Mystery Case Tracing [Criminal Investigation]

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Summer night is quiet

“Wow la ” The sound of the rolling gate pierced the quiet night of the science and technology town, and the patrol security guards in the park went farther and farther away from the direction where the sound was not distracted.

There is also a jewellery shop in the park taking stock. On the last night of each month, this kind of sound always comes several times.

“Wow la ” The voice came again, and there was a faint bang. In the dark night, the street lights glowed dimly, and everything was calm as usual.

Compared with the security’s habit of not being surprised, everyone in Dreamlove’s shop at the moment is pretending to be calm.

After the first rolling gate noise, five men in black rushed into the door. They were all wrapped from head to toe, even with gloves on their hands, only a pair of eyes were missing, and all of them were holding weapons.

Before everyone in the store had time to react, the rolling shutter had fallen again and closed tightly.

“Don’t move, don’t shout, squat down with your hands on your head!” A gunman walked forward and shouted at the crowd, and finally stopped in front of the sales gathering counter.

The other men either went straight to the back area to inspect, or opened the counter to grab a list of goods.

A man carrying a machete silently paced to a position near the wall and stood still. Three security guards squatted against the wall holding their heads, and one of them, a young boy who appeared to be only eighteen or nineteen years old, shivered with his back against the wall.

The man patrolling the back area with a gun completed the inspection and walked to the front of the pile of goods that had just been counted by the seller, and poured all the contents of the several solid wood velvet trays on the counter into the backpack. About to turn around, Yu Guang saw a female saleswoman squatting on the inside of the counter, her hands behind her back were quietly pushing into the gap in the wall cabinet.

The man raised his gun and pointed at the girl: “Hand it over.”

The sales were stagnant, and the man put his gun directly on the girl’s forehead.

“I count three times, 3 2 …”

The girl pulled out a bag of things from the gap, shaking her hands up. The man with the gun grabbed what was in the girl’s hand, glanced at it, and quickly threw it into the backpack.

A security guard squatting by the wall kept his head down, raised his eyelids and observed the five people standing next to them. They were watching the goods inside and outside the counter intently, squatting sales. No one noticed his little movements.

He stepped out gently for a short step, moved slowly along the root of the wall towards the office area, and stopped a few steps. After a few minutes, the few people standing still did not look back at him. When he moved to about thirty or forty centimeters from the office area door, the man with the knife standing next to his position turned his head quietly.

Seeing that the person had moved a long way out of the place, he directly lifted the knife and slashed at the security guard. The security guard subconsciously stretched out his left hand to block, and his arm instantly dripped with blood. The security guard stretched out his right hand to cover the edge of the knife, and lay on the ground rolling and howling in a low voice, blood streaming down his fingers. Seeing this scene, the two cowardly girls covered their mouths and let out a horrified and suppressed cry.

The shout broke the false calm in the store. Several people looked at each other, quickly turned and evacuated to the door, opened the rolling gate and got out.

The door closed again, and the sound of a car was heard outside the door, and the whole process from entering the door to leaving the door did not exceed fifteen minutes.

The clock freezes at ten twenty three. After the deathly silence, the shop yelled one after another, people who called the police, called the leaders to inform, opened the door and rushed out to find the security of the park, it was a mess.

The nearest police force arrived early at 10:35 and took control of the scene. The license plate number of the vehicle driven by the robbers was retrieved through the camera at the exit of the park and reported to the Criminal Investigation Detachment immediately. Detachment leader Zhang Chao immediately issued a co-investigation order: the city will intercept suspicious vehicles, and all major roads out of the city will immediately set up cards to intercept and inspect them. Airports, bus stations, and railway stations have strengthened security checks to carefully check passengers with large amounts of jewelry in their luggage.

At 10:38, an ambulance arrived and carried the injured security guard out. At 10:50, the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau arrived at the scene.

Qi Chuchen and Zhang Chao assisted two shop assistants to clean up the losses and record the details.

Zhu Zhen retrieved the in-store monitoring records, and other people took the transcript of the inquiry.

At 11:10, a message was broadcast from the intercom: “The license plate number is Feng A196BX7, and the suspicious vehicle has been found, and it has been discarded next to the garbage incineration station near the boundary marker on the old National Highway 154.”

This message was reported twice, and Zhang Chao picked up the walkie-talkie to respond: “Received, we will send someone over immediately.”

“Gao Rui, you took a few people to drive over. The robber’s car was found.”

“Phoenix A196BX7…Wait.” A female clerk called. Gao Rui, who was about to go out, and the few policemen in the store followed the prestige.

The female clerk swallowed her saliva, “Is it three red boxes of POLO?”

Zhang Chao nodded when he heard the sound. “Yes, you know?”

The female clerk had a crying expression: “That’s my car, how come it has become a robber’s car…”

“You follow the police.” Zhang Chao motioned to the female clerk to go with Gao Rui, “Make a detailed transcript for her on the way.”

The hour hand passed midnight, and the new month began. Qi Chuchen has counted all the robbed items: gold is the most robbed item, and the rest are diamond rings and K gold jewelry. The most valuable are two sets of independently designed diamond chains! The total value of the two sets exceeds six million!

At 3:30 in the morning, the case analysis meeting was held in the meeting room on the third floor of the Municipal Bureau.

The first thing that appeared in front of everyone was the 3D map of the technology town.

This is an office and commercial gathering place, located on the edge of Fengqi City, and it was delivered at the beginning of this year. There are two main roads outside the park: one is the end point of the broken road is the science and technology town; the other is the main road connecting Fengqi to another city.

The architectural style is not high-rise buildings, but small buildings with unique designs of two to three floors. There are a total of more than 20 buildings in the entire science and technology town.

Through the different colors on the map, it can be seen that the rental utilization rate is quite high. The robbed shop Dreamlove is on the ground floor of a small building with the largest single area in the science and technology town.

Then the store partitions are shown on the projection: the overall area is close to 400 square meters, with: sales area, office area, and warehouse.

“This store looks good, why is it located in a place where birds don’t shit?” Zhang Chao asked.

“I went to check the tenants in the science and technology town, and found that many companies are small and medium-sized companies with few people, high production capacity, and big money. Among them, there are many incubation projects invested by large consortia to test the waters.” Zhu Zhen replied. Zhang Chao’s question.

“Behind you are the sponsor’s father, the project staff who are on the cusp, the salary may be very high. What’s the situation with Dreamlove?” Qi Chuchen asked again after he finished speaking.

“A national chain, there are many specialty stores and counters in major economically developed cities. This is the first store in Fengqi, which is based on the concept of high-end jewelry experience stores.” Luo Hao explained.

“How are their business conditions? They lost a lot of diamond products today. Those two sets of chains are outrageously expensive. The people of Fengqi are so rich, buying diamonds at any time is like buying cabbage?” Zhang Chao swept the faces of everyone present as he spoke. In a circle.

Heh hh Qi Chuchen cleared his throat, “Among the things that I lost, gold and K gold are common items in the store. The special point with diamonds is the order they signed for the event during the one-hundred-day anniversary of the opening of the store. It will start tomorrow. delivery.”

Qi Chuchen paused and added: “They take inventory every month on the last day, and basically end the entry system before 12 o’clock that night. This month, the inventory will begin in the afternoon.”

Zhu Zhen cooperated in projecting the finished jewellery drawings with a unit price of more than 50,000 yuan among the robbed items that were passed over from the design department of Dreamlove’s head office before the meeting.

Zhang Chao took a look, stood up, and knocked on the table hard: “Tonight, the total value of the robbed jewellery is more than nine million yuan. Before escaping, he cut and injured a security guard. This is the number one robbery in Fengqi City this year. Such large-scale jewelry robberies are rare in history.”

After Zhang Chao had finished speaking, everyone heard what he hadn’t said: This is a big matter, and the case must be solved as soon as possible.

Gao Rui saw that everyone was silent. He walked to the projection side and called up the photo of the vehicle involved and the location of the discovery: “The robber left and drove the vehicle as a stolen vehicle. The owner is a clerk in the jewelry store, a native of the city. The clerk was at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Upon arrival, the car did not enter the small town parking lot and stopped on the decapitated road. The owner’s economic conditions were average, and because the work was too far away, he took a loan to buy this low-end version of the car.”

Gao Rui glanced at Zhang Chao and Qi Chuchen, and saw that they had no intention of questioning, and then said: “The parking lot of the science and technology town has a higher charge. The surrounding area has not been fully developed. Traffic police rarely come to copy cards. She is big Part of the time, the car was parked on the side of the road and occasionally drove into the park. The place where the car was abandoned was a garbage incineration station. There was no monitoring. It can be confirmed by inspecting the ground traces. The robbers abandoned the car and changed their car and left.”

After Gao Rui finished speaking, the door of the meeting room was gently pushed open, and a figure flashed in. Zhang Chao looked at the door, and everyone followed their gazes.

The person entering the door closed the door and turned around and walked to the front openly: “I just came back from the hospital and it has been handled over there. Let me introduce the situation to everyone.”

While speaking, he handed the injury report in his hand and the printed photo to Zhang Chao. After reading it, Zhang Chao passed it smoothly, and then returned to his hand after a round of passing. Zhang Chao made a please gesture.

“Injured security officer Wang Minglong was sent to the hospital for immediate treatment, and I accompanied him throughout the process. It was identified that the left arm was 13 cm long with 2 cm deep at the deepest point, and there was no fracture. It has been sutured and stayed in the hospital for observation.”

As soon as the voice fell, the meeting room murmured. Zhang Chao raised his hands and pressed down, signaling everyone to be quiet, “This is the communication between the forensic doctor of my ward and the hospital. You can understand it as: protective hospitalization.”

After talking, Zhang Chao didn’t give everyone a chance to continue muttering, so he directly named Qi Chuchen and asked him to stand up and talk about his views.

Qi Chuchen stood up without speaking, took out a USB flash drive and threw it to Qin Lili, asking her to plug it in and call out the contents. Photos of different styles of gold ornaments appeared on the screen.

Qi Chuchen squeezed the remote control: “Look at these first. They are some of the stolen items today. I got the photos through sales, and they took them before.”

There are more than 30 pieces in total. Qi Chuchen slowly pressed the remote control to make sure that everyone could see each one clearly, “These golden ornaments all look quite big and valuable?” The word “looks” slowed down. Speaking speed, increase the volume.

Everyone nodded and waited for Qi Chuchen to continue speaking.

“These gold jewelry are not the same as what we traditionally know. They use a new generation of casting technology, called 3D hard gold. The feature of this technology is that it can use less gold to cast larger and more refined jewelry. And the hardness is higher than traditional technology.”

After Qi Chuchen finished speaking, everyone was puzzled. After continuing to press the remote control a few times, the photo stays on a golden safety lock that looks quite large.

“For example, if this security lock is made with traditional craftsmanship, this size needs about 10 grams of gold; made with 3D craftsmanship, it only uses less than 4G gold, and the details are more exquisite. Because of the higher labor costs, this Craft jewelry is sold by piece, and the price of this piece is about the price of traditional craft gold jewelry 8G.”

“Then this is still pure gold?” someone asked.

“It’s pure gold, so this product is expensive to sell, and the recovery price is still about the same as ordinary craft gold.” Qi Chuchen stopped here.

“So it looks expensive.”

“They grabbed a bunch of gold jewelry, K gold jewelry, the real total value is not much.”

“Except for diamonds, they are all worthless in comparison.”

Qi Chuchen and others discussed it for a meeting, and threw the remote control to Zhu Zhen: “Let’s take a look at the monitoring of the store when the incident occurs.”

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