Mysterious country

Chapter 150 Gathering

After hearing the driver's words, the people in the car began to get out of the car one after another. I didn't know how many of these people would be able to come back after three hours.

Leng Yue had also woken up at this time, but like Xia Qi, he did not move. He was obviously waiting for everyone in the car to get naked before getting off.

"We are very close to the start of the team event, so we can hardly rest on the road ahead."

"I know." Leng Yue looked like she had expected it. Seeing this, Xia Qi stopped talking nonsense and left her seat and got out of the car.

When they came down, there were only a few blurry figures in front of them, and all the people who had come down before were gone.

Xia Qi took out a compass to determine the direction, then called Leng Yue to walk in the direction of Ziyu Village.

Although Ziyu Village can be found on search engines, the information on it is almost zero, because there is only a very brief introduction - it is located in the Xiangshan Mountains, remote and sparsely populated.

There is no doubt that Ziyu Village, which they are about to go to, is an extremely remote place. I just don't know which one is more remote than Hulu Village.

Maybe they were walking too slowly, or maybe those people who got off the bus before were walking too fast, so that they didn't even see half a person along the way.

In line with the principle of conserving physical strength, Xia Qi and Lengyue kept walking and stopping, taking a break after walking for a while, so as not to fall down tired when they arrived at Ziyu Village.

Leng Yue was okay, at least he had no contact with Xu Tianhua, so he didn't have to worry about being deliberately tripped up after the incident started. But Xia Qi was different. He had personally witnessed Xu Tianhua's embarrassing appearance during the incident at Xinhua Bookstore. , In addition, there is indeed a situation in which they dislike each other.

It's not that Xia Qi deliberately pretended to compete with Xu Tianhua, but from the first time they met to the subsequent meeting in the golden office building, Xu Tianhua pretended to compete in front of him all the way. Furthermore, as the reserve manager, he also needed to be promoted. The supervisors from above come down, so there is still a layer of potential competition between them.

It is precisely based on the above considerations that Xia Qi feels that Xiangshan and his party are destined to face many crises this time.

Whether it was the team incident itself, or Xu Tianhua might intentionally cheat him.

Although Xiangshan Mountain has steep peaks and many cliffs, fortunately, the mountain road is not too steep, and there have been mountain roads that have been trodden by predecessors, so it is smooth and smooth along the way.

But they still walked for nearly 8 hours, and it was not until evening that they arrived at Ziyu Village, where the team incident was carried out.

Just as Xia Qi thought before, Ziyu Village was built in the mountains, surrounded by low cliffs. There was only one way in and out. About a hundred meters away from the cliff mouth, there was an inscribed stone on the ground. The stone tablet with the words "Ziyu".

Standing on that stone tablet, Xia Qi couldn't help but look into the village, but he didn't see any smoke rising. It was as quiet as a deserted ghost village.

"Another village that is full of evil from the inside out."

Xia Qi jumped down from the stone tablet and told Leng Yue what he had just seen.

After hearing this, Leng Yue nodded, then stretched out two fingers with both hands, then closed them and gently wiped his eyes. It looked like he was opening his eyes.

"Have you opened your eyes?"

Xia Qi asked uncertainly.

"Well, let's go, I think the others should be here too."

Although he longs to become more awesome in order to get rid of his dependence on Leng Yue during the incident, Xia Qi has to admit that having Leng Yue by his side is really comforting, because it feels like there is no Leng Yue. Yue doesn't know, or there are no difficulties that he can't solve.

This may be the difference between being aloof and funny. The former seems to give people a very solid feeling, while the latter, no matter how good the performance is, will still feel somewhat unreliable and has a low sense of existence.

When I followed Leng Yue into the village, I immediately felt like I had fallen into an icehouse. The temperature was obviously much lower than outside, and the hot and humid feeling before was gone.

Xia Qi trembled and hurriedly put on the coat hanging on his arm, then looked around the village.

Everything was just like what he had just seen outside. The village looked very depressed, and there was not a single person in sight at all. However, the area was a bit beyond Xia Qi's expectation, and he could not see the edge at a glance.

When I came in here, I felt a sudden sense of enlightenment.

"Where are Xu Tianhua and the others?"

Xia Tian Qi murmured something, and was about to use the communication function of the honor watch to call Xu Tianhua when the honor watch sounded a notification tone for receiving new messages.

"Gather in the east of the village."

The message was from Xu Tianhua. Xia Qi checked the direction and found that they were in the south of the village. He stopped wasting time searching and hurried to the meeting place Xu Tianhua said.

When they passed through several houses and entered the south of the village, they saw about fourteen or five people standing not far away. Looking carefully, one of them is Xu Tianhua.

"It's them, let's go there."

Seeing Xu Tianhua, Xia Qi began to feel uneasy again, but Leng Yue was not panicked at all, her face remained as calm as water, and she and Xia Qi walked quickly towards Xu Tianhua.

During the process, Xu Tianhua and his group also saw Xia Qi and Leng Yue, but they didn't say much and remained sullen.

Xia Qi glanced at Xu Tianhua. Today, Xu Tianhua was wearing something similar to a Taoist robe. It looked very loose. There was a long leather bag tied around his waist. He didn't know if it was used to hold spells.

"You see, these two people are also on the same team as us."

Hearing someone discussing himself, Xia Qi looked over subconsciously and found that the speaker was a short man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks. This person, no, or rather, these ten people were not strangers to him and Leng Yue, because they all took that bus. Passengers from the last bus.

There were both men and women among these people, but the proportion of men was obviously higher than that of women. Xia Qi counted them, and there were a total of 18 people, of which only 6 were women, and the rest were all Be male.

There are also older and younger ones, the youngest is only about eighteen or nineteen years old, and the oldest one looks much older than Xu Tianhua, in his fifties.

Among the dozen or so people, there were obviously people like him and Leng Yue who were familiar with each other, so most of them knew each other and stood together, with fear on their faces.

“This team is bigger than I expected.”

Although Xia Qi had guessed that the number of people would be large before, he did not expect that more than ten people would participate together. It is no exaggeration to say that even if each person only gets 1 commission, and the basic salary is the same as them, a team event Xu Tianhua can also get at least more than 20 honor points.

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