Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 124 Real Name

Walking in the abyss without form and fixed matter, Ryan and Kronos were getting closer and closer to the core.

Visible to the naked eye, the number of strange characters in the surrounding space increased, and even a tone of decadence and blasphemy sounded, and the distorted noise echoed in this boundless empty world.

But this time, Ryan was able to recognize their origins. After Mnemosyne lost her [memory], [innate writing] and [language] were her only remaining priesthood. However, the power of the former is far inferior to the three lines of motto on the oracle slate, and the latter is also much weaker without the cooperation of [speech].

From this point of view, perhaps the twelve Titans were originally matched in pairs, and their priesthoods could cooperate with each other. In the original myth, if Crius, the god of weather, had not been imprisoned in the abyss after his defeat, perhaps he would have come together with the goddess of justice and then gave birth to the three goddesses of time symbolizing [spring], [summer] and [autumn].

Of course, whether it was the original him or the current him, the abyss is probably his only destination. From this point of view, he and Kronos are really destined to be together.

Perhaps the relationship between the two can continue.

But all this has nothing to do with Mnemosyne. As the god of language and writing took the initiative to give up the identity of the Titan god, she changed after being assimilated by the abyss. As the first god of Tartarus, the two priesthoods stripped from her were gradually infected over tens of thousands of years and took on the color of the abyss. From then on, words and language have a special meaning here.

However, as Ryan judged before, the words of the abyss are at most used as "names" and have no other meanings.

This will allow the subsequent life born in the abyss, as well as the life in the new world born by absorbing the power of the abyss, to have special and powerful names. But at the same time, once other life controls their unique names, it will also make them more easily controlled and influenced by them.

According to his past memories, Ryan gave them a very appropriate name-real name.

"We're here. What a wonderful view."

Stopped and looked at everything in front of him, Ryan exclaimed sincerely.

The greatest artist is always nature itself. Here, perhaps influenced by the briefly gathered source of order, everything looks similar to the present world, and is much easier to understand than other places in the abyss.

The sky is full of "stars" shining in the sky, and the chaotic liquid is surging under the feet and gathering into the sea. In the center of the ocean, a naked female life floats there.

The reason why it is described as "female" is that there is no point in Mnemosyne that is similar to her in the past. Strange, weird, and difficult to understand, even in comparison, the hundred-armed giant is more like a god. Her appearance itself is a taboo for mortals.

Of course, she is no longer called Mnemosyne now. The first moment they saw the creature in front of them, a new name emerged in the hearts of Ryan and Kronos.

Demon Mother Moya

Just as Gaia, the first primordial god, was chosen by the world to give birth to the original sky, ocean and mountains alone, Moya is also destined to give birth to new gods. This is the responsibility given to her by Tartarus.

As for whether the gods born in the abyss itself have the same immortal nature as those in the outside world, Ryan does not know. Maybe yes, maybe not, but it doesn't matter, time will tell him the answer.

"Wonderful? Oh, I can't feel it at all."

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that my beautiful sister would become like this. Even if she hasn't woken up yet, I can already foresee her hatred for you."

The corner of his mouth moved. Moya's appearance in front of him was enough to cause mental damage to the gods. Kronos really didn't know how Ryan could say the words "wonderful scenery".

"Of course I'm not talking about her. Of course, it's okay to talk about her. Extreme beauty and extreme ugliness are all creations of the world's magic."

That being said, Ryan's aesthetics are still fine, so his eyes quickly shifted to the top of Moya.

At this moment, the birth of the Demon Mother has come to an end. In the long time of an era, the past of Mnemosyne has been almost washed away.

Maybe it's not just ten thousand years. Even in the distorted time sequence of the abyss, Ryan can vaguely perceive the time that has passed here. At least millions of years, the most powerful primitive god in the world has gone all out to assimilate a weak god in the world.

This is the essential difference between the two sides. The world is the "side of the world that tends to order", and the abyss is just the "main part of the other side of the world that tends to chaos".

Of course, ordinary gods are even worse, they are just "the agency of part of the authority in one side of the world".

"Can we do something?"

In front of the two, the last bit of chaotic air was still flowing into the body of the Demon Mother. She would be reborn at the right time. But watching all this, Kronos had a murderous intention.

Although the other party was once his sister, she would be the demon under the will of the abyss in the future. From the perspective of the newborn Moya, perhaps Ryan was the object of her hatred. But from the perspective of the Demon Mother, perhaps he, who was about to steal the power of the abyss, was the real enemy.

In contrast, the spirit world was far away, while Kronos was close at hand.

"There is no way. The power of the entire abyss is gathered around her, and even the "order" is forced out. Not to mention an incarnation, even if my real body is here, I can't do anything to her for the time being."

Shaking his head, Tartarus is different from the other primitive gods, and Ryan has no intention of provoking Him.

"Let go of these thoughts. After all, this is the other party's body. That is to say, the instinctive consciousness of the abyss is not active, otherwise it would be difficult for us to get here."

As he said, Ryan looked above the Demon Mother. There, corresponding to the chaotic airflow around Moya, a group of indescribable and undefined nothingness light ball floated above her, which was the [order] extracted from the abyss.

It is very interesting that the power of chaos will unconsciously turn into a snake shape, and so is order. Ryan can clearly see the existence winding and circling inside the light ball.

"That is your goal. It and part of the power of the abyss will be transformed into the void and the original matter and spirituality that carry the new world, and your fate of being imprisoned in the abyss forever will become the fourth pillar to complete the development of the world."

"However, considering that you embraced the abyss first and then seized its power to evolve the world, in the future, the life in Tartarus may be hostile to you and the existence in your world."

"Then be hostile, this is exactly what I want. If you can't obtain the "kingship" in the abyss, even my reborn sister can't touch the edge of the great power."

Nodding, Kronos seemed to have regained his past fighting spirit.

"The power of my new world comes from the abyss, which means that He and I can devour each other. Although I am still far from being as powerful as He, I am different from His primitive and ignorant thinking. I am wise. I believe that even if I cannot be as powerful as He at the beginning, I will definitely be the winner in the end."

"Take it," the former God King turned to look at Ryan, and he couldn't wait: "You promised to use it to break free from His power after I was assimilated by the abyss."

Nodding slightly, Ryan stretched out his right hand. Then a changing power was erased by him. Most of the marks floated towards Kronos in front of him, and as the power floated out, this incarnation became a lot more illusory.

Taking this power, feeling that only 70% of it was ownerless, Kronos thought for a while. He divided it into ten equal parts and then integrated it into himself. The next moment, his body, which was originally difficult to observe, solidified.

"Your spiritual world has seven layers. Do you have any suggestions about my world?"

Before starting, Kronos asked at last.

"I can only talk about my plan at that time."

"Numbers start from one, stand on three, become five, flourish on seven, and reach nine. I don't like to be too extreme, so I only opened up seven layers of interfaces at that time. As for you, it depends on your own ideas."

He gave a faint suggestion, but Ryan didn't intend to make a decision for him.

For ordinary things, numbers are used because they have special meanings.

But for them, they gave numbers special meanings, so it has power.

Therefore, no matter how many layers Kronos chooses to build, it will not affect the strength of the new world, but only the structure of the world.

Multi-layer interfaces with their own divisions will always have an advantage in self-circulation. Even in the legends of the East in later generations, there are three realms of heaven, earth and man.

"Then let's have nine layers."

"Only those who have always won will think about convergence. But I like extremes."

Finally making a decision, Kronos no longer hesitated. His half-real and half-virtual figure leaped and crashed into the light ball in the distance.

He had already thought about it. With nine layers of interface and ten percent of power, he would give up the third, fifth, and seventh layers. He would use the thirty percent of power that belonged to Ryan to build them, and then wrap his interface with his own, and then the two of them would develop separately and have nothing to do with each other.

In his own territory, he would not lose to others again.

As for taking the initiative to attack Ryan, Kronos had not thought about it. Before he was sure to completely defeat this mysterious ancient god, the former God King would only be wary of him, not hostile to him.

There are many opponents in this world that are worth dealing with, and the abyss is the most direct one. Instead of setting up an opponent whose details are unclear, the enemy in front of him needs more attention.

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