Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 722 - Wolf crowd

“The Death Eaters are also very conscious of them.” Ryan said as the two of them advanced towards the predetermined position deep in the woods. “It seems that our previous attacks made them discover some of our attack characteristics, and this time they All of the layouts are clearly aimed at the features we exposed before. “

“You’re right, I feel the same way.” Hermione ran a few steps forward and stood on a stump before turning around and saying to Ryan, “They should limit our ability to detect the first time. , Trying to break the previous fighting habits we used to gain a lot of advantages by sneak attack, and conceal the forces that belong to ourselves. “

Here, Hermione frowned slightly and asked. “But the problem is that at least hundreds of years ago, the files did not say that there is a problem in this place, and I don’t believe that the group of Death Eaters can arrange such a large-scale magic circle.”

“I believe that the group of Death Eaters should have just discovered this place and found all the original starting methods of this place.” Lane said while walking forward, “Know that the Death Eaters are from all pure blood. Family, I think the records in their family will be more comprehensive than those recorded in the Ministry of Magic, maybe some of them found something in it. “

During the discussion, the two people moved forward quickly. Fortunately, although the place is full of various disturbances and turbulence, most people have no way to illusion. But for Ryan they just increased the difficulty of space traversal, which does not mean that they could not teleport.

Of course, for safety reasons, Ryan first moved a few hundred meters towards the destination. Then use the special effect of Phoenix Brand to pull Hermione to her side. In this way, they spent 15 minutes across the 5 kilometers of strange woodland.

“It should be here.” At this time, Ryan and Hermione were standing side by side on a boulder. Now in front of him and Hermione was the same thing as the invisible wall seen on the way before. It’s just that unlike the wall on the way, there is no mist outside the wall.

“Looks like we are here.” After confirming that there was no problem in the surroundings, they crossed the invisible boundary. Appearing in front of them was a piece of flat grass, the size of a football field, and a simple tent in the middle of the grass.

This tent is just an ordinary tent without any magical reaction. After Ryan held the magic wand and opened the curtain to enter the tent, they found that the mother and daughter of the Greengrass family were now lying on the broken carpet beside the tent door.

In addition, there are several men and women who were also comatose and were placed everywhere in the tent. In the center of the tent, a crucible slightly larger than the ordinary crucible is boiling a liquid like green mud.

Unlike ordinary crucibles, the bottom of this crucible has a small cast brass foot that is the size of Ryan’s arm. In theory, if this is the legendary jumping pot, it should now use this foot to keep jumping. But now, after being grilled on a green magic fire by a silver shelf covered with serpentine reliefs, the little foot twitched continuously.

After chanting a few spells, Ryan shone a pink light around the crucible. After a sound like cold water gradually getting into the hot oil, a lot of fluorescent green runes appeared on the outer wall of the pot.

These runes are full of weird feelings, just like someone scribbling with a magic wand after being drunk. But the brilliance of the breath above and below, and the magic flowing above, illustrate the power contained in these runes.

“What’s this?” Hermione, who had just checked all the unconscious people in the tent in the bombing tent, turned her head and happened to see this scene. “Why do I feel a little uncomfortable when looking at these words.”

“Do you feel uncomfortable? I think this should be normal, because these runes are a branch of ancient Greek, known as profanity in the age of mythology. It is specifically used for black magic props production and writing black magic The special language of the book. There is a certain bonus to the black magic cast. “Ryan explained. “For example, now, this pot has been completely contaminated by these profanities, which were probably drawn by mysterious people.”

“Total pollution?” Hermione’s eyes widened. “That is to say, the plan to convert those ordinary people into corpses is true. Can this pot really do this?”

“Of course, do n’t forget that this jumping pot was included in the legend together with the three holy weapons of death. Think about the power of the three holy weapons of death. It is understandable that this pot can do the step in the previous plan. Yes, “Ryan nodded with certainty, and then he asked. “Oh, what the **** are these unconscious people?”

“The situation is not too good.” Hermione said. “When I checked just now, I found that all of them drank a peculiar potion. These potions will not be fatal, but they will cause people to fall into a deep sleep. And apart from the three members of the Greengrass family, There are traces of torture on the body. “

“Drowsy and tortured?” Ryan frowned. “What is the situation of this lethargy, can you wake them up? I think this place is not safe, we need to quickly remove these non-combatants.”

“Sorry, I don’t have such ability.” Hermione’s face looked a little ugly. “This potion is not fatal, but it is very complicated. If you wake up forcibly, it will permanently damage their soul.”

Having said this, Hermione paused, and then went on to say: “The people other than the Greengrass family should be the hemp wizards kidnapped by the mysterious people before, because I recognized a few people and our newspapers. The photos in the people ’s bulletin look the same. Their situation is worse, because the torture hurt their souls, and if it is replaced by force, it will cause fatal damage. “

After speaking, Hermione passed the specific results of the previous inspection to Ryan through the Phoenix Brand. Ryan was surprised to find that the complexity of this potion was only comparable to that of True Medication. Even if he used the power of Madonna Rose, it would take half an hour to analyze and produce the corresponding antidote.

However, the person who designed the trap this time certainly did not intend to give Ryan emergency time. Just as Ryan had just read the information transmitted by Hermione through the Phoenix Brand, there were several wolves howling outside.

“Werewolf.” As the people who had been dealing with Lupin and their werewolves for a long time, Lane and the two of them immediately recognized the source of this voice. Based on the calls of the werewolves, they clearly judged that the werewolves outside had almost surrounded them.

“Damn! Today is the full moon ~ ~ Only then did Ryan realize that according to the eastern lunar calendar, today is the fifteenth, but even in his last life he only paid attention to the lunar calendar, not to mention the ten. He has lived in the UK for several years and has not noticed this at all.

“It’s really insidious,” Ryan said to himself inwardly. The powerful magical interference around this place makes even a wizard like him who masters special space-traveling skills can’t guarantee that people with coma can be 100% safe, let alone. So many people are difficult to take away at once.

Obviously, after attracting Ryan with the jumping pot, the group of people dragged them with the Greengrass women and a few innocent people. Then summon a group of people to kill them. It’s just that Ryan wondered why Voldemort chose the werewolf.

According to the simple test done by Ryan before, even the werewolf that can maintain human consciousness after being transformed into a wolf like Professor Lupin is in a mess with the small scale of the wizard’s 3 + 3, not to mention the werewolf on the Voldemort side. All have no human consciousness after becoming wolf-shaped.

If Voldemort mixed Death Eaters and Werewolves this time, Ryan suspected that there would be a high probability that they would fight on their own before contacting Ryan.

If only the werewolves were sent, Ryan did not think that a group of guys with little brains in the werewolf form could do much harm to themselves. Because the werewolves who are willing to surrender to Voldemort will not exceed two hundred even if they are the most optimistic. Even if these werewolves have powerful magic and physical defense capabilities, Ryan does not think they will be their opponents, especially if they have the deadly brainlessness. Weakness.

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