke with one of his thousand jutsu.

Almighty [Launching point]s himself towards Kakashi and three palms jet out of Ezra, Emrys and Riku sending multiple blasts of [Unseen Push], blocking off any escape from Kakashi's view.

"Interesting.." - Kakashi

"Not cool? Just 'interesting'" - Riku

Almighty slams down his Odachi and attempts to keep Kakashi pinned, but it seems that Kakashi dodges and weaves around the Unseen forces...

"My sharingan caught that Jutsu of yours, never knew you could send invisible blasts of chakra?"

"Never came up, my bad~"

Almighty keeps Launching himself at Kakashi who weaves around the giant brute with experience and ease, Riku starts channelling his chakra into his hands while Ezra pulls some hand signs.

[Earth Spear], [Force Burst].

The spear goes flying and Kakashi retaliates with a substitution Jutsu, landing on Almighties helmet.

"That all you have? Maaa~ I expected more from the crazy kid"

"Windoor you wound my pride!"

Riku Launches himself into the fray and starts to overwhelm Kakashi with Taijutsu of four arms and Almighties constant presence.

[Body Shunt]

Almighty ascends taking both Riku and Kakashi upwards before he [Launching Point]s himself away, Kakashi left in the air starts making hand signs while he is impacted by a foot that got [Body Shunt] and an [Unseen Push] from Ezra.

Riku then uses Kakashi as a [Launching Point] and flies to the other side of the arena, Kakashi breathes out a giant ball of flame and gives Riku a few light burns, Kakashi lands and speeds up his hand signs as he runs towards the now burnt Riku.

"That isn't a Burn-cream jutsu is it?"

"Maaa~ something like that.."

He spits out multiple mud bullets and Riku [Body Shunt]s a few times in a row while dodging, Almighty Launches himself again and swings at Kakashi, barely scratching his clothing- Riku capitalizes this chance and decides to [Launching Point] himself into melee again, before tackling and grappling Kakashi.

The scuffle becomes quick and the fight happens fast as Kakashi and Riku reduce the spar into a beatdown- each side taling hits and Kakashi eventually smacking Riku in the temple and holding him down below him, Kakashi holds a kunai to his throat and says.

"Lovely spar no?"

"Shame you haven't won yet"


Almighty crashes into Kakashi and sends him flying, a few people in the stadium groan and complain until Riku undoes his Costume and reveals to be Anchor.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the arena for this test?"

"I am... Got a new split self from the first test and used the smoke to switch me out with Anchor"

"Huh... smart"

Almighty opens up and Riku pushes himself out, and Anchor gives Emrys back while Almighty goes in to keep Kakashi at bay, Riku stands up and Anchor sends Chain-Blades flying towards Kakashi.

[Shadow clone jutsu]

Three Kakashi's appear and start making hand signs as one is sliced in half by Almighty.


Kakashi plunges a chidori into Almighty and takes out its spine, making it unable to move, one of the other Kakashi's is cut by the chain blade and the other throws a Kunai that expands into twenty.

Riku hides behind Anchor who gets impaled multiple times and emerges again with four [Unseen Push]S from Ezra, Emrys, Riku and Anchor- *poof* *bamf*

Both Kakashi's dispel and Riku feels a kunai at the back of his neck.

"Maa~ we done yet?"

I take a breath and undo [Manual Operations], must of switched when he threw those Kunai... he was too fast coming in for me to react with my Telekinetic sight.

"We are... good fight windoor man"

He nods and starts walking away from the arena with few wounds, a cut on his torso from Almighty, the tackle from Almighty and the bruises from Anchors and Emrys's beatdown.. he still pulls out Icha Icha and stand at the other end of the arena.

"Congratulations Riku"

Tsunade starts to speak.

"You will make a mighty fine Jonin, we will have your documents sorted by this evening and you may celebrate tonight"

"Not now?"

"You may celebrate now if you must"

"Wooooohoooooo! Hell yeah motherfucker! I did it! Another thing to taunt my friends with!"

"Hey! We are here you know!"

"I know! But you aint' down here!"

"That little-" "damnit" "Next time... Riku"

"Hahaha, that kids a riot. Congrats brat!"

"Welcome to the rank of Jonin!"

"*whistle* Congratulations"

"That's my student! I knew you would pass with flying colours!"

"Learned from the best Anko-sensei!"

I run laps around the stadium and cheer for a good few minutes before leaving to the outside world again, I eventually invite my friends to eat and celebrate with me!

"I'm the best! Fuck you death! I'm just better!"

Hinata speaks up.

"You aren't dying?"

"Sorry force of habit"

Everyone chuckles as we head to that barbeque place. I can never remember the name of... Yaka- something... yama? No that's sensei's name... Ill find out when I get there.


Pov: Hinata

Everyone is cheering as Riku downs another bottle of sake... when did he become a drinker? And when did he start storing multiple bottles throughout his house? Haaaa- I feel like I'm losing track of Riku... no longer knowing everything about him... fair I suppose.

"Hey sing us some songs Riku!"

Ino suggests.

"Alright... lets go with... Do it all the time.."

He starts singing another song I have never heard and I watch as he dances eighth grace and a... lot of passion ill say.

"Eiko dance with me come on!"

Eiko starts dancing with him and everyone gets up to dance as Riku gets his three not-puppets to start singing.

I get up too and shyly move my way around the group, more just lightly shaking and tapping my foot but I'm not a dancer and I am having my fun.

"Hinata! Next song choice on you!"

Hmmmm... what was that one..

"Ummm, how about the one you sang on Shikamaru's birthday?"

"Nice choice! Imagine me and you~ I do! I think about you day and night~"

I stop thinking so much and just have fun amongst my friends, eventually the evening turns to night and everyone returns home, its just me, Eiko, Riku, Shikamaru and Sasuke who stayed to eat dessert in the loungeroom and just relax amongst ourselves.

"So Sasuke- any updates on your project?"

Sasuke takes a bite of his tomato salad and looks up.

"I am able to make a stable connection into my Mindscape now... it has cleaned up a bit, just working on my wiring problem now..."

"Wiring problem?"

Riku waves his hand.

"Bah, no need to dig into it Shikamaru~ speaking of problems, you guys prepared for your next Chunin exams? This is definitely the one you will be promoted with"

I shrug and answer.

"I suppose, that's in the land of water right? They have been... calm lately, perhaps Sasuke can go to this one with some security?"

"Perhaps. But rank does not matter, only power"

"Yikes~ you are not letting me mess with you for a second are you?"


"Tch- Shikamaru you going as well?"

He yawns as he gets up.

"Yeah, sleep, you get it. Congrats on the whatever..."

"Hahahahaha~ alright have a good sleep man- you too Sasuke? Alright see ya!"

Seeing them both get up I as well follow.

"Have a goodnight you two, Riku congratulations on your promotion!"

He chuckles and shoo's me away, I laugh as I leave.


Pov: Riku

"Akamaru is like double the size now! Everyone seems to be going through there growth spurts"

Eiko replies...

"Hey can I stay over? And can you get Javelin to let my parents know?"

I stop washing up and enter into the living room to summon Javelin. *Poof*

"Hey little bird me! The usual!"

Javelin nods and flies away with a note in his belly.

Eiko stretches on the couch and yawns.

"Need a blanket?"

"I'm good... do you mind if I go to sleep early?"

"Yeah take a shower in the morning, ill be right up with you in ten!"

She heads up and closes my door as she enters my room, I return to the kitchen to wash up and- *woosh!*

A root agent appears next to me, I let Nezumi take over as he washes the dishes and talks.

"Alert Lord Danzo-sama when you have Sasuke Uchiha in position for retrieval. You will come by in three days for your new weapon and finish the retrieval mission by the end of the month"

"Affirmative, let Lord Danzo-sama know that the befriending task is going splendidly- Also I will attempt to retrieve Sasuke Uchiha in five days as that is when we will next be alone"

"Understood. For Konoha"

"For Konoha"

He leaves and I take back control and start drying the various cups and few plates we used for my celebration.

After I am done I head up towards the bathroom and take a bath.

I sigh and expand my Telekinetic sight to see Eiko on the other side of the wall breathing heavily in the bed... with her Byakugan on... haaaaa~ Eiko... what the hell happened to your polite mask... did you lose it?

I chuckle to myself and take some time to dry off and put my pyjamas on to give Eiko the understanding that I'm about to enter the room and she can 'sleep'



I sneak into bed and under the covers, I crawl up to Eiko and pull her into a hug... she giggles under her breath and I sigh... aren't you meant to be sleeping Eiko?

I pat her back- of course she 'forgot' to wear pyjamas again... got to hand it to her though... this perverted and she has such restraint, brings a tear to my eye.



"Are you sure you arent too hot with those pyjamas on.."

"I can take a blanket off if you-"

"No! My blankets!"

I chuckle and hug her tighter.

"Maybe ask in... three years for that"

"I know... (grumbling) just wish you were a tiny bit perverted.. just a little.. a dash of me... in you... heheheheheheh-*bonk*"

I lightly karate chop her head.

"No horny"

"Fine... night Riku"

"Goodnight Eiko"

And we rest.



"Oooo~ love pancakes!"

"I know that's why I made extra!"

"Haaaa~ why cant I stay everyday..."

"Because you have work, family and more than just me?"

"Something like that... you leaving early?"

"Something like that, Anchor, Ace and Almighty are training while I take Emrys to the library! Gonna get me some Jonin level knowledge!"

"Heheh~ congratulations... no celebratory morning bath together?"

"Aaaaa~ but I had one last night?"

"But I sweat all over you in my sleep!"

"Stop pouting Eiko... how about I make it up to you with a dinner tomorrow and a 'celebratory afternoon dance together'"

She claps her hands and beams at me.

"Excellent! I love your love songs!"

"Not mine... anyway toodles, have a good day!"

"You too!"

I step out of my house and into the streets of Konoha, its a busy day and as I walk around I hear people murmuring around me.

"(Whisper) is that him? The Inhuman Ninja?"

"(Whisper) I heard he made a tailed beast run!"

"(Whisper) he was paralyzed but got up like it was nothing!"

"(Whisper) I heard that he has died on multiple occasions and just willed himself to life!"

"(Whisper) can he even die if he doesn't want to?"

"(Whisper) no wonder he has those nicknames... I wonder which is going in the bingo book, 'Tailed Beast Hunter', 'The Inhuman Ninja', 'Death Dodger Riku' or 'The Inhuman Terror of Konoha'.."

Damn that last one sounds badass... I guess its started then, both Danzo and Lady have begun to spread a myth of me among Konoha and then probably the other nations, a deterrent and a threat, but most importantly a promise of death if you piss me or Konoha off... mostly propaganda but it works way too well for Konoha not to do it.

[Manual Operations] I must partake in this persona as the Inhuman Terror of Konoha, to fool our enemies we must first fool Konoha into believing that I am the Terror.

The murmuring gets louder as I walk and people speak of me in fear and admiration, people love the Tailed Beast Hunter name the most... definitely due to the history of Konoha, but the Inhuman Terror is definitely the go to name to remind someone of me... it seems like if you put 'of Konoha' in the name it sticks, like the yellow flash of Konoha, but no one ever says the last part...

Most likely what they are going to put in my bingo book entry with a special list of other nicknames, I have to say... Konoha and Danzo know how to spread rumours and fast too, I was just Riku before yesterday and now look at me... Inhuman Terror of Konoha, the man who will ignore any wound you deal and laugh at your misfortune of meeting him.

I feel like... like I have a new ability... an authority to just will people to run... with a name people will fear me... odd.

I eventually make my way to the library and enter, Looking inside I head towards the Jonin section and start perusing through the list of Jutsu creation scrolls and books.

I have to bring Ace and Anchor here all the time in the future... now to make me some more jutsu. Lets start with [Jutsu creation: Basics to S-rank jutsu]... time to make my strength match my rank.

Thanks for reading :)

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