Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 63: New Mission

(A.N: please vote for this fanfic.)




"No need to be so formal. We are brothers, after all," Shisui said.


"Can I ask how you're my brother, if you don't mind?" Kaida asked Shisui.


"Of course, you can. My mother and yours were cousins and best friends. She was one of the few people who supported your mother during her marriage to your father," Shisui explained.


"Oh," Kaida said, then fell silent for a moment, deep in thought.


'Shisui is my brother now. What is this, some kind of cheat greater than the Sharingan? As I remember, Shisui was the strongest Uchiha of the younger generation, even ahead of Itachi. He wasn't affected by the Uchiha's curse of hatred. But he died trying to prevent the Uchiha massacre, killed by none other than Danzo for his eyes. Should I try to save him? Even though he was my favorite character, is it worth it to change the future? If I do, my trump card—knowledge of future events—will be completely lost.'


Kaida had a serious look on his face while thinking this, and Shisui mistook it as sadness from remembering his parents.


"Don't worry, little bro. You still have me as your family. Whenever you have any problems, just come and find me. Your brother is super strong, you know!" Shisui said with a smile, flexing his biceps.


Listening to him, Kaida smiled and decided on his future actions but didn't say anything other than, "Yes, Brother," before leaving.


Kaida returned to the training ground. Since he hadn't dispersed his clones, all 50 of them were still practicing different jutsus. He continued his training, creating more clones during his breaks.


For three days straight, Kaida kept his Sharingan activated. This slowed down his training slightly since he had to continuously invest chakra into the Sharingan. However, after keeping it active for 72 hours straight, he could feel he was very close to upgrading his Sharingan.


Any normal Uchiha wouldn't have been able to keep their eyes active for so long like Kaida did, and might have even bled from their eyes. But due to his Senju bloodline, Kaida's body was stronger than most ninjas and able to handle the load of the Sharingan.


When the time was almost up, Kaida sent some of his clones back to his house to cook food and clean.


"Hey guys, the time is almost up. Let's go back," Kaida said.


"Okay, just give me 10 minutes," Ryota said as he stopped rotating.


"This chakra flow is too difficult. The most I can maintain my chakra in the blade is for 1 hour, and that's with the help of a soldier pill. Without it, my chakra would be exhausted within 30 minutes or less," Yomi said.


"Yomi, can you show me how you're practicing the chakra flow?"


Yomi nodded and flowed her chakra into the sword. The sword started releasing lightning, and a yellow aura surrounded it in a 5 cm radius.


"You're using too much chakra for this. With just 50% of that amount, you can coat your sword. Try to reduce the chakra usage next time."


While Kaida and Yomi were discussing this, Ryota approached Kaida.


"It's alright, Sensei. Let's go; we've completed our training for today. By the way, who was that ninja who came to meet you during training?"


"Some Uchiha clan elder wanted to meet me. It was some bullshit about it being my responsibility to serve the clan and all. Of course, I denied it. I also met with Shisui Uchiha. He's my cousin brother and said I can ask him for any help," Kaida said.


"Dude, that's so awesome! Shisui of the Body Flicker is your brother? I heard he's super strong and can defeat an entire enemy squad alone."


"Yup," Kaida said.


"That's great and all, but can we go back now? We don't have all day, and I'm hungry," Yomi said.


"Okay, let's go."


They went to their flat and ate the food prepared by Kaida's clones. After eating, Ryota went back to his home with Kiba, while Kaida and Yomi went to their rooms to get some much-needed sleep.



Waking up after 24 hours, Kaida and Yomi completed their morning routines, ate breakfast, and headed to the village gate where Ryota and Kiba were already waiting.


"Good morning, guys," Ryota said.




"Good morning to both of you," Kaida said, followed by Yomi.


"What do you think our next mission will be? A bandit extermination or a rescue mission?" Ryota asked.


"Neither," Yukihiro said, appearing suddenly using the Wind Instantaneous Movement Jutsu.


"Good morning, Sensei," all three of them said.


"Good morning. Our next mission is a B-rank mission. We need to escort two members of the civilian council to the Land of Noodles. There may be an attack from some ninjas, so you guys need to stay vigilant."


"Sensei, when will we depart for the mission?" Kaida asked.


"In two hours. The journey will take a week to get there and another week to return. The pay for this mission is also good—you'll each get 200,000 Ryo. So go and make all the necessary preparations."


All three of them left to prepare. Each of them had already bought two soldier pills in case of an emergency. They bought some nutrient bars and shuriken and were fully ready to go. With two hours left before the mission, they took a stroll in the area and returned to the village gate before the designated time.


When they reached the village gate, Yukihiro was talking to two old men, both of whom had bloated bellies and obvious greed in their eyes—typical politician types.


Yukihiro saw them and called out, "Sir, these are my team members. We will be responsible for your safety during the mission."


Both of them just nodded and didn't say a word. Since their status was akin to nobles, they didn't want to converse with "low lives."


The journey started with two luxury carts, each for one council member, accompanied by two personal servants.


"We'll follow the same formation as before. Kaida, you'll be in front—always remain vigilant. Ryota and Yomi, you'll be on the left and right, and I'll be at the back. Try to handle any problems on your own; I'll assist if necessary, so don't worry," Yukihiro instructed.


Normally, they wouldn't have been given this mission, but due to a shortage of ninjas and Team 13's experience with many C and B-rank missions, they were chosen. With Yukihiro present, the security was as tight as it could be.


All three of them took their positions, and the journey began.


Due to traveling alone with his team, Kaida wasn't used to the slow pace required for this mission. Knowing the distance they had to cover, Kaida wasn't even sure they would reach their destination in a week.


They could have traveled faster, but since the elderly council members wanted comfort, the carts had to move at a slower pace, and they even took more breaks than necessary.


"Sensei, is it really necessary to travel with these carts? Can't we just carry them to the Land of Noodles much faster?" Ryota asked.


"Ryota, this is a diplomatic mission. We can't do that. In such discussions, they have to maintain a certain image to exert pressure or something. I'm not that interested in politics, but even by those standards, they're moving at a snail's pace. But it's not like we can force these old men to do anything different, so let's just complete the mission," Yukihiro explained.


They continued traveling for two days, but when they were resting, Ryota suddenly stood up and ran toward Yukihiro. He should have run toward Kaida and Yomi since it was their duty to handle things they could, but if Ryota ran to Yukihiro, it meant there was something they couldn't handle.


Kaida and Yomi created a shadow clone each to follow Ryota and became alert.


"Sensei, 20 ninjas are approaching us," Ryota reported.


"How far are they?"


"1 km, and they're moving fast."


"Follow Plan 1. Kaida, you'll handle the chunin-level ninjas. Ryota and Yomi, you'll handle the genin-level ninjas. I'll take care of the jonin. Try to stall for as much time as you can. I'll finish my fight as quickly as possible and come to your aid," Yukihiro instructed.


All three of them became quite nervous. Though they had already fought ninjas before, this was the first time their life would be in actual danger, in a Sense this was their actual true fight as a ninja

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