Naruto – Minato Namikaze SI

Chapter 51 – Forth Year 14.

[Chapter Size: 2300 Words.]
Third Person POV
Konoha, Year 35.


Professor Fuuma asked Minato and Mikoto to approach the center of the field where they would fight, and both walked to the spot under everyone's gaze. They looked at each other, preparing for the battle.

Mikoto, with her determined eyes, exuded a silent confidence. She was known for her exceptional kunai throwing skills and for mastering three C-rank fire jutsus, in addition to the shadow clone technique. Despite her not vast chakra reserve, her precision and technique made up for this limitation.

Minato, on the other hand, maintained his calm and focused expression, a trait that made him famous among his peers and teachers. He was a prodigy, not just in elemental ninjutsu, but also in strategy and chakra control. His mastery over the elements of wind, fire, and lightning placed him at a high level, even among the most talented since the foundation of Konoha.

"Minato, may the best strategy win," said Mikoto, giving a small smile, but not activating her sharingan.

"So be it, Mikoto. Let's do our best," Minato replied, with a slight smile.

Professor Fuuma, watching attentively from the side of the ring, raised his hand, signaling the start of the fight. "Begin!"

Immediately, Minato made the first move, quickly forming hand seals and summoning a shadow clone, creating an initial distraction. Mikoto, not being fooled, prepared her kunais, throwing them precisely at the clone, while keeping her focus on the real Minato.

Minato's clones, despite not having observation haki and light body, were still fast and agile. He used his speed to dodge Mikoto's kunai attacks, while launching strategic counterattacks. He quickly formed hand seals, releasing a sequence of "Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu", creating a series of fireballs that flew towards Mikoto.

Mikoto responded with "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu", releasing a large fireball that clashed against Minato's flames, creating an explosion of sparks and smoke, but since Mikoto's ball was larger, it forced Minato to retreat a bit from the invading flames.

Mikoto wasted no time and used the same Jutsu that Minato did before with a sequence of seals. "Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu", Minato countered the fireballs with his wind-style jutsu, "Fūton: Reppūshō" causing the balls to disperse in the air, and shurikens appeared inside them, hitting Minato's clones, while the main one easily dodged with his haki, even aware of the shurikens.

Jumping to the side, Minato used seals at high speed and again used "Fūton: Reppūshō", not only going towards Mikoto who didn't use any jutsu to defend herself, just dodged to save chakra, but the wind also dissipated all the smoke created by the fire jutsus.

Seeing her dodging, Minato made a seal and created 2 clones and ran towards Mikoto to fight against her Uchiha taijutsu. Even though she normally had an advantage over Minato with her Taijutsu, it was 3 against one while she tried to attack after being on the defensive.

Mikoto realized she needed to step up her game to face Minato on equal terms. With determination in her eyes, she decided to unleash the next phase of her Sharingan, one tomoe while her eyes turned red.

"It's time to show what I'm capable of," said Mikoto, her voice firm and confident.

Mikoto quickly responded to the clones and Minato, giving a kick to the chin of one clone and a punch to the face of another, as she became much more agile now. The original Minato managed to dodge her attacks while kicking Mikoto, making her retreat a bit. Minato looked at his friend with satisfaction as his clones disappeared in smoke after Uchiha's attack.

Minato looked at Mikoto's Sharingan, nodded with respect. "Impressive, Mikoto. I'm looking forward to seeing what you're capable of."

"Next round?" The girl gave a small smile, and Minato nodded.

The Hokage watched the fight between Minato and Mikoto with great interest. Jiraiya and Tsunade were commenting on the confrontation.

"Look at Mikoto's precision with the kunais," Tsunade remarked, impressed. "She really inherited the talent of the Uchiha clan."

Jiraiya nodded, watching attentively. "Yes, and she's using the Sharingan with great skill. It seems the Uchiha clan has two great talents in this generation." Akuma was also known for unlocking his sharingan at 6 years old.

Jiraiya continued, "But Minato is not to be underestimated. He is quick and his jutsus are exceptional. He's balancing the fight even against the Sharingan, even the powerful blood limit of the Uchiha doesn't seem to have an effect on the boy."

Hiruzen looked at Minato and Mikoto facing each other. "This is the kind of talent we need in Konoha, especially now. Minato and Mikoto show that the next generation is ready to face the challenges that will come."

In the second round of the fight, Minato and Mikoto positioned themselves, ready for the clash. Mikoto, now with her Sharingan, displayed a new layer of determination. Minato, in turn, relied on his observation Haki, a skill that gave him a unique advantage, even over the Sharingan.

The fight restarted with an explosion of movement. Minato advanced with speed, his fists and feet moving in a blur of agility and strength. Mikoto, with her Sharingan eyes, followed each movement, her sharpened reflexes allowing her to block or dodge Minato's rapid strikes.

The taijutsu duel was a spectacle. Minato utilized a mix of fighting styles, each attack a fluid combination of technique and brute force. Mikoto, not lagging behind, responded with precise strikes, targeting key points she had learned from her clan.

In a critical moment, Minato made an aggressive move, launching a straight punch. Mikoto, anticipating the attack, used the substitution jutsu, swapping places with a wooden log that appeared where she had been. Minato, realizing the switch at the last second, spun in the air and landed gracefully, already seeking Mikoto with his observation Haki.

She reappeared behind Minato, ready for a surprise attack, but he, using his Haki, turned in time to block the kick she had directed at his back. The fight continued at this frenetic pace, with both ninjas using everything in their arsenal.

Each used the substitution jutsu several times, creating a series of maneuvers and counter-maneuvers that left the spectators in awe. The battlefield was filled with signs of their exchanges: fragmented wooden logs, marks on the ground, and clouds of dust created by their rapid movements.

As the fight went on, it became clear that in the end, the combination of observation Haki and Minato's incredible physical training began to tip the balance in his favor. Mikoto was running low on chakra now, at a crucial moment, Mikoto attempted a surprise attack with one of her fire jutsus with the remainder of her pool, launching a series of small fireballs at Minato. He, anticipating the move, skillfully dodged each one, closing the distance between them quickly.

Mikoto, realizing the imminent approach, prepared for a direct confrontation. However, Minato's speed and strength, enhanced by months of rigorous training with Duy, were too much for her. In a fluid motion, Minato dodged a final strike from Mikoto and, taking advantage of an opening, placed a kunai at her neck, signaling the end of the fight.

"It's over," Minato said, stepping back respectfully.

Mikoto, panting and with a look of admiration, nodded in acknowledgment. "You won, Minato. Well played."

The audience erupted in applause, impressed with the skill of both competitors. Professor Fuuma announced the result. "Victory for Namikaze Minato. An excellent demonstration from both students!"

Minato offered his hand to Mikoto, helping her to her feet. "It was a great fight, Mikoto. You're getting incredibly strong."

She accepted his hand, smiling. "Thank you, Minato. I'm looking forward to another fight with you in the future."

As they left the ring, the Hokage and his students discussed among themselves. "It seems that Minato will come out on top in all grades and beating all his previous records..." Hiruzen said.

"I expected no less..." Jiraiya spoke proudly.

After the exciting fight between Minato and Mikoto, both stepped away from the ring, allowing the other fights of the day to proceed. Tsuna Senju was the next to enter the ring. With confidence and skill, she faced one of the academy students, demonstrating excellent chakra control and ninjutsu skills. Her fight, though less intense than Minato and Mikoto's, was technically flawless, resulting in a clear victory for Tsuna.

"Your daughter is very good, Tsunade..." Jiraiya spoke approvingly.

"I expected no less from Tsuna." Tsunade had a look of proud motherhood.

Kushina Uzumaki, known for her energetic and powerful nature, faced another girl in her fight. With her chaotic and unpredictable style, Kushina dominated the fight from the beginning. Her attacks were fast and fierce, and her skill with water jutsus and fuinjutsu made her a formidable opponent. The fight ended with Kushina as the victor.

The atmosphere at the training field was filled with each student giving their best, knowing that the eyes of the Hokage and the Sannin were upon them. Although some fights didn't have the same level of intensity as the first, the respect and pride each student had for their skills and the training received in Konoha were evident.

At the end of the day, all the academy students gathered, exhausted but satisfied with their performances. Professor Fuuma, along with the Hokage and the Sannin, congratulated the students for their effort and dedication, reaffirming the importance of each one of them for the future of Konoha, especially in times of imminent war.

"Young ninjas of Konoha," began Hiruzen, his voice resonating with authority and the warmth he normally had. "Today, you have completed another crucial stage in your journeys as protectors of this village. We are living in dark times, with war casting its shadow over our lives. But it is in moments like this that the true spirit of Konoha shines brightest, where the flames of new leaves emit more lights in the darkness."

He paused, looking at the attentive faces of the children. "Each one of you represents the light and the future of Konoha. The courage, determination, and strength you demonstrated today are testimonies to the power and resilience of our village. Remember, regardless of the challenges we face, it is our unity and our faith in each other that keeps us strong."

The Hokage continued, emphasizing the importance of staying true to Konoha's values and supporting each other in the difficulties to come. His speech was inspiring, infusing the young ones with a sense of responsibility and a renewed sense of purpose. Minato, understanding the ideologies behind it, remained calm, knowing he had much to do and simply listened.

In the end, Hiruzen made an announcement that piqued everyone's curiosity and excitement. "In the coming days, I would like the outstanding students of this class to visit me in my office. You, who have shown exceptional skills and achievements, will receive a special reward for your effort and dedication. You are the pride of Konoha, and it's important that you know how much we value your accomplishments."

The students exchanged looks of surprise and anticipation. Minato, Tsuna, Kushina, Mikoto, and a few other students looked at each other, knowing they would likely be among those chosen for such an honor.

The end of the academic year at Konoha's academy had arrived. To celebrate the end of the year and their achievements, Minato, accompanied by Tsuna Senju, Kushina Uzumaki, Mikoto Uchiha, and a few other classmates, decided to go to a local barbecue restaurant as in the past years.

The atmosphere in the restaurant was one of joy and camaraderie. As they savored the barbecue, Minato and his friends discussed recent events at the academy, the fights in the final exam, and their own journeys of personal growth and skill. Kushina, always energetic, told stories of her pranks at the academy with contagious vivacity. Tsuna, more reserved, shared her reflections on the lessons learned and how they could be applied on the battlefield. Mikoto, calm yet perceptive, offered insights into technique and strategy, while also expressing her thoughts on the uncertain future awaiting them, as Konoha was now at war and many clans had already been dispatched.

"From now on, things are going to change," Minato murmured to himself, with a mix of anticipation and determination. The war unfolding around them was a constant reminder that, despite still being a child, he would soon be in the midst of conflicts far greater than anything he had faced in the academy.

He knew that he would soon become a genin and didn't need to wait until the end of the next year for that; with that, the real challenges would begin.

'But I'll be ready,' thought Minato, a confident smile appearing on his face. Upon arriving at the orphanage after saying goodbye to his friends and classmates, Minato stopped in front of the orphanage's door and looked up at the night sky once more, feeling a sense of gratitude and responsibility. "I will become a shinobi that the whole world will fear, even you, hiding under the earth at this moment, will know my name in this war, I look forward to fighting you in the future, Uchiha Madara!" he said silently. With that determination in his heart, he entered the orphanage, ready to rest and prepare for the new chapter of his life in Konoha.


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