Naruto: Destroy the Uchiha

Chapter 80 Uchiha is duty bound!

Chapter 80 Uchiha is duty bound!

The turbulent stream of flames trying to devour everything vainly crushed down with unrivaled power, and met dozens of huge water barriers with his own strength.

Under the scorching high temperature, a large amount of water was instantly evaporated, and the steam that was thicker than that of the fog and shadow technique still fell towards Asma and others under the storm caused by the flames.

In a short moment, the area with a radius of hundreds of meters instantly turned into a foggy world!
What a gap!

This is the difference!
The ninja team who came to support Asma and Kakashi were equally astonished at the moment. They couldn't believe that they were suppressed by a simple B-level ninjutsu when they performed Water Dungeon together.

Even if it weren't for the mutual restraint of water and fire, they would be completely suppressed by absolute power in turn.


In this already foggy world, they still didn't have much time to think.

Accompanied by a piercing sound, and an unbelievable wail, everyone in the field at this moment knew it clearly.

Danger is coming!

Under the loud shouts of Kakashi and Asma, even in the hazy fog, everyone still habitually formed a defensive formation.

And just when everyone was getting ready, a slightly excited laughter resounded through the audience, and then a swift figure broke into their defensive formation without any scruples like a tiger entering a pack of wolves among.

"Do you want to dance too!"

Uchiha Jhin didn't care about the increase in the number of opponents at all at the moment. On the contrary, after the simple warm-up exercise just now, he was looking forward to a bloody battle at this moment.

"Sharingan can't play a role here, let me strangle him all!"

Seeing that Uchiha Jhin voluntarily gave up his advantage, a trace of surprise flashed in Asma's eyes, and he crazily shouted towards his companions around him.

"What gave you the illusion that you surrounded me!"

Uchiha Jhin showed a ferocious smile at the corner of his mouth, and after pinching his knuckles slightly, he rushed forward suddenly.

After integrating the fighting skills and combat experience of more than a dozen Uchiha tribesmen, Uchiha Jin's body art has been sublimated into an art.

Fist, palm, hook, claw, elbow!

Kick!Knee!Headbutt!Press down!
The Uchiha Fluid Art, which is obviously a combination of reaction speed and illusion, has been simplified in the hands of Uchiha Jin, and it is extremely fierce after losing the combination of illusion.

Every time he exerted his strength, he accurately hit the weakest point of the opponent. The seemingly light-weight basic physical movements of one move cruelly destroyed the mobility of each Anbu ninja.


Feedback from fist to flesh, the crispness of the skeleton breaking!
Unprecedented strange pleasure emerged in Uchiha Jin's heart, and it also made him realize for the first time why there is such a battle madness.

The strong crushing of Kaleidoscope Sharingan is refreshing, but the overbearing collision of this kind of fighting skills is also intoxicating.

In the process of fighting again and again, Uchiha Jhin can clearly feel his unusually brisk mental power, as well as the more active kaleidoscope pupil power that is being stimulated by this restless spirit.

Sure enough, it's not just the intertwining of love and hate!

Uchiha Jhin's eyes couldn't help flashing a hint of satisfaction, and he also had firmer confidence in his future plans.

But compared to Uchiha Jin at this moment, Asma, Kakashi and others who were ruthlessly crushed are not so relaxed now.

"how so!"

Asma in the mist was extremely frightened at the moment, with his eyesight and perception ability, he couldn't see the details of Uchiha Jin's actions at all.

It was only possible to see through the flow trajectory of steam, rain and mist, and then when a black shadow flashed by, one of the companions fell to the ground and howled in an instant.

It is not a level of existence at all!

Only he, the son of Hokage, and Kakashi, the son of White Fang, were able to resist a little bit under the seamless cooperation.

"It can't go on like this!"

After Kakashi found that the partner beside him had completely lost his mobility, and he was also crippled by a leg, he realized that this environment made them more dangerous, and after being kicked flying again, Kakashi began to form seals in mid-air .

Wind escape · oppression!

Accompanied by the high-pressure wind that can sweep away all objects, it jets out from Kakashi's mouth. The farther the jet distance is, the more storm vortices will condense, forming one after another high-pressure wind. Density of tornadoes.

However, this natural disaster-like destructive wind escape ninjutsu was not used by Kakashi at this moment to attack, but to clear the field to better deal with the enemy.

This is also the best way for Konoha to crack the fog concealment technique. The only disadvantage is that the consumption of Chakra is more serious than expected.


Asma, who had one arm and one foot broken, raised her head with difficulty, and looked at Kakashi who was already a little detached in the distance with concern.

"Not bad, I had a great time!"

As the steam, rain and fog dissipated, Uchiha Jhin did not choose to pursue.

He just stood there and twisted his stretched neck, looking at the Anbu ninjas who were howling all over the place, showing a pleasant smile.

Uchiha Jin, who suddenly sensed something, looked sideways slightly, and looked in the direction of Kakashi, exactly looking at the Sharingan that was exuding strange fluctuations.

"It's you who wanted to hang up first!"

A proud smile flashed in Uchiha Jin's eyes, and he was about to open the kaleidoscope Sharingan to let the other party know what is truly invincible.


A thick tree suddenly grew rapidly from Uchiha Jin's feet, and the verdant tree was like a tentacle firmly restraining it in place.

Magic·Tree Bound Kill!

Because Kuni Yuhi, who is not good at taijutsu and ninjutsu, finally made a move at this moment. The illusory body suddenly emerged from the torso of the tree above Jin Uchiha, and the sharp Kunai was about to strike down the enemy in the next moment.

Uchiha Jin didn't dodge or avoid at all, and the mocking smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more ostentatious at this moment.

"Who gave you the confidence to dare to use illusion on a Uchiha!"


Yu Hihong, who originally thought she had succeeded in a sneak attack, suddenly found that her body was still unable to move, and she was firmly locked by the tree instead of performing the spell.

Not only that.

Uchiha Jin didn't just bounce back the illusion. At this moment, the 'Magic Tree Binding Kill' blessed by the pupil power of Sharingan completely locked all the chakra flow in Kurenai Yuhi's body at this moment.

"how is this possible……"

Before Yuhihong began to doubt her life, a thick palm had already pinched her slender neck, and then mercilessly hit her with a knee.


Sensing that Kakashi, who had already feasted and became scruples, Uchiha Jin showed a trace of regret in his eyes, but he didn't feel too disappointed.

"I heard that Kurenai Yuhi's father was also a hero who died in the Nine-Tails Rebellion. His last wish before his death was to have a grandson who would inherit the will of fire!"

Looking at the Anbe ninja who had fallen to the ground at this moment, Uchiha Jin showed a playful smile again, and said with a slightly playful smile.

"Inherit the will of fire, I, Uchiha, have a duty to do so!"


(End of this chapter)

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