Nanites SON!

Corpo Shoulders

David sat on his couch, eating some homemade ramen, using chopsticks, and all while he watched Family Guy. Boomer on the floor near him lying down, its metal tail occasionally smacking against the tiled floor and creating a soft tap that was easy on the ears.

A rhythmic tapping promotes calmness, something the dogs take to doing when nothing else is happening.

David's eyes glowed as he received a call, turning to look towards the screen that appeared, not taking a moment to stop eating his ramen as he slurped away.

A screen appeared showing Dorio.

<David, you hear the news?> D

<News? What news? Watching Family Guy right now.>

Dorio's eyes shifted downwards as she watched something for a moment before looking back up at him.

<Arasaka and some other big Corpo's have invited not only the new Mayor of NC, but also the CEO of Armstrong to a big party even full of other big kittens.> D

David looked down to follow where she was looking, only now realizing he was naked. She was most likely staring at his sizable cock, the 'Mini Davy'.

Looking back up he spoke. <Nah, haven't heard anything... Actually, I should go.>

<You want to attend? But how will you be 'Both' of them at once-once?> D

<Just make an Andriod I can share senses with, if I adjust my settings I can easily be two people at once...>

<Your reasoning? Because I know in that fat 'head' you've got one rattling around.> Dorio commented with a smirk, brows raising in a suggestive way.

<Public event, have it so the Mayor and Armstrong INC are getting along, publically announce a few 'promises' not only will it get the mayor backing, but vice versa for the Armstrong INC CEO, basically allowing me to 'power arm' this city into my own... Slowly start wedging other corporations out, until I own Night City.>

<God damn that's hot.> Dorio chuckled, shaking her head.

<Alright, I just wanted to let you know what I saw, I know you and the girls don't really watch the news much.> D

<Thanks Dorio, chat later.>

<Preem.> D

The call ended and David's eyes stopped glowing. Boomer lifted its head up as it watched David as he stood up.

Finishing his noodles and the juice he tossed the chopsticks into the trash and put his bowl into the dishwasher after rinsing it out.

Walking back he let Nanites converge on him and cover him in simple jeans and a t-shirt. Sending a message out to the others.

Kiwi, Samus, Rebecca, and Lucy all wanted to go, and what better person to take them all than the leader of Armstrong Inc? Of course, they wouldn't go as 'themselves' but have altered appearances, something that couldn't be detected, or scanned over to run matches.

David adjusted his physique slightly, thickening some parts of him and giving him a thicker neck. A more square chin and blond hair, his eyes changing to make them a more natural blue.

Best way to show off? Show up with four beauties in your arms, just to really grind the thought of Armstrong being better.

Showing up to a fancy dinner with a bunch of high-class people, in jeans and a t-shirt? Disrespectful but funny.

He contacted Bast, his blue eyes glowing softly.

<Bast, prepare an 'Official' Armstrong INC AV, along with identification, papers, and a 'Guard' detail. Me and the girls are going to be attending a dinner party, rub some shoulders, greet the new Night City Mayor.>

<Done, where would you like to be picked up?> B

<The biggest, and most expensive Villa in North Oak.> 

David didn't even bat an eye as more than 8 billion eddies vanished from his account before another 10 were deposited.

He chuckled before he vanished from his spot, simply activating his sandy, and ghost, as he flew through the air, landing in his new manor with the bio-dome around it, was closed off. Making sure no light came in and no one looked in, but he could see it all clearly.

It was definitely a nice, fancy place for sure. Too big for David's taste, but for Armstrong INC CEO? The perfect place.

He let his nanites spread out, reinforcing the bio-dome and taking it over, making a mini large area with greens, trees, even fruit trees, a small place for livestock, even a horse stable and birds.

He then filled it with people, people he made of course, but people. With identities, backgrounds, families, the whole nine yards. Suddenly, the one empty villa and its lands were filled with workers, maids, farm hands, mechanics, electrical engineers to keep everything running, and gardeners. Everything a many times rich CEO would need.

All within his Sandy, so it happened in the most of a blink of an eye, only for his group to land around him as well, having used their harness and personal sandy to get here as well.

A Redheaded beauty stepped forward, ample ass and tits as she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer as she kissed him softly on his lips before she pulled away, speaking a voice David didn't recognize.

''Aren't you an absolute hunk? No wonder they call you Armstrong...'' She cooed in a sultry manner, getting David to chuckle.

''Hello Kiwi.''

She growled a bit, pushing herself away a bit only to get caught as David pulled her back in. Stealing her breath with a deep kiss that lasted a few moments.

''H-....How did you know?''

''Speech pattern, when you put your arms around me your fingers dug into my hair into the warmth of my scalp, you do that because of our poor circulation and wanting a warm body to snuggle up in."

David chuckled, shaking his head before he spoke. ''And, you were the only one who considered going red before.''

She clicked her tongue, tilting her head to the side as she felt him lean his head forward, pressing his lips along her neck, to her ear as he gave a soft nibble. Growling in a low, husky tone.

''I wonder if the carpet matches the drapes?'' He reached down to strike her ass hard before she pushed him away firmly, her cheeks becoming redder by the moment. They hadn't gotten that far yet, but David's teasings weren't helping...

At least, not helping her stay away from it.

Suddenly he got the shortest of the group as she wrapped her legs around his hips. She slammed her hips forward as her arms wrapped around his shoulders.

Her fat rear jiggled as she wiggled it in his view, kissing the front of his throat. ''We should Roleplay, I'm your slutty little side whore that you use and abuse when you're at work. I'll slobber and choke on your dick before letting you sandwich between my ass cheeks and cum along my spine!''

David chuckled, his hand cupping the fat ass as he got a squeeze, lifting her up to put a proper kiss on her lips.

''Hello to you to Rebecca, and after the party we can.''

He looked up, Lucy and Samus had changed a bit to not be recognizable, but simply how they stood he could tell, taking their hands into his as he leaned forward, kissing along their fingers. ''We have an hour until we need to go in our fancy new Armstrong AV, would you like to tour the grounds until then? Some good work. We can ride some horses.''

The word 'Horses' brought them all to look at him.

Oops, forgot horses had gone extinct a while ago.

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