Mystery: The Transcendental Path From Angels

Chapter 8 - : Klein’s doubts


   15 Minsk Street.

   Klein opened the curtains and sat down at the desk.

   “The Hanged Man” gave him the information of the Secret Order to let him know that the target is probably still related to the Republic of Intis.

   At the same time, he thought of the previous description of the Antigonus family by “The Hanged Man”, “weird” and “terrible”.

   The iron worm that sneaked in last night is indeed very strange.

   The sequence chain controlled by the Antigonus family is exactly the “fortune teller” approach of the Secret Order, and the two can be equivalent…

   In other words, you can make such a guess that the Extraordinary last night was a spy of the Republic of Intis who worked as a member of the Secret Order?

  Or not belonging to the Secret Order, but with the help of the Intis Republic and the Secret Order, obtained the corresponding formula and potion?

   Klein began to make bold assumptions, carefully verifying:

“This can explain the problem that my’clown’ hunch did not play a role when the weird worms invaded. This is due to the suppression of me by the higher sequence of the same pathway… Of course, there are also reasons why the iron black worms did not actually threaten me. …”

   “Similarly, it can also explain why I just wrote Ian Wright’s information. That night, iron-black nematodes sneaked in and went straight to the desk… The other party’s ability to have a ‘divider’ would make things reasonable enough…”

   After repeated deliberation, Klein felt that his guess was probably close to the truth.

   Klein laughed at himself thinking that his future potion formula would be obtained from him…

   Is this the true meaning of the revelation I got from the divination?

  Because of general reasons, he believed that Ambassador Bakerlund had no time to retaliate against himself in a short period of time, nor would he cause additional trouble.

   So no longer think about it.

   He focused his attention on the “Queen” who was newly added to the Tarot Club last time.

Who is she?

   Before she joined the Tarot Club, she kept chanting her honorable name.

   is obviously purposeful.

   Then what purpose does she have?

   Is it just to join the Tarot Club?

   Klein thought that the “Queen” at the Tarot meeting just took out the blood of angels.

   Could it be that the “Queen” is the top of the secret organization.

   Or is she an angel herself?

   Klein recalled the letter from the “Queen” to the “Hanged Man”:

Admiral    Star, I need you to help me contact the Queen Mystery. Note that it will not harm the Queen Mystery.

   I will solve the babble of the hidden sage and a drop of angel blood for you.

   Hidden sage?


   The “Queen” is so capable of solving the babble of the evil god?

   What is the sequence of her?

   Is it really an angel?

   Besides, what did she do with the Queen Mystery?

   There is also the task that she actually accepted.

   That’s an ambassador.

   There must be a lot of extraordinary people around him.

   Is she so sure of success?

   The most important thing is that the reward for the “Queen” turned out to be my inheritance.


   is the inheritance of the fool.

   What does she want a godly inheritor to do.

   protect yourself

   promotion ceremony

  Or organization needs?

   None of this can be known.

   Klein frowned. With the potion properties of his fortune-teller, he always felt as if he had seen her somewhere.

   This familiar feeling made him very depressed.

   Klein looked at the mist that finally dissipated outside the window, as if in a daze.

   It’s a long time coming, so let’s take a step and take a step.

   He decided to settle the ambassador first!

   Klein decided to continue to the “Braves Bar” tonight.

   One is to reach out to other extraordinary people with the help of Casper, to lay the foundation for choosing the right bodyguard.

   The second is to look for opportunities to sell Mersor’s extraordinary characteristics and collect some funds.

   The third is to see if anyone sells powerful magical items to improve their strength. This is a plan that will never go out of date.

   After confirming his idea, Klein pretended to read the newspaper leisurely.

   waited until the sky turned dark, then slowly got up and made himself a tomato and oxtail soup.

   To eat and drink, he usually closes the bedroom curtains and decides not to open it tonight.

Then, he himself summoned himself, responded to himself, and became a special spirit body, bringing back the Azik bronze whistle above the gray mist, Merso’s extraordinary characteristics, homemade spells, various materials and tarot cards. In the real world, only a few items such as blood-stained standard contracts are left.

  Everything is ready and everything is done, Klein’s strength has returned to its peak again.

   After finishing his collar, he took his hat and cane and left Minsk Street 15.


   Tiemen Street, inside “The Brave Bar”.

   Klein, who exchanged a glass of beer for news, found Caspass in a certain card room.

   The opponent is playing the weird version of Doudizhu-“Dou Evil”.

   bet on a certain boxer outside, and had a good time.

   Klein nodded to him.

   Caspass covered the cards, burst into a swear word, got up and walked to the door, lowered his voice:

   “I’ll show you to a place where the people are not as good as Maric, but they are all pretty good.”

   “As for whether a deal can be negotiated, it has nothing to do with me.”

   “However, I must warn you in advance not to provoke them.”

   “Otherwise you may not see the sun tomorrow. UU看书www.uukā”

   “Of course, it is not easy to see the sun in Backlund after September.”

   “Do I need to pay you?” Klein asked sincerely.

  Kaspas nodded with satisfaction:

   “Two pounds.”

   Klein murmured, and gave Caspers two 1 pound notes.

   Seeing the banknotes, Caspass turned around and said to the poker friends, leading Klein.

   limped to the kitchen of the bar, from there into the back alley, and walked around to a dark house.

   He took out an iron mask that could only cover the upper half of his face, handed it to Klein, and chuckled:

   “As if you bought it for two pounds.”

   Klein put on the iron mask and tidied up his appearance.

   prevents even people you know from recognizing yourself easily.

   Seeing that he was ready, Caspers knocked on the door rhythmically.

   Seven or eight seconds later, a small wooden board on the door was suddenly pulled open, revealing the tan eyes behind.

   After being scrutinized for a long time, Klein finally saw the door open back.

   A man wearing an iron mask stood there and handed Klein a hooded robe.

   led Klein through the dark living room and into the living room on the first floor.

   A candle was lit on the coffee table there, and the whole room was dazzled by the faint yellow light.

   There were about ten people sitting on the sofas and chairs around the coffee table, all dressed in iron masks with hoods and robes.

   Obviously this is a gathering of transcendents.

   Klein put on his robe quietly found a corner chair to sit down, listened quietly, and learned useful information for him.

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