Mystery Case Tracing [Criminal Investigation]

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Gossip secrets

When Qi Chuchen and Qi Chuchen returned to the office, Luo Hao and Zhu Zhen had already returned, driving the computer to check things, and a bunch of documents came out on the printer nearby. Zhang Chao saw the people come back, and greeted everyone to go to the conference room for a meeting. At the beginning, Luo Hao, who came back first, let them introduce the situation, and set aside time for Qi Chuchen to sort through them.

“We learned in Minyang that after graduating from high school, Chen Jia worked in a veterinary clinic for more than three years. This should be the reason why he was able to learn about veterinary anesthetics. Existence, apart from the reason of the character itself, there is another reason that should be financial constraints. We organized another outdoor activity before, and now the person who runs a travel agency has learned some emotional clues from Chen Jia’s early years. It is this person: Luo Zheyu. “Zhu Zhen motioned to Qin Lili to play the information just passed to her.

There are photos of Luo Zheyu from different angles and styles on the projection cloth, including ID photos, magazine photos, and real life shots.

When they heard the words “Luo Zheyu”, Qi Chuchen and Gao Rui suddenly turned their heads and glanced at Zhu Zhen quickly, and then stared at the projection cloth, as if to nail Luo Zheyu’s photo on it.

Zhang Chao clearly saw the expressions of the two, pointed to Zhu Zhen, and motioned him to pause first. Then he moved his finger and clicked on Qi Chuchen.

“When we visited the owner of Rainbow Club today, he also mentioned that Luo Zheyu and Chen Jia had an intersection, and he gave Luo Zheyu a definition, called: top traffic.” Qi Chuchen finished with one sentence, and then addressed Zhu. Zhen made a gesture of please continue.

“Um Top traffic, Luo Zheyu really deserves this word.” Zhu Zhen smiled.

“After we came back, we checked Luo Zheyu and his person. He is currently the vice president of Fantasy Galaxy Entertainment. Luo Zheyu joined this company ten years ago. At that time, it was a small company with less than ten people. For many years, he has followed his boss to build Dream Galaxy step by step. About three years ago, he officially became the vice president and was responsible for global business. Now the company is well-known internationally, with a wide radiation area and a very wide range of business. Domestically. We are headquartered in Fengqi, and we have branches in Japan, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Being rich and handsome, such conditions are fatal to men and women.” Zhu Zhen pointed to the photo.

“According to my understanding, after graduating from high school, Chen Jia stayed in Minyang for more than three years, and then came to Fengqi. When he left his hometown, he told a friend to follow the person he liked. Now it seems that this person should be Luo Zheyu.” Hao added.

“The owner of Rainbow Club told us that this Luo Zheyu is also the number one person in the circle. In recent years, he has been low-key and has not appeared very much. It should be related to his career development. Since Chen Jia’s past in Minyang, he is in Fengqi. Now it has something to do with Luo Zheyu, so we need to talk to Luo Zheyu, maybe we can know where Chen Jia is now? By the way, where is Luo Zheyu now?” Qi Chuchen asked at last Zhu Zhen.

“We checked. He flew back from the United States after 12 o’clock tonight. If there is no accident, he should go to the company tomorrow. Their company bought a five-story office in a building of the Cultural Creative Technology Park. Luo Zheyu’s office is in it.” Luo Hao typed out Luo Zheyu’s location and building photos on the projection cloth.

“Okay, then tomorrow morning, we will meet this top traffic.” Qi Chuchen looked at Zhang Chao. Sitting next to Qi Chuchen, Gao Rui had an expression of excitement. What kind of unknown gossip surprises the legendary characters will bring, the small theater has already begun to make arrangements.

“Today, everyone had a good harvest, Zhu Zhen, Luo Hao, you two, according to the previous method, are screening other people who have hidden connections with Lu Zhongyan and Meng Handong, except for Chen Jia, regardless of gender, young or old. We are prepared. Chu Chen, Gao Rui, you two will meet Luo Zheyu at the Cultural Creative Technology Park tomorrow morning. Everyone has been spinning around for several days. If you haven’t eaten, hurry up and eat something. After finishing your work today, go back to work early and have a rest, and continue tomorrow!” Zhang Chao glanced at his watch, it was already nine o’clock at the moment.

Today everyone is running around for a day, and Chen Jia has a direction to continue on this road. No matter where the ending will point, whether it is useless or the key point, at least for now, it is much more wonderful than spinning around in the same place.

After coming out of the meeting room, everyone relaxed a little. As soon as they relaxed, sleepiness surged, and one by one started to yawn as if they were infected.

Back at the office, Zhu Zhen transferred Luo Zheyu’s information to Gao Rui, and Gao Rui continued to open the computer to check other related information. Qi Chuchen sat in a chair for a while, then went to Zhang Chao’s office.

The door of Zhang Chao’s office was open. He was sitting on a chair, turning a lighter in his hand and knocking on the desk, not knowing what he was thinking. Qi Chuchen went in and closed the door easily, opened the chair and sat down in front of Zhang Chao.

Zhang Chao raised his head and looked at Qi Chuchen’s red bloodshot eyes. The red bloodshot eyes in those eyes have scattered and risen since they came out of the airport, and they haven’t been broken.

“This afternoon, when we visited, we also heard some information. On the surface, it didn’t have much to do with the case, and it was unsightly, so I didn’t mention it in the meeting just now.” Qi Chuchen started with a little hesitation.

“Then you can tell me alone now, it’s nothing, just expand your knowledge.” The unsightly sentence made Zhang Chao keenly aware of something that is not active and healthy.

Qi Chuchen thought about it, organized the language in his heart, and tried his best to start with a calm and slow tone: “In the afternoon, a bar owner told me that they are in good shape in their circle, and the wealthy small group of people are more open-minded and will exchange partners. Another told me that the attributes of some of the more popular people in the circle are not fixed, they will date each other from time to time. The so-called exchange of skills and enjoyment of life, attributes will change according to the experience of both parties.” Qi Chuchen pondered word by word. Tell Zhang Chao little by little.

“Damn it, the city will play.” Although Qi Chuchen had already described the information in a very plain manner without adding any adjectives, but the information itself was too frightening, Zhang Chao also felt that this kind of information is indeed not suitable for the meeting to talk about. ,

“What do you think? I don’t believe it. You came here purely to stimulate me.”

“I was thinking, so messy, can’t you get sick???? So did you come forward to find the CDC, and the hospital checked the medical records and disease records of Lu Zhongyan, Meng Handong, and Chen Jia?” Qi Chuchen said.

Zhang Chao instantly realized “I will do this tomorrow morning.”

Seeing that Zhang Chao understood what he meant, Qi Chuchen didn’t speak much, went back to the office and walked to Gao Rui to continue to look through the information about Luo Zheyu.

After eleven o’clock, Zhang Chao walked out of the office, seeing that the big guys were still there, and said: “Go back and rest, and come back tomorrow. I won’t be in time for this.” Luo Hao and Zhu Zhen locked their computers. Turn off the monitor and get ready to get off work.

Gao Rui also started to stand up and clean up a table of materials. Qi Chuchen sat in a chair with empty eyes and tossed over to play with the mobile phone in his hand. If the mobile phone is conscious, he should have vomited all over the floor at the moment.

“Gao Rui, you drive Chu Chen back, and you two will go directly to Luo Zheyu tomorrow morning.”

When Qi Chuchen heard a few names, he raised his head and looked at Zhang Chao: “I want to wait to see Luo Zheyu’s entry records.”

“Don’t wait, go home, before you leave tomorrow morning, I promise to inform you.” Zhang Chao began to turn off the lights to rush people.

On the way home, Gao Rui drove the car. Qi Chuchen, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was extremely sleepy. He fell asleep by the window. Gao Rui saw Qi Chuchen’s head tilted and there was no movement. He slowly slowed down and drove as smoothly as possible. .

Qi Chuchen had a dream, in which he saw the sunrise in Coco Suri again, this time he was standing far away from the water. There was a person by the water who was taking pictures with a camera. He kept taking pictures since the sun hadn’t come out. He was still taking pictures when the sun rose. He wanted to call that person and ask him what he took so long? He opened his mouth and couldn’t make a sound. After opening his mouth several times, he couldn’t make a sound. He wanted to pick up a stone on the ground and threw it over. Woke up.

Qi Chuchen opened his eyes and looked at the trees and street lights slowly passing outside the glass, sober.

The car drove into the downstairs of Qi Chuchen’s house. Qi Chuchen blinked his eyes vigorously, “I’ll get something in the trunk. You drive away and come pick me up tomorrow morning.” He opened the door and got out of the car and went to the trunk.

Gao Rui pulled out the key and followed, “What do you take, I will help you.”

Seeing the bag in the trunk, “Okay, I’ll take it, you go ahead and open the door.” Without any explanation, he pulled the bag in front of him, picked it up, and closed the trunk and locked the car in one go.

Qi Chuchen had to walk empty-handed and brush the door control, press the elevator, and open the door. Opening the door of the house, Gao Rui took down the bag and put it in the door, “I’m leaving, I will pick you up at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning. I will text you before I leave.”

Qi Chuchen closed the door, dragged the bag to the sofa, opened it, took out all the clothes and pants inside, took it and threw it into the washing machine. Then went into the bathroom.

After taking a shower, I threw the clothes I just changed into the washing machine, and then I pressed the automatic button to start washing.

With a towel on his head, Qi Chuchen poured himself a glass of water through the living room, adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner, took the water and walked to the deck chair on the balcony to lie down, and began to look at the dark night sky and the empty road in the distance. The buildings with occasional lights were in a daze. I unconsciously took out a cigarette and lighted it for myself, smoked two cigarettes and took a sip of water.

Tick, SMS alert tone. Qi Chuchen panicked, and quickly reached out to his cell phone to open the text message.

“Luo Zheyu has entered the country and plans to continue as usual tomorrow.” The sender, Zhang Chao, sent the mail at 1:08 in the morning.

Qi Chuchen quickly glanced at the content, and put the phone next to him with a sense of disappointment. The little lights of the buildings gradually went out and turned into **** blocks in the dark night.

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