Naruto: Mind over matter

Fifteen and Naruto is back!

-Riku age 15-

Pov: 3rd person

Thirteen kunai fly through the trees and four missing ninja dodge them constantly and yet the kunai don't lose power and keep homing in on the four constantly.

"Fuck man! Why did we have to run into him! I thought he stopped going after ninja like us!" One of the ninja complain.

"I didn't know! I heard he was in Sand hunting and harassing there missing nin!" Another replies.

"Shut up! Both of you! Concentrate on the kunai and don't loose sight of them, your lucky he isn't chasing us!" The third yells.

"What do you mean! These kunai are relentless!" The first responds.

"We would be dead if he was... he sent these kunai and left probably.." the last one says coldly.

"What...? How can he control the Kunai from so far away!" The second yells.

"Because he is THE INHUMAN TERROR OF THE LEAF! get that through your head! we are lucky he only spared us a glance!" The third replies.

"We should split up... make the kunai easier to dodge when there is less" the fourth declares.

They nod and each shinobi flees in multiple directions, the kunai split and follow.

"Shit, fuck!" The first utters his last words as he looses sight of one of his kunai- he won't loose track of it any longer now that its sticking out between his eyes.

"No! I'm sorry, we didn't mean to rob those-" the second one doesn't expect the three kunai sent after the first to appear ahead of him and gets cut off- permanently.

"Fuck! I should of just paid the tax! Why the hell did I become a missing-" the third is bombarded with two kunai that he dodges easily but the third lands in his thigh and then from there the kunai finish him.

"I already considered myself dead when I saw you... tch- should of just begged for mercy" the fourth stops suddenly and accepts his fate.

Riku calls back his kunai and they fly through the forest back towards him, cleaning themselves with the leaves as they rush past and gently placing themselves back into Riku's pocket.

Riku is calmly walking down the road to Konoha, just having come back from a mission in Suna with his team, they discuss something trivial.

"With your mouth down there? Really?" Wakana asks.

"Yes, at least that's what that kind lady at the bar said" Sai adds.

"Haaaa~" Yamato sighs.

"I'm pretty sure that 'kind lady' was trying to seduce you Canvas... also, you guys read so many books on love and lust and yet you never heard of oral sex?" Riku responds.

"Ha! Sleepy-senpai knows this!? As expected of the grandmaster wizard of knowledge, Sake and haggling" Wakana exclaims.

"Guys... please stop letting him add more titles to himself..." Yamato pleads.

"But it is all true Yamato-sensei? We agreed to not add any more without evidence to his claims and he has evidence?" Sai asks with confusion.

"Yeah Sai-senpai is right" Wakana adds.

"Haaa~" Yamato sighs once more at the very odd and complex conversations that always erupt in this group.

Soon four missing nin appear from the woods... flying and dead.

"Those the ones?" Sai wonders.

"Yeah, ill seal them up now..." Riku says as they float next to him and he pulls out a scroll for them each- *puff* smoke emits and the bodies are sealed.

"Whew... Telekinetic sage mode tanks on my mental capability" Riku exhales.

"Hm. You do look cool however with the deep black and golden eyes and the black markings" Wakana responds.

On Riku's face is black markings that go from just above his eyes to the bottom of his face in a rectangle shape,  another smaller rectangle goes from his nose tip following his nose bridge up to the top of his head where it hides in his much longer wild hair that drops just below his shoulders, his eyes are a deep black that have gold outlines.

These cosmetics fade away as he exits sage mode and starts stretching his neck.

Riku looks much taller and his outfit has changed completely as a strategy to gain more fame by being instantly recognizable.

Headband on his his forehead that gets buried in his hair, and a small silver piercing that looks like a slim dog tag rests on his ear, a deer like engraving with the name Shikamaru Nara under the deer.

He is wearing a black long sleeved button up shirt with a collar buttoned up fully and the two necklaces rest on top.

Instead if the Konoha green vest he wears a black vest with silver patterns that swirl and intermingle.

Black belt with silver accents on a slimmer shinobi pair of black pants with his ninja gear on the side and with black boots that go up to his knees but hide under the pants.

Black fitting gloves and if he had summoned all of his puppets they would be painted as dark of a black that they could be painted.

It seems the dark theme has stuck with him after he lost his vest on a mission and he decided to go with his new outfit, people recognize the pitch black puppets immediately now and there is a flee on sight order from many nations when they see Riku, why? What happened three months ago in the land of sound.

Rumour has it that Sasuke got kidnapped by Oorochimaru and a team was sent to help team seven get there member back.

Riku arrived alone and confronted the sannin, inhuman as ever reports say that he mocked the snake for his reliance on his limbs for most of his power and that he decided to play 'fair' by not using his arms as well.

The snakes base was destroyed when team seven showed up with Riku having saved the last Uchiha.

The reports don't state that Riku didn't need to use hand signs when in Telekinetic sage mode and that the fight only lasted five minutes.

It also doesn't state that he came back and was hospitalized for a week.

Konoha made sure that he was only shining in that story, the next genius of Konoha that has made the other nations wary of pushing for war anytime soon.

The conversation with team 'Yamanko' as Riku calls it, or team 'Yamato & Anko' as the reports state it to be continues and they head down the road towards Konoha, when they arrive and hand in there mission completion letter Riku heads home to find that Naruto is sitting at his doorstep.

"Ha! Riku! I missed you so much!"

Naruto unceremoniously tackles his brother-like friend and hugs him.

"Naruto!? Your alive!" Riku exclaims.

"Yes and back!" Naruto ignores Riku's attempt at humour and responds.

"Its good to see you man! Come in ill make you some ramen, [Summoning Jutsu] Ace, get me some groceries please- How was your journey man! Learn anything cool!"

Ace imbues himself into Riku's form and heads to the market carrying Riku's wallet while Naruto and Riku sit inside and chat on his lounge.

"Yeah I learned more practical taijutsu that goes like wham and pow! Tried to tame the fox but never really got the hang of it.. oh! Right I also learnt how to mix nature chakra! I'm a sage like pervy sage and you!"

"Nice~ guessing that the shadow clone trick helped?"

"Yep and you were right, I used way too many at the start and nearly had to come back to get Tsunade-Baachan to heal me up! Dattebayo!"

Laughing at that Riku asks.

"When did you come back? How did you know I came back?"

He chuckles and scratches his cheek.

"Hahaha- Just this morning actually, I was fighting Kakashi-sensei in sage mode and sensed you arrive at the gates"

Riku and Naruto converse well into the night having ramen for both lunch at Riku's house and dinner at Ichiraku's, Naruto eventually goes home at around ten o'clock and Riku heads home.


Pov: Riku

Naruto sure has grown since I last saw him, can't believe that's the same kid from two and half years ago!

Haaa~ everyone has grown tremendously and- Eiko? What is she doing climbing my window... she could do that?

Eiko hasn't changed a bit really, just taller and with the same skinny proportions, well I guess she inherited the Hyuga genes for prettiness and soft skin, her health has been getting better and meat is being placed on her bones, usually she wears the biggest fluffiest jacket that is like four sizes bigger than her and long pants and boots, her hair is braided down her back.


*yelp* "R-Riku? I thought you were out with your friend!"

"What are you doing breaking into my house?"



"... lost the key you gave me... just felt lonely tonight and wanted to hug you but you weren't home... so I wanted to hug my giant fluffy pillow that I got you last year..."

Barking out a laugh, I tree walk up the side of my house and assist in the break-in, she giggles as she climbs into my rooms window.

"How did you even get up there?"

She pokes her tongue out at me and replies.

"Power of love!"

"Ah- you thought you could steal my clothes if I wasn't here didn't you?"

She whistles and looks away suspiciously.

"*cough* anyway! Lets shower and sleep!"

"You smell clean and of blackberry soap... why do you need to shower again?"

"I cant sleep if I don't see your-"

I karate chop her head.

"No horny!"

"Sorry... one more year..."


"One year left" she licks her lips and smiles dangerously at me.

"Lets shower!" I declare... I maybe am still terrified when she stares at me like that.


-next morning-

"Eiko... please stop rubbing yourself all over me... I need to get up in an hour"

"You will be seduced~" she whispers in my ear.

"I already am~ just like to be of age at least~" I whisper back.

"Hmf- stupid morals getting in the way of my fun!" She says sarcastically.

"Yeah hate that thing... haa~ I will admit though I am tempted to break them every day I spend with you~" I caress her cheek and brush her hair from her face as she freezes and goes red, a dumb smile forms on her face and she starts drooling.

"Really?" She asks with so much hope.

"Yeah" I respond.

"Then lets get down here-" I pull her from diving into the sheets and cut her off.

"Sorry... I really, really want to... but you are so cute when you pout~"

"Wha- but! But sex!" She exclaims mouth open... she then pouts but immediately drops that expression upon realisation.

I chuckle and hug her closer, pulling her head into my chest.

"At least let me do something... even the simple stuff..." Eiko mumbles into my skin.

"I shouldn't of spoiled you on your birthday last year..." I chuckle.

"That. Was. Incredible! Please do it again! We can help each other! No actual sex will happen~ please~"

She uses her big white eyes that look so adorable this close to persuade me, I make a thinking face and mutter.


"What- you cant tell me you desperately want me like I want you then remind me of that gift, oh that fucking gift~ and then say no!"

She hits my chest playfully and I respond with laughter and kiss her forehead.

"Sorry Eiko~ If I give you an inch of me, I'm sure I will wake up three days later and have to clean my entire house... you are like a wolf that never lets go of the prey it bites~"

"Hmf- and your a stupid rabbit that keeps running!"

"Sorry wolf~ one year, remember?"

"Fine... love you rabbit.."

"Love you too.."

I watch her fall asleep in my arms again as she decides to take a sleep in today, might as well follow her... though I'm not tired I would never tire of watching her sleep in my arms.


-one hour later-


"Awake again? Lets go eat something"

Eiko stretches out over the bed and we get up and get dressed, well I change clothes and Eiko puts some on.

"We going out or are we just eating in today?"

"We haven't had a date in so long~"

"Out it is, hmmm... ill make us something portable to eat and then we can eat up at the mountain view, it is pretty warm this morning"

"Alright! I will help! Sandwiches!"

Eiko practically jumps down the stairs and into the kitchen, I follow chuckling to myself.

"Hahaha- Sandwiches it is~"

We make simple sandwiches with some of the cold meat and simple greens Ace brought yesterday, packing up our food into a basket I put my vest on and pick up the wolf like a princess.

*yelp!* "Riku!"

"What? Don't like being carried wolf?"

She smacks my shoulder playfully.

"I don't want people staring at me being carried... its embarrassing!"

"Then how about I be quick? Roof hop?"

"... Rabbit... be quick"

She giggles and I chuckle as I jump to our roof and start hopping from building to building fast enough to not be seen by the morning rush in Konoha.

Eventually we reach the top of Hokage mountain and I place down a picnic blanket that we sit and eat our breakfast sandwiches on.

"Is your crew active already?"

People have begun to call my not-puppets the crew, especially when I can have nine minds at once and all over the place people tend to notice them more.

"Yeah, disconnected however, you want something from somewhere in Konoha?"

"Just making sure you are paying attention to me~"

"Of course wolf, I would never dare take my eyes of off you~"

She lays across my lap and bites cutely into the sandwiches as she stares into the distance.

We enjoy the food and its the simple days like this that make me the most serene and happy.



"No jokes, serious question"

"I can do that"

"Do you really want to marry me, and not for the contract you signed?"

"Hm? That is something I used to be unsure about, I was definitely scared of making such a commitment"


"Key word being 'was'"

"Hehehehekekeke! You want to marry me! No jokes! Me!"

"Yep~ I have grown to like you~ now stop squealing and-"

Eiko leaps at my face and starts hugging me aggressively while our lips interconnect, Eiko is hit with a sudden passion boost and becomes fitting of her nickname 'wolf', she runs her cold hands under my shirt and her legs wrap around my waist-


I place my arms around her and start slowly running them over her back.

*cough cough*

Eiko starts unbuttoning my vest.

"S-sasuke! What do w-we do!"

Sakura says something in embarrassment but I ignore our guests and continue focusing on Eiko.

"Kakashi-sensei, please separate them"

I groan a 'no' through our lips and Eiko giggles.

"Alright you two, at the gates in three minutes, Gaara has been sighted in combat with two Akatsuki members"

That opens my eyes and I break the fun I am having with Eiko.

"Sorry Wolf~ have to run, I will have Ace escort you!"

"Bye Rabbit, be quick!"

I summon Ace and flicker to the gates where Jewel has already packed my things and it seems I'm still the fastest to prepare due to that.

Soon both team 7 and team Yamanko minus Anko are here.

"Sleepy-senpai! Sai-senpai! Back to the desert already"

"Hmm, seems so, this time we have to be fast however, we are hunting big targets, Akatsuki, serious mode activate!"

As I say that both Sai and Wakana stop there small polite smiling and adopt a cold face, I do so as well, entering into manual operations.

"Woah~ you guys look so scary!"

We all turn our eyes to Naruto who actually jumps a little and with everyone here we full on chakra enhanced sprint to Suna.

Gaara was being attacked? Will he be fine when we get there? Or gone?

New jutsu that Riku made in timeskip!


[Control Release: Cloth Wrap] C-Rank

The guide for this Jutsu is;

Beginner: Monkey_Control

Intermediate: Control

Adept: N/A

Master: N/A

The user touches the targets clothes or loose fabric and pours control chakra inside, the fabric then twists and folds around themselves or the opponent causing them to  be restricted in there movement.


[Control release: Chain Control] B-rank

This jutsu has no signs.

Made for Anchor this jutsu imbues his chains with chakra and makes every link controllable, allowing for detailed precision attacks and unpredictable motions.


[Control release: Delayed Strike] A-rank

This jutsu has no signs.

Made for Ace, this jutsu holds back the 'chakra arm' and lets it go after, dealing two hits in one. It looks like a golden ghostly after image that hits twice.


[Control release: Muscle Control] S-rank

This guide for this jutsu is;

Begginer: Monkey_Snake_Control

Intermediate: Monkey_Snake_Control

Adept: Monkey_Control

Master: Control

Made for Jewel, this jutsu sends chakra into the body of an enemy and takes Manual Control over the areas muscles and have limited and short time control over them, excellent for launching tiny hands at people mid battle.


[Force release: Pressure Point] B-rank

This jutsu uses no signs.

The user points at an enemy and sends an unseen focused blast of force chakra that deals considerable damage.


[Force release: Dominion Aura] S-rank

This guide for this jutsu is;

Begginer: 38 hand signs.

Intermediate: 28 hand signs

Adept: 18 hand signs.

Master: Monkey_Bird_Rat_Snake_Force_Monkey_ Bird_Force.

Fourty feet around the user an oppressive force pushes everything down, not to be used on allies as the force can make small trees bow and break.


[Force release: Great Crush] A-rank

This guide for this jutsu is;

Begginer: 20 handsigns

Intermediate: 10 handsigns

Adept: Bird_Snake_Rat_Monkey_Force

Master: Force.

Able to suddenly apply pressure on an opponent but sending chakra towards them, this chakra wraps around the opponent and tries to crush them.


[Telekinesis release: Multi-Pathmaker Jutsu] B-rank

This guide for this jutsu is;

Begginer: Rat_Bird_Control_Force

Intermediate: Bird_Control_Force

Adept: Control_Force

Master: N/A

This jutsu takes one second to imbue five throwable items with a premade path. Works similiar to the pathmaker jutsu just on a large scale.


[Telekinesis release: Projectile Return] S-rank

This jutsu uses no signs.

Seeping your chakra into the air you are capable of instantly snatching any object thrown or swung at you and send it back towards the enemy.


S-ranks took the bulk of his time and his sage mode can substitute some jutsu he planned to create and so he has shifted from jutsu creation to polishing up his Taijutsu and Kenjutsu lately.

Only one chapter today sorry :/ but thanks for reading :)


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